g ' ¥ 5 Ki 4 a Yr THE DAILY NEWS. THE DAILY NEWS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Daily and Weekly by THE PRINCE RUPERT PUBLISHING CO. LTD., PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Savoy Hotel Cor. Fraser and 5th, Choice Wines and Cigars TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. on application. SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico— Datny, 50c No. 195, S.S.S.S. per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; in advance. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St,, New York City SeaTTLe—Puget Sound News Co. LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. DAILY EDITION. _ Taurspay, Mancen 21 POLITICAL TABLOIDS FOR OUR CONTEMPORARIES. A Conservative speaker will be present tonight at the Liberal meeting.—Tuesday’s Empire. He might have been there in disguise, Probably the pitious. but he didn’t speak. political atmosphere of the meeting was unpro- William Manson has made his. as is being heaped All of us make mistakes. But he does not deserve as much censure upon him.—The Empire. No censure is heaped upon William for his mistakes. The censure is upon the people who made such a grave mistake in electing him. But they are penitent now and promising never to do it again. Whatever else they may say, son is a boodler.—The Empire. They cannot say that William Manson is anything. If he had ever even attempted something for the good of his con- They do not say William Man- son is a boodler because they know it takes a smart man to they cannot say William Man- stituency he might be forgiven. be a boodler. The appropriations for Skeena district this year amount to $551,000.—The Empire. They do, in the McBride government's offici: Two Hundred Thousand Dollars But in the il blue book it reads $3514, 000—only Empire and also in the Journal. a slight discrepancy We are not saying the settlers have no grievances.—The Empire. Of course not. That would be too foolish for anything. No government and no representative can do everything each of us would like. Therefore we must judge their as a whole, if we wish to be fair to them.—The Empire. We are fair to William Manson. He is not charged with doing everything; he is charged with doing nothing. actions William Manson has his faults, but he is not nearly so bad as he is painted to be.—The Empire. A good coat of whitewash is generally reckoned to be healthy about election time. The McBride government has built only one government wharf in the province. And that one is at Prince Rupert. Yet some Prince Rupert people kick.—The Empire. Oh, no; the kick is about its not being finished; that the work lingers merely so William Manson may have something left to promise the people. There is some sense in banding together to effect the over- throw of a rotten government.—The Empire. ° There surely is. That is why men of every’ political per- suasion in this riding are now banded together, and this day} week the Empire may so worthy a purpose so far as the local representative is con- cerned, The level-headed electorate of Skeena district, however, will not be misled.—-The Journal. Not after the expose of the Journal's figures of what ‘the friend at court” has done, made by Dr. Kergin and Thomas Dunn at the meeting Wednesday night. No matter what William Manson is he is now the nominee Skeena district, and as such} support.—The Empire. candidate was the devil himself the That's what makes it of the Conservative party for the he is entitled to the party Of course. If the ringsters would HAVE to support him. such a merry hell for the outsiders. Truth, the new morning paper, is cutting quite a swath for so dinky a sheet, Every word of if is bright and to the point, and it is shaking up the dry bones of local politics to such an extent that the air is full of dust and stench. eee = —Remember— — There will be two andes names on your ballot paper. Be | careful to make the distinction between the McBride Manson, who | has been tried and found wanting, and ALEX. M. MANSON, the | people’s candidate, and a true representative of Skeena riding. To save confusion ai the polls put your cross opposite the name | of ALEX. M. MANSON, which Is the second name on the ballot, exactly as indicated thus: CLAYTON William Barratt Clayton, of Prince Rupert Dentist