" PAGE SIX THS DAILY NEWS LION'S TEETH SHARPENED AFTER BATTLE ft Gift Buyers Whifflets From The-Waterfront Lounging Robes Evening Bags Lingerie Purses Sweaters Hose You'll Find It At Roiex Watches Are the only watches ever awarded Class A Certificates for timekeeping by the observatories of England, France and Switzerland. Also many other lines of watches. LADIES' TOILET SETS MEN'S MILITARY SETS and BRUSHES 15 a3r JJ Diamond Rings from $15 to $1200j 21 Is sr If B Si y mji a? 5? ft ft I ft Roger's and Community Silverware and Flatware Our enormous stock of well assorted and popular priced gifts makes shopping a pleasure. We invite your inspection. Don't Fail to Visit Our BASEMENT STORE For Glass, China, Pottery, Brassware and Novelties Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist ft & fi ft ft ft ft ft 5 ft I SI ft ft ft ft I 8:30 last evening from Alaska and sailed three hours later In continuation of her voyage to Union steamer Catala, Capt A.S. , Mf lCTnnn U dnp hi ft in nnrt at Having been delayed by fog in 7:15 this evening from Stewart and the neighborhood of Ketchikan. C. ; other northern points and will saU Pit. steamer Princess Koran, Capt. j at 8 pm. for Vancouver and way-WlUiam Palmer, arrived in port at 'points. W.W.VA1. ! ! i i RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Her Favorite Store Distinctive Gift Selections Rupert Peoples Store When You Want a Reliable, Comfortable, Dependable LAI PHONE 1 3 21 Hour Service at Regular Rates British marines are shown drawing huge sponges and wire brushes throng!) -one ol the big suns of an English battleship following the tranoardmenis of Forts Capuzzo and Bardta recently. Note the smofcesmuaged muzzles of the usually spotless and gleaming cannon. Diligent cleaning and rare of these weapons assures their longer useful . and accuracy of fire. PRINCE GEORGE Civic offices for 1941 were filled iy acclamation today at Prince 3eorge when thrre were just suf- cient nomination to Xii' the vari- us pests as follows: Mayor. A. M. Patterson; alder-len J. N. Keller. C. C. Reid and :. J. Hocking; school trustees A. The Prince George manager of an tfr line had a ride f:cm the sirport jo the hotel in the he?? last week. There was a misunderstanding and the hearse went to meet an incom ing plane. The air official was loisted into the hearse by mistake. Rain followed suddenly by frost nade roads In this district very dangerous for driving last week. Tracey Wheeler hs ioined th Uff of Prince Georg? Motors here is garage foreman mechanic. Recrpif. for the Royal Canadian rmv Service Corps and the Royal Canadian Air Force are being ouaht in Prince George by the dis-Mct recruiting officer. Major B. L. lale. Mrs. M-Millan. who has b?en vis tin in Prince Georse with dauehter and on-in-law. Mr. city agency. her and Mrs. J. W. Lang, has left for Van jouver. Ja"5 M. Henderson, fnr minv vear district suDerinndent for the mperlal Oil Co. at Prince Oeorae. hn been transferred to head office at Vancouver. R. C. Carson, nitv leent at Prince Georee for vears. Ticceds Mr. Hnirsnn a? distr'ct leent. while E. B. H-jnter has irrlv-cd from Vancouver to take ever the George Docherty. after srwndins some months with the Home Guards a; Victoria, has been invalided nut Of the gfirvire nnrt hae nnrnorl ir Prince George to resume his exnress and freighting business. I A very enjoyable sleiehinz nartv was held last Friday evenlncr bv ihe Young People's Fellowship of Knox . . TT 1 1 m , unuea unurcn. In aid of the Chrlstmn hamnpr iuna, an enjoyable dance wa hw by the Prince George Elks' Lodge on rnaay night. Miss Norlne Patterson h. able to return to her home after an operation in the Prince Hospital. Tommy Tibbcts of the Prince George Motors Limited has taken a position with the provincial public works department. The Prince George Little Theatre Association is planning an active season. A meeting was held last mgnt intl school. OFF ALL SALE PRICES BARTER AND NEWS OMAHA, Neb- December 10 (C P) Small town newspaper in a drought area, the Arapahoe, Neb-Jerome