p?.ai rsra HARTT and CLARIDGE MEN'S DRESS SHOES PAILY EDITION Priced From $6.50 Greb Work Shoe Solid Throughout -Priced From S3.95 Jack and Jill Shoes for Misses and Children Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Sheea THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. .Limited. Third Avepue H. F. PUIXEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance - Paid in Advance, per month By Mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and $5.00 .50 United States, yearly period, paid In advance . 3.00 By Mall to all other countries, per year 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion .02 Local Readers, per line, per Insertion .25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 The Canadian Press is excluslrely entitled to use for republication of ill news despatches credited to It or to the .Associated Press In this" paper and also the local feews puDiiaoea iDerein. All right, of republication of special clespatcbes therein are also reserved. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations . MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS Saturday, August 10, 1040. EDITORIAL . THE WAY TO JUDGE It is possible that there are German sympathizers in Prince Rupert district who listen to the German radio broadcasts or to the pro-German American broadcasts. Also there may be Italian sympathizers who listen to the Italian broadcasts. These, it will be noticed, never agree with the British broadcasts. il If there cncie are are any any who wiiu believe uKiieve these uiese alien mien broadcasts, uiuaurasif,' HITLER'S PROMISE Hitler has promised his people that on August 15, which is Thursday of next week, he will enter London in state. If :he.does:that he will .have to speed up his invasion. It was thought that he might make the attempt this week while the tides .and Qtherconditions have been favorable. However, the incessant war on his supply centres and other military objectives in Germany .have had a somewhat discouraging effect. The British planes are scouting the whole coastline from the northern tip of Norway to the south, of France with a view to detecting any sign of possible .invading fleets. When anything suspicious is found it isbombed. This is something of a deterrent to the blitzkrieg that has been promised. It may not prevent an attack but it makes the invasion difficult. Having command of the air and sea is a great advantage f or the British. CONTINUING HIGHWAY Another section. vof ihe highway connecting Prince Rupert with Hazetton is to .be built this fall. Work on it is to emmence ;at once. The contract for four miles between Usk and Cedarvale has been let. This narrows the gap connecting Terrace with the rest of the world and, when that is finished, there will be a strong demand to MACHINE-GUNNIN.GPItOWNING PEOPLE when they are. struggling, in the water. It is just one ui-stance p.f G.erman gaya'gery, many others having been brought to light .at various times during the course of the present-w:ar- Most peop.e nds. Do you? FOR board. rao int classified FOR KENT FOUND and paying or this ad. WANTED tion In mining, lumber or flshlnfi industry-. Non-smoker, ambitious, excellent references. Apply Box 16, Jally News. (194) PERSONAL YOU can jun a Home Kindergarten with our help. Canadian Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg, Manitoba. tf FOR SALE FOR SALE-32 foot cabin cruiser, 9 ft. beam. .24 h.p. .engine, cheap for cash. Apply Don Wilson's Barber Shqp. U901 I.N THE SI TIIK.ME COl'RT OF I1K1JHH tILl MIHA In tho -Mtter of Mniuel (Jforge Llna-ny, jirwattd, othfrwii known a Nam Ororir Mndiay And In the Mattff of Wut "AImlnltrtlun Act" TAKE NOTICE that by ordCT of HH Honor Jvfige Robertion, Local Judge ot tte Suprwne .Court In, and for the County of Prince Rupert aotme in the place of' and: at the .request, of HU Honor judje Fianer, i was on August 7th 1B40 appointed Administrator .of alt the Estate In British Columbia, with the W1U apnexed. of toe late Samuel Oeorge Lindsay, otherwise of known as Bom George Lindsay, have Prince Rupert connected with Terrace on. a similar 'hui, ouetw wi iti t AyWr contractual; basis. . NOW IS; THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT lob as Clerk. I Quebec, on the 27th day ot May 1931, leaving property in the vicinity ot Stewart. B. C. All peruana having claims against -the said. "Estate are required to file them with me properly One of -the nasty little habits of the Germans in this yr"tot - 18Ul dy,c' it r r- m i . , September 1040) .and ll pertons ln- war is the machine-gunning of drowning men and .women .debted v tni saw Eatte are muired U pay the .balance of their Indebted new m iortmui. DATED Qft Prince Supert, B. C. this 8th, day of August 1940. . KORMAN A. WATT Of f total AtUnlnlstmSor. Prince Rupert, B. C. THZ DAILY NTWl Saturday. August 10, (tf) two Olympic Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno , ! etc. Three Dominion-wide exams held since war began. Free. Booklet. M. C. C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg Oldest In Canada. No agents. iimon Sculls. BRITAIN READY1 FOR XAZI BLOW While Adolf Hitler boasts, and rants, England U quietly and cal.nly taking measures to Insure that German tonses will never be able to stage a successful blitzkrieg against the tight little Island. Ta nk barriers are being erected, and these huge concrete pillars, left, will prove a strong barrier against any invading mechanlaed force. All.signpo3ts.have been removed from English highways and detachments of troops keep a close tab on all travelling motorists, upper, right JBarbed wire lines the highways at strategic points, ready to be thrown into position at a moment's notice lower right. iBreaks Record For Swimming KELOWNA, Aug. 10: CP Joan Langdon, sixteen-year-old Vancouver swimmer, bettered the world's record for the fifty-yard women's breaststroke with a time of 34 4-5 SPORT CHAT titles and the Ma j I 11 P they should remember that the records show that in al- wanted a 2 or s-room cabin by, tfaSCbal OCOreS most every case the German and Italian broadcasts have later proved .to be wrong whereas, in almost every case. end of August. Box 17 Daily News. (183) the modest and .candid British broadcasts.have been rierht POSITION WANTED To argue the truth is probably half way between the .twr UrppgR, flrst aider, wishes posi wuuiu aim -oe incorrect, inner aiu uown me principle mat lies would be. believed if only they were repeated often enough. He also helieved ii the big lie rather than the small one. His friend Mussolini seems to be following in the footsteps of the German leader and is giving out misleading information,, presumably for the purpose of trying to cheer up his own people. With a controlled press this is possible but in a democracy it is not possible. f National League Brooklyn 1, Boston 0. Chicago 2, Pittsburg 8. St. Louis 2, Cincinnati 7. American League Philadelphia 0, New York 2. Boston 5, Washington 6. Detroit 2, Chicago 3. Cleveland 3, St. Louis 4, TERRIFIC BLAST A SOUTH-WEST TOWN. Eng.. READY FOR BOX DERBY Fraser Street boys' and girls are organizing to form, a bis cluh fox TO crossed fingers and a slde-the coming winter's activities. A long 6lance 8t the weather man, series of parties and dances is the Gyro playground staff Is going Dlanned to create a fund for the ahead with plans to run the sec-! seconds at the annual regatta on nnrrhas nf snort enuinment The ond annual soap box derby nexti Okanagan .Lake here. Fraser Street bovs havine won Thursday afternoon. The race will1 I the junior city championship last tram Sixth Avenue and Tay-year. are already making plans for 1(r seet a 3 o'clock. The same - . . i rnntA JLR wn licpfl Incf vpnr will anotner acuve season in uasnei- - - ball. he followed that Is, down Sixth Avenue to McBrlde Street, then Hundred nf snnrbtmen from Out McBrlde to finish Just belOW PnnaHa nnH tho UnRpd Stntps Ninth Avenue. I paid last tribute to Eddie Gerard. It has been decided this year, great Ottawa Senator defenceman rather than restricting the en- and coach of three National tries to owners of home made1 Hockey League teams, burled at wagons, to make a special race' Ottawa three years ago yesterday. Ior owners of regular coaster , I wagons. All entries will race on RENT First class room and! Bohbv Pearee stroked his wav tn the same day but those rldinsl Phone Green 973. (tf) easy victory over Ken Myers of the t coaster wagons will be competing , United States In the Olympic ory against other wagons of the singles sculling Jlnal at Amster- same type. The silver cup donated! FOUND Brooch. Owner can have dam 12 years ago today. He turned y the Gyro Club will again bei same by calling at the Dally News.' professional in 1933 after winning competed for but. only those using . wiome maae wagons wm nave a I 'chance of. winning It. A