Thursday. January" 2Gi on. $3.75 g lU.f oi bottle o o o o ;.,H,u Emulsion o 0 o o , 0 0 0 I 0 i 0 0 o qamuts SCOTCH WHISKY Ut th McCollum't labtl b your guid to rol Scotch Whisky Quality. Every boftlt' hat into, turlno cup for vour ronvnlrtr, 10. orn. $5.fi0 100 Capsules HALIBUT LIVER OIL 50c $1.00 1-oz bottle A HI). Gpule ThU advertisement Is not publlsnea ot displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo To Maintain Good Health Kvcryone Should Take Vitamins Daily, the Year Hound, Winter and Summer Highest Potency Vitamin Products Will Supply Your Vitamin Need HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES SO Capui 260 Capsule 75c S1.25 $1.00 DUE TO INCREASE IN PHICE OF Nanaimo Wellington Coal U the mine of one tlollsr per ton and the lncreae in freight rsle. rommenclnr January 1. 13 10, our prim on Nanaimo Well-'niton Coal will be a follow Nanilmo Welllnlon Lump-8arked. delivered. Per ton Nnaimo Wellington Mine Uun-Sacked. del.. Per ton Nnilmo Welllnfton LumpBulk, delivered. Pef tort Nanaimo Wellhttnn Mine Itun-Bulk. delivered Per ton Phone 110 and 117 $13.50 $1423 $11.25 $13.00 Albert and McCaffery Ltd BULKLEY VALLEY GOAL is EQUAL To any coal on this market And The PRICE still REMAINS the SAME Bulkley Valley Collieries LIMITED V o o o o o a i 6' O' S3.00 I! $1.25 I!t; ' Tne Products are Manufactured from a Iocal Refined Oil Support Home Industry Ormes Ltd. Zrif. Pioneer Drtqrf tats Ttie nrH Phone 81 & K Open Dally from I a.m. (Ill 10 p.m. Sundays and Holiday from 12 to 2 p.m. and 1 to 9 p.m. i1 o o; 9 o OI I It's interesting: to know when' reading the Daily New ml the nennlp nt rhi urVinlA illatVlrt. nre'dotnif the tame. The city council Jn the person of City commissioner W. J. Alder wis In session this morning to put through the usual bylaw providing for the payment of interest at the rate of five per cent per annum on city taxes paid this year in advance of the due date Do as thousands dor-Help yourself to health with the delicious goodness that is concentrated in BoVA i u Scientific tests have definite ly proved that Bovril aids digestion. A daily cup for I month will help to male you stronger and more fit to enjoy life with xest. tiivrmi ipt n-47 SnlU-9 Td lltnournt Cnmnrr 1'ihn V. tlilfn and Onndr ntile- O'Und or Valtlr; WahlBrtua. V. H. A. WHKREAS ttitrt te owiitn oUifr O than mjlf to th ttnt oi more O thari cat aiMnr uvurMt in each and O . til iA iJu. Mtmr Nn 1 Htu Ha 3. Btu 2! No 3. But No. 4. Str Ho, 6. SUr No. nl T NO. 7. SUr No 8, SUr No, 9 6,Jm AUr No. 10 MUiertl alm kltuate O on tlu luorth atO ot Porehtr bltod n from U bfct in the Rkma Ulntnf O D.Ttton. rtvrtnce or BMtUh CoiumbU: O TAKK NOTICE Utfk ulUt-M JOU dj pay vittiln 60 H; Iran the dt here-) I f tne aunt ut du dtidi r 5 propartloa of th eipradnurc rwjulml )W the n 1837. 1S38 tad 1939 bf SeUon 28 of UlMtml MX R. S. 5, B. C. 19J8. Chptr IM. toether wlUl O ill emu of UU nolle, to th under-5 Mfcfd. Ui rtttrd owner ot Mid O ' Mtnerkl Clktm. your Interert on uld 5 Mlnertl CteWui TMdI be (orfeltm and q b-cune verted in the undersigned who COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO . t .tpj" miners B c tau h Ami of July. 13 K 8. BERNVT iv tiii: m ntKMi; coi kt )I'iiritih (Ol.lMlllt In ITubate In the Milter t the -AilmlnUlnllon tli An.l Ue Mailer ot the IMale of nianthe lUrt