LOCAL NEWS NOTES IMPOHTJIMT' YOUR WAR BONDS... should be kcptl in a safe place. We offer you the safety of a Safety Depoiit Box-in our vault, which' may be used as well for any important papers or small: articles of value. The rent for such a box. is small. BJIHK Or MONTREAL FEBRUARY SALE 0 PIECES OF RED; OUTFIT $31.50 ComUtliu of. 2 f rather pillow mauve chenille bedipread Springfield nuUrr teel table ipring Pull panel trei: bed lrad in walnut, finish. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE TIMID' AVENUE Prince Rupert, ll.C. a r00C5O0OOO6O00OOO0OOOO0OOO0OOO0OOOOOOOOOOOO0000OOOOOO " p v..,ralv. Vancouver: o. Rev. and j Mrs. ,',. n B. S. c 8. Rotary Club, with President Peter n O'tfjiHlAv OtiAAn OhnrlrtH Pit v CI P . t. n . . . . 0 10 10 10 ! 0 0 a 0 0 o VAPURE THE INHALANT The New Quirk-way Cold Relief Just a drop or two on your handkerchief snuff it and feel the head clearing at once. 50c Ormes Lid. 2?Ht Pioneer Driu&tets The Hetall Store Thones 81 &. 2 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundaj and Holiday from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. ' Mrs. J. H. Smith of Terrace wllli For prompt and courteous ser .arrive In the city from the Interior) vice Phone 13 Tail. t! o si 8' o o o o on tonight's tram and sail on me Prince Rupert for Vancouver. l General Meeting Prince Lib- ml' Association on Monday next I in Metropole Hall at 8 o'clock. 1 .111 Liberal cordially invited. Influenza is very general in the' city at this time and has not pass-by the military barracks here-where ! it has become necessary to make special provision to handle the cas-' es which cannot be taken care of at the Prince Rupert General. Hospl-J S1 o 8 o I1 pi o o O" ! 0 o I! tal. I:. Koocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooon nun to i.NCitEAsr. in rmci: t)i Nanaimo Wellington Coal At the mine of one dollar per. ton and the increase In freUhl rate, tommentlnc January 1, 1940. our prices on Nanaimo Wen-Initon Coal will be ai follows Nanaimo Welllniton l.ump-Saclted. delivered. Ter ton J1W0 Nanaimo WelllnKton Mine Hun-Sacked, del. Per ton Nanaimo Wclllnjlon Lump-Bulk, delivered. Per ton Nanaimo Welllijjton Mine Hun-Hulk, delivered Per ton S13 Albert and McCaffery Ltd. Phone 110 and 117 SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! Mllint il OCEACS FALLS id POWELL RIVEl Steamer leave Prince Kupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Train, leave Prince Rupert for the Emt Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m Steamer for Ketchikan na Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. t Foraro, .tc, call or irrlt City Tlek4t Offlc0, 528 Jrr At V-9-40 Hotel Arrivals J. H. BULGER Optometrist Knrml Hank HMv TRAPPERS Don't sell your Furs before you see Goldbloomj Tle same buyer at the waterfront will pay 30 per cent hither if I'm ihere. Fetch your furs up town then you-won'i; be fooledi You will set every dollar Its worth. W. (JOLDHLOOM The Old. Reliable- THE SEAL QUALITY ,5 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest PInkSalmon parked by the onlyf almon tannine company with an all! the year round payroll, to Prlnct Kupert Tonight's tram, sue- from the Kast at 11 o'clock, was reported 'this afternoon to be on time. . Father Godfrey of Smlthers, who has been in the city on ecclesiastical duties, left by last evening's train Col. R. J. Ilyan of the contracting on hla relurn lntcn-company bearing his name will sail . . - by the Prince Rupert tonight on hi return to Vancouver after spending a few day here impeding the pro- tress at Seal Cove of air base construction for which his company ' has the contract. "We believe in BOVRIL" "I really find BOVRIL "CUBES splendid. They "certainly male lovely ."gravy and BOVRIL CUBES "come first-with me." 30 W. M. Watts will sail tonight oni the Prince Ruoert for a two weeks' I business trip to Vancouver. Prince Kupert j Stewart Robson, John A. Clarke. Rev w P Bunt; superintend-Norman Nelson. C. W. L. Ferrlll. F. ent of mona for. the United , W Chambers. B. N. Harrop, J. O. church of Canada, was the speak-McNee. W O. Swan. O. P. Strute. er today at tnc regular WWkly f. u. UDioen ana J. uoran. ' luncheon Iuncneon 01 of thn lno Prince rnnce nupen, Runert UVv.. .-.. jasie m inff cnair. uuesis inciuaea Chetwyn. Victoria; .Thatcher. Barrett. Private J. Milk in a Minute! Say CUt th B.rdto Cow: "KL1M powdered whole milk thould be In cvrry kitchrn. Jurt dd.it to cold w.trr whitk with a bcatrr and prettol you have n instant Ripply of p-tfuriml natural-tasting, creamy milk. There' no watte with Klira . . . you jurt mix mucJi at you want, when you want it. At all good grocer. 