PAQE TWO THB DAILY NEWS "GREB" WORKING BOOTS Menenite calf, heavy sole, plain toes, Rubber or leather heels. Just the shoe for comfort and maximum wear. Priced 4.75 Jack and Jill Shoes for Children Penman's Hosiery Family shoestore ltD. The Home of Good Shoes AILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Paid In advance, per week Paid In advance, per month By mall to all parti of British Columbia, the BrltiiU Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mail to all other countries, per year . Classified advertising, per word, pir insertion . Local readers, per line, per insertion News Department Telephone . x E6 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 38 Member of Audit Bareab ot circulations UNITED STATES AND WAR ujr iuv war. onuum war come to mis country, home vegetable gardens would immediately become an important factor in national defense. Every such garden made this spring will be a contribution tb national preparedness, besides helping the gardener to meet a probable increasing cost of living." CANADA'S WOOL SUPPLY At the commencement of the war Canada had on hand no large stock of wool. The country's supply dime chiefly from Australia and New Zealand, a small part from India and the British Isles and twenty per cent of the total wa? home grown. Britain at once purchased the whole of thr Australian and New Zealand crop for the duration of the war and salps could be made from all Emnire countries only under license. The sudden demand for military purposes caused a world shortage and Canada conM onlv secure a supply through concessions from Great Britain. A a result the Wartime Price and Trade Board prohibited Wool exports the nriee of vvnnl w:is fivwl t boardimr and arrangements made with South Africa andi other countries for a complete supply. This is now forth I cnmipcr. !our times the usual amount of wool is now In' Canndfl Bronte here or earmarked for this country. Thei United Kinfdom is releasing enough for all military re! uuiitwnw ncr ntii September next. This shotilt1 make it Possible for Canada to properly outfit all her fjehting forces and allow sufficient material for the usm' civilian supnlv but the prices are high and that should keep down the civilian demand. ECONOMIC PRESSURE ' Britain is bringing economic pressure to bear on a number" of neutral countries to prevent them supplying Germany with goods which are necessary to the success. ful carrying on of the war. Some of them had been pass-f jiik iowis inrougn ineir countries to uermany and thus I enuuune ner 10 evaue me DiocKaae. isiaturally, these countries had to protest and show Germany they were being forced to stop supplying her. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. . SBBBBBSMBMWBBBaaSSBsasSBBSSJBBSBSSBi SSSSMSSSWSSS SBSSSSSSSSIllllliMBSSSSSnBSBSiaaBSSSSSBI SBSSMBSSsasSSMBSSSSSSaiSHSSBBIlSMSBkSMi Bieamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T-SXCATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:3 p.m. Due Vancouver. Thurs. p.m Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third 4tve. Phone 568 FOUR-TEAM BOWLS TIE Printers, Oyro Club, Savor Hotel And a N. R. A. Deadlocked In 185. Individual scoring was as fol lows: C N. R. A. 15 Samuelson 150 143 Mcintosh 137 178 Franklin 135 165 Woodall 184 178 Paul 204 180 Total1 88 8 ! Angus Apartments I 2 Jack , 165 136 Gibb 137 142 McLeod 122 152 McMeekin 1C6 206 Low Score xn us i Savoy C. N. R. A. Angus 'Apartments Imperial Oil Moose Canadian Scottish j 115 131 175 1 210 166 150 151 148 146 196 183 156 1 128 124 129 KM 752 75, I 3 3 j 173 1C6 199 153 140 129 147 144 167 128 124 176 .166 126 138 ...15 15 15 782 715. 