pAQE rovn PnONE 116 SERVICE Prtnryit and Efficient Service in Watch, Clock Jevclcry.rind Optical Repairing, Hand Engraving EXPERT OPTICAL SERVICE Licencee for Numount I'ullvue Frames The Latest in Eye Wear CHAS DODLMEAD OPTOMETRIST Phone 2G1 for Appointment Max Heilbroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Gifts for Every Occasion Canada At War 25 Years Ago JUNE 15, 1915 Sixteen killed In Zeppelin raid on English north-,east coast. British airmen bombed Karlsruhe on the Rhine in retaliation for German attacks on French and English open towns. Second 1 action at Glvenchy in lYpres Salient began. i .. CURATE INTERNED ' BRIGTON; Eng., June 15: (CP) Hev. William Oelsner, refugee Lutheran pastor from Germany, 'and curate 'of Preston parish church, has been interned. He was to have been ordained a priest of the Anglican Church. Five ttiousanc ti4.c flupen people read the Dally News. It pays to let them taow what yot have to sell Examinations For Motorists To Be Held Here Soon Examinations which motor vehicle drivers must pass in order to establish their fitness to operate cars will be held at Prince Rupert commencing August 1 and will continue throughout that month and into September, it is announced by the provincial police. Similar ex aminations will be held at Terrace starting July 25, Stewart starting August 27 and at Ocean Falls oh September 9. IN TO STAY, NOW LONDON, June 15: (CP) Frederick Pearce, 18, was sentenced to 12 months' imprisonment for breaking into a police station. Pearce escaped three times from a reformatory to which he was sent In 1936 for stealing a bicycle. COAL NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SQOTLESSi; BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffefy Ltd. PHONE 117 "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prlncv Rupert i AAJIWAV I COMMUNICATIONS I. HOTCL Co. Ltd. British Columbia CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SS. "Princess Adelaide"' every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct Princess Loulte Princess Charlotte Princess Alice June 1st, 15th. 29th June 8th, 22nd June 26th To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skag;way June 3rd. 10th, 17th, 21st, 24th, July 1st, 5th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, R.C. hue THE DAILY NEWS Saturday jUne j, lit Waterfront Whiffs alibut Landings This Year More Than Million Pounds Ahead of Lap t Rottle Drifted Long Way Complaint Regarding Japanese p 1 1 i X week ending yesterday landings to- (afternoon and will sail at 5 pjn. for rauea hu.udu pounas lnciuamg "" wiim. 486,500 pounds American and 253,- wuinaiu an uuiciai jjaperoi ine un- cw service migni come into ci- ited States hydrographical survey, ct Is not suggested. The Idea, it filled In as follows: "S.S. Mont- ts understood, would be to connect merey, Capt. R. Johansen; latitude here alternately with the steamers 29 north, longitude 137 west, Janu- Catala and Cardena for Vancouver. ary 24, 1938.- The location In the message Is In the Pacific Ocean some 1000 miles west of Los Angeles. The bottle had drifted from 1500 to 2000 miles. 11 W. Harris, Angus Currie and Thomas Wallace, Skeena River can- CAPITOL PROGRAM TREATMENT BY TICKET After some discussion, It wai de cided to communicate with the Fish Packers' Union intimating ;iuai that the uic board uvmiu was yl prepared Cjau cu to wj uauawuu iuvai u u,ui,ai9 (juuiiu against 2,859.300 For the Alaska, is due in port at 3:30 this for such as uo ngniiwv Ui;VUuv pounds. pvutiuoi x t bill;, v jvi u w.wv negotiate some arrange- ment providing some 1560 or 3000 persons guaranteed to subscribe. The Department of Indian Af 500 pounds. Prices showed little According to local report, the new w rntalSTS.. chanee from the Dreeedine several Queen Charlotte Island, sorvlp bv .L ... . .. . . . . . , , " " 7. " wie Doaro. ouenng a nai aauy weeks, remaining steady at a satis- the Union Steamships, following ac-payment per day of $3 00 for treat-factory level. qulsitlon of the steamers Prince. Indlan lrv? to cMe . .. Z . Charles and Prince John, will be on a XIVice and medlctnal charge. A native fisherman of Kltkatla. a ten-day basis between Vancou- xhls. the department claimed fishing off Banks Island a few days ver and Prince Rupert via the Is- was the highest rate paid for ln-ago. picked up a sealed bottle which, lands, the steamer Prince Charles dlan patients anywhere in Cana-upon being opened, was found to being used on the run. When zuch v..i . u CA.cpk lUKUM, H vwtai WII1VI1 the managing- secretary of the hospital board challenged. The board being undecided about whether the proviso regarding the nat rate including extra charges should be accepted. It was decided to leave the matter remain on the table for a month. Routine business at the meeting last night Included the presenta tion of reports. The lady superin- tendent. Miss Jean Harrison R. N nery managers, who have been on curinTL-ui, . h" M- u. Parl?