tive service legislation. 'EAKER IS DEAD Bim B. Bankhead Succumbs To Itmorrhiie At Baltimore fromlnent Alabaman IASHINOTON, t. C, Sept. 16: Established With Two Hangars Pje contract for the plumbing re ceai cove Airport has been I Barr Si Anrtorsnn T.t.rl. of pcouver. l" 1J Dart nt tho unfrock nf ana miuwjf 4 t0Qm J. L. ILSLEY, Minister of Finance Last Monday we began the task of raising $300,000,000 to arm and -v, .uuauiucu any. ouy mure Dunas, unless your called outoiiiuu icaiij euecks your aDiiuy 10 iena. Especially do I direct this message to all those hundreds of thousands of men and women of moderate earnings and modest means. It is for them that the books are open, Their subscriptions, in vast numbers, not only register this nation's patriotic unity, but help ensure a wider and healthier war-time and post-war distribution of purchasing power in the form of earnlnzs. Safe and Income earning Investment though your subscription Is, lt is In another sense the greatest, soundest investment ODDorunltv vou Ift died early yesterday In , solemn appeal; recruit your earnings, your savings, quickly to the colors. press SLnn I hosDllal here. Slxtv-stx years. .. t . - . -jaDan r ' - - w . - 1 1 v - Tt ni uun ii k nm via. Em. Mr Rankhrart had been a I L is being speedily run up on both sides of Sixth Afcnue on the two blocks Just ytit of Mc-Drlde Street for the local "war station" of the Irish Fusiliers, headquarters of which were recently moved from Vancouver to Frince Rupert. Largest of the structures is a model cook kitchen with two wings which, on completion, will have accomodation for between four hundred and five hundred men In one sitting. The site of this is Immediately below English Hill. In all. there will be between fifteen barrack .or sleeping huts, t..niin. In Westvlew near Seventeenth Street construction of signallers' headquarters buildings Is proceeding. Conviction Is Quashed PROV -iC. .L LIBRARY up. VICTOr weathefi Eorjecasi ! Tomorrow sT ides Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Moderate to t :h High 1:30 ajn. 205 ft. . cniith wind i J?ri. 13:49 pjiu 20,7 ft. V Low 7:47 a.m. 4.0 ft! and cool with showers. , f ' ' 20:07 pjn. 3.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER , XXIX.: No. 218, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1940. PRICE: t CENTS Britons Are Far Superior In Air RAFT IS NOW LAW (idtntial Signature l.iven Important United States Measure Today To rASHINOTON, D- C.. Sept. 16: 'I. .Setting In motion machln-to send, 75.000 draftees to ips. in November, President nklln P. Roosevelt today gave cttng signature to peacetime ft legislation requiring regls-Uon of approximately 16,500,000 i from 21 to 35 years of age for Itary service. The president's sature followed first the Senate Lval Saturday and soon there-r that of the House for the jnded draft bill. frrsldent Roosevelt, In a state-t Saturday, said that due ar- emenU naa oeen maae to ct insurance, all social gains rights of workers under the MINISTER OF FINANCE CALLS UPON CANADIANS TO MAKE LOAN SUCCESS THIS CALL TO SUFFICE Classes 21 To 24 Yean Should Meet Canada's. Needs In Meantime OTTAWA, Sept. 16: (CP) Hon. James G. Gardiner, minister of equip Canada's fighting forces. That task Is still uncompleted. I have national services, siid last nlcht therefore asked the press of Canada for their co-operation In enabling" ,nat lt was expected, the four me to make this serious appeal to all Canadians. classes of men 21-24 now being Orave events transpire across the seas;grave events impend. In the called-UP w training would pro-ultimate issues our all is at stake. vlde alt the recruits needed by Canada needs you to put your money behind your men, for airplanes, Canada military service this tanks, ships, guns, munitions. That Is the reason you were asked to Ynlnnnlt 13 e"ctf4 ht fs subscribe the Second War Loan. 400000 men 1,111 Tcn In these I urge al of you at home who have not yet subscribed, to hasten ,0l!Jfcl;n a,vu i.i IgporUnt duty. Hearten our comrade, Delay can only hearten toLkeLme1o SSS t hnc h v,. ...kik-j t men to relieve those absent to be CONFERENCE ON BOMBING could seize; an lnvesment in human freedom, for you and your children. Canadian Charee d'Affaires Aks" In this hour we fight to save all we have from