0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 2 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 a rt 1 rt 0 a V 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 BEHAVE! Dim Piontcr Druqgists The Iteiall Store I'honrs II Don't couch in public place ! Carry Smich Brothcn Couch Drops with you. They wiothe and ditck irritation. (Black or Menthol, Wf .) MacKenzie's Furniture JANUARY SPECIALS SIMMONS ni:i STEAD Walnut finish, cable spring frit mattress.. -6 and 3-3 size. Phone TJ5 k 83 Open Hilly from I m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holiday from It to 2 p.m. and to 9 p.m. MAI K SMITH BROS. COUGH DROPS $26.50 ocuoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo REXALL Hot Water Bottles For the Health, Comfort And Hygiene of Your Family Dependable When Needed 75c to $2 Ormes Ltd. ccoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooa ntri: to inckrase is ruicr. or Nanaimo' Wellington Coal At the mine of one dolr per ton and the Increase in freltht rstrm tommrnrlnc January 1, 19IS, our price on Nanilmo IU in(ton ('oal will be as follow Nanaimo Welllniton Lump-Sarked. delivered. Per ton Nanaimo Wellington Mine Itun-Sacked. del- Per ton Nanaimo Wellington Lump-Uulk, delivered, per ton Nanaimo Wellington Mfne Hun Bulk, delivered Per ton $15.50 S1IJU $13.00 Albert and McCaffery Ltd. Phone 116 and 117 BULKLEY VALLEY COAL is EQUAL To any coal on this market And The PRICE still REMAINS the SAME Bulkley Valley Collieries LIMITED If youlose anytime, advertise for It. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Canada' Flrit War Subscribe at 8. D. JOHNSTON CO. Loan LTD. Tonight's tram, due from the Kast at 11 o'clock, was reported this afternoon to be on time. Albert Man sailed this afternoon on the Cardena for Los Angeles where he will take up aviation training. Malcolm James Tlder appeared In city police court this morning on a charge of assaulting Jean Paul Roche and was remanded for eight days. Mrs. Rothwell, wife of Sergeant Rothwell of the Irish Fusiliers, sail ed by the Cardena this afternoon on her return to Vancouver after spending the Christmas and New Year holiday season visiting here. Jack Comer of Stewart arrived In the city on the Cardena this morning from the north for a brief visit and will proceed In a couple of days on a trp to Vancouver. L. Abrams, United States cus- trip to Seattle and elsewhere In the touth. Mrs. W. J. Rennle and Mrs..L. J. Rennle,' who arrived In the city from Port Clements at the end of last week, sailed this afternoon on me uararna in continuation of a trip to Vancouver. MlNftAL ACT Nolle T. Hellnqoent fMintn Tn J.hn V. Aldra n4 Guilder BlrLe. Und of Prattle. tVaohliirtan. U. X. Jl. WHEREAS Uvr orneri other than tnywlf to trie ertent of more than or quarter Lntemrt in tteh and all of the BUlt No. 1. Bur No. 2, B'.ir Ma. I. BUr No. 4, ftar No. 8. Star No. 8. BUt No. 7. BUt No. S, Star No. 9 .114 Star No. 10 VUneral Claim situate on tK ncrUt aide of Poreher Uland In Chlmmor. Pm about 600 feet from the beacto. In the Skeeoa Ulnlng ir.TUkm, province of BriUen Columbia: TAKE NOTICE Urn unteM TOU dJ o!pay within 60 days from tlvt data bere- I rrf K mm rj I1M7 SCI farlnr TOUT 0 1 proportion of the cipencUture rnkrrd 0 1 for the rf 1SJ7, l3S and 1830 by 2lBrction it at tb. Uiaenl Act, E. S. g.B. C. 1934, C3MfXer 161. together with 5 atl ooau of thU cotlr. to the under- icnetf. the rrcUlerrd ovner of oald MlnerU ClUrrm, your Inwrert on iuiU Uiaenl Cteim. aiull be forfeited and bnnon vetted la the iwderslsued vho lu Btte the reoulred eipendltarM. DATED at Prtnre Rupert. B C. thU attj day of July. W- t 8. BEIUOfr. is tlir. MTHEMn rornT ofbriti"!! roi.i iimi Id IToaale In the M.lter of tUt -dmlnltrtlon .iff And I. th Miller of Ihe r.Ule of llUnche Hart Iereaed TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills Itonor. W E. riahrr, made on the J9th rJ Dimnbrr. A. D. 