December 17, 1940. stocking up a lot of foll-your-ownors with Ogden's this Christmas. As a iift, it's tops bo-auso it makos wilder, smoother, more mollow tgarettos. Milb. tin 80 in i Silly coloured Guistmai carton. i ; he Lasting Gift dU n 'lly Vr h;ivt marks an important a very line cicr.ii-m v W Uham and S viss watches that h? utmost in performance and oarance. k a sift for a very special somcone-a piesent that will . . . ln for fnr mini f!hrtk- Christ P.S . fr tho rms-ri and be a source cf Joy many ron --p? Th-n look in and let us 'how you our very large I atrhc3 priced from $5.00 to $83.00. R.W. Cameron SIXTH STREET Wanted-Raw Furs PRICES ttr!i,MiTa t a iir.KST TAXI SERVICE PAID Shin to J. E. OKMHEIM. Prince Rupert, R.C. Hepreseniing- HUDSON'S HAY COMPANY Wc boucht three brand new heaters Just so you wouldn't freeze . We bought three cars to put them in They answer THREE-TWO PLEASE in two-tone' blue The cars arc pinted Their beauty is equalled m eajj with comf oi t If you want safety Call us at - - LJ IJill.V. .... . . A If you lose anyl Capitol .Theatre have special Xmas gift tickets or books in gift envelopes for children and adults. (tf) V. J. Bubacz arrived in the city Sunday nijht cn the Nonth Sea jfrom Ketchikan and left on last ; evening's train for a trip to Du-i the hours of 8:30 a.m Salvation Army Christmas Fund Collections I'M csil riuets: s?4 rifl Locke 8 and Other J Donations night proved very Interesting and a considerable sum was raised for the Salvation Army Christmas Cheer fund. On Sunday $70 was cd in TO the Dally News, last night El3? MacKenzle, Ma-J. A. Teng. Yvonne Rlf- 5 UVllXJJ-' I FAMILY MARKET- Day. ;J Phone 957 Phone 957 1 I SPECIALS BEEF ROUND STEAK Per lb. SIRLOIN STEAK Per lb. RIB STEAK "2 lbs. POT ROAST Per lb PRIME RIB ROLL Per lb. 7 T-BONE Per lb VEAL SHOULDER of VEAL Per lb VEAL CHOPS Per lb - PORK LOIN PORK CHOPS Per lb SWIFT'S BONELESS PICNIC HAM 20c 25c 45c BONELESS STEW BEEF 25C ; i lbs. HIGHEST MARKET 15c 22c 25c 15c 25c 25c 25c AYRSHIRE- BACON-- 25C Per lb,iji44Jtt-w:iSi. BULK PURE LARD ,0 p 3 lbs POULTRY ROAST CHICKEN THREE-TWO PLEASE' j b chicken-. 25c GRADE 'A' TURKEYS I VZX ID. DUCKS Per lb. 3UC 30c thirm, advertise for it. EBiffliaiBSBiMiifliwfiiwMiEKipiM, PAGE THREE THE DAILY NEWS i ; LOCAL NEWS NOTES Just say "Three Two please." Just say "Three Two please "Fill your glasses!-" Using glasses from the Dollar Store. Tonight's train, due jrom the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be one hour late. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J ousting of luth. ' - ' Featured a tomorrow's regular Mts. Ortrge Currie is sailing this weekiy luncheon of the Prinze Ru- larternoon on the cataia lor namu rt Gyro Club wll be a turkey jenroute to Bella Coola, where she dlBslnfc. demonstration by II. S. iwlll spend the Christmas and New Meadows th5 raffling for the (Year season at her home. cluh.s chm hamper fund of two turkeys one donated by Mr. Notice is given that gun practice Mcadows other by W. F. i will be carried out from Barrett gtone ' and Frederick Batteries between and 5:00 p davr's -wp my AUCTION i Sn Sff Cheer Augmented by Radio T 1 DAVE'S The radio auction put cn by the . n. . . .n Junior Chamber of Commerce last star land wireless station here for the past couple of months is being itxamferred to Triple Island as llghtkecper and operator, taking ... . -AJ fwM uwui iiuic ivi ethnic buni; auu songs. Collections so far included: Mis. Windle. $3.00. T. D. PattuUo, $25.00. Radio Auction, $24.00. Brown & Harvey, $10.00. Seijsnt O. L. Hall. $2.00. Radio Auction, $10.00. XMAS SHOPPING HOURS Stores will be closed Thursday afternoon, and open till 10 p.m. Saturday, Monday and Tuesday, clsed Xmas day and Boxing Retail Merchants Association. ARROW BUS Time Table Effective Dec. 2 PHONE 459 Leaves Leaves Post Office Seal Cove AM. AM. 7:25 7:40 8:15 ,GJ30 10:00 10:30 1130 12:00 Sat. Only Sat. Only T.M. P.M. 12:30 . 1:00 P.M. P.M. 1:30 2:00 2:30 " 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 6:10 8:30 .6:30 , ... ... . 