0 1 (dVKX? a number of visiting clergy who are in the city for the sessions of Prince Rupert Presbytery of the United Church of Canada. In Memoriam In lovlnff memory of my dear Mother who passed away on February 8 1919' at 1138 2nd Avenue. The world: may change from year to year And friends-from day to day But nevr willithene we loved From memory pass" away. ; Ever remembered hy her loving daughter. Mrs. George weightman. Announcements All advertisements in.thU ool nran will be ehataed.fora full Toe II Dance, Seal' Cove. Feb 9. Legion Valentine Tea, Mrs. D. C. Schubert's, February 14, Eastern Star Tea, February 15, Mra L. W. Kergln's. ; Cambral ValenUne Ball, February 16. : Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. George MitchelPsj February 22. 1 "i Si a N: Leap'VedrDance February 23. Boys' "Band Dance February 23. Annllean Ta, Mrs. J. G. Johns, February 29.' 1 ': March 1 Tea, Mfs. Bert Morgan's. United Tea, Mrs. Krlkevsky's, March 14. .y ' h . St. Patrick's Tea. Catholic Hall, March 18. Anglican Spring Sale. April 4. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zartlll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" ' lUtes 91.01 up 30 Room Hot & Cold Water. Prince? Rupert, B.C: FhoneSSl P.O. Bor lM GROCERY SPECIALS Every Day at MUSSALLEM'S ECONOaiY STORE 'Wliere Dollars Have More Cents" Phones 18 and; 19 Opposite Canadian Legion WALLACE'S FEBRUARY Clearance Sale Friday, February 9th Every item listed is a. sure money saver selected from, a number- of lines on which we find ourselves overstocked owinfr to the exceptional weather we have-enjoyed this winter. RAINCOATS i ! COKSETS r Women's gabardine raincoats in navy Rubber reducing corsets, regular valor fawn. Values to $7.95 I uo to $3;50. To clear $4.95 1.95 ' WINTER COATS , KIMONOS All women's winter coats, sizes 14 to Silk taffeta kimonos in a 41 tb clear at variety of colors. Values to $5.9o at HALF PRICE. . j 1 ' $3.75 DRESSES- BRASSIERS Di-esseifin crejies,. figured or plaih.to, : Haywardiuplift brassiere for evening $4:95 for , wear. Each $249 69 c WOOL SWEATERS j SIEIC HOSE) Wool sweaters,, pullovers- and! some ; Phantom pure silk hose, value $1.50. coats. Each Pair $i.5a u -$i.ott DANCE SETS, 5 KIIXJLOVES Danco sets, iure silk crepe,, assorted' ' Kid.' glbves,.ai full range of sizes. Val-colors-to $2.50, Each ; ues to $2:95;. Pair 1 LISSUMSLIPS PYJAMAS Lissum slips (slip and brassiere com- ;j pure pyjamas, beauty pink or ' bined) pure silk, regular $3.00, The . : fifte ace or tailol.ed; VaYues best slip on the market for wear andi . ' m; , . comfort Each- i to ?'0- To clearat- $L95 U . $2.95 PHONE 9 See Our Window THIRD and FULTON OCEAN FALLS DANCE , OCEAN FALLS. Feb. 8t Mrs. L. Harris and the Rlrst Ranger Company of Ocean Falls held a tuccessful dance on Saturday eve ning. A good time was enjoyed and' several dollars were raised for the; Rangers' summer camp fund. ver and Victoria. .. I Mr. ana Mrs. jonn uume 01 mc Bride Street will sail tonight on thei Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancou H.G. HELGERSON LTD. 21G Sixth Street See Us For All Kinds of Insurance and Real Estate Notary Public We have on our lists the- following good buys 5th AVE. E near school. G. room house, 3 bedrooms, fully modern, new plumbing. In fine condition, $1600. 8th, AVE W., 6room house, 3 bedrooms, fully modern full basement, glassed sleeping porch, easy taxes, $2000. 8th AVE W Duplex house, lower flat 5 rooms, upper flat 7 rooms, full concrete basement, and walks, In excellent condition, modern, $1000. "I oooooocHjoaooacHjaooeaoooooo MISSYUKI Dressmaker 1 Ladles' andi Children's Alterations Moderate Price. Phone GREEN 880; 727 FRASER ST. flOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO & C. Furniture Co. February Specials In Household Furnishings 2 Kitchen. Kane In good condition 1 Singer Sewing Machine At i.-r; - 5-pieee, Dinette In creanvand red with leaf. -...ai.. 5"r I-S5.50 14 Beds.Comnlete 6 ft. by 4' ft. From 2 SRie SiJam Gleaners Just like new $2&50 824.00 14.50 $12 to to $12.50 $13.50 $16.50 $5.50 New Furniture 1 Ohesterfield-Bed andi OrcaanaI Chair With large blanket storing space, very $56 50 vv..w 1 Chesterfieldr-In velour In latest style $98.00 1 Chesterfieldi-In tapestry and $69 00 15 Lamps In latest designs. $2 50 t0 $3 95 rhonft in.ACK.324 THIRD AVENUE Next'.Roop to R. C. Clothiers ! h'Eo-lail?3t7tlInd ;l Fresh Shrimp PaBteutlzcd!MiIk, ;; doat w.sx. 2 VALENTIN? DATUY 1: Dally at 4 p.m. rUONI J7 TROTIER'S DOCK I 1 V