824 g to date for season: il n 11 II 4 11 11 4 11 11 4 11 8 10 8 6 9 6 6 9 6 0 15 0 LEAFS WIN IN HOCKEY Defeated New York Rangers Saturday Night For First Series Victory TORONTO, April 8: (CP)-Tor- onto Manle Leafs defeatprf n.u York Rangers by a score of 2 to 1 in the Stanley Cup world's championship hockey series night, making the game count so far in the best four out of seven series two games to one. New York had won the firsl two games. G0LDBL00M The Old Rellable-HaVe Big Order Jot Beaver Postlte eah pay. more than anyone else for all furs. Do not sell your furs on the waterfront, bring them to GOLOBLOOM and get 30 per cent more. SHOOTING GALLERY Adjoining IDORA HOLLER ARENA Our Famous Edson Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Pbone 58 and 558 I 1 ! SPORT CHAT . I Junior League baseball teams . had a good practice game 'ter 'm.), School Leaiue Oct Under day In preparation for the open, Waj with Alpha )Viiinlng lng next Sunday or the league ( season. The teams are now In good Four teams are no m a tie for snape and kpen COqipeUUon Is an-1 the leadership of the final third minted. Herb Morgan wMl um r? in plre the opening game-ling League. They are Printers. Gyro Club, Savoy Hotel and Cana dlan" National Recreation Assoc la a.. a Vl- . Australia's wonaer norsr. nr Park. ' , , , Lao. died of colic ronc at " Menlo ' tion. The Printers and Oyro Club G,ef . . Callf- Wt s ago 0 last had been nreviouslv In a riHlnrk ..i- at the top of the league with eleven win points. The Savoy Hotel defeated Imperial Oil two games to one the end of the week while Canadian National Recreation Association was takln a three games to nil sweep over " Angus Apartments, thereby Joinln the other two at the top. High av- Give Extension FOOTBALL Merry Budapest IS OPENED Gay But Alert Two (.anus LONDON Anrll ft- ir.Pt A nnnll pi.ii.. 11.1.. newal at the end of that time adults MacKenzie's Furniture Terms Can Be Arranged on Easy Payments Phone 775 Price rnnu "t IV' Im il Own pmit ( $135.00 327 THIRD AVENUE SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! wiling it OCEAN FALLS and POWELL WEI Steamer leaves Prince Rupert sjverr TIIlinSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trolnt leave Prince Rupert for the East Mondaj, Wedneaday, Friday, 6 p.m. yV. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For faw, tc, call or utit4 City Tlckit Offlc; S2t SrA An, Music floes On Hut Plans Made I'or t highly Interesting match. 15 j... During the first half Alpha had.g the upper hand but. while It man-1 2 in uetas-o the ttme. the'S threatened only 9 a few times. H. Holkeslad. playing! 6 a steady game for Beta, came' 5 elate to beating 8eherk on a good g shot to the corner ot the goal, a Tfoe second period saw Alpha o driving hard again, this ttme with $ downhill grade In lis favor. IS efforts ctiuna were wcic I re- c o . --i - tMf r iituii nijiaa who i been studying for at least warded when WILvm. from Holtbylo a year for an examination "crttl- and Buasey. drove home the wln-'g cai to nis career can nave his ntn soai iiMn triorf hrri tim compulsory military service post- and aaln but the forwards seem- poned. it has been decided. Final erf to iaik th and some intermediate examlna- Th final Hons arc considered "critical" Teams were as follows: ones but the term does not apply Alpha Scherk, Bussey. Thorne. to all necessary examinations Alexander. Anderson,, Dawes Clc-which come before the final. cone. Kuwjhara, Wilson, Orlms- A Hard.hlns Committee has been son. Holtby. set uo and already it has Beta-Long. McRae, Oood. 01-granted a six months" postiane- sen. Pavllkis fivrMM i vf. ment to a pupil studying for a Lachlan. D. ifcLachlan, H Holke Master of Arts degree. As he in- stad. M. Holkestad. McAfee, ends to be a teaeher. the com- B. Canstlck and J. Woodslde mlttee said the obtalnlne of the iin degree Is of considerable imnort- Mr riorir r.r.ri ance to him. fw ori,lir. A postnonement certificate iraniea lor six months onlv hnf ih oft the applicant may ask for a re- spectators, both (un Atop of llulldlnts I MJDAPEST. April 8: CPI-Uuda- Last Saturday afternoon marked Ptat ,s UII ajr. It'g a muffled sort the opening of the High School OI sieiy. io p sure, wnat with war ai- In Eurone. but sUll there ar lh K IqIIot mbjtM nf thi Mn Tile rkllllll.lp of Ifllnforv'. nnl Moore convert) Cteoone's viM.ital city Jus a rather happy temper- Teams were as follows Alnha - Calderwood, Johnson. Saturday. Steve became a le0nd neta ohen. D. MeLoehlln. Wll in his 30 years of rarinc and head- Wonr Slr0mdahl. Ourvteh. ed the Jockey list 10 year eonstot- Frtnkj, nn!ey suversldea. Me-3 nMv. The 55-year-old champion Kewn. R. MeUehlln. McLeod. 139 i- a trainer now and has under his fj. paVlkls and, S. Alexander 146 -..e the rofses of many who col- wre unesmen. ' " orr ne once wore s.nor r.ame 175 171 757 3 148 125 161 Americans. 