fAOi roun s EYES Liceutee Cr Xumounls Full-vuc 1 . ames, The Newest .n Eje-Wear JEWELER J. H. BULGER Optometrist Rojal Bank Bldg. EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewelery Repairing, Hand Engraving frrfYi Max Heilb CIIAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 261 for Appointment roner DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties For The Larger Women "Stylish Stouts" Find Shopping Easier At Peoples LARGE SIZES IN PLAIN AND FUR TRIMMED COATS 'These coats have been specially styled to meet the exacting requirements of the bilf size and. larger figures. YouH be delighted with the superior fabrics and fine workmanship featured in these Haltering models. Sizes 40 through 48'a $16.50 10 $49.50 NEWEST MODES IN HALF AND LARGER SIZE AUTUMN DRESSES The dresses combine smartness and ' beauty with the satisfaction that comes with wearing a garment that is properly designed to fit. Slenderizing new dresses featuring distinctive fabrics. Half sizes to size 40 through 48 $6.95 10 $16.00 Mall Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY, PHONE 157 U you lose anything, taycrtis? cr 1 -11 RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ' V 1 "In the Heart of Prince Rupert" THIRD AVE. Next to Ileiibroner a, Phone BLUE 90ZVj A 8PARKLING urn SHOW OF MUSIC COMEDY AND SONGS. with an all star cast. fFEUX KNIGHT ALLAN PRESCOTT TED STEELE Every Saturday 6:45 p.m. Station CFPR, Prince Rupert Sponsored by Radio Headquarters eMcuMm.Md Boy Scouts Are 'Resuming Their Winter Drills This evening the First Prince, .Rupert Troop of Boy Scouts will 3 commence winter activities in headquarters in St. Andrew's Cathedral Hall The officers of ! the troop are as follows: i I Scoutmaster E. W. Meadows. ! . Troop Leader. Harold Norden. ' Eagle Patrol Leader. Clifford! .Wannarnaker; Second, Howard here is a paragraph from a letter written by Mrs. M. L. C. (name and address upon request). "For years I have used Pacific Milk for table use, whipping and all cooking purposes with most excellent results. Diluted in tea, straight in coffee, chocolate, etc., I have found In Incomparable." We do thank Mrs. C. for taking time to say these nice things about Pacific Milk. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Tacked THE SEAL ' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinFseal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in . Prince Rupert rai DAILY KTW Monday, Qcobtr, Mother! DONTDQSE GOLDS Avotf Rhk'ani Rtikn Matey 7hh QUICK External Way Experienced mothers don't like to re making discomiort M cous by drastic internal dosing. That's they treat children's colds ex why by ternally with Vicks VapoRub. VapoRub acts on the skin like s warming poultice and at the same time gives off soothing vapours that are breathed direct into irritated air passages. This poultice and vapour action relieves miseries of colds quickly WITHOUT NEEDLESS DOSING. Fox Patrol Leader,. George Ror-, W C I II iM I I IN vik; Second, David Carter. IT LiUULtU JL Sea Oull Patrol Leader, John Davey. , ; The troop is open to all boys; between the--ages of twelve and' eighteen. j Miss Dora Cunnings, R.N HOTEL ARRIVALS SATURDAY Bride of Walter Cross at Inter esting Ceremony O. Tremblay. G. Bunting, H. L. best wishes of many friends. Quick, J! Mclvor. R. Veder and J. Gcrmlev. Barrett; Mr. and Mrs. XT 1 T 1 W. D. Valpy. Georgetown; Corbln INeWark " 1 SKPS OIVCo King, Mayo. Y. T.: R. o. Taylor, Calkary A. O. kelson, KincoUUi; , n . i i i i ,S. Mau?ham. Frederick Point: Mr.'MrailOrlPhnlH nd. Mrs, Edwin Ryan,, Metlakatla; , P . J. Resshi; Surf Tnlft- jnVi T. Schley, Barrett. ,Bars Leading Louisville Colonels Plain Words About Pacific JVAfOtJTTB ARMY LIFE i IS FILMED Comedy Drama Of Training Days Is "The Fighting fiOth" Now At Capitol Theatre The ups and downs or army training camp life are depicted in a humorously treated human ! interest drama "The Fighting ;69th," featuring James Cagney, George Brent and Pat O'Brien, which comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here for the first 'half of this week. . I Cagney. as the tou?h iruy who stubbornly resists falling Into line with military rules and regulations, provides the mam thread of the .story. In spite