i PAOE TWO THE DAILT NKWB j. !" TAILY EDITION YOUR ARE HERE Ladies' White Shoes in Designs Men's "Campacs Pereha. Priced All Styles and By Outta to 3 95 Ladies' Sun Kay and liar Flex Sport Shoes Priced Child's RunnersAll colors Priced $1.2iwS2.50 75c 0 S1.50 AMILY SHOE STORE LT Th Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' City Delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $3.00 Paid in Advance, per month JC By. Mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Smpkre and Wilted States, yearly period, paid in advance 3JQ0 MHMltr.K OF Tilt: C ANAKIW I'ltKHH SPORT CHAT Torchy Peden. Victoria redhead, won his first race in professional bicycle ranks at Toronto 11 years ago yesterday. Prh from major triumphs at the Canadian amateur indoor championship meet, Peden partnered Bobby Wal-thour to wte a 26-mlle event. New a winner of more than 3fl atxdajr bicycle raew, he teams with toother Doug. Unfavorable weather during the past week has held uo the Prince Rupert Tennis Club's annual club tournament championship but those in charge of the competition were looking to the skies today for naor? favorable signs for the coming week-end. An effort Is being made to speed up the playing of outstanding matches. j j Australia Has Record Yields ure or approximately 2ib.uuu.ouu By MaH to aU other countries, per year 9.90 bushels. A quantity estimated at ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per insertion . Local Readers, per line, per insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone KC Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations local 20,000.000 bushels was retained on 02 farms for feed and seed and the 2S Australian wheat board received i 195,500,000 bushels. The previous season's carryover of 18.000,000 bushels has been sold, and also 95.000.000 bushels of the 'current eron. Altewine for homel on . d io it c - to the tn:Ma:.ti Press ;-n attTMer and atao Lhr CUnUmpiKn ana normal export xrna ('4Ml'i::d '.berc::i. All r.-:....i ci n, jM'jtiLZjxi u upretol ck pat3lM terin ate aim raervad , BEACONSFIBLD, Eng.. June 15: TURN IN THE TIDE f "rKath!" bp lk- , . lnB tor a goldfish when she show- t- 1 i. 1 1 i Tr At- Every tide that goes out is bour d to come in. If the ed a Ught durln? the blackout Allies Can Only hold there is bound to be a turn in the here. When she appeared in rourt events in Europe. Hitler will not always win. Give us only she claimed the fish had jumped the mechanized army with plenty of airplanes and we out of ite 8ne wus finc(J shall show the enemy that one French or British soldier .$2'22 is-worth two Germans. . It is possible that some people will think this paper has shown undue optimism in regard to the final outcome 01 unstwar. we ieei we nave not. we snail win as sure as it is that rieftt is bound to overcome evil. We have to remember that we are fighting the very devil incarnate and' that Gideon and his hosts won without even firing a snot. The British and French are payinir a very heavy price for their faith in the cause, especially the French. Un-' iui uuuutciy iui uie rrencn uieir country is situated oil 1 the borders of the barbarian country. That makes it com-' parauveiy easy tor tne narharians. rld.wever we have, reason. to believe they will yet be stopped and we feel' confident the war will be won and the power of the enemy: broken. ANOTHER OPTIMIST We are not the only optimists. There are thousands of others. Here is what one of our contemporaries says; "Optimistic though we are and must remain as wc cast our minds ahead, Italy's entrance into the war, of cource, obtrudes many implications. Until the new scene of operations has begun to unfold it would be pointless to speculate. We know, however, that II Duce's declaration has not surprised the Allies. It will go down in history as th most, intensely-pressagented national policy of this age. "But it creates another extensive front. In this, however, Italy may discover greater difficulties for herself than are apparent at the moment. For the time being, therefore, we must keep our chins up and our hearts stfiut The brutes are having their innings. Our turn will.cQme. Italy's conscience then will not be as "perfectly tranquil" as Mussolini says it is. