12oz. 51.20- 25ot s2.30- 40oz. $3.40 ' " - "JUST THAT MUCH BETTFD ... Dm i .T irpn T Rrntim nt . , - jtnnfrnllAr 1rtr 1i Tima Jnnif mnt Tin tlai)rte Tf T llillan or Vancouver who has PrlncA ' Gy Oiriitmai Crloni of 50'i. IOO'i, 200'i K2B inn Tnls advertisement Is not pubiishea or dismayed hv th t Control Boardor by the Government ffBritofc MumST ew Controller Timber Has oon Annninfpd w - r xr - - OTTAWA, December 10 (Cana-i Steamship Sailings j For Vancouvri j Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m ' Thursday SJ5. Prince I Rupert n:30 p.m.! rnaay s.i. prin. Adelaide 10 p.m. Ss. Cardena .. 10.30 p.m. Doc. 9 and 19-S.S. Princess Va.U 5 p.m.. From Vancouvci j Sunday ss Catala pjn.! Wed. SS Pr. Rupert 10 a.m.' 53 Prln. Adelaide 4 p.m. Ss. Cardena pm Dec. 5, 15 and 29 n.m. ! For Stewart and I'remler Sunday ss. Catala 8 cru weanesaay SJB, fte United States Bureau of Rupert ..." 7 nrn aitrwj uua. uiuiit uiiivcu in rrom Stewart and Premier si ttu morning bringing the; Tuesday ss. Catala .11-30 a jt Mr. ui we iiinrrnanonai j-isn- Tnursdav SS. Pr Bnwrt r to Commission following their , For Alice Arm, Naas Klver and nrnn ai Aiastcan noris. I. w pnr imn.nn Mwt ...... w. wit turn- Dunoavss rnrflia d m jniiisu j aaiue wun me omer Thursday S3 Prince rubers of the Commission and Fupert 11:30 n.m. f MM MM MM MM .Mm MMMMmmMMMMMMMKT d M" V.rm Wfe 'k f.y: ii - ysmMMki&smMMMm wm Sweet Caporal "The purest form in which tobacco can be smoked." '. M.MM.MMI Nanaimo-Wellington . Hulklcy Valley Alberta Minchonrl Sootlcss It Pays to Always Buy the Best Fuel Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. pone 1 n rilONE 117 d i. ITALIAN FORT TAKEN BY BRITISH PARCELS LOST OR DELAYED . Editor, Daily News: You will recall that on Novem ber 20 I wrote you In regard tojnarcels and 324 bass of news were the question of the delivery of 'handled In the Base Post Office, mall to troops overseas, pointing Canada, for despatch to overseas out that a large volume of mail j troops. left the boat at Prince From Alice Arm Vaflni';.,' S ' i was on board the C. .a in?, uuat is going ngnt For Ocean Falls 11:30 a.m. British soldiers are shown occuyplng the ruined Italian fort which was captured by the British western desert forces after a fierce shelling reduced the fort to rubble. Letter Box John at 5:00 a.m. on November 28. Delivery of the mail on board, as shown by the item in question, was effected in Ottawa on November 2943 days after date of mailing; I have brought these two recent Commercial Hotel! Prince Rupert Thoroughly Renovated Hot and Cold Water in Rooms Inner Spring Mattresses Harbor View ALEX PRUDHOMME Proprietor Ballinger & Stafford Repairs of All Types Typewriters, Cash Registers, Adding Machines, Bicycles, Haby Carriages, Etc. Location Corner 3rd Ave. and 4th St. Next C.P.R. Ticket Office cases to your attention, in order that you may have some definite examples of the problems which arise and render It difficult to provide an uninterrupted mail service under present day conditions ' During the week ending Novem ber 23, some 162,120 letters, 60,640 P. R. freighter W. J. TURNBULL "Beaverford, recently sunk In the. Postal Department, Atlantic. It may Interest you to know that there were 11,000 par-' eels of tobacco, Intended for sol diers, on board this steamer. A further Instance of "unavoid' able" delay In the delivery of over seas mail has just come to my at- j I Ottawa. tentlon. The cover of an item of! every ooay wuu.u mall matter received on November ; city go ahead but they think Us. 29 by an officer of the Department somebody else's job to do the push- j has been submitted to me and the in- date stamp shows that it was mailed at a Field Post Office in England on October 17. The lqtter was Included in the mall placed on board S. S. "Beaverhill" which left England 18 October. This steamer was subsequently attacked by the enemy and was forced to return to England for repairs, upon completion of repairs the steamer sailed again and arrived in Saint Man in the Moon The man who has not an enemy i WYNDMOOR, Pa,, December in the world has posslbl outjlved j (CP) Backed by an appropriation " '' them all. jof $750,000 a year, U.S. Depart- ' menu or Agriculture experts are In a large hospital when a post busy ,n iaboratorles here nndlng mortem Is to be performed the doc- new or improved tor tobacco, tors all gather to hear the lecture miIk products, apples, potatoes and that follows. Word is passed around. otrier farm products. In one hospital they page Dr. Mor-' timer Post as the leasX objectionable way of letting them all know ofthe Coming event. Overcome all yourfears by actions.' They generate while you sit still. Don't forget that while Prince Rupert is crowded with soldiers the navy still remains the senior ser-( vice and should be tne nrst mentioned such as "Navy, Army and Air Force." We .should be much likelier to succeed If we spent less, time wishing and more time working. Albernl is talking about establish ing a civic centre to be used as a social centre. Prince Rupert also has been talking for a number of years. I bet on Albernl. A motorist dropped in at a village Inn for a drink. The oldest inhabitant was just finishing his pint so the stranger bought him another. He