June 1. 1940. 60c ArriraU Ttih May More Than .Million Pound Id Excess Of Latt Mi-r Rupert halibut landings !. month of May this year, 'i 'o figures compiled on local waterfront, amounted to ' .ion xunds as compared ' 2 66700 pounds In May 1939 .' : r'.000 pounds In May 1938. f i:iad!an landings for this a : 1,441300 pounds In com-with 1.266,300 pounds In !039 .Hid 1.004 500 pounds In X: 1938 American landings for May . : utc 2J360.OOO pounds as l 402 000 pounds In May i MM.500 pounds hi May .:. for April this year at J. 8 Ql KFN CHAUI.OTTE ISLANDS Lux n first appeared B; iM.h Columbia roa ..mm mrcr on Capful Discovery" in 176 urnec in 1787 as Cap he own ship ihc Charlotte" named In .: the Queen of Enj?-i. i: i:iu 'his vi)age Dlx this name to '.Iv s t i. uiuite Lsl.ind the daily twits 'J.1JB Hi. i LINZEY & DAVIES Grocers FHEF. DELIVERY Phone 3B5 5S0 Hudson Hay Coffee- Q( Z lb, box Golden Laf Chffc Each Itluf Ribbon Cocoa i&.i tin Malkin's BeM Honey 4 Pi'i" Un I, Si D, Tea pt i lb. 65c 15c 55c Y u will be Delighted First Grade Butter-3 lbs. f or . . . 89c HALIBUT LANDINGS AWAY UPr- Print Rupert were placed at a total ol 2.620.000 pounds In comparison with 2,177,500 pounds last lear. the Canadian April total be- tag 1,180,000 pounds as against 892.000 pounds and the American pounds as against 1,265.- good doggy kations LONDON. June 1: (CP I Dogs are to hare special wartime bis cuits. Manufacturers are working on a biscuit that will not in fringe regulations governing wheat and flour consumption. Engagement The engagement Is announced of Winifred Margaret Eby RJJ. ektat daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L, C. Bby. 4th Avenue Bast to Frederick SieM-art, youngest sen of Mrs. E. A. Stewart and the late F. A. Stewart of Vancouver. The wedding win take place quietly fat Vaneoaver on Jane 1$. i TODAY'S STOCKS (OriurtMT 8. O. JobfUrtoa Oa. Summary American 81,000 pounds, .2c and 7.5c to 10c and 73c, . , Canadian 31,000 pounds, 9.8c and 7c. Vancouver Big Missouri, .07 li. Bralorne, 7.-90. Cariboo Quartz, 2.00. Dentonla, .01 V. Falrview, .00. Gold Belt, .20. Uedley Mascot, .33. Minto, .02. Noble Five. .00i. Pend Orlelle. 1.17. Pioneer, 2.10. Premier, .82. Privateer, .45. ' Reno, .19. , Relief ArtlngUm, .03 a ft Salmon Gold, .02. Sheep Creek. M. OIIU J A. P. Oen., .10. ' Calmont, .19. C & E., 1.10. Home. 1.40. PacalU. .05. Roval Can., .15. Okalta. .06. Mercury. j03. Prairie Royalties, .13&. Toronto Aldermac. .14. BeatUe. .85. Central Pat.. 1.65. I Cons. Smelters, 29.12. : East Malartlc. 255. Fernland. .02. Francoeu'r. 21. Oods Lake. 2&Vi. Hardrock. .70. Int. Nickel. 2837. Kerr Addison. 1.43. Lrttle Long Lac. 1.95. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.15. Madsen Red Lake. JO, McKenzie Red Lake. .00. Moneta. .49. Noranda. 43.00. Pickle Craw. 230. Preston East Dome, 130; San Antonio. 138. Sherrlt Gordon. .65. Uchl. .40 novscadlllac. .03. Dominion Bridge. 24.00. Mrs. Harry Robblns and daughter arriwi in the dty on the Princess Adelaide jeaterday from Vancouver to join Mr. Robblns who Ls manager of Nelson Bros, Fisheries Ltd. cannery here. adventures on the toast were alive with DIXON'S excitement and drama, anl many obstacles had 'o be overcome before his goal was attained. Many difficulties still face the fishermen of today, but Hunks to modern engine development and up-to-date fuU and lubricant, he no lomer must rely on ndi and tides. STANDARD MARINE PKOIU'CTS 'e specifically developed to assure the utmost in motor economy and efficiency. For dependable smooth funning engine, refuel and lubricate with STANDARD. STANDARD MARINE PRODUCTS ted Crown Gitalin Standard Giiolina Uniurotlltd Itindtrd Diticl Futl Perl Oil (King ol Ktroitntl) S'indird Stort Oil RrM Mtr Oil "RPM" DILO, D(ut tni lubricating Oil CALOL Dititl tnjin. Oil nd thtr lint itin4iri Oil Product! Av.ilibl. tl mny Mrln SUtlonl iro th. wU-known Conortl Bittrll STANDARD MARINE STATIONS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA AUrt Biy Bimtitld Barontt P Bull Harbour Ciicad Harbour Cttpctct Cburchouto GabrioU liljnd Garden Bay Gooio Bay Harlot Bay Uroy Bay Nanalmo Naw Woitn nlnittr Port NtvilU Princ Ruport Rofugt Covo RItom Inltt Saloty Covo Spring Co Tolino Too, u art Vancourar Coat Harbour Dunlovy Avonu Deep Cov Horteshoo Bay Victoria Wattan Cot YokoKama lay Ztballoi STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA LIMITED LOCAL NEWS NOTES Baseball, Sunday at 6:45. Tonight's train, cue from the East at 11 o'clock, vu reported this afternoon to be on time. Ernest Unwln sailed last night on the Prince Charles for a visit to Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands. 