NEWS Thuisday, January 11, 1640. THE DAILY paqb two.: You F the citv. Will Solid Comfort and Dependability in These Shoes Onyx Arch-Grip Shoes Perths PHo-Pedic Arch Supporting Shoe dracia s Light, Comfortable, Snug Heel-Fitting Lines, Widths to EEE "Miss Atlanta" Shoes For general all round wear and priced from tJ7t. AMILY SHOE STORE tV Home nf Good Shnpo EDITORIAL LTU CHAMBERLAINS SPEECH The speech of Prime Minister Chamberlain, as fully CHAMBER OF COMMERCE w REDUCED WINTER FARES TO VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and rowell River $36 RETURN Meals and Berth Included Leaving Prince Rupert THURSDAYS Rate Effective Now Until February 28 Return Limit, March 31 11:15 p.m. Southbound Canadian National Steamships SCORES IN FIVE PINS Malkins Scores Clean bweep vic tory Over Bankers Home OH Heals I). D. S. and T. O. Malkins scored' a cl.san sweep three games to nu victory uvcr Bankers In the Five Pin Bowling League last night. In the second fixture of the evening Home uii won two games to one over D. D. S. and T. O. Hign average sourer i for the evening was Norman Kins- j lor with 274. Last night's games were the start of the second half of the season schedule. In first half, there was a three-way tie for the reported m this paper Tuesday, showed that the lintisn nome on 1 people fully realize how great a task they have before cripps - 154 them and: that they are determined to go through with it, Tobey 192 even though they have to suffer great losses in doing so. "J '"-; Z'Z'Zu 269 m In Prince Rupert we hardly Know mere is a war, uni ..: 182 cept for the presence of the troops in the city and the; Handicap 56 .-KrrUt in t-ha .net nf livirur Tf it. rnntinnes. we! Total 915 niltlllW llltl tCiOCO 111 till' V-U-TK VJJ. .. - . shall begin to feel something of what they are suffering h- "- on the other side of the Atlantic. We shall probably find Tlmms :"" ;;; . io food dearer and we shall have to pay hipher taxes than a' Mcintosh 147 present There also may be other restrictions. Also Can- wishart c.u.i n,Mi,iPO ..l-;r o ufowi;iu .rpnntoi Whitehead tflllUII lUrCCS Will 1IIIU uiciuscivio wniug u. Jtyuviiijr: feiwc.-. part in .the wai'. LEVELLING! PROCESS War is providing. a great levelling process. In Rvitair the country landowners and others are finding out something intimate about the slum dwltars. As Mr Chamberlain said, the rich are being redncsd 'n circumstances and there h no chance of anv profiteering: because the taxes p are so liiglf on"excss profits as tobe rtf acpcally confisca-! tion. Excess profits will also catch it in this country. Handicap Total 171 120 970 1021 JASPER, Jan. 11: Believed to be the first English skllec to test SECOND HALF OF BOWLING time).. n ... i i , V, 1 llv fliMi'llntr ! League got under way last night j with Franks winning two games to nn over Allev Cats and pioneer Franks I Alvln Johnson 147 Grace Johnson -... 149 George Franklin 177 Mabel Madill' 136 leadership, which has yet to be Jack Hartley . settled between Home Oil, Malkin's : Dorothy BalUnger and Bankers. Individual scoring lows: Hume Pearson Conrad Tyler Mellin was as fol 135 .. 184 ...t;.. 155 ......103 129 Handicap 87 Total 833 Ma'kins 1 Landels ..... VU 149 Ste.gavlg - 203 Skinner 160 Connell 193 Withers ........ui -. J31 Handicap 145 Total 984 342 Totals 111 84 145 160 153 ?70 SKIS MOUNT eler. Wilby of London Tries Out Thrilling Slopes of Athabaska At Jasper Park 202 Pioneer Laundry 139 21 D. Wesch. 