"" " Dumber 16, 1940. i i HI - "'WWiMW natil Ill I1 lil ML. ..,f. -li.nii'i m' -i n , r-.,.-i. Mrs.,S. O. Ayres and daughter. Miss Jean Ayres, returned to the t LOCAL NEWS NOTES cfty on the Catala this morning from a1 trip to1 Vancouver. .i if. t. . . C I ' . lb. nn. CUT COAUSH TO TH8 tits CUT FINE FOIf UNO TL7UK LTHT4. We were abont arpng names, and I said (fa (rw?st lraje. nam ever adopted is "Old vnuin Because Ural's" exactly what it fiaa teen to me for y"M' M helped me through frmes of fronble and added to ttrf pfeaswel in days of ease. Give me of pfpe of Old Chum any place or any time and I lh frt good company. Tho (Met I grow, tFio more suro I am thai there is no other lobucco: just like Old Chum. Try it. for yourself. ni"TPV known W A Tfrwr it. ...... ... ..... ... ... .., ..uk ui- Man ui tup lawmul operator, arrived Royal Canadian Engineers h-- li.. ( 4... HUUii. 1 . . . . " i ,.i jaiujua lUKiua xias returned to tne city after a brief business visit rpendlng a few days at Frlzzell s Hot Springs. MacKenzies Furniture b Bed Quilt In our window, hand-made and very beautiful sruiica oy tne Laaies- Auxiliary R.C.N.V.R. Support the -Ttae chances, 25c. Phone 775 RATIONAL RAILWAYS !INAD1AN icr leaves PRINCE RUPERT for MNCOUVEK Thursday 11130 p.m. calling at 'ccan Falls and Powell River. Leave I'HhMJK KUi Kid lor tne kasi. ay, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. mm ION Air-conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For Fares-, etc., Call cr Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 THIRD AVE. PHONE 260 Agents for Trans Canada Air Lines STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave prince Rupert for Vancouver: iCAf ALA EVERY TUES TMA CARDENA FRIDAY, DAT.IrtltKM A. . n tncnuver. Thurs. p.m. Dae Vancouver, Monday a.m. 'I Convenient, Please Purchase1 tickets at Office Attn n..Jl r- - a i . ml.lr.. Vn SKIKNER Frlnct RapeTt Agent, third Ave- Phone 568 i ft ran nrmirrniM 9NS0LIDATED MINING & SMELTiNfG COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED fnufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chcmi-1 cals and Chemical Fertilizers ponlum Phosphate, Ammonium1 Sulphate. Superphov I phites, Monocalclum Phosphate uccf8 and Kcffncn of TADANAC Brand Metals nll "III M. Kit... i . ... t , . . , .. B, cr i.ena mc canmnim -j isixtnuin Hiimu ...... ... - . .. . . . , . ' i . . n ' """ e-inv uusi-.aisii MiipniirU' ciu ann suipnur bli!!"ejnd works MULGER Iptometrist Trail. C. F'resh Local Haw and Pasteurized MiHi VALENTIN DAIKY PHONR S7 4 Just say "Three Two please." Union steamer Camosun, Capt. Ernest Sheppard, arrived In port on good time at 8:30 this morning from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands and will be here until 8 o'clock tomorrow evening when she will sail on her return south over the same route. Inspector Ernest Qammon. pro. vinelal police, returned to the cltv Ion Saturday night's train for a trip to Prince decree on official duties. Mrs. J. R. Low. wife of Mator Low of the Royal Canadian Corps oi signals, will return to the eitv :On the Prince Rupert Wednesday irom a trip to Vancouver. Just say "Three Two please." J, K. Cram, well known er of the Consolidated Mining it iSmeltlng Co., was a passenger aboard the Princess LohIsp Rnt.uf. day afternoon going through from me xuicon to Vancouver. Birth Notice j Twin daughters were born at the Prince Rupert General Hos-JpltaJ on September 15 to Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Christy. CAHD OF THANKS Parents Association of the Bnnrt Boys wish to publicly thank An- Inette for her ITPnjrrM Hnnnflnn jof $130 for the benefit of the band. MRS. ROSALIE PERKINS, Secretary of Parents' Assn. of Band Boys, Mrs. Maud Viereck, President. Ladles Bowling Meeting at Alleys ,Tues. 7:30 p.m. All interested ' rn- vlted. (218) ! Roger Walsh arrived In the city on Saturday night's train from .Terrace to spend a few. days visiting in town. j S. J. Mayer of Smlthers arrived In the city on Saturday night's jtrajn from Smlthers, being here on railway Brotherhood business. He Is accompanied by his daughter, Miss Lucille Mayer. They will .return to Smlthers on this ee-'nmg's train. ! n-mrnmmmmiMmmmmam "Build B.C. Payrolls" Ideal Vnr Whipping Mrs. H. D. S., writing. )iSKU from Victoria: "I have used Pacific Milk Jn toy cooking" for 'marry years. I have ra large family to cook for and I find it both "healthful and economical. I think it unsurpassed and for whipping Ideal." PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed OVERWAITEA LTft CASH or C.O.I). Free Delivery on Orders of $1 and Over Phone m FREE Silver Teapot Stand With the purchase of one pound of best fi'lP tO Overwaltea Tea, per lb. Butter, First Grade 7Qp Je"0. Assorted 9Q fgt AOK 3 lbs Flavours 3 pkts, .... Swift's Pure Lard "iQf Ormond's Ginger Qp 2 lbs Snaps-2 1bs Potted Meats Of p Royal City Pork and -f Cp 3 tlnSj. 1 U Beans 2 tins tfV Concord Grapes Per basket 49c Silver Skin Pickling Qp Sweet Potatoes OCp U1 Qnions-Per lb 3 lbs Green Tomatoes 0p Field Tomatoes IQn Bibs. 5-lb. basket Vegetable Marrow Cp Lettuce ffp Per lb Per head OX Citron Cp Savoy Cabbage f Cp OU OK Per lb Per head Dill Pickling Cucum- Op Golden Bantam 9P Q1 AO Corn-Per V bers-Per lb doz. Pickling Gherkins f Qp Fancy Eating Tears Ofp VK' 2 lbs. Per doz Crabapples 91 Canteloupe 1 Qp 5 lbs 2 for "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage iTinct Rupert Co. Ltd, Brliish Coumbw Announcements AD advertisement tar utu at-una win be cfiarged for rati month at 25e a word. Anglican Tea. Mrs. Cecil Fitz gerald. September 19. Hill 60 Dance September 20. Eagles' Bridge, September 25. Rebekah Tea for Canteen. Mrs. Bert Morgan's, 26th. Ridley Home grocery shower. October 1. Catholic Bazaar October 2 and 3 City Tennis Association dance, Odd fellows' Hall, October 4th. De Car lo's Orchestra. Ticket admission 50c. Presbyterian Choir supper October 4. Navy Auxiliary Tea. October 19 Legion Hall. Rebekah Dance. Oddfellows" Hair October 11. Lutheran Bazaar, Metropole, Oc-tober 12. Orange Bazaar. Metrnnoi wall October 16. Queen Mary Dance. October Iff. Sonla's Bazaar. 'November Moose Hall. 14 Salvation Army Sale, Nov. ff. Anglican Bazaar. November 7.. Presbyterian Bazaar November! JONES' FAMILY MARKET Phone 957 Phone 957 New Premises Next to Chriss Mill Bakery TUES., WED. AND THURS. SPECIALS SHORT RIBS OF BEEF Per lb BONELESS STEW BEEF 2 lbs ROUND STEAK Per lb SIRLOIN STEAK Per lb CORtf BEEF And 1 Cabbage 5 lbs POT ROAST i 4 lbs PORK PORK SPARE RIBS 2 lbs FRESH SIDE PORK 2 lbs VEAL- STEAK Per lb SHOULDER OF VEAL 4 lbs. I MUTTON CHOPS 3 lbs SHOULDER MUTTON 4 lbs 10c 25c 20c 25c 50c 50c 25c 25c 25c 50c 50c 50c Erai'a'C:a:ii:a:iia:;:wLii;irB:i:ii:!K!ma:ici Jean MacLean A.T.CM. and Ruth Nelson A.T.CJil. Announce the Opening of PIIIVATE and CLASS TUITION in PIANO and THEORY Commencing September. 1 Phone Green 836 or Green 403 Studio In Federal Block MISS OLAFSON A.T.CJf. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Also Royal Academy of London Certificate for Harmony PHONE 81 S Complete Line of Lumber, Sash and Doors, Cement and Insulating Material ALBERT & McCAFFERY. LTD. PnONE 116 PHONE 117 ' I I ' . . ..mm., -i .nil,,. - ill' Free 10 Days Supply Cashmere Bouquet Face Powder With each 4 cakes Cashmere Bouquet Soap All for Cashmere Bouquet Lotion 25c bottle only lc with purchase of I -f p 40c size. 65c value for Colgates Tooth Powder 20c tin only lc with; purchase of Q Af Giant Size". 55e value for dlt Free '25c Woodburys Lotion With each purchase of 50c Woodburys Cold or Vanishing Cream. Of 75c: value for , OrmesLld. Jfu Pioneer Drtu&fats Tbe Rezall Store Phones 81 It 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. 4-Piece Bedroom Suite Special 72.50 8-Piece Dining Room Suite To Clear .pt . $75.00 Six-Piece Dinette To Clear $55.00 Entierprise Oil Burning Heater $85.00 Enterprise Range For Burning tCoal or Wood 885.00 iTKADE IN YOUR' OLD FURNITURE ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Bufldfnp, Third Arenue, Prince Ruptrt Hoars from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone GREEN ill (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) D LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 Can Ride for Price of One t t t t