MANSON, ALEX. M. A. M. Manson, of Prince Rupert, Barrister-at-Law MANSON, WILLIAM William Manson, of Prince Rupert, Accountant MONTGOMERY Wm. H. Montgomery, of Prince Rupert, Laborer X | Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly 7 I ~General Hardware e compliment them upon having achieved | , at from $7 to 825 per aere. | ROPERS PALACE OF COMFORT Contract rates | ——— | Servian Labor Benefit Society pee a _ every Ist and Srd Sunday of the th in the Carpenters’ Union Ha G. VUKOVICH, T. MAZLUM. Secretary P.O. Box 991 President —*-+-+-+-+- FRED. STORK o—-+-©-@ Builders’ Hardware ; Valves & Pipes Graniteware Oxford Stoves Tinware + SECOND - (AVENUE —O-#-@- — pndne~b-4-0b | Little’s NEWS Agency Reasons Why Wm. Manson Must be Defeated |. 41. The growth and prosperity of Prince Rupert is being hampered and retarded by the at- titude of the McBride government in direct opposition, in order to serve the interests of the rival port of Vancouver. 2. That Prince Rupert can raise no voice of protest so long as she ie represented in the legislature by the silent and obsequious William Manson. 3. That the said Silent William did once or twice gently purr in mere explanation of what this city was seeking from the legislature, but never sufficiently loud to wake up any other member of McBride’s huge majority. 4. That even on Prince Rupert matiers he always voted with the government. 5. That when a respectful petition was sent to him asking when the government wharf would be completed he never brought the matter before the house at all, and that this matter was brought directly before the house by the Liberal representative of another constituency, H. C. Brewster. 6. That with an able and energetic Liberal from Prince Rupert in the house, such as is Mr. Alex. M. Manson, the Liberal nominee, this city might shame the monopolists of political representation into giving at least a certain measure of justice. 7. That the Silent William never brought before the house the subject of the sale of gov- ernment lots in Prince Rupert, but in default gives us his interpretation of what the premier is alleged to have said, namely, that the government was in the real estate business good and hard and as it had passed laws exempting taxation on these lots it could hold them without expense until the people had made them enormously valuable, and the people could go to. 8. That the Silent William is alleged to have presented a petition from the people of the city for a government wagon road around Kaien Island, and that as an ante-election statement he is now promising the road will be built, but he whispers in an aside that he does not know the amount of the appropriation. 9. That these are the things the Silent One claims to have attempted to do in the inter- ests of this city. 10. That what he ought to have done and which he didn’t even try to do would take from now until election day to enumeraie. Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspapers | CIGARS TOBACCOS FRUITS | G.T.P. WHARF | SHOOTING STRENGTH | SIMPLICITY | The essentials of a perfect gun, are outstanding features of the GREEN- ER GUN, Its shooting capabilities are a household word wherever sports- men congregate, and Greener guns have won the world’s highest honors. The strength of the Greener ac- tion is phenomenal. The Greener Treble Wedge Fast Bolt is the Strongest breech fastening extant, imitated by gunmakers all over the world. The “Facile Princeps action is simplicity itself, works easily, smoothly and the striker is a frac- tion of a second quicker than any other. You get all these your gun is a Greener 38 Grades to Select From $56.00 to $1,000.00 SEND FOR CATALOGUE P. I. W. W. GREENER 63-65 Beaver Hall Hill Montreal, P. Q. advantages if Ormeermtomermcrmere emer tEE a Hotel Cor. Third Avenue and | Sixih St. | The Finest Rooms. | The best equipped and steam heated. Hot and cold baths. Dining room and } j | restaurant $ $ | Corley & Burgess, Props | AE EP RS OUEST ETRE. 9 j —in— REAL ESTATE | Lots 51 and 52, Block 16, $31,000 pair. Terms. Lot on Eleventh St., Block 28; $2,800. Lot on Market place; #3,100 Section 1; SUFFRAGIST NOBLEWOMAN, VISITING eae teaiak ‘Saclasies Offerings ve tom Si rioting in London in their fight for that the destruction of property eousness of any cause.” 