- dlng pltal had been busy, trip to Vancouver on business nre- J very running w: zz:::,: " e ,,s U) a'r ana instituted uwuiuieaiuwea v on on the Princess-Adelaide city rrom the Women's Auxiliary ves- teraay Sternoon Mr if:l rtn!. b,ackout Artt- pital and a morrts chair manager of North Pacific nnBiy; 1 l ...T Mary amotM- Im" Mr. Currie Claxton and Mr Wal-lf the flrst Vor,d ( perlal Order. Daughters of the lace. Syslde ntelligence officers. The celebra- Empire. The board ordered that ,uon is Interrupted bv the air raldlultnhl a nnnviiib Running somewhat late owing to TthTL toUn made th " Ml fri.,M .I0.W" u tne Plunges 'Harrison's request for canvas along the coast. Union steamer Car- J" tensc of laundry bags was referred to thejj dena. Capt John Boden, arrived In Tn ..,H " " . . port at 12:30 midnight last night . luSL ? a doublc blu Jane Withers U cast . frnm thp nth nrt coii.H l a Texa ""Cher's 7 daughter on her return vanm wno zooms lnto nIBh school and wavnomt. thp n.., h.H ong her passengers about a dozen round trippers. I Complaints were made at pro- O. Barber stated this afternoon that the officer at Port Esslngton had been Instructed to Investigate. No report had been received un to this afternoon. Capt. W. P. Armour, manager of the Armour Salvage Co.. returned to ,the city on the Princess Adelaide iyesterdai afternoon from a business trip to Vancouver. Capt. R. Gammon arrived in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from Vancouver. CPJt. steamer Princess Louise. , Capt. S. K. Oray, southbound from bicagway to Vancouver after her first tourist voyage, of the season to it. tiik M riiHMt: coriiT iiiutimi roi.i miiia OK IV I'IKIIItTK la lb Mattrr l Ikr tdmUI. trill. Art" Am4 ' ! M.llrr r Ihr tXnlr f Marvin! fiannl. llrrrmmr. lnr.aP TAKE NOTICE that by .,rdr . f Jlia' Honor. W. E. Kl.her, mad th 3rd lay of June. A. T. 1S. Wa ap-pointed Admlnlatrator of th- mtatt- "of , Mrln Gourd, drceaaed. and all par-ti- having- claims aicaln.t th- !d utate are hereby required to furnlch' name, properly veriried. to m n r before the th day t July. A. 1. 14f 1 and all partle Indebted to the palate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedncaa to me forthwith 1UTKD the Ith day of June. A D.I mo. 1 KOnUAN A. WATT I Official Admlnlmralor I I'rlnce nupert. n.C.I l,V TUK fll'HKMK cot JIT IP II II ITIS II CO I.I'M II I A IX 1'ltOIIATK la lkeMatler f tke "Aml.l.iralloa Aet" And Im Ike Mailer of tke Katate Of laa. lek . Ilvake.. Urreax-rf. laleatale TAKK NOT1CK that by order : Ik Honor. U ts. Kl.her, made the Jrd day of June. A. T ism i .... pointed Admlnlitrator of the eitate of iKJirieK H. HuKhea. deeed. and hII parth-i h.vlntf clalma aiffilimt th. aid eitaie are hereby required tn furnlh eame. properly verified to' tn on or before the (th day of Julv. A. Ii. mo, and all partle Indebted to the ealale are rrinlri i,. r..u k. amount of their lnd.l.l.rfn... .. lurinwiin. DATKO the 4lh A,v nt J II nat A la IH9. NOim AN A. WATT. ' ' OfflcIarAdmlnlatratnr. Trii. e i..--rf rj.C. " .lmmedlatplv cpU infn v.i. j aaw VUUIC 1X9 a result of her know-lt-all attitude. Jane even becomes a mem-, ber 0f the renowned Girls' Lasso' Club iZutly at the school but Ut not "0t UnUI until, Ytncial police headquarters thU h,rTan,t :she haS Iearnl a, a lesson in "school umuv0w aubuivii ncit spirit wearing naval unlforml,caps and ' flying Japanese flags on their boats on the Skeena River. Inspector C. Declaration Of Loyalty The undersitned wUh to take this opportunity to express to the public of Prince Rupert their loyalty to CANADA and the RRITISH EMPIRE as a whole. True to our oath of allegiance, we solemnly promise that, durlnj the present struesle for the existence and freedom of the empire, we shall at all times be loyal and willing: to uhole-heartedly and faithfully assist and support the common cause, either morally or actively. Signed llueo Kraupner, O. Pick, V. Pick, J. W. Schroeder. C. O. Olaile, A. Stelnert. F. Hepperllnf, Frank Schoeder, I'd Schroeder, Carl Schroeder, Ed Wirschke, Alois Ohnesorir. Night or Day Phone 112 Taxi Prompt Senrlce-3 Heated Can CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM ISATIIS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, 50c and up Hot and Cold Water, Shower Baths Mrs. C. E. IHack, Proprietress Dr. J Munthe Wishes to Announce That he has taken over Dr. H. O. Johasens practice at 41G 4th AVENUE EAST house committee. For the Women Auxiliary. Mrs. H. L. Landry reported on a