lereael TAKE NOTICE UuU by order ot HU Honor. W. E. Pher. made on the 29th (tar of Derwribrr. A. D. 1959. I m .w,,ti EimiIw of the eetate of BlMVhc lUrt, Dnrwed, Mid M partW hTlf cl"j net ve "ut re heretJy requtred to fumlrfi mw. properly verified, to me on or before UiT JOCh dy of Feferuary. A. D. 1940. hi .)i nartirk indebted to the eUt Intel requlml to ry th amount of their DATED the Srd day of January. AX. IBM WILUAM O. FULTON, Executor. Prince, Rupert. B. C Announcements Ail advertisements in thU column will be charjed' tor full month t J5c ft word. Eagles Drldge Jan. 10. Anglican Tea, Mrs. Crlpps', January 18. Toe II Dance. Seal Cove, Jan. 19. j Eagles Bridge January 2; j Presbyterian Burns' Tea, Mrs. Lakie's' Jan. 25. ' nurns' Dav banquet Jan. 25, Legion Hall. Masonic Ball January 20. Catholic Tea Mrs. McCaffery's '.February 1. Hospital Ball Feb. 2. T.ealnn Valentine Tea, Mrs. D. C. Scliubert's( February 14. Anglican Spring Sale', April 4: ties DA-frf jncwa . PAGE TTTR'P.' .-T irinrrrmnri rrr ' ' -r LOCAL NEWS NOTES Tonight's train, due from the For prompt and courteous er- JSaat at 11 o'clock, was reported . rice Phone 13 Taxi tf. this afternoon to be on time Herman Engelke returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday from a business trip to Vancouver'. Mrs. Alex McLean R.N. of Port Esstngton and child returned to the city on the Prince Rupert yesterday after a trip to Vancouver. Mr. E. II. McCorrUton of Stew art Is a visitor in the city, having arrived from the north on th Ca- tala Tuesday. elsewhere in the south. G A. Bryant will sail tonight on .he Prince Rupert for Vancouver where he will Join Mrs, Bryant and M' and Mr M. P.,McCaffery for a motor triri to California and Gavin Hume of the local Bank of Montreal staff returned to tne city on the Prince Rupert yesterday after spending the Christmas and New Year holiday season at his home in Victoria. D. McN. Lowe has Joined the s,taff of the city engineering department ! William William K. K. Gwyer- Gwyer -jr. arrived In Uw city cn the Prince Jlupert yes- terday to assume duty", as an engineer for the E. J. Ryan Contract-in fV lH .Ll.U I a boy. attended the schools here. Advertising is an investment. KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! Peplei Many Suffer Low Blood Count And Don't Know It. Tb Ufflltnt UilBf nlwnt lev bleed t It Ut To a eaa welirh abnnt u mock a ro nr dij mi look bralUir d ttrvac Jtt you ra tri at If yon bwt lead la f ear Ire: i. 4atr. Uni and ptftet. . I saw UnoA eount mrant joa tMJtVX it anufh tri Mo4 rorputclrt. It la their riul lot la rarrj lif-iilii otjfra from or iunrt throuehout your boil. And iult u it take aima U tipiodt faaoiiM la Tonr tar aa4 male lb powrr to tara tha hr'i. to roa mutt hart plf nty ot oirr'B to explode Uw enerirr IB Toar body and ri't joa roicf Power. Get tr, Wlllianit plnb Piln todar. Tber are werM-fantout for U M" tbey rlM la larrraaliw the avmher and ttferuttb at red mrputrlrt. Then with your blood roaat trt. XOH'II fe4 like bounding op tha ttalra aa'lf rott wt re ft oaring nil air. Akk raur drugiitt for t)r. WUIi.m, link i'ilia todar. ooooooobooooaoooewtooooooo miss- uki S Dressmaker 1 I idl r,A rhllrlren'a O Q Alterations .Moderate Price g a rhone greek sso. a-, g 727 FRASEII ST. g ooooooooKHdoowarOOOo NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress (Central HotelK Ji Hv BULGER Optometrist NEW Royal Bank Ittdgv HOTEL J, Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAYFK'0Mv HOMfe" Rates IllOO up'' SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. PhodV281 P.O.tforlir An interesting fact mentioned by Governor Ernest- Oruenlnfbf' Af aska, during a visit here a few days ago, was; that' cltlej ofj the territory cannot levy Taxes at'a fate of over twenty mills. The levy U on seventy-five percent of land arid Mrs. R. J. German and family. aftir a visit at Trail and Kelson were passengers aboard the Prince Rupert yesterday going through to t.'Bte Missouri where they will take ,,. A a z.v,o, charge of speeding i against Pat,. Mazzei was dismissed in city police w r'Sv f',, fro court for Jack of evidence. Mrs. A. R. Nichols will sail on the Prince Rupert tortlght for a visit of several weeks in Vaniouver and Anydx to Big Missouri as wireless operator for the Consolidated Mining It Smelting Co. The executive of the Prince branch of the Canadian Red O. J. Dawes of this city has re-ww" a iU ceived appointment from the De-03? ei January a as tne tor the annual meeting prO-and of partment Transport as supervisor vendor of radio licences In vidi? thlsJ acceptable to the Prince Rupert. preioaeni, t. a. Macusuiuai, wito Rev. Father Anthony Meulenberg, parish priest of the Roman Catholic Church at Stewart, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Ketchikan. was uuiiuie, uiruugu iiiuc&a, uj ue In his absence. It was mentioned at the meeting that it was necessary for any organizations putting pni LEGION HAS Quality Is Superb SALADA" TEA Run." and "Neath the Spreading HOTEL ARRIVALS Chestnut Tree were practised and thoroughly enjoyed. Accompanists Central were II. T. Lock, who arranged the Warner Frederlck Point; program, and S. C. Thomson. F parlett. Barrett Point. president JacK Greece, assisted by vice-president W. J. Ranee and Neil Cameron, was in charge. J !Eagles, J Lodge affairs in aid of the Red Cross to n 1 O first obtain authority of the branch. ' Dl lUgC uGHCS Prince Itnpert W. K. Gwyer and W. B. McGreg- or- Vancouver wince iiomDaraier t'.r,.v,.,,t. Refreshments were much ap- . .. . predated' and generally "the fpirit present af the meeting, Dr. It L. A.jof the troops was excellent" Tarr, the president, taking the chair; midnight until 2 ajn. with music by Mrs. J. S. Black's Orchestra. The prjze-'winners at cards were; ladle first, Mrs. A. Jacobsen; second, Mrs. J. West; third. Mrs. J. McLeod; men's first, J. D. McLeod; second, J. P. Moller; third, Wil-1 i The Eagles' Lodge last night re- llam Rothwell. The door prize-was sumed its bridge series for the aUo won by William Rothwell; 'second half of the season fol- Andy Ronald was master of pfl TLTf TTT' wing a susPenslon over he ?ermonles for the evening and ryll, pi ill I (Christmas and New Year season. Frank Ellison and Henry Smith ' VI illVl-tl-I (There was, as usual, a good at- presided at the-door. In charge ' " " I tendance. Following cards, dell- of the kitchen were J. Duff, I, p. Business Session Is Followed ByiclouJ refreshments were served Denis. Angelo Astori and J. P.. Pine Smoker Entertainment and Moller. dancing was enjoyed from The Prince Rupert branch of j the Canadian Legion held its resu-: lar monthly meeting