Beautiful SILVER FOXES AT AMAZING LOW PRICES Ladies, we invite you to conic in and inspect these lovely furs. Make your choice while the large stock is complete. Visit our Basement Store for high class China and Glassware, Etc. CHAS. DODIMEAI) Optometrist Max lax Heilbi neiioroner children, Mrs. Roslan DIAMOND SPECIALIST She Can't Have Enough Children Woman With 19 Already And Grands" Adopts More For Love Of Them f- hi.ii. ntuuait n llJ ai. I "I cannot have enough of children.-I'll adopt anyone." To prove her offer was no idle, boast she told how she recently adopted 14-year old Alfred Rob- erts who was found by one of proudly at the crowd and added: .ry a Classified Ad. Seagram's Famous Brands SEAGRAM'S "VXD." Prices for 2 j oz. SEAGRAM'S "KING'S PLATE" bottles range SEAGRAM'S "OLD RYE" from $2.3 5 to $3.3 y "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked B K7 ThU advertisement is not u..,- , j. ;;1 displayed by the Liquor vuiuiuj iwiira or oy tne uovernment of British Columbia LACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I'rlnri K 11 pert Co. Ltd. British Columbia UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver. Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient. Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Ajent. Third Ave. Phone !G8 WHEATLANDS LOOK GOOD Early Moisture on rrairies Increases Hopes for Crop in War Year WINNIPEG, May 22: (CP-Spring rain? In most sections of the West's grain belt have induced oo-tlmlsm regarding 1940 crop conditions. A dark picture was drawn by fall and. winter statistic '- lack of moisture practically throughout the wheatlands. but ! i;.itati' n in Ail ni early Miy has brought renewed hope for good i yields. I Seeding has been rearded in Alberta where moisture conditions are well above the average. Manitoba and Saskatchewan farmers are In a better position with more than 50 per cent of spring wheat planting completed by the middle of May. Temperatures generally have been ( above normal In recent weeks. ; Statistics compiled by the Dominion Meteorological Service. Tor onto, covering the nine-months per iod from August 1 to April 30 indicate precipitation in Alberta was 1 19 per cent above normal, but de. Mrs. Checketts' children sleeping .i i . m.j. ,. 13 on an old spring without bedding corded ,n satchewaii and in a deserted house. Alfred's par ents died a few months ago. Sal he was taken in by "Mum" Checketts BRISTOL. Eng.. May 22: (CP)- rm oniy too pleased to h-vc Twice married and mother of 19 another hnv nrMr-ri tn mv fmiw Checketts She explained, "nl addition to once again Is widowed so she has lock inrr after mv own famiiv T started adopting children. po out to do nursing and cleaning "I simply love' children," she each day and some home In be-said laughingly as she and 14 of tween to give my younger child-her family group lined up on the ren their meals. I have plenty of sione sieps oi ineir nttie nome for time to do my own work and also a press photograph. The children act as an air warden, clambered to stand beside the( riar If nlumn llttlo n-nmon .v, i I ' Manitoba respectively. Rains in the (Irst two weeks of May have Improved the position In the latter provinces. In South Areas One of the brightest sidelights of the precipitation record Is the showing made over the south and south-central prairies, where producer ' have not forgotten the years of drought which preceded the improved 1939 yield. Rains over the . previously arid areas have averaged . better than in more northerly sec-! Hons and conditions In some dls- has 13 grandchildren. She gazed If you na,ve sometmng to swaphricts are better than at any time j in the past decade. Precipitation In southern Alter ta for the nine-month period was TOTS DAILY N7JW3 TODAY'S STOCKS (OcurtMj 8. D. Jotoruvtoo 00.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .07. Bralorne, 7.75. Cariboo Quartz, 2.00. Dcntonia, .014. Gold Belt. .18. . Hedley. Mascot, .30. Mlnto,02. Noble Five. .00. Pend Orlelle. 1.01. Pioneer, 2.05. Premier, .81. Privateer. .53. Reno, ,20. '"iW Arlington. Shep Creek, RX. Oils A. P. Con.. .12. Calmont, .20. C. ii E 1.26. Freehold. .02. Home. 1.46 Royal Can.. .15Vi. Okalta. .71. Mercury. .03 V4. Prairie Royalties, .03 Vi. .u. Toronto Aldermac. 15. Beattlc, .90. Central Pat.. 1.53. Cons. Smelters. 31.00. East Malartlc, 2.30. Fernland, 02. Francoeur, 21. Oods Lake. .25 Hardrock, .60. Int. Nickel. 