oft DPI erstl tf-ndar October 7, 1940. v I r J u...f Mmittanct. V vith SWEET CAPS, m Bai 6000,.Monfial,,J,U. Shower for ife tSa ind decorated with .flowers. The evenme was spent In play- U court whist prlze-wnneTS be- 3 " . We Vanf H.OQ sends 300 WEET,CAPORAL or WINCHESTER J - J AM .11 .pgorejiei or I ,w will lend either J f..qf.C)L0 VIRGINIA pipe tobacco pr;ib.;?f5WE,ET .CAPORAL FINE ,CUJ (with V.ogue papers) ,o .Can-odians serving inCA.S.F.overseas only. 2.0 ..nd, 1,000 cigarettes .to an Individual or unit. Ht-n---.., ichaefer Js ftey lng Mrs. TUlte Yarrles, Mrs. D. Xunci and Miss Ingrid llatfberg. I painty refreshments were sferved .alter wh'.ch a .gayty decorated basket contatn'tig many beautiful gifts was presented to the brlde-elect Jor which she thanked all those present In a suitable manner. i The rr me nf Mrs .Erllng .Wick, Those Invited were Miss Oene- Ef"n i uyuiik " . . - . . ....... . i ... ... v.faviwi Lp;,j,iui rr !ljnequs s,noweT on jyirs. n. jramcs, Airs. u. uina, Mrs. Lturd-y ning In ihonor of '.Mfss 13! 'Schwk. Mrs. H. Kraupner, Mrs. ht iev. w .Schaniier wno is to.oe.u. kiwi ran. Mrs. n. uranrsr, Mrs. Uriel shortly W- AYJngham, Mrs. H. UnderdahL The mams were pistejuliy decor- Mrs. m. ueaaes, Mrs. t. wescn. i-si fi r the occasion, xne table ana me Misses Mane scnaener. Las ernt- d wU,h a .bride's cake Marion Miner, Kate uamyanac, uauoerg, rai Wiggins, F lorence iingna Ytreberg, Fern Jensen, Lillian .Hansen. MacKenzies Furniture KAPOK By the Pound KAPOK CUSHIONS All sizes. From fbone "73. 45 c 50 c 327 3rd Avenue ATTENTION We have .discarded the meters. We run for the same rates as others. 13 TAXI DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE RAILWAY I LINES CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Port SS. ."Princess Adelaide" Every Friday, 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct S S. "Princess Louise S S. "Princess Norah Oct. 5th, 17tK, 28th Nov. 7th, 18th, 28th To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway S S. "Princess Louise" S S. "Princess Norah Oct. 12th arid 24th Nov. 3rd, 14th, 24th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservatldns from W. U COATES, General Ageni - Jrlnce Rupert, B. C. WOMEN ARE r CANADIAN pNAl RAUWAYS Bteamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER Thursaay 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Po well 'Ri ver. Trains Leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, ,6 p.m. Aironilitioned Sleeping and ' , Dining Cars For FaVes, etc., Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 THIRD AVE. 1 iyipNE .260 Agents for Trans-.Canada Air Lines 1 If you lose anything, dvrtise for it. AT CHURCH Service Corps In Smart Turn-out Other First United Services In spite of .there was a good inclement weather . r l "l Jr Tr'- 10 e "lv w turn-out of -W '.V"" members of the Prince Rupert braech of the British Columbia Women's Service Corps at First United 'Church service yesterday morning. In their unlforrns the numbers looked very smart and their marchine and eeneral roar ,ade discipline reflected credit on all concerned. Rev. J. c. Jackson spoke from the text "Lift up thy Voice Like a Trumpet." The Junior choir gave a fine rendering of the fine, old marching sacred anthem "Soldiers of the Master." At the evening service the min ister spoke on and Peach 3 cups diced peaches. 3 cups sugar 1 runs diced cantaloUDe LAMB Legs of Lamb Per lb Slioulders of Lamb Per lb VEAL Veal Steak Per lb.' Veal Chops Per lb. . Shoulder of Veal Per lb. - 4 lbs PORK .1 " r LO&AL NEWS IOTES Kenneth Rayner is calling to morrow evening on the Catala for' a two week's trip to Vancouver. couver ana vxttuiwi. Mrs. James jCrikeysky. who for the past month' has been' visiting With relatives and friends In Edmonton and district, returned to the city on Saturday night's, train.: part of the Lord's Prayer, he for the Allison Loceine Co. Just say "Three Two please.' human contacts and the first of. Frank A. Bovle. ,terrltorral audi- with people. He Jived with them. He saw that bread in itself would