3 125 Brooklyn National 6; 126 'Americans. 4 Neither of the senio. teams had I F I '1 S' n I 11 full turn-ouU but the Junior .6 LiXnlDltlOn DaSeball playrs came to the rescue and,g turned what might have been a g . default or Doatuuuement Into a i.ii rinnnn ivhi mh iiiv a- iiMrnn J J Handicap ; i , ij St LouU American. 4; Chicago aged to keP keep lj5 the Jf1 bail 50; Total .. 718 780 C81 Nationals 3 territory most of the Savov Hotel 1 1st 2 3 tatter's tatter's goal goal was was thres 9.0C Monday, April 8. 1940. Low Score Total ... Imperial Oil Kinslor ...... Hartwig Rush -Krlstmanson r Evidently the people of the United States are specu-: Total ... lating on the possibility of their being drawn into the war.' leas TherNatipnal Garden Bureau, with headqyarters jn Chi-,11 u cagd, says: "Like everything else, gardening tnis year willioyro ciub V SEVRN MAKE T. MEUIOURNE A. 8: ,CP Rcve. uruum mail whole ship : -the way fron, bourne. Uon , ts who board eft at the Indi ally attractive sort of sprlngfim life On Lhi- ,, pha Imjum nosing out Beta In n,ent clubs, the gypsy music, the """ been 1 Mr IMIIWia, - M UTOUi, luunu wm I 1 ' - week. . . , , . fMriiiVhi... e. . ... . . in iuii luirr aim uuui trains uu- .., mkk ic tuiris irn ti tuc Di? red gtioin troveiiea iu ww. ftv,h,n I hut th.. it..Hrwt ,m - miles tii win the 50.&W AtH Cal ente mndjWao without a rvretimin-ary rac. brlnin his total earnings to $332,750 He was boimht as a yearling fir $8W. TikM brfF-ht II wa the fitat rf 1 80 horses Steve Donoahue rode White the first half was fairly well by himself In a city which as e?enly matched. Ill the second Half ; vet knows nothing of sandbafged U look fit u, j.4, Urlk. antl-alrw.u v 1 on tot) of bj !,-, Al'iha had the edce of play. In .buildings, black-outs and stupens .-On, old It 11 r .1 mi, , nuuiurrirm inns ana rrsiauranu nuwevrr t ri,-. ..... . , i ......i i -a .... 'and the fnmnii mttt hniiiM llnrtinui ii . -'I 'fmn to oaiub itw trtrlt of ufeiil rt;, n ,M I x w v advantage, of courso. of an unusn- Head t BigRp rraBe senrer in me weeK-ena piay to victory when the record-semng mnjtinaon Moore Hollby Orlms-1 was Jack Paul of Canadian Na- EnnlMi Jockey won his Hri rce at ,, nalde' cicrone. Und-' o60000000000000000""'0owjooooiroooooooooo' tion Recreation Association with Phoenix Park Dublin. 33 wart im .... v-.. r . . IS Dear Mrs. Housewife:- At last a method of Moth. Bed Uua .i d r cTjnirm mat reaiiy worksi NOw yon can be tld of Mothi and all other Inrect oeu w. w and Moscultc liMUnUyi and Insect larvup 4 course to expensive. Inconvenient, "Fumlna'.in' 8prays every room and cupboard i- Liquid, using a NEDKL Electric Sprayer Bo" able at our store. 8APHEX Liquid U odeurkat, cokur!-harmless, to humans and animals. It win : elother or wall paper, nor will it Mint food R U- ttted immediately after orayln wlthou: :. . feet or tflNtale odour. The NEB EL Electric Rprsjer enables y . . thoroughly. In a few hours, ernjr room fr m-attic. Quick, easy, no advance preparations neeemr). The SAPHEX Method U artlcuUrl ad cafe, store, factories, dairies, bakeriea. apa hbifh. warehou.'w, etc.. eliminating th i coitly preparations and t xprmlve shut-down We will be glad to give further parti. .... vice on special problems Do not healt.. Cordially jtoum it -ill a -Ho -win Ormes Ltd. 2fu9 Pioneer Drtuipjtj The Reiall Store phones II L C Open Dally from t a.m. till 1 p m. Sundays and Holidays from It to 2 p.m. and J U 5 p.ra. Going Ahead Keeping l'p.!o-I)a(c in Every Particular McRAE BROS. FOR HETTER RADIO SERVICINfJ Fast Efflrlent Absolutely Reliable FOR ALL MAKES OF RADIO RCA Victor Latest Equlpmtnt Highest Quality TarH Htandafd Prlres Fatly Trained Technician 10 Yean' Experience Member Associate Radio ferhniclani The fine electrical balance of your set should pnly be id Jukltd by'anespert Don't lake 'ehantes. use our serviff man's knowledfe and equipment you'll save trouble ' well as money When There's Trouble Phone fi TUIIES DATTERIES PARTS-Compldc Stock for All Makes of Radio J. H. BULGER Optometrist Fresh Shrimp BOAT W.S L. nails at 4 D.tlls a-rsij s - V.9-40 Royal Bank Hldf., TROTIEIt'S IIIOCB