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor MA HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Our Famous Edsun Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 DODGERS 'Tough At Night IMPROVE Without n(s Brooklyn Now Has Clear Lead National League Standing; (Hants Forge Ahead j Chicago M I V.of1. rarrvnvrr Snlrt ntlil kflgflg Ig 1939-40 Under Option CANBERRA. June 14: CP) Australia's wheat harvest for the current year. 1939-40. set a record fig Philadelphia 16 Pittcbcwi 15 Boatsji 13 HAPPIER IHJNTINt; 18 16 15 2S 28 27 27 20 American league Boston 28 16 CSe?wSM 30 21 Defeott 27 20 New Yotk 26 22 Chicago 22 27 8t. Loso 21 28 Wasfetatfon 21 31 PMlafielphta 19 29 In BROOKLYN. June 15: CPI Broaftts Dtdgers assumed a oue oatae load kt in National League vurdav as a HtsuK of 3 two to one shuUout of the see- ond place Cincinnati Reds. tiw New York Giants, winners 0f the New York Olanu. in third place. NaUonal League championship in defeated Pittsburg Plratos in a 1913 launched their soason X free-hitting game and. as a result, years ago today wtth a 3-8 logs to moved into one-half a game reach Pittsburg. Giants had lost the of the Re in the sUwxiira. world series for the third year in in the America.! League, the succession in 1913, following pen- standing oantinuos close but un-nant wins. They were world eham- changed wtth aU first division piuns m 1921, 192 and 1938. teams wJnnlnp yesterday overtholr gasasst dtolaton opeoBonta. Ystertof s Big League acofoa: National League PUtsbtinr 6 New York I. Cincinnati 0 Brooklyn 1 Chicago 2. Boston 4. St. Louis 6 Philadelphia 2. American league Washington 1. Detroit 10. PtaiaMalDhia 0. Cleveland t. Bnotan 5. Chicago 1. Hear York 12. 8t. Louis 1. ?fcjaru stamttnea to date: ( National league Snag-Hyo 34 Clndtaaaji 32 Xew York . M .705 .67 .69 .510 .391 .372 357 .310 63G 538 .574 542 449 .429 .404 .396 , marketed abroad. muskrat papolatten of northern Saturday. June 15, 1940. 1 Australia wheat growers hae Manitoba rose from 500 to 290,- I been paid some $99,000,000 In ad-, 000 in five years, and 126.000 were EDITORIALS saies 01 iiour. it u estimated some' OTTAWA. June 15: (CP) 1 55,000,000 bushels remain to be Throuah oaraful orjMrvaUan tt tlon was planned better hunting Goin' Fishin'? to give Indians (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One Our Fishing Competition For the largest Rainbow or Cut-Throat Trout caught on fly or spinner opens May 24th and closes Labor Day You Are Eligible With Any Purchase of Fishing Tackle SEE US I OK DETAILS Kaien Hard PHONE 3 ware Co. Box 98 Canadian In Manoeuvres Found i Coud Samaritan In Thone Olrl ALDERfiHOT. Eng. June 15: CP Quattar John Mousseau, despatch rHc with the 51st AnU-Tank Battery from Ottawa, has vowed be wont start out on night imfrnoeuvft again wiummk a mm pennies Hi Mo pocket. Bringing up the rear of a convoy. Mouaseau's maehtne siruek a hidden obstacle during a blackout, rhrowfcur him iuto a deep ditch He lay these for half an hour. Then r grooed his way to a telephone pay staUoa only to find lie was without ftKMis He Jangled 'he receiver frantically, and finally an emergency operator broke In with an indignant demand to know what all the fuss was about The injured lad explained his ollfftt and reouwrted that a call Ik cut through to his duty off!