not satisfy the deeper needs of the people. They needed God. Makeshift attempts to transferred to the .forestry corps there. Serve thelhopn ietntlmnvt at. Mnvn in th Just say "Three Two please.' Hear Jack Bruce Plumbers and Steamfltters organizer, Moose Hall .Wed., 8 pjri. All labor cordially Invited. (237) Th Prince" Rupert Gyro Club wiil be holding Its regular monthly business luncheon this "Wednesday with an executive luncheon Jules Seguin, who has been en- John W. Duncan, merchant of gaged in mining In, Yukon Terri-Ramnart Alaska, was a Dasaenserltory. arrived In the city on toe aboard the Princess Louise Satur-1 Princess -Louise Saturday offcr- day . afternoon going through to noon from Dawson. Seattle . Charles Ellison returned to the city on the Camosun today from Cumshewa Inlet where he has Bread." The first been engaged in engineering work pointed out, dealt with the power, the kingdom and the will of God. The next sections dealt with the William Tobey, who has been at the P.0larb-Tul9equah' "mine at Tulsequah, arrived in the city bn the Princess Louise Saturday afternoon from the north. Mr. Justice C. D. Macaulay, territorial Judge of the Yukon, and Mrs. .Macaulay were aboard the Princess .Louise Saturday affer- these was bread. The,n there was tor of Alaska, and Mrs. Boyle were noon going through from Dawson the temptation followed by the mons nassenirers aboard thePrin- tn rnrf th Win.r in VancWmrpi- deliverance. The final part tookjces Louise Saturday afternoon the suppliant back to God. Jesus throueh to Seattle. Mr.' : . was no idle idealist. He was a Boyle's headquarters are at Juneau, realist. In the temptation in the i wilderness bread was offered as a Frank Perry of Prince George, bribe. Christ saw the problem of until recently stationed on fortress ithj ages millions of needy people, headauarters staff here, is now He did not Withdraw from Contact. lnra'torf In' VMrtria hnvlntr hwn r j ' 1 Announcements All advertlsemenU In this col-mn will btchafgei for a full month at'JSc a Word. Father AlAcls Monnet. who has .Eagle's Bridge, .October ,8. people by "relief" was not going ,yukon Territory as parish priest Anglican Tea. Mrs. A. to solve the nroblem. It was roor 1 t, n.n..ii. m.;. 'v. Irv.tnvr m i satisfaction to those who dispensed rrlved the ,f ity from the north R. .Nichols. ib aim uv6iouiuS w tne prince jjOuls Saturday . weoetcan uapce. vuaieutiws ,n&u ceived it for, to take things with- nf.tPmnnn October ' 11. ' " :out giving in return, was demoral-;1 ; " Izing. There was no alternative George G Miller, veteran .United . Lutheran Bazaar, Metropole. . Oc-outside ' the Kingdom of God. That StotS customs officer at Skag-.itober 12. was me soiuuon. i i n - The senior choir sang "Lift Up years in the service anA "will make! Orange ,BazaaTt . Metropole Hall, iuur nnuu iui a, iu; zxux nis iuture nome m seauie. was a ucvooer iu of tonal value and descriptive in terpretation. Timely Recipes Cantaloupe 2 oranges, Juice and grated rind . 12 cup blanched shredded al( monds. fl oil tVio IncrroHipnta flnrt onfilc JONES' FAMILY MARKET Phone 957 Phone 957 TUES., WED., THURS. SPECIALS BEEF Pjt Roast ' 4 lbs. 2 lbs. Boneless Stew Beef an'd Vt lb. Kidney ( Round Steak I per id I Sirloin Steak I Per lb Rump Roast Per lb 4 lbs. Corn Beef and 1 CabbaRe 20c 25c 20c 50c 25c 15c 25c 25c 50 c Fresh Side' of i'ork 15 C Per lb. Shoulder 'of Pork 18C ' Per lb. .1 Boneless Cottage Rolls 25C Per lb - Boneless Picnic Hams 25C Per lb Sliced Bacon 30C Per lb ; tlHlllllllfiiW'Wf11"" passenger going south aboard the Princess Louise Saturday alter-, noon. ' I Arthur W. Woottoji, otel mana- ger of Stewart Jllver, Yukon, find Richard A. Carswell, hotei maha-. . . . 