56 51 S. Arlington .. Thd.Ghamber of Commerce is a:i oi-,ganization that ir the thrilling slopes 0f towering nlon at M.1 supposed' to look after the bisinps$ and corrmercial inter- Mount Athabaska. Peter wilby of J"" ;f.;e. " ests of the city. As sucb it deals with business afffn-f from the business noint of viw. If not supposed to b' a polirical'or social on.'tion. Th renoi-t f Preside -J. T. H'aev sho"-s thr vear it dealt with a grcaf mnnv Rnhipnt.c;. some of v hich ' ere (w.fwd but no p" London after a The young English Skier, together with Major Fred Brewster and a party which included Malcolm Scott of the Puffin 8kl Club. Win- tion takrp! The distention of fhw -ihipo i" benRfV" nPe5- confined skim? to the huge . , . basin 8500 feet at , ., powder-snow .i i t. i.i i; u t;.,-, to the mnrnbevs in that they tend to shad light on IitW ,u-j'lateP may attempt the skl as. kriovn SuhiwtS. cent to the summit at 11,452 'feet President Hnrvev has rnde an excellent chairman above sea level, and hisrenorton UieHty pianaer plan one of the Columbia icefield predated by the members. Although lie-wafl- called' awav f oup in Jasper National Park, for military duties, hi year may be looked upon, as a very S.TenBenSS successful one Rybicka, famous Austrian skiler The new officers arc keen, energetic t and men of noiinc' of the Hannes Schneider school, iudirment. If thev get that co-operation which they may accomplished the feat in five U exnectthey should carry on ami Increase the prestige,-"- of the Chamber during the coming year. ichampion of Vancouver, became It is a nitv that more of the businessmen do not take the first woman skiier to mak the an interest in the Chamber of Commerce. The ten dollar ascent, she attained the goal after fee would, help the organization and the presence of more sen hours climbing with Peter members wAl tento make the oration more in- zS. an" fluentiai: By takmg part in the subjects discussed the Blshop Ql Edmonton. The swift members Would tend to increase their own knowledge of descent over the miles of snow-current affairs and make the discussions more helpful. ' Icovered glacier was completed in fnrtv-flve minutes. If you have something to-sell; a classified advertisement np JTEW RV in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in,0il l Eiil' D I METLAKATLA Ben's basketball team visited iMetlakatla fast night but lost to , the hard fighting Panthers 36 to 37; j Starring 'for Rupert were Billy 'Roma, one of the city' most prom ising forwards, who managed to net j 1 14 polnti; Elmer Clausen, who scor- j ed. eight points; Sonny Beynon and Andre Letoumeau. Metlakatla's best players were F. I Auckland, who also netted 14 points; A. Prevost, whose nice Ishootlng got lilm 10 points and B. iNelsdrf playing a nice game at gualrd. Individual scoring: Rupert B. Roma- 4, P. Knutson 3, E. Clausen 8, A Lctourncau 2, H. MacDonald, E. Barton, S. Bejnqn 9. Metlakatla H. Leask, D Prevost; fi, Ft Auckland 14, A. Leigh ton 1, J; Auckland, B. Nelson 4, H; Leighton 12, A. Prevost 10. J. Haldane. After Uie game the boys were 123 134 I Handicap 208 Totals Alley Cats- 2 3 Low Sqore 141 160 Low Score 189 159 C- Bttnd 130 184 B. Brjnd 186 157 M. A'ssemiwen 186 186 M. Assemlssen 87 37 K Gentry , 919 933 O. Wharton 2 3 Handicap - 168 191 280 Totals 110 142 Overwaltea 126 105 Mrs. Peterson 163 178 Arthur 201 235 Helfn WondJlde, . 145 145 Svd Woodlde , -r 942 1083 OeoHT" Morrison 2 3 Frank Morrison 140 186 Low Score 124 164 Handicap 924 11R" C. Eastman 182 2,3 H. kinslor 242 17 S. Croxford 253 13" T. Dungate 149 141 Handicap . 99 14? 