of the ef- Becomes Jor,s ' 0,Brien as tn? friendly ana iiuiiuuie privet, ana urcr . as a hard-bitten but understanding colonel, he refuses to conform un- tu events 0, him m a position Prince Ruoert ! At bt. Andrews Anglican i,ame- h th.r , tAet f u, William Muir, O. E. McBeth and dral Saturday evening the marriage mHtle and he with Evelyn Newcomb. Prince Rupert; took place of Miss Dora Gertrude. nymg lon. Mr. and Mrs. Klnnia, Port Edward; .Cunnings, R.N.. daughter of Mr.j In addition to the action drama, Mr. and Airs. Lee Wine. Port Es-iand Mrs. C. H. Cunnings of Van- th- u a poorf ieirnin nt Wth singtnn; P. B. Duffy, Vancouver, couver, to Sergeant Walter Rupert comedy much of which Is carried Mrs. 3. Burrough, T. C. Campbell, Cross, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. T.'0n between Cagney and Alan Hale T. W. 'Medforth, Lyon Llghtstone Cross of Prince Rupert. Very Rev. J with a typical feud between a and H. J. Bowman, Vancouver; G. James B. Gibson performed the cocky private and a bullyinz toD M. Mapleton and Dr. C. H. Ployart. ri,tes and Peter Lien presided at the sergeant which climaxes in one (Barrett: D. W. Webster, Victoria; organ to play the Wedding March, of the most rough and tumble fe. R.Oldley. O. W. Dawkins, H.Car- Many friend's of the well known and fist fights ever fumed, nahin, D. W. Wilson, T. A. Smeed ponular couple were In attendance. ! The cast also includes Jeffrey and R. Hi Rymond, Aliford Bay; R. The bride, who was accompanied , Lynn. Frank Mellaril. Dennis Daylor, Vancouver; Robert Sinclair, the aisle to the altar by H. W. Morgan, Dick Forrn. William Lun-Port Edward; J. L. Finley. Freder- Birch, was given In marriage by digan and Ouhm Williams. ick Point: R. O. Holmes, Seattle; her mother. Miss Nancy Pallant William B. Tobey, Tulsequah; M. was bridesmaid, Mrs. Earl Sager. ounen, Aurora Bay; o. A. Lunn sister oi me Dnae, was matron o: and T., Hetherington, Prederlck honor. Sergeant J. If. Cross, bro-Pplnt; Sam Gardner, Wrangell; H. ther of the groom, was groomsman. Smith. Royal Canadian Air Force; Following the ceremony, there L. G. Dickinson, Patricia Bay; J. R. was a reception in the Nurses Home Lord, Esquimalt; Mr. and Mrs. where Dean Gibson proposed a Whiff lets From The Waterfront William Munn, Fort St. James; R. toast to the bride with the groom' 1 J Thistle, Vancouver; Lance Corporal responding. Dr. C. H. Hankinson C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise. KOfters. Dundas; Mr. and Mrs. E. nroDosea a toast to the bridesmaid a. k. Gray, which was in Coley, Edmonton; V. B. Holmes and and the matron of honor, thePrt from 2:30 to 5 o'clock Sat-J. E. Holmes, Reglna; J. H. Jeffries, groomsman responding. urday afternoon southbound from Frederick Point. I Mr. and Mrs. Cross are taking up Skagway to Vancouver, had on Royal (residence in the Besner Apartments. DoarcI a total of 233 passengers of Pierce. C. A. Doll. S. O'Brien. They have the congratulations and whom fifteen disembarked here iwhile eight went aboard at this port for Vancouver. The passem-ser list on the Princess Louise consisted to large extent of mem- oers of crews of Yukon River boatc going south for the winter. Th skippers going south incluuc4 Capt. Ewan Morrison and Cant. 'Charles Coughlan.. ) Three Games To One In Little Union steamer Catala. Capt World Series 'James FJndlajr, arrived in Dort Bears of the International League went ahead ihree games to one in by defeat'ni Louisville Co'onels 6 southbound. -J :H3 -monune from Vj the Little world Series yesterday return here ti 2. Th Bph- rd but -"ne more ! . victory to rok the best four out Union steamer cmn.in of seven series. Without change or comment couver. w Good condition. Phone Black 166 af5 pjn. (237) FOR SALE Double bed, coil spring. $2.50. Chesterfield chair. Suite 1. Wallace Block. (237) FOR KENT FOR RENT Room and board. $30 a month to reliable business party. 523 6th Ave., and Fulton. Suite 4. situations wanted CLERK, Stenographer, 8 years cx-( perience, desires full or part time position. References. Phone Black 248. (233) LOST LOST Bunch of keys between Cow Bay and Savoy Hotel. Box' 27. Dally News. (240) WANTED WANTED FURNISHED Two-room flat or small house for one month. Box. .27 Dally News. (237) couvtr faKdJ ; way points.