'per of Dawson wpre nasspne-prs ' Little Theatre until the mixture is thick and clear. Kpino lll0rani7Pn Pour Into sterilized glasses. When ""g VlgOIUWU cold cover with hot paraffin. .'ypw Dramatic Organization " 7 . ' 1 Prince Rupert Comes Into Being In The Prince Rupert Little Theatre' has been organized with officers as follows: I Honorary President, Hon. G. M. Weir. Honorary President, Major L. i Bullock-Webster. ProclHonif Mrs fl W Arnnlrl Vice-President, D. McN. Lowe. ,J Secretary-Treasurer. Mrs. A. T. McWaters. fQp ! The list of members was opened at this meeting and all present Offjv joined the association. O'.! it was proposed to put on a three-act play In late November and rehearsals will commence The organization will devote its efforts to wartime, charities and the entertainment of His Majesty's forces. RED HOT HAT TRICK LONDON, Oct. 7: (CP) Filling his helmet with water from a nearby pond, a North London policeman gathered up a burning Incendiary bomb, dropped It In the helmet and; extinguished the flames. Dally advertising m tne -Dailj News Is sure to bring dajly FRESH SHRIMPS Daily After ,4:30 p.m. BOAT W,S.U TROTJER'S DOCK "JET STQVE p,OLisn SAVES YOUR TJTjyiE "Jet" Cleans Hot Stoves In Safety All B.C. Stores United Church .Supper, Oct. 17. C, C. F. Dance October 17. .9ueenMaJl5r 6ceee 18. Navy Auxiliary Tea. October 19 Conserve jaDOard the Princess Louise Sat- Legion Hall. lurday afternoon going through' to T A Xeiephone Bridge, Octo- Vancouver. Mr. Carswell was ac- 25 icompaniea Dy nis wne. Dance. Hall. November 1, Oddfellows' Canadian Legion Bazaar Nov. 1. Salvation Army Sale, Nov. ,8. Anglican Bazaar. November 7, Sonja's Bazaar, Moose Hall. Presbyte;lan 14. Phones 18 & 19. November 8. Bazaar November Hospital tea and dance, ber 15. Novem- Everything in Novelties At P.O. .Box 575 Natives ! See Us Tor ,Your WINTER SUPPLIES Our jrXeswIU please you. The quality of bur goods will satisfy you. MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More . Cents" Opposite Canadian Legion r .r 5 N Our Famous f dson Albert COAL Bullley' Valley Coal Nanalino Wellington 'Coal BulkJey Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED .CO. Phone 58 nd 551 Eagles' Party on Saturday Nis& m I Eva's Novelty j ! SHOP : 625 3rd. Ave. West PAOB.SSSf& fit '';' aid, acted as master of ceremonies for the evening. i At midnight delicious refresh-jmentg were served under the callable direction of Mrs. Frank E1U- Enjoyable Affair at Jltfl on fifth i0" nd, Mrs- WUllam Avrni Fii't hraw. 'flood 'iWd ! Frank Elllan was in general charge n L ' ' - iof the affair. The local Eagles' Lodge Saturday The tolling of 3 o'clock flnaDy at the hall on Fifth Avenue East brought the evening to a close. Saturday evening held a party for members and friends. It proved to ! " be a very enjoyable affair. Dancing nve tnouar:c tux. Rupert commenced at 10 p.m. to the strains , people read the bally ' News. Jt of Jean De Carlos' Orchestra. Rob- pays to let them Vnow what" yoa ert icKay, assisted by Andy Ron- have to sell One Cent SALE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Ormes Ltd, "Jhe Pioneer Grqisis The Reiall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Dally from 8 aan. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to ! pjn. - Used Furniture 2 Dressers, painted white. Has, large mirror and three large drawers. 1 Bed complete, 2-inch round bed in walnut finish, strong .cable spring and felt mat-tr.ess size 4-0. I Eight-Piece Dining Room Suite Light oak finish suite consists of medium size buffet , with bevelled mirror shelf with glass door and has bottom drawer useful to Keep linen, round ,table with 2 leaves and 6 chairs. 1 Monarch Range, fitted with Imperial Oil byrn,er .with .copper coil ready for vise. 1 Boy's " AC.LBTcc7e'iniQ01d .rrmiDg order. 2 Remington Typewriters. Radios, Gramophones, Records, Watches, Books, etc., etc. Come, Look Around Our Used Furniture Department. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE MOOSE BUILDING Phone Green 916 -;- THIRD AVENUE Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 pan. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FREOAT, DAT. 1:30 p.m. 10:30 pjn. Due Vancouver. Thurs. pjn. Due Vancouver, Monday a.&u If Convenlem, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickete Trom FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Arent Xhlrd Ave. Phone ill IS " t .i 9