3 we believe in the absolute UNITED STATES, DENOUNCES MILITANTS and as a means towards that end we believe in the adoption of the local option policy and of making the adoption dependent only on la straight majority vote of the | people affected. 4. We believe that the ap- ;pointment of road bosses and all officials entrusted expenditure of public made regard- | government j}with the jmoney, should be jless of politics. |} 5. We believe in the necessity of adopting a policy of giving | greater publicity to the details of expenditures of public funds. | 6. We believe in a revision of jthe Jand laws so as to safeguard the public interests and to pro- mote settlement. 7. We believe in making col- lections of workmen's compen- sation for accidents and injuries collectible without litigation, and in the shortest possible time; and 8. In believe jthat the adoption of a form of |government based on the prin- jciples of the Liberal party will tend to the welfare of the pro- vince, conclusion we RyPe Bo: Fort George Watch It Grow! The Railway Commission has ruled that the depot must be located some distance west from the Fraser River on the Indian reservation Do you see the point? I means the location of the depot right at the east part of the Fort George townsite, near Fraser avenue. This setties all con : 3 treversies in regard to the value of the Warwick, who ar- | Fort George townsite and those who have ile > > M; etani: 0 lee . 1 , . followed us are going to reap a good profit England on the Mauretania to lecture in the United on. their investment. Lots are salloe fast: assailed her countrywomen who have been! there will be a tremendous BOOM at Fort . LA ss r. 1. George this year. WITH THE RAILWAY suffrage. Lady Warwick |raomM VANCOUVER 10 FORT GEORGE TO a Socialis she sclared | BE FINISHED IN THREE YEARS FORT 1 Socialist, but she declared | CrokGe is BOUND TO BE THE WINAI- | PEG OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, This Is the “arp } ime to act quickly, ; S row They have been mostly women who have been seeking no- | wilt ee ee Me OE pe he ga said, “and they have been very stupid indeed, The PRINCE RUPERT. cannot be excused on the ground ¢ ‘ight- | Two lots, block 8, section 1, $10,000. 1-3 : ‘ , re of rig cash, balance 9 and 15 months Two lots, block 30, section 1, $14,000. 1-3 cash, 6, 12 and 18 months, Several lots in section 2 ELLIOTT, BREWTER. COUNTESS O!} WARWICK. March 14 The Countess of New York ates and Canada, a suffragist, and more particularly, militant tactics of rioting women had hurt the cause. riety,” she Lot on Second Ave., Section 1; $2.500./ Terms. | Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, Section 2; $2,700. Terms. | Lot in Block 20, Second Ave., Section 2; | 21,900. Tome. | Lots 15 and 16, Block 9, Section 5; $2,100 | the pair. % cash, bal. 1 an d2 years. } Lot 11, Block 32, Section 5; $1,000, | House and lot, Sixth Ave., Section 5; $2,750 Terms on monthly payments. Double corner, Section 6; $3,500. Terms. | | Six-room house with lot, Section 6; $2, 500. $1,000 cash, bal. 1 and 2 years, 6 per cent. Good lot on Sixth Ave., Section 7; $600. Lots 11 and 12, Block 4, Section 7, over- | look street; $625 each Terms. | Lots se and 20, Block 34, Section 7; $650) each Level lots in Section 8 on easy terms Agents Prince Rupert Building & Invest- ment Co., Limited. Stock issued in $10 shares pagent a Oreare Townsite. fest hick thy of consid je have s elifes which is worthy of consid- a ; e have several blocks of land in th esto 0 platform of the Liberals of Brit- | ; cash, 6, jeration by jit | whic h . McCaffery & Gibbons « xists in the province, and on be-| 1. We lhalf of which constant appeals to the ment, but without effect. It will/the mayor and council; and that ‘enc aan 1911 | now be seen whether the temper-|ihe abolition of the police com- ance people will put principle be- The Bank of toes party and vote for the didates which haye unanimously] constituted elective bodies, is an} British North America |» \ Option and Equal Suffrage. 