1 ,-da.v. June 15, 184L. Another Drive For Red Cross KETCHIKAN. June li:-Ketchl. t havmg It second drive for jui: f0! tne American Red Cross lr'v since the war began. The objective on this occasion to i a set Art t f-" or wnicn iouu nus uern ai first drive was $tooo but, In LEICESTER, Eng.. June 15 A Navy Auxiliary Tea and sale ' home cooking will be held In ? R.CNVJl Barracks, June 14, 3-8. U.. June 21. Frolic, Moose Vlhalla Picnic June 23. r jdent of I Jiery and .i. June 24. Presbyterian Tea. XT hel) June 24. Mkhtes Margaret Jean MeLean In Mm. J R P.p.1, Cross Tea. Mrs. Bid Thomson , :t 20 Raffling off tearloth Catholic Tea. Mm. DeJong's. June Dominion Day Sports Celebration 1 Big Dance In the evening. N R A Excursion to Terrace First Fare 12.75. " ted Strawberry Tea, Mm Pacific Ptae. July 4. Queen Mary danee Oddfellows' e jiiiv a. . . holir Baiaar, October 2 and 3. ! .11 A Bazaar. October 16lh. A; "J'ran Fall Baiaar. November I nunc it Open Till 10:00 p.m. Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos Candies MtTSSALLEM'S 1 CONFECTIONERY 'Anglican W. A. Tea And Sale A succescfu) tn and sale of homo cooking wu held yesterday afternoon by the Women's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Angltoan Cathedral at ollected, The objective of e huomAe of M": J; W. Nieholl. :w of the need in Europe, it has wer,e lawfully & - " - spring ftnrlt-10 flnumea flowers. Mra Mrs. fHarloa Charles Pill. doubled on this occasion. KKI'KNTANT FlltKMKN Ellison was general convener and many ladle who called were received by Mrs. II. 8. Meadows, president of the Auxiliary, and Mm. J. W. Nlch- rr Bight auxiliary fire service oils. here dismissed for falling .to Presiding at the tea tables were '" .-.quad drill, have been t?ln- MIm R. M. Dav4e O.D.E.. Mm. J. B -d on admitting their view albson. Mm. F. A. MaeCallum and - d drill was unnecessary was Mra. C V. Dritt. Serviteurs were aken Announcements Ail advertlsemenU In this col-will be charged for a. full month at 35c a word. Mm. P M. Rayner. Mrs. Robert Dartlett. Mm. J. H. Nordan, Mm. O. P. Tinker and Mlas Nereen Gibson Cashier was Mm. Thomas Andrew and assisting In the tea room were Mrs W J. Oreor and Mrs. W. II Bmeeton. Mm. A. L. Hokby and Mm. F. N. Oood had charge of the home cooking table. Sympathy was expressed by the chairman, Frank Dlbb, at last: nlghtto meeting of the hospital' adian Legion Picnic. June 16. to the managing secretary. H. W. Birch, whose mother recently died lilnd Auxiliary tea. Mrs. . 8. D. JaiJjston', June 2fl. Cimbrai June In England. She had been a wai evacuee. 4i with ....!-- a.. . aia riVt CLCANtCR. .x .I. mu. ....sum v,..,,: tkfM aixDlM ! ' '.' C" tl... M..tr.l. A.I fttk, mtU BIG FIVE CLEANSER ,1m .it t.la. 1r y" lm,'V' ".i.. - n. .-i - it ; Mlal. .11 U. y.ar . . It U.I CIM"I. UNITED CIIIJMICAL CO. LTD. 3M0 St. Ambniite St. Montreal MacKenzie s Furniture REAUTYREST MATTRESS r . . nnn .mail individual coll springs, covered SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! mhi it 8CEAI FALLS d POWELL RIVEB Itesmtf leave Prinoa Ruicrt every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trntna leara Princ Rupert for the Ea.t Mond.r, Wodnead.j, Frid.j, 6 p.m. Itaamer for Krtcblkan nd Stewart cTery VHJNESDAY, 2 p.m. in .'J imilllliv uui uww - aw wmte cotton. Built for sound refreshing sleep. 