destruction, ourselves Further Explanation In Regard Dnccn RinnTcli from enslavement. We-flght for the precious, brlceless. riaht to live our To Empress Of 'Asia lUo5Ul lillllMi Uvea In liberty. ., ( It is for this country, this freedom, that our men in arms are risking -giving-their lives. In the air. on the sea. and on the land Thr nt TOKYO, Sept. 16: The Cana- us who do not bear arms must bear our dollars to the colors to support dlan charee d'affaires has asked those who do. and will receive another confer- Large subscribers, institution. rornnrnHnns fo,nnnr ni,i.vin ence wltn the Japanese foreign Ota Brockman Dankhead of encouragingly-sure evidence of their sense of safe Investment value as "tajst". Yosuke Mateuoka. in re-. Alabama. Speaker of theU-eii . th-ir nt natritu a,, eard to the bombing last week of -T . i ihtpsl iiuw in iiuiiia.il irepuum. 1.1 u...i.i m from sciatica. He had I '"ey aeciarea acciaeniai. to Baltimore last Thursday ! t - Bellver a speech on behalf of Bdent Franklin D. Roosevelt s Ipaign and there he suffered Borthage from ah . abdominal vessel. His critical condition I a turn for the worse Saturday he expired at 1:35 a.m. Sun-, v v r f niTl khead, noted screen actress. ate funeral was held here to- rand burial wHl'take place at P, President F: D. Roose- leadlng the nation's tribute fcotb, senlces. pngressman Sam Rayburn, t supporter of the admlnlstra- and for thirteen years a fiber of Congress from Texas, i today named as successor to Bankhead. Ma Forecasts More Intensive Axis Assault OME, Sept. 16; A new and of the Axis powers on Great; Is Impending, declares Vlr- iiin Oayda, authorltetlve Fascist r There .Is no point in the 'Sh Iscles that pan rnnslrlir P exempt from air attack, de- I" Oayda. umbing Let or Seal Cove Airport Buildings Port At Bella Coola Also To BUILDINGS i i Local Headquarters Of Irish Fusi liers Being Rushed To Com-An Imposing array of buildings Nazis Take Worst Defeat So Far In War Of Their Four Persons Lose Lives As Small Boat Swamps South Of Burns Lake Sunday As ni QUARTER BILLION IS SUBSCRIBED Hooks On Seccir U'ar Loan To Be Kept Open Into This .Week OTTAWA, Sept. 16: Subscrip tlons to Canada's second war loan! up to last night had reached $248,- 200,000 out of $300,000,000. Books; will be kept open until the early part of this week. , ..4ict:iiitui tii uiiiici-iiun tfiin wie liiiiu uuic ciruay, uam-c Transportation Is Signed States House of Represen-' To those of more modest means, as to all Canadians I stress this the Canfadlaf Paflc tfamer !T MOSCOW. Sept. 16:-A pf Asia oft Yokohama. Th "if'm.'nt has been signed be- e nav olroo ti . nffllQllv fnrA6n T3 it eel ' n t- 4 mwlnnat- TVI Local Official and Wife Drown No Less a n rianes rxz rxz orou aging the private apartments of Queen Elizabeth wno, with the ' King, was absent at the time. None railway were hurt. British hnmhpr struct , heavily . Saturdaynight sand ' early apologized for the Incident which will simplify operation of railway ." .f 8; T traffic through to Sweden. 7?T ?Z J " and stores which the Nazis had as- ? sembled in ChanneJ ports of Hol land, France and Belgium. A Royal. Cahadian Air Force Hurricane squadron shot down three bombers and probably de-i Than 185 own Straits of Dover Stormy Today as Attempt of Germans to Stage Invasion of England Still Considered Imminent CHURCHILL ENCOURAGED LONDON, Sept. 16: (CP) Prime .Minister Winston Churchill said today that successes of the fighter command against the Lustwaffe on Sunday "exceeded all expectations and give Just and sober confidence for the approaching struggle." The fifth air raid alarm today sounded at 8:09 tonight (11:09 Pacific Stan-darm time). The Germans dropped bombs blindly out of an overcast sky. An official statement said that air raid casualties in London area during last night's bombing were a little greater than the recent toll of air attacks but much less than on the opening night, September 7-8, when they were 300. German shells shook Dover today with the British heavy guns replying. Shells fell in Dover streets and injured eleven persons as correspondents reported movement of German troop carriers close along the French and Belgian coasts under cover of night and mists. Liverpool was also heavily bombed yesterday. LONDON, Sept. 16: (CP) Royal Air Force and ; ground deiences on Sunday shot down 185 German raid- Pt'S lis fivprit Rvitnin nntnrnfl f Via u-aaU ,.V,;U . u - - mi ii tta tv iiiui iiiciny quail- Railway Pad f,led b.rYers, beli?ve may brinS the attempted invasion. J i he British plane losses numbered only twenty-five with i twelve nilots safe. German bomhs hit. Rupfe! . . ...... - .u- ..... buiiflia(.c ADMIRATION ' OF GANDHI Indian Nationalist Leader rajs Tribute to London Under Stress. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crerar. O. Palumbo and Alex 55 years ago and joining tht who were saved parachuted with! Prevent it, there would be no mass . ' Erickson Victims of Tragedy in North British Railway at Glasgow out mishap to earthy tSSStSr escaped with their lives. The bodies had not been recovered up to noon tragedy from Burns Lake and Smlthers to conduct dragging operations. Survivor Tells Story aI IUa nnAlnant O Q rt 1 T f ed over long distance teiepnone last' night from Bums Lake to Conviction by c. u. Pogson, '" ' boat turned sharply. Ks the tne . Justice of the peace at Port slngton. against T. joikuiw M,h.rt fnr t.hP. animal. charge of permitting liquor to thereupon turned over kent ln In a a restaurant rpstnnranL was was uua..v- quasnca - ...,, , . . tu .. ln County Court' ana we u four of the six people went $50 and costs was ordered returned. Ja dccp wftter of the T. W. Brown acted as counsel for the appellant while C. H. McLean acted for the .crown. lake Immediately, TUncnVi 1 Un 1900. Mr. Crerar camP to Prince ul 103 UHMn AVIIVJIIIIUL i.uivi: . ' Prince Rupert by L. McLennan, clerk to the roadmaster at Burns Lake and one of the survivors, re vealed that the between 12 and 1 o'clock about a mile from shore. McLennan's story was to the effect that a laree Labrador dog belonging to I Don .Crerar became excited when Mrs. dog ln ,uu IOr .n.H. ll..-iVnt "-'""s imm"-"."!" : "7 picVkt suaaeniy mrowmg w . . . . ... w deluding a double sea-Ion appeal by Judge w. As far as McLennan knows e hangar, fifteen bed hospital, W r,orKsnop, stores, 12-car ers Quarters, officers'. o.s quarters, men's vt.innnin Hpsorihtnff nis own 4VlllJV.ii.... , " - . escape, fold of clinging to the' Klil-vlvnr T .T Fvcrptt. twtlnn ' . i j I four other persons after it was turned right side up on being taken ashore. Gum boots and heavy hunting SIMLA. India. Serit. 16. Address- s.royea at least mree more bun- mg. the All-India Congress, Mahat- day in contributing to what the raa Gandhi yesterday paid tribute Air Ministry called the British to the conduct of the Brltlsh people. fighter command's "greatest vie ln the tlnie of crlsiS- AU the world tory over the Luftwaffe." Spitfires watch-ed the Battle of London wlth f, kCSk Ped ?t..2r ba,ed breath and admiration, he third cf the bombers as the- fight- , .nrfvntPnLJtf "Jh andhI jessed belief that not evidently intended to k be the heav- , , . . ,. . . ,j lest attack on London. Enemy A m ln.M of nlnnps wr cover, tn rmo uu" "M tuuv.uc iuc A LU.MASM to the British. Instead of dumping e'lon to liberatf e "ati,on rfi?rnnnn WhniAMt. destruction .rfn, n on tmJ London, , .which were now under the heel of II tVI II W I I the raiders had to fight a major i battle. The twelve British pilots Nazi domination. Gandhi promised that If he could brought, down yesterday was the'was ln Press. Rupert from Scotland some twenty- torgest for any slnle day slnce' The Congress inited Gandhi to Donald Crerar, local freight agent for the Canadian flgh fff s fll0ttnd soo,n befe tne war began. The previous high sume leadership and passed a National Railways at Prince Rupert, and Mrs. Crerar, Stlena Unt 5"toS aJd day had been August 15 when 180 SSS,181- fat Brltain its and endurance. Mo'-i1 Sh..r..were courage ntfavtann Palmr.n r-na.lmncfnv r,,l, downed. In addition to the uuuiimuu uiuitiuu a vcv4A4iuijwvA a j i tnc j i i u i c ii iiu'.i runK racinc it u ii way t worKing tU. 1 l ien. tional Railways at Burns Lake, and Alex Erickson, -also up to the position of local freight I tralned flymg men Anti-aircraft 1 of Burns Lake, lost their lives by drowning at 'noon yes- aeent- He went overseas and sery- guns accounted for seven 0I the c. P. R. steamer Princess Louise,, terday at Tchesinkut Lake, eight miles SOUth of Burns ?d a ,ry l" France in: enemy raiders