2. We believe in extending the|H. R, Love, Prop., _|To the Electors of Victoria: Lakelse, Kitsumkalum and Bulkley valleys —INSURANCE— THIRD AVENUE 1836 75 Years in Business, | ee and Reserve Over $7,300,000 the city of Victoria at this pro-| Municipal Clauses Act as to allow Shop, Hays Cove, + yineial election, we wish to lay|to women full right of franchise| Agente for Imperial Gasoline Motors. Banking by Mail before the electors the ne ° all municipal elections. Phone Blue 259 - P. O. Box 957 cash, 6 and 12 months. One lot with 7-room house and_ cabin, block 22, section 5, $2,600 Offer for terms. EREWSTER AND ELLIOTT, NOMINATED FOR VICTORIA, BE}~) 616 jot, block 25, 81,400. Two Libera] candidates of Vie-| statement of our political prin- | Loria have issued a concise ae represent the Liberal party in| necessity of so Schendiae the| Two lots, Dlock 17, section 5, $2,100. 1-2 Two lots, block 45, section 5, $8,000. 1-2 cash, 6, 12 and 18 months. ne lot, block 28, section 5, §900. 1-2 | cash, 6 anu 12 months. Two lots, block 7, section 6, $1,500 each $1,000 cash, 6 and 12 months One lot, block 19, section 6, $2,100. 1-2 cash, balance 1 and @ years. $500 cash, 6 and 12 months Two lots, block 26, $2,800. and 18 months, Two lots, block 30, section 7, $900. 1-2 cash, 6 and 12 months. One lot, block 29, section 7, $500. $300, balance 1 year. One lot, block 50, section 7, $700. §350 cash, balance $25 per month. Two lots, block 15, section 8, $500. 1-2 i2 and 18 months. wo lots, block 27, section 8, $900. 1-2 jish Columbia, adopted by the cash, balance 6 and 12 months. shows a trend of sentiment} Vancouver convention, March 14 | We want some listing, we have the | puyer. Optionists claim|1912, and particularly believe in bringing all Th. COLLART they have made/departments of municipal goy- P govern-|ernment under direct control of Sole Agent Natural Resources Security Co. Ltd. 226 Gth &t. Phone 881 LIEVE IN BRINGING ALL DEPARTMENTS OF MUNICIPAL- ITIES UNDER DIRECT CONTROL OF CITY ITSELF. $1,400, 6, 12 | ciples: We are in entire acord with the candidates elsewhere. | Local jmission and board of wenaing ieins IMPERIAL MACHINE WORKS Can-| commissioners, or their |/ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS Prince Rupert Up-to-Date Equipment. Work and Prices Right. Engine Work and General Repairing. principles of Local|imperative public necessity. l right of franchise to women; ‘end impressed with n accepting the nomination to| are is a great convenience to those |. who live some distance from town. Deposits may be sent in, cash drawn, or other business trans- acted by Mail, without any trouble or delay. Write or ask our Local Man- ager to explain our system to you. Prince Rupert Branch— F. 8. LONG, Manager. —IN THE— Skeena Valley Nechaco Valley Bulkley Valley Fort George District IN TRACTS OF 160 ACRES AND UPWARDS- LANDS Carefully selected Lands at Reasonable Prices and on LANDS easy terms. NORTH COAST LAND COMPANY, Limited PAID UP CAPITAL $1,500,000, 00 VANCOUVER, B.C, W. L. BARKER A Ar Alberts Block H. Gordon Munr Stork Bu STUA ACCOUNTANT Law-Butler Bu Prince Rupert : } rt ; a |; ALFRED CARSS . metinki oF Peitteh O umt not Be and Mani oba Bars. \ eg arin, Say, CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, N ‘ Office— Albert B WM. S. HALL, | DENT Crown and Bridge W All dental! operations aA alty adminis eR edn | | Helgerson Block. Pr e Rupe ae Som a 2 Alex.M.Manson Ww Villiams,p a WILLIAMS & MANsoN Barristers, S t Box 28 P20. BOX 23 avbeel JOHN E. ee TEACHER SINGING PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, Esq A.M, LON. Exo! GEORGE LEEK & CO, MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AN REPORTS Fire, Life and Accident Insurances 618 8rd Avenue i at PRINCE T JOHN DYBHAVN Real Estat and | 319 3rd Avenue I M4 THE IROQUOIS FOOL English and America ards Twelve Tables ECOND AVE Cor. First Ave \ and 7th Street Hotel Centra European heated, mc 1.00 to $2 Peter Black HAYNER BROS. UNDERTAKERS Funera 8rd Ave. near 6th St E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REA THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356 OPEN DAY AN SEATTLE VANCOUVER, VICTORIA 6.8. PRINCE JOHN Maintains Bi-monthly s¢ and Queen Cha Tri-Weekly Train Service * e Rupert to Van Ared For all informat A. E. McMaster, Gen. Agt. 6. 1. P What Agency for all Atlar rt tea Pre Lg B.C, Coast service Fa Princess Beatrice Saturday, March 23rd at 9 & ™ For Victoria, Vanco J. G. McNab ° The Insurance People Fire Life Marine Accident Plate Glass ; Employer’ s Liabil Contractors’ and Perso! Policies pane D Mack Realty & Insurance COMPANY. General vr I P.S.~-Houses and Kent Oe