anson ie NEXT MAILS Says |i to bu the News is the paper ” y For South vel camosun,.... ...Sunday, 9 a.m, Princess May ... Monday, 9 a.m, Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1912. Price Five Cents OL. Ill, NO. 71 r ¢ i — —— — ——_$__—— — ne —_— terian circles in the east the i Miss Ethel Upoff, of arent will + me on eel = aa ee Deoreneed, hs apes il we sat Wise Rev. W. H. McLeod Out and|yote is pretty well divided, At a g rong » n the meantime 1? minimum Montreal, aren ao, 1@); Operacors or an adadjus e oT) About A ain. all events, the location of srop- in ai ae a i Seyaenen me YUKON wage bill will be again considered} phase of the British coal strike; the wage differences: ‘has been| nay ae erty and. the scateeeibitind ver ) S was travelling with|Q@ogmmissioner Black Receives aj!" committee only, after which|and of the general labor troubles} postponed until next Tuesday. | jey, Warren H. McLeod wishes| congregations and of ministers Winnipeg and is Cordial Reception on — - . - lo cordially thank his many]will make it at least a number of lave stepped off the Snciieeee. friends for their exressions of|years before the denominational valking in her sleep. Special to Daily News. kindness and sympathy during ties are severed. Rev. Pi Wi i his recent illness. He also thanks} Kerr believes that in five years mly in a night- eh arch 23——Governor i Dawson, March 23 rovernor |}the Mayor and City Council for|there may be a union church, and ieorge ack arrive ssterday | the h pe George Black arrive . yeste ‘ 7” | offering a reward in connection|hopes that in fifty years there “0 ancouver an¢ as give r K C. O., of the Salva- i i apdetel e i ate ns with this matter and deeply ap-|will be one united Canadian ‘ hd Bere nenee ion cn: BRE & tn preciates the efforts of the police] Protestant church, comprising all \ io has again take ge : : ‘4 ; Mn nee eee aS orn’ A SOO AUB RE AY oe joflicers in their diligent search| non-Romanists in Canada, TELA nee tee meee Mew: office this morning, He 1s * his assailant. Mr. McLeod is ee ounee the service 7 o . , . . »j é ails Mr. I 4 is f 7 W em n ei piennieg to bev we aounty ahiste regaining his strength Ocean Accident and Guarantee i n NA Stoo ah oe ee me aye j}and will preach as usual at the| Corporation, largest in the world. McIntyre} Mack Realty and Insurance Co., ». m,, and 8 p. m.;|/ which expires in June. faptist services in 3} } pap Lm m.s week nighi | es Senet ae Al Liberal Committee Rooms eo tomorrow morning and| Agents. tf | = : lf re Mondays, Wednesdays, G. T. P PARTY RETURNS evening: aie it 2 OLD OPTIMIST BUIL DING vie SECOND AV ENL IE | eh mM ificent Picture : : ss a see - ae agnificen ctures Camosun Arrives. etn aes Revid DENOUNCE WAR IN AIR The Westholme Opera House ( sun Came in at about fe | sss, is most assuredly deserving of his morning with pas The party of G. T. P. officials, All Friends of Good Government Are Cordially Invited Hh Hundred Influential Men Pe-|()¢ patronage of the people of Pig | freight. She willlineluding General Freight Agent tition Arbitration League. Prince Rupert, when they offer , he south at 9 o'clock Dewey, returned from near aS ohana eo such magnificent moving picture \ petition signed by two hun-Jentertainment, as is furnished orning. The arrivals|Skeena Crossing at 4 a. m, to- dred notable people in Europe|by the pictures of “The Fall of . fe day. General Agent A. E. Mc- ys fed print d W. H Hooney, . Master piloted the party and says | has been issued by the Interna-| Troy. Tonight will be the last ; Ledwiedge, L they were well pleased with the j tional Arbitration League pro-|opportunity of witnessing this : A PaeeAS work and that excellent progress testing against the use of aerial) truly remarkable SOEIaay, and i |vessels in war, The signatories|everyone should make a point of Levine Kn Kaynard, M an oe ade This was Mr. is being made, 1is appeal to aH governments to] visiting the cosy theatre in the irke, ( meena a Dewey's first trip of nena Wilfrid Doughty and Party Leave for sha: New Oil Plant and Can- foster an international under-] Albert block. Mr. Dewey, accompanied standing which shall preserve the —— ageie board companies Druce, commercial apenh ee rar nery With Expectations of Starting Operations Very Shortly world from “a new hideousness CORRECTION. ‘surance Gompanies}their homes on the ; . tk : of warfare, 1ey also depre- ead Dy us. Mack Realty] day 54,25 i } i / I ince Ge : a | GAP By the Prince John this after-| manager, left wilh the party at 4]$1,250,000 and the company will ‘cate the suggestion that aerial The Joe Seott referred to yes ww 4 cana easopneanan seamen camamurenan snail ‘ . . 