29.00. Kerr Addison. 1.83. Little Long Lac. 1.97. McLeod Cockshutt. 1.20. Marlsen Red Uke. .281i. MrKenrJe Red Lake. .95. Moneta. .48. Vornndfl 50.50. P'cVIe Crow. 2.27. Preston F.c Dome. 1.55. Pan Antonio. 1.50. fb-rflt Oordon. .62. TTchl. .35. cmlr, 'oold. .00U. Dominion Bridee. 24.75. rM PACE CHARLES DICKENS T.OMOON Mav 22: (CP) Told bv oasKaicnewan's drought ar- months. Increases were also noted. ea there was nearly twice the nor ; mai amount of moisture In Febru-iary and April while In December and March lt was well above nor- PHONES 18 and 19 in August and February. The west-1 em districts went "in the red" In all month except August and P.O. Box 575 MussaHenVs Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" t I 1. 1 , ;"ni s lumaio uaichup Gentle-press. 12-oz bottle Malkln's Best Honey-Ontario No. 1. 4-lb. tin Aylmer Peas Scive 5. 16 oz. 2 tins ... . Fry's Baking Choco-olate V2-lb. pkg. Bottle Caps 1 grass pkg. Fresh Local Rhubarb 8 lbs. 15c 57c 23c 19c 25c 25c Bed Arrow Soda IQp Famllv size pkg. -iwU Lushus Jelly Powders (? As'rtd flavors. 2 pkgs.-1-0 B. & K. Oats - -China- OCp ware. Per pkg. Malkln's Best Pumpkin-Fancy quality. 24's, per tin 13c MM California Prunes-10-lb. box 89c COMPLETE STOCK OF FRESH VEGETABLES LN SEASON KEPT UNDER VAPOR SPRAYS Prompt, Free Delivery Service Throughout the City Two Telephones for Your Convenience Jloat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention RULING OF DUTCH IS HARD JOB about 30 per cent above normal court they were "cruel women who "" ",uu,- excesses In the central and nor- ,T,'tPd vai;e nunlshment." a thern sections shading down from mother and daughter who run a that fl?ure. Southwestern Sackat- In Ruwx were fined for : chewan was only eight per cent be- flo8hig a boy aged four. . low normal at then end of April, compared with 11 per cent at the , XMLNr. TIIE CAX . j same last Deficiencies year. MANCJlIESTEn, Mav 22: (CP- !icn ?,Per,Cenl In the Deaplte Ws defence-the court rul-' no-thern and Southeastern areas. ;rd lt a iantasMc cusethat the Eastern Manitoba showed defln- famlIy cat turned on the electrlp HniSiDr0T?,ne.nM Car PrC rwttcn' a Pendelton houhoider cipitation in this sect on was 32 f,nei under the bIackout ,aws per cent below normal in early spring, compared with only 10 per -' "" cent at April 30. In the west the mal. M-xleratr d'flclencie.- were deficiency reached 23 per cent. ' chalked up in all other months cx-Monthly Statistics icept November when there was a Conditions In northern Alberta loss of about 85 per cent. The nor-were normal or better at all times '''.ern section of the province show-except August and January, ed good precipitation In December, monthly figures indicate. In the and only slight Increases In Oc ' centre of the province poor preclpl- tober. November and Frebruary. In . tation In the winter was followed the southeast, conditions were' by heavy snow and rain In March above normal only In December and 1 and April. Southern Alberta's rec- February. 1 ord showing was brought about A 65 per cent Increase In pre-argely through increases of more cipitation In April sent eastern than 100 per cent in October, Feb- Manitoba's record up to within 10 1 ruary and April. per cent of normal for. the nine land In lh hands of Austrian and Spanish rulers. Thete rulers were Catholics. The Dutch were largely protectant. The Catholic made forays Into the low country to hold the Hollanders loyal to Rome. The Duke of Alva, with 10.070 troops, thought to stamp out Protestantism by snooting. He only Many Conquerors Have Crarked up fanned Dutch ttibbornnes Into In Netherlands fithtlnft heat. They opened their dykes, flooded their country, and w-wl. v, - rt..l- -1 a ' NEW YORK. May 22 cr Kmtuwni. Dutch stubbornness edged doggedly The Dutch helped Marlborough 'along the world's tnde lanes fir beat brk Louts XIV of France h'rt centuries before the Mynheers built S-r'rr. !nnrf1 them Then the :a little sMi of mvhy k vlnl peace of Westphalli m up both now Invaded by the Nails, one of He Hand and Belgium as a single na- the world's rich empire. tlon. Hut the Belgians arc Catho- Hitler's Invasion of peace-loving hcs. In 1830 they fought for in de-Holland found her ready to fight, pendence and won li with the aid of She planned to battle to the end Catholic France.1 with her little army. 4KM0 men. The Dutch resumed the life they her