1S39, I LMMiniwl Executor of the eatalo Of Blanrhe Hart. Deed, and all parUea havm eUlma acaXutt the aald ectate .m hmhT mrturrd to fur&Uh aan properly verified, to me on or before the 10th day of Prbruary. A. D. 1940. .r,H .it ncirUa Indebted to the ectate are required to jmy the amount of tnelr tndebledneM to me Tonimui. mim ihe 3rd day of January, AD. two." WIUJAXt O. FULTON. Executor. mnoe Rupert. B. C. Announcements All ftdvertteemenU tn this col-imn will be charged for a full month at 35o word. Anglican Tea, uary 18. L.O.B.A. Dance, January 17. Mrs, Crlpps', Jan Metropole Hall, Toe II Dance, Seal Cove, Jan. 19. Eagles Bridge January 24. Presbyterian Burns' Tea, Mrs. Lakle's Jan, 25. Bums' Day Banquet Jan. 25 Oddfellows' Hall. Masonic Ball January 20. United Young Ladies' Tea, Mrs. Clarke McLean's February 1. Catholic Tea Mrs. McCaffery's February 1. Hospital Ball Feb. 2. 1 Legion Valentine Tea, Mrs. D. C. Schubert's, February 14. Cambral Valentine Ball, 16. Anglican Spring Sale, April 4. For prompt and courteous service Phone 13 Taxi. tf. Bridge Dance Series tonight 8 pjn. Moose Hall. (13) Olngham confetti Hall, Friday night. dance, Moose (tf.) For Carrying more than seven persons In a taxi car which he was operating on a "B" class licence, A. Murray was fined $5 in city police court this morning, i David Brown, for his third of fence on a charge of drunkenness, was sentenced to twenty days' lm prisonment, without option of fine, in city police court this morning. Leo Lehto was fined 525, with sev en days option, also for K Sheriff's Sale B. BirkeUnd Timber 'Company versus I. Randall Black and Robert Arra- itronr, and National Aeroplane Lumber' Company, Incorporated TAKE NOTICE thatfi have selz ?d under Writ of Execution in the above action, and by virtue thereof will sell at Public Auction at my office. Court House. Prince Rupert, B. C . on the 22nd1 day of January. A. D. 1940, at 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon, approximately 2,000,000 feet of spruce, balsam, hemlock and cedar saw logs and felled timber now lying in and along Big Falls Creek, Ecstall River. B. C. DATED a. Prince Rupert. B. C. this 16th day cf January, A. D. 1940. S. A. NICKERSON, Sherriff. Fresh Shrimp BOAT W.S.L. Daily at I p.m. TROTIEK'S DOCK O0000OOOOOD0OOOOCnSCll(H5aofl 6 MISS YL'KI Dressmaker Ladles' and Children's 2 Alterations Moderate Price $ Phone GREEN 180 5 7 FRASER ST, g oooooooooooooooooooooooooa NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. E, Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal pank HI As. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A UOME AWAY TOOM HOME" Rates Il.OI 19 SO Rooms Hot & Gold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 2S1 P.O. Box 1M WORK FOR VETERANS Subject Thoroaghly Discussed at Meeting of Canadian Legion Prospect of discussion of employment of exrservlce men attracted a large number of veterans to the '.Canadian Legion clubrooms last Moose meeting tomorrow . at 8 evening when various complaints pjn. Kefreshments and entertain- regarding their non -employment ment. sojourning Moose Invited to were considered. President Jack attend- U3 Preece was In the chair. , I It was pointed out that, ever since ?Uf eaV?; ad?n? "le of tthe conclusion of the last war. the ",c V'"- w. a. 'natter of employment of veterans . u , n , e ne,a,had been continuously under dls- in mc uuuirnuwa iiaii jau. i3. (14) cusslon by the Canadian Legion. At all times the Dominion and the pro- . . ... vlnclal government had been H. N Brocklesby wUl J1, be the proached to tbe vetr. spcsiacr at uic regular weeuy luncheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club tomorrow. Dr. R. H. Bedford, who has been visiting here for the past few weeks, sailed by the Cardena this afternoon on his return to Sin Fran :1s-co. Provincial Constable and Mrs. E. J. Kidd sailed this afternoon on the