42.50 siumbTr King Spring-There is no better. 15.00 All -sizes 327 TlllltU AVENIH: V-B-40 THE OLD GAUDCNEU FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different l'lant Food Contains Vitamin Hl The new remarkable Plant stimulant In the proper pro-nortlons. a mild insecticide and turther essential elements Growth and a for a steady healthy plant life. Today 10c. 25c Try a racket Wholesale Distributors V H. Malkln Co. d'-'t.) Post-Nuptial Shower Held Miss Mintenko and Miss Jean Kel-day Hostesses For Mrs. J. Moreno Mias Annie Mintenko and Miss Jean Kelday were Joint hostesses at a delightful kitchen shower Friday night at the home of Mrs. W. Mintenko in honor of Mrs. J. Moreno, the former MIm Peggy Pearee. The rooms were tastefully dec REGISTERING Mucli Valuable Information is Ob' tained in Retard to Local Talent For War Service A meeUng in connection with the taking of voluntary registrations for national service was held m the , at the Canadian Leckm. It is an- - ' 1 . - - . PAOB THHW XHIDAILTKIWB LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for Old Oold. Bulger's Call 32 Taxi, we trust you when others don't dare. U) orated In pink and white stream- Princess Adelaide for a month's trlpi Delicious refreshment were ser ved after which a beautifully dec orated basket was carried In. There were about ten present. ,,unced that arranemenU have, "n' t. been made whereby the officer on .ijfni m in- yun ban1It. ui-duty at the Citr Poee Station will ! -nd n- . . .. . , ... uraU lUri- at I Tine- Ituprt. i accept reatsiraUons during the day T,k. , c, ,h.t nn . b.riu.i throughout next week. !" nnd.. Hd okic. ti van- ,. , ..j .v. . ... , ... liur U fc. TM tlninvUb- Kiwi. " " cf--u wu amuw i uu-- X .n,.u-v.r i, t- u,,n4. . .U fat trlbUtUm to MfdCtranU Witt arrive a Ur-n u, pnpl lroUum hv Mmult aavnd IMMMrnl mm. 'wr and- up n th ; 11 i Lnd ltuat-d on ncth i!! of Tonight's trau. aue from the Mt at II o'clock, wa reported nis afternoon to be on time. already there on busine8. faiAr PffnmiilM nf I H o t-vr.l 1 cror. rison paymaster's department sailed last nicht on the Princess Adelaide I I for a trip to Vancouver on leave. Mrs. Jack Joy has sold her Cook- taking over during this week-end. ix tih: HiTitr.Mi: roriiT or iihitisii roi.l'Miiii in i-imnxTr In I tie Matter nf I lie. "AilmlnMratlon Arl" And In the Matter of I lie I'.Matr of Hen-Inn I n I'rrgiixin. TAKE NOTICE that by Order at HI Honor Jude rtatxr dated May 15th 1 1 waa a)JiiMd AdmtulatraUir with the Will annexed of Um tal of th late , Benlamlu Vrtruon. rjuceuard. Udc of ; I Ite Ottjr of Prince Rupert. Proline of Brltifth Oolttmbui, Merchairt. arid that ail peruana IndobUd to Uve aoid Estate ire required to ynj their dalnu to m forthwith and UuU all pcraona hating clalma airaliMt Ut aald Eatat are re-oulred to III thro properly Yerllled In writ with m on or before the soui day or June io railing wrucn I ahall make distribution of such Ertat hnvtrut remrd only to clalma then in my handa DATED at Prtnoe Rupert, B. C. tbla Ifttli day of May A. D. 1840. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator YL G. Helgerson Limited 216 SIXTH STREET l'rlnce ltupert, n.C. .We have on our lists the fol-lowlnft food buys: 412 EMEItSON riJVCE 7-room house. 2 lots. Lovely garden. Fully modern. Furnace. 4 bedrooms. Concrete foundations. Cash $3150. Terms $2000, balance In monthly payments. We Have Several Furnished House for Kent for the Slimmer Months G-ltOOM HOUSE On Taylor Btreet. 3 bedrooms. Fully modern and sewer. In good condition. Cash $1G00 or $1800 on terms. roll. AM PKTIUII.Kril APT N-im .- of Intent inn in apply for Urrn.v In Ibf JU-n fharlollc Inland lml Hmtrict and the lond 1U les Coffee Shop business on Third "" f itibc nu?t ,,,.. , , Tah llcw lhi 4u-n rharlotta Avenue to O. W. Johnstone who Is IU indii. iiad office, mi van- r-iv-r III ck. TM UraiiTlllf Htrvi-t. Vanwuvi-r. B. P. intend, to apptr fur ft llon- to prtpn ro. ixtuulouin nna natural ra. ivr aoq upon in rollowias daHbd land: lvndi .Ituaird on north .hore ot I'haatl Uland Skidrfrat Channel. pUMM Tharlottp inland. R. P.. m-mcnrlnit al a pual on- (SI nil I wm of fniH- Pa and nrnrked Q. r. O. fs. NORTH WKXT POUNHII datwt May :. IM. Tlwnw lKhty () hrln miulh. elht ( 14) chain. twt, rlprhty (Sal r-lmln north, and fifthly ( oUain khI and rnnlalnlnir .is hundred r.irty (SUM arrea m.irw or ,. nm K-r .ketch nnt.-d bi Prlnie Itunert. n. P. thlrtii lh day of Mvv 1940 A. T). (IKOnuK v. KF.nn Annt fur the aald Quern Phnrlnile -Oil Syndicate. t un. ami ri-i uoi.i:t:i it Notice uf Int. mi. in tu apply for L.lca In the Uuean Charlott UI- and. land Olatrict. and the Land lt- curdlng Ui.trlct of I'rlnea IiuparU Take notice that Qun Charlotte nil. rtyndlae. Head Office. (01 Van-t-ouTr III ck. 718 Oranvllle Street, Vanrnuvi-r. II. ' Intenda to apply for a lii'i-iiH. to propeM eual, petroleum and ruuurnl gut. over and upon tha fullowinic deacrlbad landa: Ixnd. nituiited on north thorc of t'hnntl Inland. Skideirate Channels Uvieeti Charlotte Inland. II. C. com menc'iiK at punt one (I) mils wnt of Canoe Vt... and marked U. K. O. 8. XOHTIt KAST COHNEri--datcd May ST. t4fl. Thence eitehty (80) rhalna anuth. eichty (0i chains w.t alirhty-(80) chain, north, and eighty (SO) red forty (M) acr- mure or 1.., a. per .kelru. Dated at l'rlnce Rupert, n. C. thl. thirtieth day of Xlry. 1110 A. t). OKORC.B W. KF.RR Airent for the .aid Queen Charlotte, nil. Syndicate. I tlAI, AMI I'CTHIII.ISI M ACT Notice of Intention to apply for I J oen ..Mi In the Queen Charlotte !.)-nnd. laind Dl.trlct. and the land Recording Dl.trlct of Prince Rupert. Take notice thin Queen Charlotte Oil. Svndlcali. Head Office. (01 Van tf. Mrs. Joseph Oosse arrived In the iclty on the Princess Adelaide yes- terday afternoon, being here to pay a visit with her son-in-law ana daughter. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Scott Robert St. Clair, district forester, j returner! to the city on the Prlneessi VOLUNTARY REGISTRATION Adelaide from Vancouver where he; FOR NATIONAL SERVICE will has been visiting for a few weeks, continue at tne uanaaian j-eju Hall MONDAY and TUESDAY 8 Mrs. L. W. Kergin and daughter,to 10 p.m. Males only, ages 16 to Dorothy, sailed last night on the 60. tf. pr. iio Vancouver. provincial vonsiauic mc uau, The evenlnt- was snent In nlav- TTTT. . formerly attached to the city ponce tag aame. and daneJn. ' ..." " " u"l. ZIZ here and for the past year or so lo- events or tne nour oi in nexi , . . .., arrivMi in the high tide. Will I annual PICNIC. Canadian Le- Adelaide yesterday afternoon. gton. B. E. S. L. Sunday, Dlgby 'Island. BoaU leave Cow Bay 10:30 Miss Joan uennoime arnvea m Ull 1430. Adults 50e. Children ac- the city on the Princess Alice ye-'companylng odulU free. Men In terday afternoon from Oeean Palls uniform free 041) and sailed last night on the Prince tJonn to spend a vaeauon at neu IS lirilNli ON MU Alma Dybhavn returned wjth relaUves. IV VIVSlllVl nome on the prince Adelaide yes- terday afternoon from her studies, strangers in town, call 32 Taxi at the University of Washington In. for any information regarding our Seattle to spend the summer vaca-Jclty Including .train and boat ar-tlon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'rivals and departures. (141) ,John Dybhavn 'on, ami I'lrriHH.i'.rM act iiMfitUMi lu apply for City Hall last evening. The lists U"i- m th- gus chwiotu- ui-have been carefully tabulated and Hml; ""j1 '"lr" .'J H .. . . . "mini I ! riM ..I Print-.- Iuprt. valuable Information has been ob- vniw,- buiw- thai q -hri.,t tained. It Is revealed that there ' in4icnt.. n4 outr. coi vn- ; are a number of men In Prince Ru-I pert with qualifications in the field of munition manufacture who are ! anxious to have their services utilized. Sueh information is being communioated to the Ottawa au- thorilier reir-r HI OK. . i unnviiir nrr-. Did..ikn. ti Ihiril. th Hat of Mmt. n iKimiiniiua nnmiiuc MtuiaD (OR(lE W KK1LH ' loniy ana will be accepted Monday and Tuesday evenings of next week , Vin-..uv--i P. "'.. inlnrt m appl for t I i--rp. t" iir.p.-' -ill, -t rolum and natural Kaa. ut xni up-n tli-fcillowinK d-'rihd Inoit' lind nituao-ri In Hi- vicinity nf Tli.n liny. ww cuaal of Urhm Iri-ami. Uriiian i'.ilumln known n I t STI IHiIm4 ' PHnr RyiM-n. Tt. 'V Ihi' Ajcml for Ik- irt Qu 1iarlHtl il Hymll.r. Charles Graham, inspector of mines, sails this afternoon on the Princess Louise for Nanalmo where he will act as a Judge at first aid and safety tests to be held- next week. Mr. Graham's son. H. J. Graham from Tulsequah. is going through on the same boat, bound south for a vacation. Benj. H. Harry M.D. EYE DISEASES Lenses Carefully Prescribed G31 Birks Bide. Vancouver, B.C. i'iiai. ami i!in,iui.t:r m apt Ni.t.ar. -f .HI. HWi.l. 1 ! -4ppl for Jj--n-i hi h. yu--ti t'harluil. and linru-- ntid th- Ijtna It. ordlns I Mai r in of prtiwr Kunort. . Take mu..-. hui Uuen bjtrlut OH Hs-ndicni. H-nil Offlr. Ml Vnn-coiMr HI -k. T3i lirniivllfi- fRtt. ttkaatl laland. Hkldl Cbann' l. LV-ncouv.