'i t Miss Ira Moorehouse and Miss Ethel Moorehouse returned to the city on the Cardena last night from a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. t. Richardson and children, who have been visiting here for the past two or three weeks, sailed by the Cardena this morning on their n-tum to Victoria. Mrs Bruce Brown and child arrived in the city on the Cardena last night from Penticton to join Mr. Brown and take up residence here. Rev. and Mrs. Basil Hartley of Queen Charlette City, who have been attending the British Columbia Conference sessions of the United Church of Canada In Vancouver, arrived In the city from the sooth on the Cardena last nleht and proceeded to the Islands aboard the Prince Charles. Members of the local militia leaving on last evenings train for Interior points on leave Included Lance Bombardier J. C. G. Smith, Lance Bombardier A. E. Palmer and Gunner A. E. Ehitstrora for Vander- hoor. Lance Bombardier T. V. Col-hson for Smlthers and Gunner C. B. O'Brien for Terrace. James Albert Jinks of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve left for Moose Jaw. Cut Kate Shoe Store Exclusive Agents The only children's shoes with the home fitting guide assure foot health vlassmaks Worn exclusively by the Dionne Quintuplets SMART STYLES GOOD VALUE all sizes all widths $1.85 T0 $3.25 browns and fancy patterns slightly higher Mail Orders tilled CUT RATE SHOE STORE TIIIKD AVE. IX TIIK SfPRKMK TOIUT Or IIHITIII rmmniA IN rROIlTK In tlif Maltrr of Ihr -ArtmlnMrnllon Art" And In thf Maltrf of I Mr IMal, f ivn-Jamln lrran. TAKE NOTICE UiAt by Ordw of J Hi Honor Judf Ftohfr datrd My ISth I Wm aippointft! Adrnliillra.tr with the Wtll auvrtxrd of Uw Estate Of Ui ta,t BfnJiuaUn FVryuaon. Decroard, Ut of the OMy of PrUu Rupert, Prorincc of British CSohtmMa, Merchant, ajxt thAt kit persons IndftjW to the siUd Estat J mjulml to pay their claims to me forthwith nd tha.t all pracM having claims agalnt the cntd Estate are re-quired to fll them properly Termed in wrltkig with nv on or before the 30th tiaj of June 1910 falling which I thall mnk dkitrlbutaon of A)ah Estate InvUvg reird only to claims then In my hands. DATED nt Prince Rxwwt, B. C this 18th day of May A. D. 1940. NORMAN A. WATT, Off tola! Administrator. Handyman Home Service Painting, Repairing, Gardening Light Deliveries (lave that neglected job done now. Phone Green 620 for the Handyman. 1 Cash for Old Gold. Bulger's tf. There will be no bus service on Sunday until further notice. (129) Miss Marearet Fritz ls sailing this 'afternoon on the Princess Louise for a trip to Vancouver. J. R. Morln returned to the city on the Cardena last night from a 4 trip to Vancouver. i Miss Dorothy Hitl of Queen Charlotte City ta spending the summer in Vancouver to receive medical treatment. I Rev. Father P. Champagne sailed last night by the Prince jCharles on one of his periodical trips to the Queen Charlotte Islands on ecclesiastical duties. Mrs. M. H. McLean, wife of the manager of Port Edward reduction plant, returned to the city on the Cardena test night after having spent a holiday visiting In Mrs. F. W. Moore, who has been visiting here with her husband who ls stationed at Prince Rupert in the military service, sails by the Princess Louise this afternoon on her return to Vancouver. Rebert Elkins. after paying a . visit here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Elkins. sailed by the Prin- Jcess Adelaide last night on his return to his naval duties at 'I Hcra't take A Gift with BIG 5 t tr- i v i IfttlAA far kftfrft af BIG riVE CLEANSER. Si tar oaa at tiaa tata intta laartliaf t'au 'Slt-aat Piitar U a las trar Eaelaa tire 8laa-DUa ttn franf Bla Tha Clrtlirr tint, lla ta orrr aacklaf a pUa. mall ta UtHti Cktnfral Ct, IU.. Maatrtal. Act ., laaka lira at ari a I BIG FIVE CLEANSER lt matt valaa far aur maary It'a k kattrr Cltaaier StltaUfltallr mti af flant lairHiaati Wat critck Na ! aaf It ta kla to yaar k kcciata It aaatalat oil tka aatarat taa Clttrla. UNITED CHEMICAL CO. LTD. 3830 St. Ambroise St. Montreal Announcements All advertisements in this coi tmn will be charged for & ruli month at 25c word Qlrl Guide Association Tea, Mrs. J. R. Morisons, McBrlde Street, June 1. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. Wm. Lamble, June 5. Hospital Auxiliary Tea, Nurses' Home June 6. P.T.A. Tea and Children's Display, Oddfelbws' Hall, Friday, June 7. Rebekah Hospital Dance. Oddfellows' Hall. June 7. Lutheran Sewing Circle Tea and Sale, Mrs. Murvold's, June 13. Anglican Tea, Mrs. J. W. Nlcholls', June 13. A Navy Auxiliary Tea and sale of home cooking will be held. In the R.C.N.V.R. Barracks. June 15, 3-8. Canadian Legion Picnic, June 16. 102nd Auxiliary tea, Mrs, S. D. Johnstons, June 20. Cambral June Frolic, , Moose Hall, June 21. Valhalla Picnic June 23. Presbyterian Tea. Mrs, J. R, Mitchell's June 25. Sergeant Major W. M. Brown re-' turned to the city on Thursday night's train from a trip to the Cariboo district as well as Pririce George and Smithersi Lloyd Rice has returned to the city from a trip to Nova Scotia where his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Rice, are now residing. He also visited elsewhere In Eastern Canada and the United States. Rer. T. C ColweH, United Church pastor at Port Simpson, arrived in the city on the Cardeha last night after attending sessions of the British Columbia Conference at Vancouver and will proceed this weekend to Simpson Col. E. J. Ryan, head of the E. J. Ryan Contracting Co., was m the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday, having come north on the round trip to inspect progress on air base operations at Seal Cove. Mrs. Ncrman Nelson arrived In j . ' l 1 the city on the Princess Adelaide Ter to Join her husDand and take yesterday afternoon from Vancou- up residence for the summer. Your Coal Problems Solved We have In stock a well pre- WereSd essorr pared carefully screened Coal sAwf fdrn, to suit your individual re- ifotAinf u.t" ( A ' 1 As In teal," to procure the . " best in Lumber and Building Vt'itS- Snpplles VSi -VV- SAND Pbones Gil 652 I AAA WAV I I 8TEAM3Mi9 I mm Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. CEMENT GRAVE! B. C. Furniture Co. Big Savings In Furniture 30 Inner Spring Filled Mattresses Over 200 tempered springs covered by a layer of cotton and of durable ticking. Regular $1730. CI O QC Now oJL270 G Strongly Constructed Couches Can be made Into double bed with a heavy Ql Q HIZ comfortable mattress. Special OXOtD Bed Springs and Mattress Includes steel bed and good quality cable spring QAA s A and felt mattress. Size 3-3. 4-0. Special vi"3U 12 Walnut Finished Full Panel Keds With spring filled mattresses and cable springs. 07 Cft Size 3-3. 4-0. 4-. Special ? tJU 1 Sets of 3-piece Chesterfields In all new colors and styles including brown, rust flfl and one set in red and green. Special vi 3UU One 4-piece Bedroom Suite In waterfall design. Walnut finish consisting of vanity with, round mirror, chiffonier, bench and bed. CO ffA Special a 22t)U 6-Piece Bedroom Suite Consisting of vanity, bench, bed, large size Ql 1 Q Cft chlfronier, spring filled mattress and spring ?X AO.DU . 21 Felt Mattresses In all sizes. qj Special pU.aJD Phone BLACK 321 Next Door to B.C. Clothiers THIRD AVENUE CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S.S. "Princess Adelaide" every Friday 10 pjn. 1 To Vancouver Direct Princess Louise Princess Charlotte Princess Alice June 1st, 15th, 29th June 8th. 22nd June 26th To Ketchikan, Wrangeil, Juneau and Skagway June 3rd, 10th. 17th, 21st, 24th, July 1st. 5th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES. General Agent Prince Rupert. B.C. SOUTH TO Mlfex OCEAI FALLS mi POWELL IIVEI Steamer leave Princ Rupert ever THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Train leave Prino Rupert for the Eat Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan aaJ Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. Jto farm, 9U- mtt r write d TUWt OiUe, MIMA, a