swallowed It at a gulp. He was given another and a third. Each time It went down In one. "Do you always swallow pints like that?" asked the stranger. I "Aye, sir, ever since my accident forty years ago. "What was that?" "Why, sir, I ad a pint knocked over." "'""""TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtTtttfHJ 11 We bought three brand new heaters j Just so you wouldn't freeze 3 We bought three cars to put them in 2 They answer jj 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' j The cars are painted in two-tone blue j Their beauty is equalled in ease jt If you want safety with comfort jt Call us at j 'THREE-TWO PLEASE' i t RUPERT'S LARGEST TAXI SERVICE J Your iPre-Christmast PARTY Buckingham Ginger Ale Lime Crush Rickey In 6 oz Pints and Quarts The pleasure of the Kiddies Parties will be heightened with pure sparkling, delicious ORANGE CRUSH And a host of other flavors Order from your dealer NORTH STAR Bottling Works WARNING .. if.-. Is not complete unless you ' serve with the refreshments jt ! Lithiatcd Lemon J For Ladies and Gentlemen's j I TAILORING M-T. lee We Cover Buttons for Your d u; Avut unn vioin 4. f Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing ? 3d At. Phone Green 960 P.n.AK BIG DISCOUNTS Off AH FUR COATS Our Season Is Open to Buy Raw Furs and We Need the Money Goldbloom The Old Reliable I INFLUENZA To be Forewarned is toMe Forearmed With the possibility of Influenza again becoming epldemlc .ln BrUsh. Columbia, the1 Pfbvlh-cial ' Board of Health calls attention to the following: i People are very much given to underrating the effect of this; disease and to regard U iore as a common cold. ',y , ' Remember, first, that It is very Infectious, and you owe' it to, yourself and to your mlghbcrs to do everything to avoid catching it; and . , Secondly, if you do catch It, that your duty t" your neighbors Is to prevent them from catching it from you. ) ' . . V -' " It begins as a comman cold, headach?, pa ri', in muscles, jchills,' feeling of cold in the head, soreness of throat, fever. PERSONAL PRECAUTIONS ' The germ of the disease Is transmitted by: !,', '"'" (1.) Droplets of spray from loud talkln coughing, and.'sneezjng. (L) Through drinking and eatins out o. utensils' Improperly cleansed. (3.) By direct contact. ;. ' 1. 2 NOTE The mild cases are as dangerous for spreading' a$ .severe ones. More eyen.'bpM, cuu&e a man wmi a nuiu case cumss in contact w m a greater numoer oi people. (4.) The carrier plays a larger part in tne spreading of the disease than Is Therefore , : AVOID CROWDS realized. ' (5.) There Is no vaccine against Influenza. ' If attacked by the disease, keep warm, send for the doctor, and keep the other members f ).he family out of the room. If the children compliln, keep.thenV'.at home, and remember; If care Is not taken, that the after-effects of the dlseass are the cause of the deaths. Isolation of the Patient will present the Spread of the Disease GENERAL RULES . . Avoid needless crowding; Influenza is a crowd disease. , Smother your coughs and sneezes; others do not want the germs which you would throw away. , 3. Your nose, not your mouth, was made to breathe through; get the habit. 4. Remember the three C's: "A clean mout'v clean skin, and clean clothes." 5. Open the windows, always at home at night; at the office when practicable. 6. Your fate may be In your own hands; wash your hands before eating. -,r .. 7. Don't use a napkin, towel, spoon, fork, glass, or cup" which has been used by another per son and not washed. . PROVINCIAL B DARD OP HEALTH, BRITISH COLUMBIA.' S U.S. TEST-TUBE SLEUTHS UNDER NAZI RESTRAINT dered a temporary ban on trade COPENHAGEN, December 10 (C In any sort of rubber for automo- 10 P) The minister of trade has or-ibilea. Ship a 101b. Box of Rupert Brand Kippers To Your Friends For $1.5Q we will deliver a' box of Kippers to your friend's house In any Express point In B.C. or any Canadian National Railway Express point in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. We first made this special offer last year; so many people took advantage of it we are repeating It this year at the same price, notwithstanding Express rated to some points have advanced Mail your order with cheque or cash to ' Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. British Columbia With name and address of consignee. We will enclose card with name of sender Appreciated by the recipient Convenient for the Sender A WARM HOUSE won't. Ttundtie sleet -If yon .proper Aids in making the Christinas' season an enjoyable one People have been known to-use a ton of coal as a Christmas gift. Clean coal, full weight and satisfactory delivery are the promises we keep. Philpott Evitt & Co. L'ta: PflONE 651 632 GUNN'S Variety Repairs General Repairs on all Rubber Footwear and Garments. Tires and Tubes Vulcanize We are fully equipped to do-all bicycle & wheel goods repairs Service and Economy Cth St. opp. OK Barber Shop Advertise In the Dally News. Headquarters for Box Chocolates Molrs Lowneys Ganongs Guaranteed fresh stock. Our assortment Includes all sizes at prices to suit every-pocket. Call at our store and inspect our stock. We know we can please you. MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian' Legion