-i . II. iut-iid arfly for giin itMirlallr Inland- II '. mm-(a llr-n pr..i. - - I. prtrolvum mrnrlnK al a nawl lr- () mil la nil nniurni un- ana op n I nf rn r Pa and nw.rk-1 Q. r.l f.'ll"in di-M-riUvd lanrtu: O. . i.VBT Wr "R.VHR datM I Landf .Uual- d in to vinnlW r M. IT. IM. TlwtiH lrtt (M!M.nrn Point. Haint-r JSivr. wt Mrs. J. H. Carson and sons, John M;'h 'rt" ' l , .iVT1" and Pat. left on last evenings train. ,, ..h..lin, ! enntamm- om.d at prince Rwrt n. r. thin tnr a trlri tA llslifnv T"r rtnrmn I. hundred and furiv (CM! acrw raorr I Wrtrt iM dav . f v. I4 A. T. nr ap per aim. n 1 Itmtt ai Prtrw- Hapatt. B. P. fhb llhlrii-bh day r Hi ll .. P oitrt'Hic w. KtcrtR AMrmt for Hilr MM Oun Oiarloite OU Hyndlcnl. (JBuatlK M'. RERR Aawnt fur the sa;l l)aeen Phwlntte Oil .vndlrle foil, AMI I'lmillM'.I'M AT Xtiee uf Intention to apply for lie-nee In the tuen Charlotte l.l-.nd l.nd llietrirt and the Land Recording Wxtrlrt ( I'rinc Rupert Take notiee thn' Queen fharlotte Oil' ( ndi. ii l Head office. C1 Van-bnurtr HI r. TM (irnnvllle fHnet. Vaixuuvrr. II. ".. intend lu aftpijr tor a tleen.i' t prope't enal. petroleumJ faa& iwtural w. over and up- n th lollttw4iut described Innda: - Uind. aituated in the rlrinity of Tian Bfcv went e -at of Ornham Inl and. llrltUh t'olumhlii. known a Ixt till. tinted at Prlnre Ruoert R. C. thia thirtieth day of Mr.v. t4 A. n. nanRos w. kerr A (rent for the an id Queen Charlotte Oil. Svndleate. ' i tiAi. ami rirritoi.i:t'M act Nnflee of Int. nt ion to apply for liltwime in the Qmwn iharlotte tl-nrtfl. jr"M Ulatrlrt. nnd the lnd He-eotdina; TM.trlct of Vrinee Rupert. Take nulii-e thni Quwn Phartotle thlajOll. -Syndft-ate. Henri Office. Cftl Van couver lU.-ok. TV (Iranvllle street. Vancouver, n. r Intend, to apply for a licen.e to proapeof coail. petroleum and nalural bh ov-r and up in tha following deacrlbd l.-uida: Ivihda attuattil In the vicinity of Otnrd Hay. wrat :ul of Graham Inland. ,:H, -C. knawn a Ut STM. ttatad al Prlnee Rupert. R. C. thl. ihlrtrath dav nf Mlv 14 A. P. ttt: OKOnCIE V. KERR Aprni lur ine paiu vueen f-arl.ill. nil. Svndleate. 4; C IIAI. AMI I'lnillll.r.I'M ACT Notice of intention to apply tor Uraoaea in the Queen Charlotte Island. ljnd niatricl. and the band Ra-rordlnjc Plalrict of l'rlnce Rupert. Take notice that Queen Charlotte Oil. Syndicate. Head Office. SOI Van couver UWk. "S Ornnvllle f!trt. Vancouver. R. C. intend, to apply for a license to proapeot coal, petroleum and natural K. over and upon tha followlnr de.crlhed land. Ldiidi altuatrd In the vicinity of chain, ea.t. and containing sir hund- Tlnit Ray. wont coa.t of tlrnhnm Inl and, nritl.h Columbia, known as Ijnt Dated at Trine Ruprt. R. C. thirtieth day of Mr.. 1949 A. D. this C.KORHE V. KGRR A (rent for the .aid Queen Charlotte Oils Svndleate. 'tU. AM) PKTIUII.r.ll'l ACT Notice of intention to apply for Uoen.ea- In tha Queen Churlotta 1.1-aixl Land Dl.trlct. and the Land Ra-rordlnx Dl.lrlct of Prince Rupert. Take notice that Queen I'harlolte Oila Syndicate. Head Office. CAl Van- couver Ul'ck. Tl Oranvllle Street. couver lll..ck. T flranvllle Street Vancouywr. R. C. Intend, to apply for, Vancouver, I?. -P. Intend to apply for a llcwiee to prospect coal. petroietim a ucenae io proaneoi coai. ueiroieum and natural tn.. over and upon the and natural Kaa. over and upon tha followlnn deaeribed landa: . followlnir deaerltvetl land.: lytndx .Hunted In the vicinity of Land, altuatrd In the