NOT RECOGNIZE CONQUESTS WASHINGTON, D.C., June 15: (CP) - President Franklin D. Roosevelt assured France this afternoon that United States would "redouble its efforts" to send planes ijand munitions to the Allies as long as ,1 France continued "in defence of their liberties." The President added that the assurance carried with it "no implication of (military commitments." He said that the (United States would not recognize "results tof conquest of territory acquired through military aggression. The message was in response to an ap peal for aid from Premier Paul Rcynaud France. OT WILL BE OPENED and representative meet-, interested in the es-: i or a dry canteen in dended last night i open 7J quarters In the Stork Tuesday evening with a ol towels, dish clottw. ' d. coffee cups and sauc- fxpectcd there will be a ' ndancc a Hampton will bo the sec-'rrasurer. Toe H. will be f anadian dian Lesion Legion Women's Women's jtrv ON TUESDAY : the building In shape lor ! ODcnlnu. volunteer workers T aw and hammer,- neodlo thread and many making 'Wiuelves otherwise useful ',AAUAU KJtbMAVAfeV wined what had 'w The nuestlon should bo run by i.hi.. ladles nmv only alacusspd nnrt It urfls Hir!ded . H..UUiv4 IIU.V .... R w ( sl"i by the lar1l TTii proun will ----- vvi-vt U141Wiilt WUIIMi ww wu their position and method 1 m. ' ifpnnnAA Russians In She Edmonton Lawyer EDMONTON. June 15: (CP -- Mrs j. a. Teng. the! Newspaperman of the, X r ' ..). Order. )rdor. Daughter Daughters rP Mrs. Ivan Iiaisey. oai-?: Army. iiuujr, Mrs. .iia. 3. a. V. Cox, - DETROIT, June 15: Burial took who was killed recently in a train accident in England and whose body was brought home , those fifth columns work beats the had been captured. These Dutch.." elaims wre not confirmed Sifting down the report of the from Allied sources. duty the only logical conclusion i WTOM 111 HIC I iil J ; 'the airport at the zero hour. Wave of Sabotage Burin n "Sao 1,1 eTer1 of the principal cities Cilllg UCd the air raid alarm system went' i completely haywire. Sirens scream-j -The 'ed day and night, throwing the; Tinrnt Committee Chown At RuaaUns are reported to be cities into otter confusion. In Am- ffting Ust Night For Open- n' OOUOing an air Slew and wire- twre un w.n suppiy jicai l Ing Of Dry Canteen NO IK. June IS: (CP) 1- lesa i ft WIl on Dig UtOfflede wai vai nery wnicii u ine 4 Island In' the Bering Sea. The first objective of saboteurs wash- Nome Daily Nugget quoted a ed o- completely. reliable source as saving that a ! Uaur after hour, parachute , I tfvwtna lanrllner In a a.. am -. i i trAra r-svnAr( field. Dutch troops weren't. "W quarters arc to Dc j t 11 J a The United Services lc Dllllet VlCtllTl T i' tr is a recreation room, t Tnc H has turned over uwfi speirs I Beiievrii To 5-ir:uturc. It will be equip-1 iiatl ccdent Cleaninc 1 u i; card tables, ping pong, (;im dart.v shuffle board and li pool table may be added There's one thing more, though this occurred In Belgium. U. S. army officers who fought In the First Great War looked over the collapse of Namur, and the apparently Ineffective resistance of the outer forts of Liege and ran back through the pages of memory. There they found the stories of the fall of these two great fortresses in 1914, and reports current then that a "fifth column" had working for months with the Ilussel W. Speirs, well known Ed-'oennan high command to bring monton barrister, aged 49, shot about their capitulation. A former himself through the head In his . intelligence' officer recalls that .led on the maintenance office. An accident is believed to 'J'tce by P. H. Iinsey and the jhave occurred while he was clean-r ?ry and with them will be Ing a gun. E' up 0f ladles consisting ol W NtchoUs, of the original 17..ftt.l fU r,. Mrs. William RothwelUl Ullcicll JL showed a great predilection for building cement tennis