6;45 " " "' 7:30 ' 3:00 i f 9:30 --i 10:00 ' 10:20 11:00 11:30 11:45 SUNDAY SCHEDULE li3C 2:00 2:30 3:00 4:30 5:00 7:00 7:30 10:20 11:00 Arrangements may be made for Special Trips or Parties Mrs. Eye Is Laid At Rest 296 Many friends gathered at St. JZJZi lTZrZ Andrew's Anglican Cathedral yes- t Mntprt a"7rTVwi of this 'city on the North Sea Sunday night terday to pay final tributes of es- city lefTon S $t?xt the north and proceeded by teem and respect to the memory of a trip to Conquest, Saskatchewan, jt evening's train to Chicago for the Iate Mrs. wuliam F. Eve. Very a Mt.v .Tames h. Gibson, tne aean, ana . TO EASE MISERY OF CHILD'S COLD RUBONUICKS 1 ) VVApoRub Rev. E. W. Slater officiated and Peter Lien presided at the organ to accompany the hymns. Following the service, interment was made in Fairview Cemetery. '' Pallbearers were C. H. Clay. Wll- 11am McLeod, George Eckerman, S. E. Parker, W. D. Vance and A. S. Nickerson. There were many floral offerings. TO, M m., on the 16th. 17th and 18th of December 1940. 2 lu, W now Pining on Joining the this have so far not been made ( Mr. Biggs was oprator at Latara l!land" be a food matinee at the Capitol Theatre nt which the price of ad- : sacks of flour or sugar n mmWmmmW Those who took part in the pro- ---- - - - , , , i-i-ij urib-o jfp, Bram last iii&ub uiuuu "i Colussi, comet solo: John Obu- ?3 china, voral sofo: Jones girls, vo- SI m I 1 mission for Juveniles will be some fou Meivin Thon-pson, songs; I W article of food for the Salvation Captam Joan Halsey, cornet sdIo.'S? Army such as canned goods or and Frank Morri3 Ut Welsh W if 2? CARD OF THANKS - - W. F. Eve and family wish to m thank sincerely all friends for ; m their sympathy during their re-' cent bereavement. S I J. W. Kilpatrick, transfer-1 S. Urseth of the Forest Branch 'red form hp re to Victoria In the service here Is sailing this after-'mllltary service, Is sailing this ai-'noon on the Catala for Namu en-'tecnoon on the Catala for the route to his home at Bella Crola south. Inianv Attended Funeral Service In '. Mo.i, choHoa In rren'e and chiffon. c inHmi'i ralhrHral Yesterday ' hose nicely boxed at Fashion Foot-1 Afternoon wear. "M . TOYLAND at Gordon & Andersons L Announcement Ross Ingram, after six years with the Thrift Cash and Carry, has severed his connection and has taken over Ltnzey & Davies Grocery which henceforth will be known as 'Llnzey & Ingram. Mr. Ingram and the same s-3ff who served you at the od Thrift Cash & Carry ext?nd a hearty welcome to you to call and see them at their new location. Phone 535 and 586 ,to spend the Christmas iYear holiday season, I :i IS OPEN and New Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Eagles Bridge December 18, S.O.N. Christmas tree and dance December 26. Moose Hall. Lutheran Circle Christmas Tree December 30. Metropole. Genuine Hogmany Dance, Oddfellow's Hall. December 31. Valhalla uary 3. dance Metropole Jan- United Church W. A. tea Jan. 16. -? !S ROBERTSON'S FAMOUS PLUM ffAP rfiftVl AMIVO COPELAND'S FRUIT MARKET Phone 872 NUTS No. 1 Quality, mixed, no peanuts. 2 lbs. BABY BOX Sweet juicy oranges CHINESE OINGER-In crock. Each ALMOND PASTE 'i lb PURE LARD Prints. 3 lbs. 45c 89c 29c 20c 25c Commercial Hotel Prince Rupert Thoroughly Renovated Hot 'and Cold Water in Rooms Inner Spring Mattresses , Harbor View , ALEX PRUDHOMME Proprietor I DANCE J EVERY SATURDAY J BOSTON HALL, 9 O'CLOCK : ". PUDDINGS IN BOWL Hear the call to arms from the toy trumpet! The rhythm of the," marching feet of woou soldiers ! TOYLANH IS OPEN ! This grand, exciting' Christmas girl-and-boy-Iand has opened its new 1910 wonders. Here are colorful arrays of gifts that will cause . small eyes to pop with surprise and pleasure. And Santa Clau3 is here tool .In fact, everything is here to make this the greatest Toyland of all time! GORDON Rr ANDERSON THIRD AVENUE CAKES 4." 95c CANDY GINGER Christmas brilliants. Chinese preserved. Ju.c arriv- 1 lb. cel.o ccj. 12-oz. 9Qn SPECIAL CHRISTMAS pkt M&V, CHOCOLATES fl-J AA Cnmv Australian Raisins UM I t WINE 25c Seedless. 2 lbs. kO 1 Everythinir That Is Good (o SWANSDOWX CAKE Offp Eat at flour AfJX, nrrrji i MFVP Bleached SULTANAS rjp LUl SaLAvil) Q Mb cell FRUIT MARKET Recleaned Fresh "fl 9f TELEPHONE S72 CURRANTS 1-lb. bag Free Delivery Service A WARM HOUSE yoiTwottif- sleet -If voir Aids In making the Christmas season an enjoyable one. reople have been known to use a ton of coal as a Christmas gift. Clean coal, full weight and satisfactory delivery are the promises we keep. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 653 11 I ; i iiii 6 2 1, 1 1 ..'3 VA a "9 K n "n CI 3S & 3