tea IDORA Roller Rink Mondays and Tuesdays Open for Private Parties Wed, Thurs.. Frl.. - 2-1:30, 6-11 on Sat, PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Knilnccrs Iron and Itrass Casting Electric and Acetylene Weldint- Speclallsts on Sawmill and Minlnf Machinery All Types of Engines Repaired and Overhauled Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MiHt VALENTIN DAJUY PIIONF 57 Stanley W. Colton CHIROPRACTOR Wallace Itlock Phone CIO J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Rank Mdf. Handyman Home Service Repairing Stoves, Roofs, IJec. trical Appliances, Oil Iturners Cleaned, Plumbint; and Painting 221 Seventh Ave., W. Phone ltl.ACK 735 which had been held In the Nurses' Home as a result of which some $70 had been taken In. The house committee, F. A. Mac-' Callum, chairman, reported that much-needed repairs had been mad Curses' Home en-. At last night s roul;r monthly . . trance stairs. The question of de-meetmg of the board of Airny. directors frcU ,n ,terUlwrs was rccclvln8 of the Prince Rupert General atuntton. The matter of clearing Hospital there was correspondence mots from the roof and grass from from C E. Cummant. president : the gutters of the Nurses' Home of the Fish Packers' Union, in re-I' lft to the house committee, card to the possibility of eatab-l For the finance committee, Ar- I lishlng a ticket hospitalisation ! nold Flatn reported that dls- Halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert for the scheme in Prince Rupert whereby, bursements for May had totall-d '1040 season up to and including yesterday totalled 7,1 IS,- on the r monthly - hos' xh M" A.'' d,ay" OU Ki pounds twinnrlc as nc con nn,.,,.,l ipaicdw ith k 0,3,100 oifo ma pounds v i at a corres-? Pital treatment would be given at a per diem cost of $3.39. Capital mmta rf a wtertl iixptnditur, ror month was i'u"u,,,8 " "i3' Jin. a 11c xiiuui luiui uygtcyaiu una year to date is 3,934,100 pounds in comparison with 3,533,-S00 pounds at the corresponding date last vear while the $74.74. I !i C.lvlnc Up Property The finance committee also Pre sented the tax bill of the city for : parcel of property on Overlook Street which the board purchased some years ago with the ultimate Idea of using It for hospital building purposea. However, it will not now be required for that purpose. so it was decided to allow the property to revert to the city at tax sate this rear. There had been tome talk, it was mentioned, of a part of the property being acquir ed by the radio station. On behalf of the i rounds com mittee. It was reported that Im provements would be started soon as weather became favorable Sidney Toltr CHARLIE CHAN "the" city or DARKNESS" 7:00 and 9 s ) JANE MiTIIIJtS in "High School" R:17 and II iii.Mi.Mi .MONDAY W Eddy and llona Ms Those pretent at last night's -t .. HALALAIKA NAVlfiATOR LONDON Jul, a submarine w, suddenly, the was left on din at once and :!.. to find the nav.a. a the periscope, qui1 for the work. I ,, meeting were Frank Dlbb. chair- tJZT; f man, F. A. MacCallura. Arnold t, cm i.sit Flaten. R. E. Benson. O. P. Tinker H","k and Mrs. H L. Landry, directors: ,.,'!'t X. to capacity. Miss Harrison reported Jen rrtn R- lady '' ... the donation of six fine owbed,'upertntendent- and w- llZV, . . . I m Inasl rm """"ij i i ammn '-. Step Aside! For The Pa ratio of New Shoe Styles Now On Display At CUT RATE SHOE CO. Pump! Tics Walking Shoes Dress Oxfords anil Sport Shoes I'MfoQO Off FROM Mack Blue Whites Brown Wine Rust EXCLUSIVE NEW ARRIVALS DIRECT FROM IIASTER.V FACTORIES Kid. Sorde and Patents In styles that you want. Iliih heels, roban and low heels. Shoes for which you espect to pay much more. WETTED "re Chief H. T. Lock reoortel' JTTJ te having made his usual monthly Inspections of hoaotUI and nurae' - - - home, finding everything in good xmium -nj order and completely satisfactory ',kV.'?,, iota The Cut - Rate Shoe Store IONE GREEN 615 THIRD AtSX J Mall Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Mr" j mmv.VWAm-AWAMWAVA'rtW.'.W.W UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Btcamcra Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATAIJI EVEItr TUES- m CARDENA FK1DAT, DAY, 1:10 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver. Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday anil Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reiervatlora and Tlcketi rrom FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Arent. Third Ave. rhoos SSI Cement Lime Gravel Lumber Shingles Wo carry in stock, Wallboards, Donnncona and IJuildiriK Materials of all kinds to look after small repair jobs or to build a mansion. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 Estimates Gladly (liven i ii "