courts. It wasn't discovered until Bel- uu. had ordered all troops away from-fTX i T PTIIfl w Ar.n r I I A U ftkA AAA IS SUNK Cruiser Calypso Torpedoed by Italians Two Trawlers Are .Mined in Home Waters LONDON, June 15: (CD The Admiralty announces that H-M.S. t crew n meniynvr itosasni u t '-i'"- , r4,n- an .ii..rrraft cruiser ClJP. Xcimes. where, strangely enoueh.l ""; "aU'rul.s" hard at work etneUn an sunk in the glum was a shambles that the MOSCOW, June 15: (CP) Set- "tennis courts" were cement slabs 'tlement of a dispute between Sov-30 feet deep and really hidden let and Lithuania over the quarter . .......... . m.kk iilll.r i . - w r- dlr Oranire Benevolent Assocl- Place yesieraay oi crushed rock. Mrs j e Boddle. Rebekahs,noted American newspaynm ... Tne conclusJon herc ls tnat Ncal Carter and a represen-1 from the navy. I Work is proceeding rapidly In "secret weapon" of Hitler's ls no more than this same fifth column. The report that the men in Fortress Ehin F.mnnl snrtrfrnlv rils. Ing that Mrs. Neat i-arut covered their machine guns and been co-opted on the committee canno wouid not work was because' Mrs. Nlcholls wouict oe a ciue somewhere among those away froni the city a good deal of ji000 men wnQ threw up thelr At ,hr minir vp.trrdav Iter. Ithe summer and autumn. I hands In surrender must have ' DumfnrH rTrMiHed sided and and he he! I A A caretaker caretaker is ls being being cmpioyca empiojiu German Imperialists, months be fore August. 1914, bought large estates near these fortresses, and bcen dozens or cven SCOres who already been 'and the hut will be open from waiked tle Nazi glory road ln-r whether Uie 10 ajn. to 11 or 11:30 at night, a stead of the trall to prlson camps lounge and writing room is oeins, equipped which can be shut off from the larger room ana nicely furnished. This adjoins the canteen and kitchen and there ls also accompdatloti for four men from the outside forts in case I' spend the flight there was 'announced this mom- wish to WINNIPEG WHEAT WINNIPEG, June 15: (CP) Winnipeg wheat futures were off lttc to 1 lie yesterday, July closing at 72 Vic. I of 1180 tons, was Mediterranean by an Italian submarine. One officer and thirty-eight men are missing and feared lost. Enemy mines have also sunk two armed trawlers. Myrtle and Ocean Sunlight, in home waters. The Admiralty fears there are no survivors from the Myrtle while eight men are missing from the Ocean Sunlight. SUBJUGATE LITHUANIA Another Baltic Nation Succumbs to Demands of Soviet Was Dispute Over Troops ing of troops In Lithuania ls an nounced. The agreement involves a guarantee by Lithuania of free passage to Lithuanian territory of Soviet troops. Russia, serving an ultimatum on Lithuania, also obtained resignation of the present Lithuanian government. Weather Forecast General Synopsis The pressure ils unusually high from the Queen Charlotte Islands southwards. Rami has occurred on the north coast but j the weather has been fair and warm in other parts of British Columbia. West Coast of Vancouver Island-Fresh northwest winds, fait1 and moderately warm. Weather. Forecast? j Tomorrow's Tides High 10:39 ajn. 175 Ik Rupert and Queen CIhwt- p, 22:41 pjn. 21.1 ffc. Low 4:21 ajn. 42 ft. moderately fair and fttghtly : 18:21 pjn. 65 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER i L 1 ' - - CENTS ... .... . ix., . . . .. - .. - -" PRICE: ixxix Nu hi PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY JUNE 15, 1910. omen us Decisions Being Made . S. Aid Pledged:- NSWER OF OOSEVELT AVORABLE HOW DUTCH LOST OUT Rhine River U. 8. Army Notes How 5th Column Beat The Netherlands BORDEAUX, France, June 15: (CP) The French High WASHINGTON, D. C, June 15: Command announced today CP 1 Over In the block-long that the Germans had crossed munitions building, whose arch!