:; 1 PAGE TWO HOLIDAY FOOTWEAR One look at our windows will give you a little idea of the great variety of Summer Footwear Dress, Street or Sports carried in all styles and sizes. White Shoes for Her "Campacs" Crepe Soles for Him Bar-Flex Runners for the Children Family shoe store ltD. The- Home of Good Shoes EDITORIALS WATCH FOR TRAITORS Evidpnt.lv there- i a -eneruI move throughout the British moire to take action against traitors. They seem to have nwn ut th old-fa'Mono'l '"oH "trai'Mr" and call them instead members of the "Fifth Column." At a time like this we look upon any person who does anything to eneouraee the enemy as traitors. Whether there ae many such in Prince Runert we no not know. We are told there are a great many. We are pretty sure there i are a lew. Possibly they are not even Germans. Doubtless the authorities here are alive to the situa When bad news is coming throueh, waiting is cliff? cult Sitting back and doinsr nothinsr when action is need- suddIv Near Panic As Result Of Sellinr Avalanche On New York Exchange NEW YORK. May 22: One of Employees Must Take Oath Of Allegiance Now VICTORIA, May 22 Declaring ag; he had been informed in a general take the oath of allegiance. CLERGYMEN CHANGING Announcements Concerning This District Are Made Br British ed is always trying. Yet here we can do nothing thtf Hazeiton-Rev Norai l. Hughes, will turn the Germans from their course except to support ' Terrjce Rev. j. a. Rowland, our men by our continued confidence that fn the end they " " will win George Carruther of Smith- , ,er arrived in the city on last AFTER THE WAR Interior' 'will return tcthe Frlda Fifth ColuHlll H. R. MacMillan a short time ago gave an address to evening. the Canadian Chamber of Commerce which has been re printed and widely distributed- A paragraph or two is worth passing on to Prince Rupert readers : "It is too early to speak of the future, except to ?m-t phasize that it is too early to become defeatists. There ist no defeatism in Great Britain. The people there expect! bad news, hit thov kno"' that now, as in past struggle: ' bad news will invigorate them. . "There is here too general an assumption that '"hen ; victory Victory comes comes the the British British Will will be be ruined. nimed. I I do do not not believe believe' power freedom mav rgf and deoerdatle peace be re-established. The system r AN IMPORTANT LEGACY "At the conclusion of this war Great Britain wilL pos-' sess the largest, most varied and most modernlv equipped, industrial Dlant in her history,, manned, bv men and o-j men who have learned their trades under the errnllin'! ItASSIFiEO FOR SALE (130) ; free Parliamentary government, sanctity of cntr.'"' for sale-i large o. e. sun purity of justice, will remain, and will have trained in sta-. sd as new. Cosu ture and .strength. The accumulations of transferal1 wealth may have been expended, the very wealthy peopT"' will probably have been levelled down, but this does no mean so much if, as is to be expected, the real wealth of the country remains the nroductivitv of the land, thr ; scs.00 new. Leaving town and will sacrifice at $30.00. Dr. IL O. Johnsen. FOR KENT mines, the fisheries, the skill, the industry, and the sense rooms For Rent - Washington of honesty and justice inherent in the people.' I Building, second Avenue. 1120 ;e ROOM furnfshsd House for rent July and August. Phone Red 441. (122) PERSONAL demands of -ar. The machinery of finance and trade NOW J9 the time to get a will be in tho ferule of leaders who have inhered tV ey-' government job as cierk, nenence and skill o-ainpd hv thp nntinn rvhiVT! rltiino- fosunan. customs Clerk, Steno. thousand years has pioneered and adventured in develnn-ment "and resuscitation of every country in the world . These leaders will have been strengthened through the! problems and responsibuities of dealing with the-world: etc, Three Dominion-wide exams held since war began. Free. Booklet. M. C. C. Schools Ltd.. Winnipeg Oldest in Canada. No agents. inrougn the war. With this equipment,, with the will to want normal, pep at 40? men live by nerforming service and with the national team womeni Try ostrex tablet of work of a homogeneous people, who have learned through tonlc' 'ln"lants, .oyster eie- thirty generations since the last great immigration, to feel ?J!LntsVIr n J""? n,ormal and think and act together one can be positive that. when SXfiS. the war ig overrthe British will .find opportunities in the iu low price, call, write Mc- Iarge areas of Europe that are prostrate and devastated, cutcheon's and air other good as weu as in ocner countries where progress has lagged, arus store)t- j to work and to serve, to lend, trade and create, and that on .men wanted such foundations with such opportunities the British will A s9d