special prize list has been made up fori the other type of wagon. - - I For the new division. In the Tace, that Is the regular coaster wagons, the following rules apply: Each rider must act as his own starter. j All entries must be four wheeled j wagons with all four wheels of the same diameter. Wagons may be handicapped at, the discretion of the course stew-Jard. j Following is the complete .prize lists for both divisions. Soap Box .Roller Coasters first, boys' pocket watch, don- Aug. 10: (CP) During art air raid- ated..by JJalen Hardware, here a bomb fell, in a field and a Second, sport shlrtf donated by car passing on an adjacent road William Stone, was lifted completely of f the ground Third, boys' leather belt and by the blast. The car continued buckle donated by-Bryant's. undamaged, Standard Type Coaster Wagons . First, pen and pencil set, don ated by Dlbb Printing Co. Five thouano ijct (lupert Second, book of 11 tickets to people read the Daily News, It Capitol Theatre matinees. iays to let them now what yofc Third, $1.00 merchandise from lave to aell Macey's Confectionery. (Meet Her .in, a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Pries of One UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.SJS. CATALA EVERY TUES- .T.S.S. CARD EN A .FRJDAx, DAY,. 1:30 p.m. J0:?0 pjn. Due Vancouver. Thurs. pja. Due Van.cou.ver, Monday a.m. If,Convenlept,.PI JurrhSiSe Ykketi at Office further Information Regarding ReservatlQua. and Tickets rrom FRANK 1. S.KINNER, Pjlnce, Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 Canada At War 25 Years Ago August 10, 1915 British recovered lost trenches in action at Hooge, Belgium. Fourteen persons killed In Zeppelin raid on English east coast. British destroyer Lynx destroyed by mine in the North Sea. Russian offensive resumed on the Dniester River. ' HOTEL ARRIVALS ' Central ' F, E, Splcer. .Barrett Point John H. H. Ullhorn, Dundas; 8. Clark Ed mcnton; A. Yacluda, Winnipeg j Smaha, C.NJt.: A. Orund. Frederick Point? R. Chaterv8mlthers Prince Rupert -E'W." Wright. E. W Martin a Roberts, H. M. Stevenson and Mr ,nnd Mrs. F. C. Salter, Vancouver GF. Truartln. Victoria; JAi. Read Alifard Bay; T. ,L. Mahon. Patrick Bayt.H. a. Darneu. Eugene 0 gonj,,J. F. McMahon, u? n Dp luck and R. H. Morris. Ro4 Tn adlan Air Force; h, c. Snell and L. Tenney, Reglna; C W Watson, Eimotvion; p. D. Marsorj and B, a! Litta, Winnipeg; Mr. and jui j, R. Donaldson. Victoria: P LeBellt Pacofl; Mr. and Mrs. f. H. Martin, Montreal; S. L. Clark, Toronto Royal F. Godwin, I. Kutcher and C T Inman. Barrett Point; F. Pigott and Edward Gllvernes, city; E. B. Clark an.'' If. R. Weaver. Frederick Point. Edward Qilverno, city; Mr and Mm. R. J. Noble. Edmonto'n. LOYAL TO EMPIRE ; PFE8MADE India. Aug JO: (CP) --The sej-vics of the entire armed ( forces of Travancore have been joffered to Britain for utilization in connection with the war (t was jannounced here by Sir C P Alyar PK1NCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Typed of fiat En fines Repaired and Overhauled Used Furniture USED FURNITURE DEPARTMENT fi Kitchen Ranges for burning coal or wood; 2 Ranges fitted with Imperial Oil Hurner; 12 Rrick-lincd Heaters; 3 8-piece Dining Room Suites; 1 Kitchen Cabinet; 3 China Cabinets; 3 Buffets; 3 Morris Chairs, I Radios; G Gramaphones; 6 Dining Room Tables; 2 Kitchen Tables; 12 Kitchen Chairs; 2 Pianos; 1 Organ; 2 Chiffoniers; 6 Bedroom Tables; 2 Large Glass Cases; 2 8 feet long by 21 inches wide mirrors; 1 GGxfiG Mirror with Frame; 6 Felt Mattresses in all sizes; 1 Spring Filled Mattress, size 1-0; 6 Steel Beds, 46; 6 Springs, all sizes; 2 Singlo Beds, complete; 2 Davenports, open to a bed; 1 English Prams; 3 .Wickers; .6 Wash Stands; 1 Bassinet Crib; 2 Tricycles; 2 Doll Buggies; 1 Small Row Boat; 2 Oil Burning Heaters, wickless. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Building, Third Avenue,' Prince Rupert Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. .Phone GREEN 918 CANADIAN RATIONAL RAILWAYS Steamers leave PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER on Saturday 4 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls. Monday 3 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Trains leave PRINCE RUPERT, for the EAST!" Monday, Wednesday, Friday, G p.m. Jnday at 11 a.m. Air-conditioned Sleeping and Pining Cars For Fares, etc., Call cr Write CITY TICKET OFFICE,' 528 THIRD AVE. Ajents for Trans-Canada Air Lines