Si mi PaGI TWO NEW ARRIVALS VANITY MAID Ultra Smart DRESS STREET SHOES In Elasticized Gore Pumps with Spanish and Cuban Heels. Dependable Shoes, Plus Class and Value. Family shoe store ltD The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except- Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News', limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion Local Readers, per line, per Insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone EDITORIAL COMING TO GRIPS 98 86 SUBSCRIPTION KATES City Delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance ' Paid In Advance, pef month : By Mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire ' and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By Mail to all other countries, per year Member of Audit Bureau Of Circulations MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS .02 55 $5-00' 50' I 3.00, 9.00 So far as can be ascertained the people of Britain generally are anxious tcr come to grips with the Germans. They want them to try to land. We have no idea how they will da it or what measure of success they will obtain but we do not think they will get a foothold in the country- They may have something up their sleeves of which we are not aware so it is too early to make any definite prophecies but we do know that the British are a determined people and that they have the mastery in the air and on the sea. We also believe that on land they will be so powerful that the enemy, under anything like even circumstances, will find it difficult to get far. In other words we have faith in th.e British people and in the cause they are espousing. ' It is quite possible, that the first drive will be made in Africa in an attempt to capture the Suez Canal. It is more difficult to suggest what may happen there because the strength of our Egyptian allies has not yet been proved. The enemy may find a weak spot but the British have the experience of the past to guide them and the control is much more unified than it is in the countries conquered by Germany. The navy will also be a powerful factor in that region, MEN WITH A JOB TO DO A writer recently mentioned that the Canadian sold iers are men with a job to do. Their job is to be a powerful ; factor lii the stop Hitler movement from which it is hoped a new world will be born, They enlisted of their own choice, knowing the risks and the possibilities. Thev be lieve in the cause for which they are prepared to fight and,! judging" from those we have met, the one thing they want is to get across the Atlantic to do their part. j MATTER OP GEOGRAPHY The other day we received a letter from an advertising agency in Chicago addressed to "Daily News, Prince Rupert Prince Edward Island, Canada." It seems as if the writer knew Prince Rupert was at one end of Canada but was not quite sure which. At any rate the letter came to Prince Rupert and that with little delay. Evidently Prince Rupert is now known to post office authorities. Good Light Saves Sight CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC LIMITED HAtiS TAKE ORSf DEFEA? SO FA WAR (Continued irom Page Onel watched the n?htfng and eheefed as they saw the German aircraft falling. .Some German plants got through and again dropped bombs on Buckingham Palace. One bomb dropped on the Queen's private apartment but the Royal eoupie were not at home. All the staff were taking shelter and there were no casualties, the plane which attacked the palace exploded in mid-air and fell on nearby Victoria Station. At 2:15 ther. was another raid but the" British fought the planes off as they came in. Some bombs were also dropped on Portland and Southampton. In spite of bad weather British planes dropped bombs ori Antwerp and various channel ports. Docks at "Antwerp suffered many hits and buildings were set afire. One five-thousand ton ship was set on fire. Barges, stores and many buildings were hit and one colossal explosion caused much destruction. Polish airmen raided, one port in light bombers and came away done it hajfcy to thmk they had" tt()TD GlRL . vr w' mueH iamkii- Jo Oermari J objectives An Italian despatch says the Invasion of British may be post DIVER DIES poned nntl! Spring. Ofhef contbv Cf0rtU Coleman Succumbs To enUl despatches suggest the In-, fjteti 0 infantile Paralysis vaslon of Britain may not be nec- essary or at any rate not until q-ejxs, sept- 16: spring, joeorgia Coleman, noted Olympic Satarday's Flthting jdlvlng star, died Saturday night Two groups ot Nail bombers jafter a three years' Illness. Miss nd fighters were broken up In the Jcoleman. who achieved fame endeavour fo reach the eenfie 6f jthe Olympic Games at Amsterdam londort. Only a few got through Jm 1&8 and at Los Angeles In 1932, shd damage was not extensive.. fUs(alned a serious accident In Thpr. wfra fiv air raid aterms,l. wnen we w " in London yesterday up to the time of this report; Saturday night the attack, was he shortest and the least damaging since the Intensive raid's on the capital began. Westminster Abbey was hit Saturday. The Royal Air roree continues to pound invasion bases on the French Channel coast, centering on Calais. There were heavy explosions throughout last night on the French Coast. an the bottom of a pool in diving. A chain of ailments led tor mfati- tile paralysis. Another Former Premier of France Is Under Arrest vrfHV snt IB: Former Pre- , 'iniCi IXVll D1U1U fcr.v, f Arthur Oswald sailed Saturday jiftider arrest and taken in ad-afternoon tin the Princess Louise .ministrativr custody to the same for a brief trip to Vancouver". ptisan as Former Premiers Paul Reynaud and Edouard Daladler and Former Minister of the Interior Georges Mandel as well as Marshal Maurice Oamelin pending the war blame trials. Mrs. H. B. Stiles sailed Saturday afternoon on the Princess Louise for a trip to Vancouver. Canada's 2nd War 4 Loan Will Make The Grade- If YOU Are Willing To Help! .v'-fe- IS THIS TO MUCH TO ASK? y There stands Britairt where Cariftdian fighter squadrons are breaking tip Nasi! raids' and Canadian divisions are guarding' . those ancient elf f is and beaches so precious to you now. We Canadians' can Conquer a simple matter like this 2nd War Loan, just Hi we can expect our fighting forces to help conquer the enemy. ,'Ji If you have not subscribed, don't hold back any longer If you have subscribed consider increasing your Subscription at 6nCe. Before now, Canada War Loa ti Bonds have proved to be the finest possible Investment. They will do so again. They are safe, . marketable and provide a good return. See your investment dealer, bank or stock broker. r.ft.. Nothing You Can Do Today h as Important as 'Whiif&y " i if - 4. - u .Monday, Septemim ie ad,..r " itl. 'Hi i m r a. A B.C. 3 STAR Canadian RYE Whisky $125 $030 $50 llaz. Mldu WiOuu DISTILLED AND BOTTLED BY f Ut. B.fc. OUTIUXWYCO, LIMITED This advertisement is hot published or dhpfavedbv the tiotn vunuui uuniu ur uy ure vawveinmcni OI orilisn V.0lumbl3 Canadian hailbnc landings at Prince Rupert continue iighi Oa Saturday but one Canadian vessel was- lrt with 22.000 pounds, sellinj lot 10c and 8c Pour American vessels disposed of 84,000 pouadj at from 10c and 8c to 10.4c and le. ' , ;fo f; : Publishetf by, ft.. r Government of the Dominion or Canada On Behalf tit ' i " Canada's VifcUtttlg $titc($ il. . Who Arc Expcctlhfj Your Support for CartdoVs 2nd War Loart