5 : wee oe y @O0k ; 8 2 20 are ? = : 1 for s time in}®on have just sailed for the o'clock, The name of the ROMs SPs nd this ae we upward of $225,- warfare, by reason of its horror, ; he r threatened t ‘w ' fom Parsons, for some ne ly| Queen Charlotte Islands Wilfria|P@®Y is “The British Columbian}000 in development 6n the SAE trighthh: Wn “fPDny alae, terday as having threatened to \ nion Fire Insur-| Allen's book store and Pes , the re ae Stimanfas. Lid Sir George] islands. ae Rare fear up the petition of the “iways paid dollar for f the South Africa constabulary, soughty, accompaniec iy es ° pe > P ——__—____— le . > : , ry sc ansaid We nae of ‘ an bk Depvinolal Pollan aati Ivil ‘seetekedores ; Doughty, M. P., chairman of the} King’s dance, Mentyre hall,|!aunchmen is not young Joe Scott 7 5 ‘{has joinec a : : c Msbury, civil engineer, with L./ North Eastern Steam Fishing Co. rt POLITICAL BUG (HOUSE) tonight it jof the Kaien Hardware Company, oe ind Insurance Gom-|and left on the train today for Crippen and party of surveyors.|ptd. England, is chairman of the Setters | , ee tf Kitselas, The party is going to complete] joy company Other directors | Absent Aldsbinan Seem Strangely | =jthe survey for development pur-|ape James Stark Browne, director Unmissed in Civic Affairs. Co ooes peses of some 200 acres or Crown! of Jno. Brinsmead & Sons, Lid.; : eranted land at Alvord Bay on] Aired. 8. Vovrss, Mammersty! win two addermen abseatlt ,,,.LIBERAL HEADQUARTERS... cree the south side of Skidepate rolet, M. P.. direetor of Canada Wheat PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO f/sor''tie text ‘ofthe. greats, d.sinm Winm|eAmnuining, and te Mayor fT an Doughty fishing enterprises is Hornsby, J. P., deputy chairman g . J* blind pigs wag their tails with glee, because the Mayor $3] poing started, Richard Hornsby & Sons, Ltd,,|@nd the Finance Minister in de-|§ my, Alex. M. Manson Campaign Committee have leased the ; ' he tO sea, The plant is to comprise ean-layq Robert Tweedy Smith, di-|mand al every political meeting, | ‘ ON Minister will handle real money tonight. nery, salting plant and fish meal] peetor of Milestone & Staniforth,| Prince Rupert municipality seems} ° ° ° ® : Parsons just left for Kitselas as special constable, works. At Skidegate on half alyta n all run to the diekens until the Old Optimist Building ; e id "stood a buneh of Liberals threaten to yote there. inile of water frontage there will| — aA ilfrid Doughty is managing|C@mpaign ends. Fortunately, | 3 a "as the launchmen'’s petition and not the longshore- be established a fish oil works. con ; those who toil in the civie mill, | : f h liouses for employes are to be| “director rhe company holds}ineg mute, obedient builders of the on Second Ayve., for the campaign f whe Hew trail to the post office does not come out of Wil- erected as soon as surveyed for,|three drag seine net licenses for}city at the mayoral and alder-| ‘ * mat as a repens but he is sure to pele. it, ‘i and about one hundred men will| salmon, one herring epnie ond ans heer an as ” peur — . SUBNLYy says this is even finer weather than they « employed without delay, many} Dominion and British Columbia|by the political bug ane e yar- nave Grimsby, Old Englaud, - re hs afterward. ; . wey licenses ious city works progress much All friends of Good Government cordially invited ' "OC pe ccenes A. W. Carter, who is to be local The capital of the company is|as before, |