- at headquarters of the 1st Division An ambulance rushed to his aid. John, not serloualv hurt wng fwrteWv on his feet again His first j call was to AMershot post office where he naid twooenee for the 'ohone rail and asked that hls thank be nonveved to the "Oood munarlton" tetenhon gtrl. Ue the cumuiauv rtt of .1 ertiMne that counts 416. FOR SALE 28-FOOT boat for &aie Raised deck cruiser 35-40 Bremen engine. Phone Oreen 728 WANTED WANTED TO RENT Furnished suite or small house. Box 4 Dally News .MISCELLANEOUS ; varices for the crop, optioned to the trapped this spring The conserva-, PUBLIC Stenographer. Phone Oreen United Kingdom. JUMPING GOLDFISH FOR KENT PERSONAL 148t TO LET-For July and August. 0-room flat partly furnished. Phone Blue 992. (1411 FOR RENT For 2 months. Fully; :ur 111 shed J-room house. Available June 29 Phohe Red 986. 141) NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A OOVERNMBNT Job as Clerk. Postman. Customs Clerk. Steno , etc. Three Domlnlon-wlde exams held since war began. Free Booklet. M. C. C. Schools Ltd . Winnipeg Oldest in Canada. No agenU. VOU can run a Home Kindergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute. Wlnnl-ng Mnnltnna tf. INCREASE YOUR INCOME Bell shoes. Highest commissions. Free Selling equipment. Write The Ritchie-Bart Shoes Ltd., 455 Craig St. West. Montreal. (115) LOST WILL the party who took the 20-foot fir extension ladder from the Oovernment Agent's house please telephone the Government Agent. tt THE SEAL QUALITY Masai GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon racked by the only salmon canning company with sn all the year round payroll q rrtnr.fi Knxtrt Army Is First In New Zealand lining Ranks of Fighting Men I-scnllal, Government Points Out AUCKLAND. N Z . June 15: CI- New Zealand has decided the army amos betote even ai f tut I4t4us-tis. No man Is to be retarded a utnaHjr hKliapensable and where a key man wants to enlist the em ployer must train someone else to replace him within a reasonable period. There are to be no totally reserved occupation although some mm regarded as IndiatMMMable the moment are being askrC to n-tnatsi In their occuoatkMis In the i i The Balloon Barrage 5V M at. 1 nazis iMightm; German niul are s , . " UWA mr itfk ill... LONDON Ju: , mun ollou bi air corps an- iU , fleers as suyiui! , floating bullooi protect Undu. mares." Pear of th. tM;, with fOITtllK T 1 1 .-r air. One captur.; was asked b ,u .,. officer: "We ... a high altitudt "N." Uu- prti.i,. omt hUormatioi meantime. The government takes t,Mlt b"0"" the view that the first conildera- b,,,rUve And tkm must be the filling of the army. r do lhat uhu The age limit for enlistment has bl" lhf h"0"'" been raled from 35 to 40 to en- aW nflmari' iue that there will not be too many : men of the older umc Kniup In later , Daily New , UOitS rcuU 0 f. ' Hi- f,.. 4e; :.ir rue- liriiUtfla ' - i 'rriti.f m NEW KODAKS See Them H FILM ere llsby Brownie - $1.10 Oarrjinf Caw llaby ItroMrnle dr luxe Hrial Kodak 010 Bull life - 60 Brownie Junior SU10 Kit It e Bullet Camera SCI0 Field (Savr with it rap - ALBUMS ACCHSSOKIKS Developing and Printing Come in for Your Complete Kodak ( atalop HI na 11 New Kodak Vlcllautb t0 and 816 fl ami 111! Series II. Kodaks MM U till Series III. Kodaks to ItlS Jiffy Kodak Vest I'orkrl SW M HM H H Kodak Bantam f.8 $1 JO I1M C St.? KiKlik W IW fullrolor miniature and pnrftm tsnei camera work SI CM. gtTM Sftd 8?J) Highest grade leather field rae VM Kfedatlidt Projector For No. X'rolor projeeilon bhxM 1 VBM Kodak Pocket Ranee Under 13 Kodak Metal Tripod W ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE 5lioe Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert Hours from 8;30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone GHt'EN I FOLDING DECK CHAIRS A Strong, Comfortable Folding Chair. Each- $1.00 Arm Folding Deck Chairs An Attractive Striped Pattern. Each- $2.00 Trapper Nelson's INDIAN PACK BOARD Complete With Rag, Medium Size $7.50 4