- saiUngfVt U jn?m. Stewart aSS&StS, j northern points whence rhe will tlsh offensive. tomorrow afternoon James Wai't. arrivM in 111:30 this mcrnin? frcm Vanpouver Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Orayrt-a re-i-' Q":,'" Ch nds 'urnsd to the city on the Catala I " Unor nWhi at . - . . . . 7 1 8 O Clock On hr pptnm whs morning irom a trip " to Van- ,he . " "."v""' ' same route. DfeaflEB FOR SALE FOR SALE Dining room suite, beds complete, chairs, etc. Priced Canada At War 25 Years Ago CANADA AT WAR 25 YEARS Oct. 7. 1915:-General von Lin-slngen's army forced Rusilans from Czernysz In the Kormin area but Austro-Oerman attacks in the for Immediate sale. Phone Blue.Dvinsk and Riea sectors S!arWn0H J5i Of) (Canadian 2nd Division, Just over IFOR SALE Ladies' C. C. M. Bike "'8iana- Participated in Bri- BAh tiOIJ LONDON, tCP)-The Montreal price of bar gold on the London market was unchanged today at $3754 per fine ounce. Daily News Classmen Ads Drma results. 18 Kcturncd' FUR COATS to be sold this week". Some almost as good as new. Only been worn a few times. Prices $10 ,0 $20 Come in and see our barglns. New shipments in latest styles coming in twice a week, G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable Your Credit Is Good Pack Up Your Troubles in Your OH Kit Bag and - Smile - Laugh Howl! The infantry, the infantry, with the dirt behind their ears; The infantry, the infantry, that wins the nation's cheers. The cavalry, the artillery and the bloomln' engineers, Oh, they couldn't lick the infantry in a hundred thousand years EXTRA ADDED Edgar Kennedy in "KENNEDY THE GREAT" Sport "SWORD FISHING" Cartoon "CIRCUS TODAY" M:HLJ.H Mail Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday, and Friday S From the East- Tuesday and Saturday For Vancouver- Tuesday , Thursday I Friday Saturday 4;.l.L...t.... Sept. 14 land: 24 t.. From Vancouver I ' Sunday Wedneida Sept. 9Ar.aftdj3Mt' J i C.N.R. Trains p.m. U pjn. 1 ! 12;30 noon-10:30 pjn.. .. i90 pjn.j . 4 pm tA. 10 ajn. For Stewart and Premlti ! Sunday 7 p.m. Wednesday 2 pjn. From Stewart and Premier Tuesday ,11:30 a m Thursday 8 p.m. For Alice Arm, Naas River and Port Simpson Sunday ! . 7 pjn From Alice Arm, Naas River i and Port Simpson Tuesday . ... 11:30 ajn. or Queen Charlotte Islands- Sept. 8, 17 and 28 7 p.m. ' From Queen Charlotte Islands- September 8, 17 and 28 a.m. For Alaska-Wednesday 2 p.m. Sept. 9, 19 and 30 . a.m. From Alaska-Thursday e njn. September 14 and 24 p.m.j For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays c pjn. From the East Tuesdays, Thursday's and Saturday 11 p.m. ll.n,llgrTPTT7-. r TONIGHT - TIES. W3. 2 Shows NIrJv -i i Steamship Sailings For Vincouvci- TiiKHar Hatnls 1 1A t Thursdays-SB Pt George it 17 pi Friday Ss. Priu Adelaide ... Mpm. Ss. Cardena ?"3pa. Sept. 14 and 21 -8.3 P Louise 5 pa From Vancouver Sundayf4s Cataia ?- Wed. SS-Pr." Ru; 1! Fridayi-SS Prince Rar ! a SS Prln.. Adelaide 4 V . 8i.iCa'fdena pa M3vpT$. 19 knd 30- " 5 P'' Louise .. :. For Stewart and Premier Sunday- ss. Catala I Wednesday SS P Kroni Stewart and Premier-Tuesday ss. CaUia 11 30 in. Thursday S.8 Pi t 'Pa For Alice Arm, Naa . Kiver snd Port Simpson-Sunday- ss Cata!a HP1 From Alice Arm, Naas Him snd Port Simpson Tucsday-Jss. Catala For Ocean Falls Thursday-1-Sj3 Pi.i: George . Frldayf-SS Prin Ad From Ocean' Falls Wednesday S3 PrJiu'p Geprge . Friday .. SS Prince Rupert Bs. Pr. Adelaide ss. Cardena 11.30 H T! 3? !e 10 P 10 A 10 10-4p.tt pjo. For Queen Charlotte Islands-Sept. 8, 17 and 28-S.S. Camosun 8 Pa From Queen Charlntte Islands Sept. 8,' 17 and ?8 S.S. Camosun 1 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING LUim'ANY OF CANADA, LIMITED Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand Chemicals and Chemical Fertilizers Ammonium Phosphates, Ammonium Sulphate, Superphosphates, Monocalcium Phosphate Producers and Refiners of TADANAC Brand Metals Gold Silver Lead Zinc Cadmium Bismuth Antimony and Zinc Dust Also Sulphuric Acid and Sulphur General Office and Works CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.CPh.C. Wallace Block, Phone 640 Trail. BC Mike Colussi Accordionist and Tcac!) A.A.A. Certiflcaw PIIONI3 RED 8U