Jarrts, four-mocth-cld Mirror, accepts among other things son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jtrvte of butter, eggs, chili sauce, vegetables Read Lake, died of pneumonia In and wood as subscriptions. in ranee George Hospital last week. The Prinro Rmikp Waman'm Tn- i. raiicrscn. rran unrx. J. iwd-jatuute 1 meeting this afternoon rts. i for the election of officers. A successful Penny Carnival was Mail Schedule Fur the East-Monday. Wednesday, and Friday From the East-Tuesday. Thursday and the the i sat Salurrtav ield by the High Sshool atudenta of P JF"' nieeting of , Prince the Prt?Georg . c Women's ...-.., liberal As- j-t0r For Va prince George ueorge on on Saturday saturcuy tne en- en- z November 7, 18 and 28 From Vancouver Sunday he library of the public' Friday November 14 and 24 .5 pjn. 11 pjn. wnrouver are proceeds going to the Red Cross, f"1" w held yesterday at the j Tuesday 12:30 noon There were all manner of attrac- OI iMrs- MiUer- Seventh At-I Thursday 10:30 njn. lens and a bie dance was eriored. There was a burning of Adolf Hitler " effliv. A SDlendid list of orizes. U donated by Prince George mer chants, were put up. Joe Landry, formerly of Prince Rupert and Vancouver, has arrived in Prince George to join the br.mch of the Bank of Montreal at Prince George. enue. I j tTiaay 0:30 pjn. 4 p.n. pm . 10 ajn. . 10 am. ajn. 25 TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourteef 8. D. Jobcaton Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .05. Bralornc, 10.00. Cariboo Quartz, 2.15. Dentonlo. .0OA.r. " Falrview, .008. Gold Belt, 09 . ' Hedley Mascot, 8. .M!nto.i0lsvE. Noble F3ve..,0QH. Pend OreUle. 1.75.' . Pioneer, 2.05. Premier, .88. Privateer, .54. Reeves Macdonald. .17. Reno. .13. RMlef Arlington. .02j;. Salmon Gold, .02. Sh-?o Creek. AS. Cariboo Hudson. J02'2A Oils A. P. Con.. .09. Calroont. 2i. C ft T 1 40. Home, 2.40. Paealta. .044. Fowl P-nadlan. Okalta. .70. Mercury. .04. Prairie RoyaJes o .084. .07. Toronto Aldmip 15. BsattJe. 1.17. Central Pat.. 2.05. Con. Shelters. 3T 00. Fast Miiiartic. 2.95. Fernland. .02 ti. Francoeur, .42. 0d iJike, .42. Hardrock. 1.15. Int. Nickel 34.00V4. Kerr Addison. 3.65. LtMe Long Lac, 2.12. MrLeod Cockshutt. 2.40. Madsen Red Lake. .68. McKenzie Red Lake. 103 Moneta, M. Noranda, 57.00. Pickle Crow. 2.95. Preston East Dome. 3J5. San Antonio. 250. Sherltt Gordon, J82. Uchl. "5 BouscadUlac. .03. Mosher. .07. Oklend. .09, Smelters OoJrt. my.. Dominion Bridge, 26.00. ON.R, TR.INS For the East Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays 8 pm From the F.at . Tuesdays. Thursday's and . Saturday . 11 njit! TONIGHT and bnows Niihtl "rr the :d , tt Spencer TratJ In "EDISON THE At 7:S1 n1 , ADDED Carloon--L fkl SANTA Sl'f.r ESTS Special Xim r, , o: the han . t John St' n n- "OF MKT V ) Mrv L'un t ue ajj Christmas Is Only a few week awar i Before you know it ChrUtrl will be here. fur. hue r. Chrittmas cards today. CHRISTMAS GIFT fliyl PIG, SEALS, TAGS, Dj Enjoy full sflec. . : shopping and de::. r. convenience. DIBB PRINTINQ Company Rtnr RUk Phone 23 ( Try a Da: N OFF ALL SALE PRICK YES, WE MEAN IT . . . Everything is Now Offered at a Discount of 25 OFF ALL SALE PRICES This Stock Has to be Turned Into Cash in a Limited Time So Wc Have Simply Forgotten Costs Come and Get Your Share of The Bargains Here Are Some Values in Dependable Merchandise: MEN'S SUITS Regular Price Sale Price ..' TrSfi MENrRsuiTsi'ine Worsteds 2 to $35.00 $23.45 17.5J $18.45 43 .84 DiaRnals $22.50 to $27.50 SWEATERS By Universal and Pride of the West . sn 0,Ja $3.95 V-0j 296 WORK-SHIRTS Veli made of Grey Dimit $lt00 69C 5iC Stetson, standard quality i7'dU rn $5.85 S439 TRENCH COATS- ?a TopcoATrvable intcrlinins 16-75 $13-95 10,4n a Velours and Tweeds Tv.c,nn 10J-&U $17.45 v Sl&W neckth:s By the best makers $100 79C Also A ork Pants and Overalls, Underwear, Dress Scan and Work Shirts, rirr. Tmor cnrf Tafkcts. Belts and Hundreds of Other Items of Men's Wear, All at 25 PER CENT OFF SALE PRICES. WATTS & NICKERSON Old Location