- the Rhine River into Alsace tenure ts eiyly 2th Century on the Maginot front and whitewashed barrack, the Unl- had penetrated central France ted Spates army boys have torn as far south as Chaumont. 140 fn.m their books that venerable miles southeast of Paris. In .savins: "You can't beat the Berlin the High Command Duich ." claimed that the Maginot On the nice nice clean clean page page they Line had been breached on a FOR t'nDTC lb TH IO I3L nc DCnniini KLUOUULLU Fn TO 1U WFI HLLl P'have inserted, there is a "Warn- "broad front" south of Saar- mg l() rutute GeneraU: The way brueeken and that Verdun FRANCE IN ITS EXTREMITY WILL Of France Will Reach Culminating Point In Matter Of Hours, It Is Anticipated War News ALLIES STAY TOGETHER LONDON Authoritative declared tonight that "the .nntinn. hitherln in close .Nan's five-day bUttkrieg of Hoi- " " . " , I.... . I ..... . . . consultation and complete agree- ,rr land, the army experts have con-1 1 . . . men i. A i -i H..1 .I a. i l. csnoea mat ne iuui owiunui again has proved itself the most . ssr jar "iAIR ATTACK Te secret mafic with which the Nasi hordes over-ran Holland. although the Dutch had been pre- I paring for such an emergency for years, can be summed up in two .words: internal combustion. . Heavy Bombers of Royal Air Force I For example, from the very out- Damage Enemy's Concentrations 'set of the Oerman Invasion, snip- j era took a toll of Dutch soWlers! from the roofs and windows of LONDON, June 15: (CP) The buildings even In the well-polked Alr Mlnutry announces that during (cities of The Hague. Amsterdam the nlRht heavy bomber, attacked (and Rotterdam. military targets in the Ruhr and When the sixth column, or para- Rhmciand. In southwest Oermany chute troops, arrived at one of the atUek3 bad been made on heavy BW-Rttcrdam. ig6eeBfraTjS0 oftrobWafil mater- dviit two kith pawBiutn were on ITALIAN FORTS TAKEN ALEXANDRIA Sharp fighting between Italian and British troops on the he Ep""-uirn Egyptian-Libyan frontier frontier Vancouver Big Missouri. .07. Bralome. 8.05. Dentonla. .01 Vi. Falrvlew, .004. Gold Belt. .20. Hedley Mascot, .34. Mlnto. .01. Noble Five, .004- t Pend Oreille, 1.45. Pioneer. 1.80. Premier. .80. Privateer, .42. Reeves MacDonald. .30. Reno, .19. Relief Arlington. .04V4. Salmon Gold, .02. Sheep Creek, .88. Cariboo Hudson. .01 Vi. Oils A. P. Con., .0.8 Calmont, .20. C. Si E.. 1.10. ; Home, 1.45. Pacalta, .05. Royal Canadian, .14. Okalta, .63. Mercury, .03 VJ. Prairie Royalties, .11. Toronto Aldermac. .15. Beattle, .85. Central Pat., 1.61. Cons. Smelters, 31.87. East Malartlc. 2.18. Fernland, .02. Francoeur, .24. Gods Lake. .28. Hardrock, .65. Int. Nickel 3150. Kerr Addison, 1.42. Little Long Lac, 2.00. McLcod Cockshutt, 1.20. Madsen Red Lake, .26. McKenzle Red Lake, .90. Moneta, .42V2. Noranda, 50.00. Pickle Crow, 2.48, Prestort EastfDonu'.. 1.45. San Antonio, 1.35. .Nazis Now Making Moves Toward Encirclement of Mag-inot Line Heading: From Southwestward Invasion of Switzerland Appears Imminent ANOTHER VICTIM BASEL, June 15: (CP) From Basel came word that posters advising public steps be taken to meet possible parachute invasion appeared all ''over Switzerland as the Rhine front, north of Basel, showed signs of increasing tension. A sudden tightening of military preparations indicated that the Swiss intelligence service had uncovered disturbing information. T ATnnT t t r . r ti i a t i.i f.TVT PVDM ATIV TV i iw neuiera reponea loaay UIN uLKlYlAIN I repeated Royal Air Force that "strategic decisions . of great moment" are being- tak- bombings of enemy positions is en by Allied army leaders in France and the "next twenty- repor ed. operations of the lait four hours are likely to show what these are." The Reut- twenty-four hours are declared ors corresnondent wrote: "As seen from a Rritish mili- to have brought the capture of the Italian forts of Caprnzzo and Maddalena