and Royal Air Force Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived in port Lake. The quadruple tragedy oc- r . .itne f1"' afeat ;var- Tnree yea"iflghters for the balance. at 3:30 Saturday afternoon from curred when a small boat capsized and they were thrown Into the lake. three of which were completed "".?. ""..V " . some time ago and have since been in use. Still other structures Include administration and quartermasters stores buildings. At the northeast corner of McBrlde Street and Sixth Avenue ground has been prepared for a military hospital building, aeo he went back to France with stern of the boat while the other ithe Vlmy Pilgrimage. He was a Two waves of some 400 planes Alaska and sailed at 5 p.m. for came ""? over yesterday but, finding Vancouver. The vessel was twenty- fnrVrnan n f Ti ravi Vi 1 1 n ? u f h .1 -T" ,,"e cost of mass attack again too four hours late going north buf hnm ti,o Kton. it.. nir.rii-n. r .j... ..aear, me uermans once wtt. . . u nuiu wan . wivi.uiii- ed 'craft towards shore and about .the Prince today but provincial police officers Jan hour later the two men werelrjiub r"" year. He was past president of Rupert , Rod & Gun - "- tions. : passengers, most of them north-. ... .. ,' ...... ... were converging on the scene of the picked up by a cabin cruiser which 'rrmr Crerar m was nronrle Droorletress tress of of the the In-1 In- also took the capsized rowboat ln-lander Rooming House and was' er eonm ions on tne Eng- tow. There were no traces' of the -nuallv well known, havine alsois unannei toaay are most un- - .,J.t . .i vi- k- ,t. eignt went uDoara ai mis port porc Rupert since early railway con-'vasion 0f England by the Nazis.; structlon days. She was bom In Allhough this ls the night of the more made up the time and was run- changed their tactics and came nlng right on time again south-' over singly and in small forma- bound. The vessel had aboard 155 uiiu iismiiig tiuuiuis uciiik one son. Alistair. acea iiiteen. ffi t.,a i ocno Minnesota They are survived by L Mt m aff ftt laat . twenty-toll hours, bringing worn by some of the people. Palumbo was fifty years of ago" their highest the sea Is very rough, " " Mr. and Mrs. Crerar had left and a native of Italy. He ls sur-land choppy. There are low clouds "Th7 H Z q,mia, ' Prince Rupert only last Friday'vlvcd by a wldow. the' former Eve- and mist vemng or - me on a - noi - of TelKwa. Better -rZ tragedy occured , iyn Chapman w tain th Roval Air Force. In addl- aay nsnmg ana nunung inp io;known as Mike, ne naa Deen mi" ...U(,U - "M ' n nam i nptivifv.tlon to shootuie down 175 German T.,.- ..u t . . . viori faitori nminir frt tho u.e i&cs jjiitntw uuu. ui tmni3ltne maintenance 01 way service or . '"'',.., t,,p mTrt(l made large scale spat vid raWs on.-Lake. It was in the course of this, the railway since 1914. He has a of the British Navy and Royal Pje , on that the tragedy occurred. Mr. Crerar was an ardent angler and hunter. All Well Known News, of the tragedy came as a great shock to many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Crerar for both were pioneer residents of Prince Rupert. Mr. Palumbo, long Identified with the railway service ln this district, was also very well known in Prince Rupert, Danny, a member of the , --"7-7,-":: son, p" and the mt0 Canadian Scottish Regiment nov1 While the Royal Air Force ton"les across Alps ln Victoria. Palumbo had recently 'tlnued its merciless pounding of "If , n.H. In North Africa also the British ..: ...-J i ... iu n noci of th. v.t. oi at Smlmers after having been 'the Channel coast and to the rear. JSTuiS' located at various points along the.ln the Lowlands and Germany, the ? t",, line ln many capacities. A fewiNazls kept up their air raids on "rv; months ago he had been promoted London and elsewhere in England;-"-""-"0 ' . ,m to the position of roadmaster at Burns Lake in succession to Dennis Deneen. Alex Erickson was a mink faw fences. Born at Pitlochry, Perthshire, mer near Burns Lake. but with somewhat less intensity 1 ; last night owing to the growing rlShtecafe across and were at, effectiveness of the British de- once attacked by Prltlsh-'tlghtcrs. Nr. Ipss ..than. IRA v.,1 'numucis Ui ucuyiu 1 WW uu- planes have been shot down ln the (Continued On Page Two) 4SSI i. 'A- 13