tiny, efficient air force, and her really like: working, telling, saving guns then let In the ea. They had been pioneers in opening The Dutch have always wanted the trade routes to the Far Daft to be traders and sailors. Nothing They had sailed courageously Into more. They wanted to make things the strange and heathen harbors of and sell them, but often they had the Dutch Bast Indle to trade. to lock up their cash drawers, looms Bo Holland sells the world (from " ana alu aaines mum ana iiu wvuiun snouider guns iuiu to vj her nrr Dutch uutcn Bast nasi maies Indies) rubber rubber, tin tin, utlc. nard-workln moou won of- r I - ierea me world goods for cash on the barrelhead. They appeared in history when . Julius Caesar's troops ran over their I town; In 57 B C. They stayed under Roman rule until 200 AD. Then the Franks, from the West, pillaged their farms. To protect themselves, the Dutch evolved a feudal sysUai with great. fortified castles But the baronies never congealed Into a nation until around 1500 when the dukes of Burgundy began to merge them. Behind this political history ran the dogged traders' strata and the fight against the tea. 'In the big towns looms had begun to hum. On the coast three-masters filled the harbors with forests of mast, and more and more polder ware salvaged from the sa by dike and canal Break The Djkei Burgundlan marriages put Hol- boats. too. Not three-masters of powerboats now. old but sleek Holland's 8.000.000 life on land not as big a Nova fkotla, and yet they have one of the hlgheat Hving standard In Europe. No slums. No Illiteracy. CmSML TRAINS For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri . 0 pin. irom me iiast Tuesdays. Thursday! and Saturday n pm Here's an argument you cin'twio, Because when figures prove that thousands are killed or injured every year by skids and blow-outs, rod need to watch out for both? Ever see a tire sweep wet roads dry? As the never-ending spiral bars of the Silvertown Life-Saver Tread roll over the wet road, they act like a whole battery of windshield wipers sweep the water right and left from under the tire-actualljr leave a track so dry you can light a match on it. It's easy to see why you get the uickest non-skid stops you've ever had. But inside every Silvertown is another great invention unt as vital to your driving safety the new improved Golden Pljr. This exclusive Goodrich feature resists the terrific internal tire heat that causes so many of today's high-speed blow-outs provides you with scientific protection against these blow-outs. Don't take chances on skids OR blow-outs. See your nearest Goodrich Dealer about putting Silvcrtowns on your car now. THIS NEW SEAL.O-MATIC LIFE-SAVER TUBE MAKES YOUR DRIVING SAFER I SiaUO-Malic LtaJi in Sitit VTujt . . . 1. Rcductf Wow-out dinner to i new minimum. 2. Serious . I -A . t I . I . ... - mi, icuiH-n, , ,mw ivaai insitiu OI plow.outl, tire and tub destruction from blow-outs. 4. Protects too. (. ..v..- ..---- - ...w.v. . 7 .mi u . it , r r i hi loamiufl tire chsnaes. 6. Sates cowl accident bills end lira and lube repsif einenses. 7. Owners report ilres weir up to 25 ' ;. lonaer. S. Setl-O-Mttic Tubes ouilsit liret. . Gives tires arcaiw resistance to danicrous hidden bruises. odrica Phone 566 Complete Aiilmuotivi Service I 'I I its- , 2J Show, Nuh,,,, . STEWART "Dndi'v Dm MAULI.Ni: i,IEUln CH.tIlLl:S vi.smCu MISCIM AlR At 7 39 & i j;, ADDID Cartoon "A Me 'Crime D;, r l r , keep others out. And each time spices, kapok, coffee, quinine and INftZl liraSSlPrc they nicy emeried wwrawj the me same same stolid sioiin rent- rem- mniwr pepper ix. the it last tn two are virtually .h,....ii.. wioiCIJ ' rr "- nav III tUttlll nith uteh mmmimii.. monopolies i In ...-u world . .1 Htwovjvwa III wviiu trade UBUC r rJi in m From home she sends out boat-. LUl 1 0 1U I VflPt toad ad of of tulips, tulips, dairy dairy product, product, air air- Jrc planes and machinery. She sends Tu.,. n. , the BERLIN. M. now brajuterr, mented in Oen; There may to types. hi: be hundred women are Uon. the rh ; remains adr j The purp Textiles, u fax other 1.1 Ms king 100 (i waive fewer n 1M of varyi:,. In thu brasaleM fo:v It's the cumuatm, eritel of ad-(tie. whkh vertlsing that counts montru aK 1 or i.f ,,. . I'lns With So 1 To irora Jyes,but nBLuw-OUl W I STILL SAY SKIDS M JERKff THE STEERING WHEEL V ARE MUCH WORSE.'.... W C W Silvertown RUPERT MOTORS