by the British. ITALY AIR RAIDED ROME Allied planes flew over Rome and dropped leatlets reading: "Your Duce wanted war. Here it Is. France has not attacked yu. Cease fi"ihlirigiincf France will cease fighting. Victory or defeat, you will have hunger, poverty and slavery." The pamphlets pointed out that Italy had gone to war to satisfy the ambition and lust for power of one man. There were also air raids by the Allies on Genoa and Venice and Allied naval vessels were reported to have shelled the Italian Riviera. Italian authorities claim to have occupied "certain localities" in the French Alps. TODAY'S STOCKS tOouruwv B O I'Mviwor. On i tary centre southwest of Paris, the situation is -the most tragic since the Prussians marched 4 Canada Is Unwavering t. . . OTTAWA. June 15: CP- Pledging "unwavering support of Canada in the present strug . Into Paris seventy years ago. He added: "Nevertheless there U a complete absence of panic or des- i peration." An authoritative sourcs attributed renorts of Pranri. MniHi. in them. making peace to German saldUherei was.-no -truth German armies have reached points twenty miles south of Part! to east and west of the capital, ap- gle. Rt. Hon. William Lyon parently driving towards Chartres. 4 Mackenzie King, the Prime Reuters said: "During the next Minister, told the House of twenty-four to forty-eight hours Commons yesterday: "I believe the Battle of France may reach I can say to Premier Paul Rey- a culminating point." naud that resources of the Prom Tours it was reported that whole American continent will French armies were withdrawing, be thrown In on the side of launching counter-attacks at sev- the Allies." eral points and fighting determined reareuard action from Arennnp to iMirv imi v r. sectors. AIR DRIVE IS OPENED Vancouver. As First Day of Campaign Opens, Has $17,000 of the sex There were indications that the defenders, despite the surrender of Paris, were still Intact and checking the Nazi push in some The Nazi eastern flank has pushed to Romtlly, sixty-five miles southeast of Paris, and St. Dlzler, 120 miles east and slightly south of Paris on the road to Nancy. In re-.lation to Montmedy, the latter , thrust represents a threat to the . Maginot Line. VANCOUVER. June 15: (CP) An' Indications are that the French air supremacy drive seeking $30.- might fall back to the River Loire 000 to purchase ten,tralnlng planes as next natural defence line, for use here in the British com- The historic city of Versailles, I - , i j sllphtlv u-pf. nf PflHc hie Vin rw caiui an pun upeuea luuay o j - - - - - w-wlth Iiiiuu overnight checks totalling cupied by the enemy and the Nazi $17,000. $80,000 Italians And Germans Must Now Register OTTAWA. Jun 15: (CP) ) All I Swastika flew over the palace there today as it did over Eiffel Tower i In Paris. Halibut Sales Summary I American 85,500 pounds, 9c "and 7.5c, 1 Canadian 16,000 pounds, 9c arid Germans and Italians In Hanarfa 7c and l-4 an 7C American are required to register without delay, the Department of Justice oneer, 41.000. 9c and 7.5c, Etor- emphaslzed. Germans and Italians age who have become naturalized since Doric- 40-000- 9(5 and 7-5c' Eo- also Vlkln- 4500' 9c and 7-5c Booth- September 1. 1939. are re- Canadian quired to register. This does not necessarily Imply Internment. CaP sPear' 14'000- I0-4c and 7c .Booth. BAR UUW Kongo, 2,000, 9c and 7c, Atlln. LONDON, tCP) The Montreal M D.' nnn price of bar gold on the London 1 11 anailllO nOnCCi market was unchanged today at I $37.54 per fine ounce. Shcrrit Gordon, .65. Uchl, .30. Bouscadlllac. .03. Mosher, .03 Vi. Oklend, .03. Smelters Gold. .00' . Dominion Bridge, 24.25. Dead In Cabin Body Of Dan Stewart FoundInquest To Be Held NANAIMO, June 15: (CP) Dan Stewart, pioneer of this district, .was found dead In his cabin near ' i M i .i M, i. - 1. 1 1 j 14 . if' 1