business paying good m-agam as heretofore find employment for their talents and come and wltn future posibui-their people and will thus enrich the world while recreat- tle8, i11"8 Famllex Products. ' SSi1 rhZm6 !tr is1Titerconceva,bLe that the Bri" " SSf Z-ZSTZ tish, f fresh from this ordeal by fire which has penetrated success, why don't you get in every heart amongst them, might in the post-war situa- 0tt it too? no obligation. Ask' tion emerge relatively stronger than those who have al- for mEE cataJ8ue describing lowed their fibre and their weapons to corrode on the side paVttfv11 linp? " amilex PRODUCTS, 570 St Clement St., MONTREAL. tf ... THE DAILY NEWS Wfttlirsfl;, , u BIG BREAK England Playing IN MARKET Football Games Just As Usual West Hsm Qualifies for Next State in War Cup Competition HUNTING lln. died In hospital at AtHn ye- With his father and another man way that 'there are a few In- naiura "UWI" " uul stances of subversive Influences from, their mlnk farmi , hunting. Young Rudolph parted within our own provincial service." Mr. Pattullo said today. All govern- Py k 'or beaver tracks ment emDlovees will be reouirerf to and came out ' an unexoected . i i . , i . - puuu. urrssea in duck, ogu mistook him for a bear and fired. The boy was immediately rushed to Atlin but the shock and loss of blood had been too great and he died An inquest is being held by Coroner H. F. Olassey of Atlin. ... . Weath George er Columbia Conference I General Synopsis The pressure (Continues low west of the Que - uon dui tpey can ao notning aione. iney snoum nave the The British Columbia conference high southwest of Vancouver Is- Friday Ss. Prir.. Adelaide 8s. Cardena PROSPECT IN NORTH Watershed Of Upper Omineca Ami Finlay Ulver Draw .Many the worst breaks In years occurred' LONDON, May 22 West Ham BURNS LAKE, May 32: Many on the New York Stock Exchange United qualified for the next stage prospectors are leavtng Burns yesterday as a reaction to Allied I In the war cup competition by de- take fer th North lo prospect reverses In the European war. feating Huddersfield three goals to. for piacer gold on the vast water-Conditions on the trading floor one in the replayed third round snMi Jf the upper Omineca and were In near panic as books fell .game. The first game ended three unlay Rivers, behind selling orders. The day's f goals to three. Driving a tnwk loaded with the turnover amounted to 3,940,000 ( primitive mining equipment shares and shares fell off froml TT T TrrTlTD sential in prellmnary work one to twelve points. Closing averages were as follows: Industrials, 11413, off .8.30: rails. 22.15, off 1.83: utilities. 18.34. off 115. Commodities and bonds were also in decline. Today the market showed tendency to recovery es- curr n.nid and Johnfty Harrison win each other until the trail mn 4 inrvxr ends at a canoe portage. They I KAliMiT win ilntd at mi st Jmea lVnJl-li X by shorty naven. Oraki Harri- . son's young brida, Mn. Maude .i j Charles Rudolph. Ajed 16 of Gladys arrl9on wm &rur uyk Lake. Near Atlin. Is Shot In of food guI)tes and u grd. Mistake Fr Hear Rg ft Utty of frying pans and , the simple oookhvj outfit which Charles Rudolph, aged j 16. of wm MUsfy Ulflr newU B1 1Ur. Gladys Sueker Lake', north of At- rJewn . also of vVtaUrta. will i'n Uie party. Just before the terday. the result of being shot frme.up fau ihU group took through the hips. In mistake for a bear near " Gladys Lake two days -ut several ounces or coarse goin mil intend vround sluicing all through high water this season ARE WELL PROTECTED Polish Veteran of German Onslaught Discusses 1LA.F. Defence Measures LONDON, May 22: iCP An ! eyewitness of successful Nazi air .raids on vital Polish production Forecast icntrM ' convinced that the only tao1 .adequate protection for arms fac co-operanorr "I an Citizens. lniS IS a ttritisn country and of the United Church announce? land. The weather has been- (air ' ground and In the air. at a reason Will remain bntlSh. .the following changes In pastoral and warm throughout British Co- able distance from the area enn- . (charges in Prince Rupert Presby- lumbla with the exception of on the cernea. DIFFICULT WAITING TIME tery durin e coming year: North Coast where showers have oc- S. Rogalskl. one of the chief en- Well Organized Spy System Bein- Operated In United States. It Is Charged tories and other vital national een- against an attempted "bllti-kreig" Itres Is that afforded by a strong fcUereepUng organisation on the okc.ait-ncv. wesiey ptixon. cunea. eineers or me National Aircraft ruumaai a. E. Caldwell, lay weat Coast of Vancouver Island Works in Warsaw, told the Roval Fresh northwest to west winds. Aeronautical Society In London mostly cloudy and warm with oc- that Britain possess the nearest ao- casionai log patches Soviet