last evening j in the clubrooms with a good attendance of members Including " - --- - temporarily in connection wun con- T i nructlcn of the Hays Creek and me,mb"s ,r the varlous mUitari Morse Creek bridges on which ltun"5 ,n, ton- , , The first part rf of the meeUng is exnected the contractors.' Ben-i nett& White Construction Co.. will !?5 thee8u,ar busineS8 fl Three applications for regular member&hjp from Charles F. Duke, jJoseph Hawes and Edward Soiith-by were approved. ' I '-- th interesting circulars .. , t from Dominion Command was an! construction at A Seal Cpvfe. .-, He is a outline ,,. of , ,K the work ,. already n,A,,-J done a w v rr. 7" i ol-Prince , 4 o . J ' through the Legion for troops serv-formerly Rupert, and. as lntr A, Al1wiB,. ni are already overseas making ar rangements lor sites and conler-rlnz with tfie authorities to plan various services. A Dominion wide anneal for fundi Is being oran- Ifed wilh Brlodler General Alex. Ross, lmmed'ote past-res'dent of th LeMon as rhnirman. The anneal was cnnfdered some time !aro but was held over to glv?. the Cniri,',n Red Cross a free field, for their anoenl. j -"-n..iw in1 business meeting ,therf -s th nnnl ls-ue S. R. D. Hlh th" troaps dealt with sat-(c.fn-iiv An informal program Included songs by Georee Holmes, ; George Murrav. Prlvat" H-rry( VVatkins. Canadian Scottish: Pri vate Alb-rt Kvle. R: C. A. S. C: Harrj Tbrupp and a recitation by Jack Judge. Community singing included manv of the popular .eonps' of the last Great1 War and the South Afrlcari War while hew ones such as "The Handsome Territorial." "Run. Rabbit. Run" with (the parody version "Run. Adolf, IS TIIK SlTKEME TOI RT Ot' IlKlTtSII (OIIMIIIA III ITobale Ifi the Matter nf the "AdmlnWratlon Art" Am! In the Matter of the tMate of r.ilwar! rerjUMin 4ones H,eaeil TAKE N6TICfi MuM toy crder oIHU Honor Judge W K. Baher dated the 4th day of January 1940 I tu appointed Acimlnistrstor of the E&tajte of Edward Ferguson Jones, Dereased. Ute of the Ctty of Prince Rupert, British OtfumWa. arid ell persons Having dlalms against the sadd Estate are hereby required to furnish the same to HVe prctwiy verified on or before the 24U day of February 1940 end all persons Indebted o the said Estate are re- ' trutred to pay he amouivt of their In- NORMAN A. WATT. Official AdmliUstr&tor, Prince Rupert. B. C. PkvtMt the 4th day of January, A D. JS40. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MiJk VALENTIN DAIRY PUONK 137 IDORA Roller Rink Daily Sessions 2 ; 00 to 4:30 Children 6:00 to 8:30 'diills 8:30 to 11:00' Betlnhers (.Wen'' Special Attention PUREX is sterilize. 1 m WHITE -SOFT -SAFE-STRONG It's GOOD READING Time Join Our Library for the Latest Hooks 75c Monthly Subscription (double $1.25) Sonic Recent Popular Titles WATCH FOR THE DAWN FOUR PART SETTING THE SACRED FALLS - THE TORGUTS '. SANDRA OIOORE Brief Hour - Cloete Bridge ... Chanhlng J. River Wllloughby Portbury BLACK NARCISSUS Godden THE HAPPY RETURN -.. Farnol ESCAPE - u Vance PAPER PRISON Wren ANOTHER CYNTHIA Leslie MOMENT IN PEKING Yutang ROGUE MALE - Household , THE CITY OF GOLD . Young . ACROSS THE YEARS - - . - Loring Jungle Captive' Hull THE DELECTABLE COUNTRY Baldwin ACROSS THE DARK RIVER Mendelssohn Over 300 or the Latest Books to Choose From. 30 Rooks Added Monthly From Latest Book Lists ,4