toms officer at Hyder, and Mrs. Ab- Cardena for a holiday trip to Van-rams were passengers aboard thejeouver. They took two prisoners Cardena today going through on a th thenu j an was getting a square deal. Employers and construction companies had agreed to live up to certain obligations and the Legion repre sentatives assured the meeting thatj in the main these obligations had been honored. The Legion recognized that the generation too young tl CP TV a In Vi a lief xtw Vt4' nlerv riehls of emnlivmpnt and rfvnm.l mendatlons concerning employment!' had always taken these into Matters particularly discussed concerned work at the Barrett Point and Frederick point defence works. Complaints made from time to time had always been taken up with the officials. The full co-operation of the Ryan Construction Co. now engaged at the air base had been promlsect In this connection It was stated that It was very unfortunate that rumors led many to believe that the work there would require far more men than would be actually needed. It was not' 1 likely that more than fifty men would find work there. The mat-' ter of turning down applicants at the dry dock was also discussed. It transpired that most of the complaints came from veterans who were not members of the Legion and who, therefore, -were riot aware of the work of the Legion. At the conclusion a hearty vote of thanks was accorded the Legion for calling the .meeting and for enabling the .situation to be so thoroughly threshed out. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert Private n. Humming, city; Ser geant A. S. Crabbe, Dundas Point Royal John ? Birnie. Winnipeg; M. J. Elder. Barrett: D. Lindsay, Frederick Point; B. Barclay and D. Johnson, city. CARD OF THANKS Cbrence Insulander and Knut Ilallberg wish to thank their friends for their many kindnesses, expressions of sympathy and flowers at the time of their recent Mrs. Jack Woods J Annette Stone) sailed this afternoon on the Cardena for a business trip to iv tiir st mr.Mr roi KT nr iiritisii ioi.i wmii In ITobdte In the Mattrr of the -.IdrolnlMratlon In the Matter of thr Ettate of Edward rrrruton Jone. Ir-eaed TAKE NOTICE thai toy order of Hli Honor Judge W. E. Fisher dated tbe 4th day of January 1940 I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of dvard Ferguson Jones, Deceased, late of the City of Prince Rupert, British Pblumhla, and all persons having ' claims (gainst the said Est&te are hereby required to furnish the same to m properly verified on or before the roth day of February isto and all per sons Indebted to he said Estate are re quired to pay .the amount of their In-debtedneea to roe forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, ' omclal Administrator, Prince Rupert, B. C. tKited the itlt day of Jarwury, A D. 1940. Fresh Local Haw and Pasteurized MiHt VALENTIN DAIRY PUQVB C37 IDOUA Roller Rink Dally Sessions 2:00 to 4:30 Children 6:00 to 8:30 AdulU 8:30 to 11:00 Betlnnecs Given Special Attention LIMY & DAVIES 55$ COIW? AVAY Jl' PHONES 585 586 PAY DAY SPECIALS Red Arrow Sodas 90 Ul P Per pkg. Larse Oranjes OUU QOp Per dozen Mandarines fiOp UUU Per box Royal Crown Soap ncn A' 6 bars iiMMMHBSHSiSliiiSMlMSMSSBIM Grape Fruit Mediums. ff Eaeh. Soap Flakes 4Ap Per lb. iUi' ANNMKAIY cactiATu- LATIONS. Brookfield Sausage Per lb Bologna Per lb. 25c 20c Boiled Ham fn Per lb. Butter First grade. QfJn 3 Ins. for Stilton Cheese l's & 2's. Each 25c and 50c Corn Flakes Otf 3 p.kgs. for B. C. Furniture Co. Values In New And Used Furniture 3 Heaters From . . $5.00 10 316.50 1 Singer Sewing Machine 50 1 Kitchen Hanges $20, $22.50, $24.50 27.50 6 Dressers-From . $9.50 t0 13.50 New Furniture 21 Tahle Lamps Beautiful G-j QCtoCQ Qff designs. From $t.VD G 365t0 98.50 Phone BLACK 324 THIRD AVENUE Next Door to B. C. Clothiers CARD WEDDING CCNGliATU' LArOi.i rot THE CCWALEfctNT For All Occasions CCNCI!ATD LAT10N EXPMfiiQSS SYMPALW