Russia proach to the ideal form of pro tection In the Royal Air Force single-seater fighters. German bomb-err put the National Aircraft Work, out of action in four days, he said. Rogalskl said local protection by anti-aircraft and machine guns, however strone and diversified can I only Increase risks from an en-i emy determined to bomb a lactory.J The balloon barraae is Drebablv WASHINGTON, D C. May 22 - stUl lwa effective. j The United States Senate commit- Fre(luen raId- en without ma-,tee on un-American actlvlUes terial damase- Uy hamper out-Phar:;ps that a well organized spy put' ne declared- At his factory ! system is being operated through- a,;kUttl vlt- praciwany sioppea on 'out thU country by Soviet Russia. lne sccond day ot the raid because oi irequent raid warnings. FOR SALE Trolling boat about 29 Q, V- 1 The Germans used about 2M0 it. When Victory comes Great Britain will possess - . eet. 6 h-p. Palmer engine. Quick. 'PHmSUlO U3I1I112S alrcrat rir PolUh campaign, of a people of character who have attain risked allin fio-hU' sale $250 cash. Enoulre Fisher- " he said, and lost about 450 200 ing inrr a o nvodntnwi predatory nnii'nn !n in order nt.,1n. .Unl that C -T . . f . mptl'n men's Co-op. fVwnn Store. Rfnra nr, Cow T7iw ' 7". thrOUBh anti-aircraft, f lri n nH 7Sll Bay. ,:50 w r The dr majority ' 11-15 p.m. of Poland's planes were destroyed on me ground OnJy ... 10 p.m. a Hmlted number could be attribution pjn. ed tc action in the ar and to antl- Goin Fishin on the 24th Our Fishing Competition For the largest Rainbow or Cut-Throat Trout caught on fly or spinner opens May 24th and closes Labor Day You Are Eligible With Any Purchase of Fishing Tackle SEE US FOR DETAILS Kaien Hard PHONE 3 araware vo. Box 98 REOPENING USK MINE; Work on the proterty. Mr She;' 'on stated, would be resumed n. week with a crew of half a doten men employed. The program for he season will be concentrated on he driving of a raise from the p. c nt tunnel at a point 1200 feet in a farther open up the ore vein.. Nicholson Creek U a promising told-ilfrer-molybdenum projvrt which has already had considerate deretopment. There Is a good road the distance of stx mites from Usk. The location is four miles up Nkh olson Creek which runs Into the Skeena Rhrer from the north two miles east of Usk. The property U well equipped with buildings and machinery and Is ready for an immediate resumption of operation. Miss Florence Johnston return -J ed to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a two weeks' trip to Vancouver and Victoria. aircraft for a great part of which our own anti-aircraft artillery was responsible." in tin: m niKMi: rni ut ui iikitimi i u miu r ntonsTK H Ihr lllrf ml tHr - tdmlnMrallon ' lh Mallrt of lb, rUlr mt IWw-Ml) IrrtHmn. TAKE !OTlCaS tlM by Orttw ot It Hone M rviwT (tetd Uty iS i. I asiintnud MaMnttiraor vi-.h i WUl MMMMd Of IfeC EMMf Of SV Snmm ftfuaoa. Dnrcwd. U' ,.r h Olty of rttoc Aucts. Provlti-. f,r BrSMa (WunlHt UmluM hm aH pwu ImliKxl la Mar m Onmt9 r. rwpi Jrd ta pvj 'Jteir rUiiru to tcrmwtrtt Mid ttm all pmorw tutinj " MP. h MM (Mm r r 1rt to tr UMm prtJiJrf'.y m::io ' HUnf Rw as or twice. :rtt SOWi dy of Jur Ii0 ratlins hff. 4 iMaUISMMBH of MiC'. binf rvm only u riams tla m my hwtt. OAH at Pnnrr Ruprrt D. C Uu lath day of Uy A. D. 1940 NORMAN A WATT. Ofrirtat AWnlnHrlnf BOURNEMOUTH. Et mil; -'''" we com- "ifiiHIU. IL. . ' "ie musical r- this seaside town , , tested against the dp. down she MtmfehMi fir, ' rr r. J. Shenton Here Today en Way abnden summer si., , to Interior to Take Chane n cm . , Nicholson Creek , .Tj?'' . SECHCTAK LIT.rv "'' On his way to Usk to reopen the .mining property of the Nicholson CROYDON, Eng. ... ., reek Mining corporation oi ae- - u ucires br i,lt, ttle of whteh he will again be JftlT. Mks WlnflHf,'d M.l!e uperlntendent In charge. T. J- !m 2-250 by her empi, Shenton, former inspector oi mines fred otanbury, weH-know . n Prince Rupert for many years nd now making his home in Vic-orla. arrived In the city from thit auth on the Prince Rupert th-. nomine and will proceed by ihe evening train to the Jnterlor iter Thiive'' or dpLcl 1 Board -r Hndvh ( (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Hide for Trice ot One FURNITURE Outstanding Bargains in This Clearance Salcl Check This List and Save Dollars PRICED LOW FOR QUICK SELLING Rrgular srECl.U g-.Maple Flat-Up Desks . g Maple Night Tables $9.00 jg O-nig Upholstered Chairs " QIOO " left from suites $23.00 ?X.UU 23-plefe Chesterfield Suites 1110.00 109 00 8-plrce Dining Room Suite .V . 490.00 69 50 AA I -Occasional Chairs CJO nH High grade materials 910JSO iJO.UV ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose nulldlng, Third Arenue, Trlnce Rupert Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. rbone GREEN 91