172 ?70 923 1038 Totals BILL CONN IS WINNER NEW YORK. Jan. 11: (Cpt iillly Conn, world's light heavyweight champion, stabbed out a twelve-round decision fever Henry Cdoper. of Brooklyn in, making hlsd,ebut Inl the heavyweight division. The vie- tory was an easy one for Conn al- though fight observers weri of the .would have to" do; make much of a a"uvt'K " ie wviciB"i. raw. has returned to Jasper trip to Columbia Icefield. ..... "r taken to the home of Mr. and Mrs.' Campbell where coffee and sand-i wlcher were served followed by- a, dance In the Athletic Hall. Those accompanying the team ;ere: Nell MacDonald. Herb Morgan. Red OIUls, Jack Campbell. The trip was made aboard the tndulgeri THE SEAL ' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye-. PINK SEAL. Finest Pink Salmon; f v ' Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In! PrlDce Rupert Hockey Scores Pacific Coast League Portland. 5: Seattle. 2 over- Hockey Standings Laundry defeating Overwaltea also1 Pacific toast by two to one. High average scor- f Dinnnor Vancouver 10 l ers were nuiinmi ji w w.v Laundry with 244 and Lillian Crox- Ppr"and fold, also of Pioneer Laundry,", with Seattle 201. Pioneer Laundry was first nan winner. Individual scoring last night: 10 1 league 8 CO CS 21 10 54 79 21 10 ?. Gl 10 CKIIL comblntd with pKyi!cI ptowcu wlni th honoun In Btiily vtry iportin? tvtnt In trit m.nuddu-t of LUCKY LAGER, skill In bw)nj, plui ih uie of th Mjhtit quality lnjtJint nttkc bf dtitrvln j ol tKt nt MTh ChtmOMiie ol BnM Ask For LUCKY LAGER Other ftmowt melt brrtrtjcit BURTOM type ALE SILVER SPRING STOUT COAST BREWERIES LIMITED tmcount ma isTmsrti I 1074 1030 1070 VIMIBM I 3 "4 fSir t&sg?? 123 5 156 130 119 Av3folA... ft 90 140 167 A J$tU ' ' 1 - ' 112 99 123 y'tr'S iL''w I 219 268 185 . I W v i-S.At 16. .6. M 148 156 127 Hit A I 147 272 197 K V V I 148 !97 145 S V Vi 127 119 140 mFcK 1 234 !64 255 ,fts 106 106 106 1091 108 1101 tBC. i 2 3 fm 205 126 131 M T 99 142 103 K ' - 161 140 MJ 4 251 241 W 204 147 m I - ? mJik fiaotn -! This adTertlemirt Jk not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Oovernment of Krilllh Columbia COAL Gram Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 55 and 551 Arrow Messenger Len Griffiths & Co. PHONE 159 Reasonable Rates Parcel anil Baggage Service Stand Venezla Grocery Pulton Street Owing- to Increased Cost of Nanaimo-Wellington Lump Coal At the mine and an Increase In frriglit Tales, we have been forced to raise the price as follows? Nanaimo Wellington' lAimjpPer 'ton, ycked S15.50 Nanalmo-Welllngton Alihtr'tun Pr on, sacked $11.25 Nanalmo-Wellington Nu't Per (op, sacked Nanalmo-WeJlington'.SIack per J(vsacked $900 Thene Priee Will Oo Ihta Effect January 1st, 1910 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. V-2-39, i Telephone C51 or C52 i i B. C. Furniture Co. Values In New And Used Furniture .'J ireaters From . . 1 Singer Sewing Machine At $5.00 t0 16.50 $14.50 I Kitchen Ranges 320, $22.50, $24.50 4 527.50 fi Dressers From . . . $9.50 $13.50 New Furniture 3cauf $1.95"" $3.95 Bn'l,,s- $65 '"$98.50 Phone I1MCK 331 TIIIUP .WF.NL'i: Next Door to It. C Clothiers LINZEY & DAY1ES phones rsr rSG AYLMER SOUPS Mushroom 0- I Ar Chicken Ill Vegetable Beef JL J Clam Chowder .... Tomato Vegetable J ,t tor 25c nt. ASPARARUS TIPS ANI CUTTINOS Per tin i.iimvs ciioici: tkndp.r pear Per tin MacKenzie's Furniture 15c 15c IIOEINO AIRPLANE MODEL Build an Airplane. "Replica Models" you can make with the aid of a pen Knife or Razor blade. Start In a small way Models 10c each 3 for . 25c Phone 5 SHIP A 10-LIL ROX OF NEW PROCESS Rupert Brand Kippers TO YOUR FRIENDS For $1.50 we wilt deliver a box of Kippers to your friend's house In any Express point In IlC. or any Canadian National Railway Express point in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Mall vour order with throne or rath in rAVinuw i-icn . rnr n STOUARi: CO. LTD., Prince Rupert B.C., with name and address f of consignee We will enclose card with name of sender. Canadian Fish & Cold St orage ? rnnce uuperi Co. jjq Ltd. nrjU Columbla