vicinity of Mnr-.n i'..i..i ii,iiinea Tilw r we.tl.Tian liar. . went Con.l of Graham 1.1- ooa.t of Graham l.lftnd. Ilrltl.h Col- and. llrltUh Columbia, known a. Lot onthl known M Wit HIT. I 1JSS. Dated al l'rlnce Rupert, n. C, thlit Dated at Prince Rupert. R. C thirtieth day of Man 1140 A, D. tJtlrtle.Hi' day of Ma IS40 A. D I OITORCIE Y. KERR Afrunt for the .nld Queen Chi M-iotU Oil. Syndicate. OEOROE W. KERR thl Airent for the anld Queen Charlottn Oil. Syndicate. Mrs. W. A. McLean Is sailing on the Princess Louise this afternoon for a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. F. Magnet Is sailing this af ternoon on the Princess Louise for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. E. Hetherlngton, provincial welfare officer, left on last evening's train for a trip to Prince George. A. J. Lancaster, provincial eol- couver where she will attend a con vention of the Order of the Eastern Star. Rfc Rev. E. M. Bunoz DD, Roman Catholic Bishop of Northern British, Columbia and the Yukon, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon following a trip to Montreal. a o , a a o Miss Harrison Has Resigned Relinquishes Duties & Lady Superintendent of Hospital September 20 Miss Jean A. Harrison R N.. at last night's meeting of the hospital board, submitted her resignation as lector, left on last evening's train lady superintendent of the Prince for a trip to Terrace on official I Rupert General Hospital effective duties. I September 20. It was left to the i executive committee to take step3 Inspector C. G. Barber sailed on -towards securing a successor, the Prince John last night for a trip! to the Queen Charlotte Islands on official duties. Mrs. W. D. Vance sailed Inst nleht city from the south on the Princes on the pi.lnces4 Adelaide for Van- HOLIDAY Book Your Reservations at SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Now Also for Full Particulars Write MRS. DUNN Massett, Queen Charlotte Is. B.C. 3OO9O9OoooooooaaooooaoiovrcHroocHooooooaooooQoo0ooa ! Cherub Baby Oil I o o a H Excellent for Chafing, Chapping pnd Diaper Rash. A Baby Feeding- liottle Free with each purchase Bothfor 40c Ormes Ltd. 3iit Pioneer Drtuffists The Kexall Store Phones 81 & 83 Open Daily from 8 am. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 pan. B. C. Furniture Co. Outstanding Values In FURNITURE ,0dchRlb,es" S2.45 16 Coffee Tables In all styles of t?Ua7t gf AC to QQ yvtJJ t?Q fine walnut. From 22 Table Lamps Latest in shades and Q-j QC to 4? 9 QC colors. From vxeJ ipOUv 6 Couches and Pads Can be made in a double bed, Qlfi 7 has very comfortable springs 10 Studio Couches .All new colors. Can be made into double or two single beds. Very finest quality. 29fi Oil OOO.UU Regular $45.00. now 4 3-piece Studl Sets Inrrust, green, very S7l 00 ' u"v modernistic. Reg. $100, now . T 4 Chesterfield Tables In fine walnut. $1050 Special 4-niece Bedroom Suite Consisting of bed. vanity, stool, chiffonier. In waterfall design. S7250 At - 4 3-piece Chesterfield Sets In rust, green and brown. Strong durable frame and long lasting life. Q 7 v ! 0 g3.UU Reg. $100. Now Phone BLACK 324 THIRD AVENTJK Next Door to U.C. Clothiers