PAGE TWO Tire DAILY NEWS Tango Pumps rilONE lie New shipment of Black Kid, Brown Kid and Blue Kid in sizes to AAA to C widths, just arrived. Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes EDITORIALS BOOKS FOR SOLDIERS Some time ago a Prince Rupert citizen donated fifty dollars to enable the soldiers at the old hospital to purchase a piano. Now we are asking people to donate books for the soldiers' library. Most people have at least a few volumes that they do not require. The soldiers could use them and thev would be passed on from one to another more than they would in any other place. If it is not convenient to leave them at the hospital, just drop them in at the Daily New? office and we will see that they reach the riht people. If desired, we will let them know the names of the donors. THREE CANDIDATES,. 3 , There are now three candidates in the field fromi which the electors of Skeena will select one to represent them at Ottawa. The first, in the field was George Weaver of Nanaimo, a very estimable gentkman ho once before contested this constituency in tHe provincial arena but was defeated. He is the representative of-the Socialist group known as thp Co-operative Commonwealth Federation. He is pledged to support a Socialist program. The most recent nomination is that of Georsre F. Cameron, Conservative, a Vancouver barrister, who has 3 claim to local interest in that his father was temporarily in Prince Rupert as Presbyterian minister. Wp are tok1 that he is a very suitable person to represent Skeena in the Federal Parliament. He would support Dr. Manion. The other man is our tried and tested old friend, OW Hanson, who walked into the Skeena district before the railway was built without even a gunny sack in which to carry his clothes. He fought his way up and by hard work and untiring industry managed to reach a place where h' could ficht the election without drawing on campaign funds. The first timp he was chosen as candidate he w?r electpd and once since he has been re-elected. He is nov well known to the PHme Minister and the other memberr of the Dominion cabinet as a man on whom they can rely Even Prime Minister Bennett often sought his advice or important matters of state. He knows every corner of the district and tries to deal fairly with everyone. He is the man thnr wp know. His record is before us. It should be an easy matter to choose a man from these three. Our Famous Edsun Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1M COAL NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. PHONE 117 - LI Today in Sports PL SIMPSON WAS WINNER Defeated Tourinp Kltkatla Racket-ball Teams In Two Games This Week PORT SIMPSON. March 1 The Young People's Educational Association basketball team scored victories over a touring Kltkatla Excelsior Club team In games played here on Tuesday and Wednesday night or this week. The first game ended In a score of 81 to 43 for Port Simpson and the second 59 to 55. Individual scoring in the second game was as follows: Kltkatla W. Innes. 13: A. Innes. 3: S. Lewis. 28; O. Dousras. 4; A. Innes: E. Jackson. 5: J. Nelson. 2; total, 55. Port Simpson R. Sankey. 9: Arthur Wesley. 19; R. Johnson. 19; H. Ryan, 7; William Johnson. 2: W. Cooper. 5: H. McKay; total. 59. Hockey Scores National League Chicago 2, Rangers 1. Boston 4, Canadiens 2. Detroit 1. Toronto 3. Pacific Coast League Vancouver 1. Portland 2. Stock Taking Sale All FURS At Goldbloom's 25 Off Take advantage of the low Prices to buy now W. GOLDBLOOM "The Old Reliable" L1NZEY DAV1ES PHONES 583 586 Butter 1st grade. Q 3 lbs. VOK, Aylmer Vegetable AVC 1 flp Soup-Per tin Cut Green Beans- 4 XUU Ap Per tin Toilet Soap Col gates. 25(J Quaker Oats Large size . Purity L.A I). Tea Per lb. Cream Cheese-2-lb. pkg. Niblet Corn 2 tins Wild Rose Flour-Pastry, per sack Ritz Biscuits 2 pkgs. Sandwich Biscuits-Fresh, per lb. Shaker Peaches Pet tin 40c 18c $1.85 55c 55c 25c 40c 35c 25c 9c 15c Try Our Fresh Ground COFFEE Per lb. RETURN TO LEADERSHIP Savoy Hotel is Bark on Top Commercial Bon line League Standing 191. Individual scoring: Savoy Hotel Menzie Morris Zarelli Amey Moran Totals Canadian Scottish Renearts ; Ktlner : Donaldson ... Ihraer Allan I i Five tfimnar.o vonl rrad the oavs to let them have to (ell l 117 148 153 201 176 800 I, 154 130 154 155 M 119 110 180 159 149 a z 139 126 163 95 jAkehurst 98 Handicap 39 39 J Totals 717 6C9 (Angus Apartments 1 2 Taylor 143 166 Burv 153 186 ,MeLeod 139 137 Jck 135 M3 MrMeektn 129 142 Handicap 2 2 Totals . 706 776 '. League standing to date: j W L . Savoy Hotel 17 4 OyroClub 15 6 ON.R.A. :i4 4 Printer H 10 Imperial Oil 10 8 Annus Apartments ... 7 14 Moose 4 11 (Canadian Scottish 0 21 In R A CK FR OM j v w w w The Port Simpson Athletic Club basketball party, numbering some forty persons, arrived In Prince Rupert last evening aboard the boats Norma W. and Mary D. after a week's visit to New Metlakatla, Al-laska. during which' two games were played, new Metlakatla winning Savoy Hotel regained the leader- both, the first by a score of 47 to 33 ship of the... Commercial Bowling and the second 3T to 31. Both were League last night by scoring a rlean dose matches, particularly the sweep three games to nil victor' firs one. a final quarter burst of over the long-suffering Canadian fcorln building up the New Metla-SeotUih. Angus Apartment rolled katla score. The Port Simpson team their end of the second fixture of found the New Metlakatla Hall a the evening, play of their oppon- little too warm to be comfortable ents being deferred. High average but report that the gymnasium scorer for the evening wai Scoop there U a splended one. Bury of Angus Apartments with Throughout their visit, the Port Simpson party was splendidly en- ', tertalned at New Metlakatla. They Jj 3 took part In rededleatory .service 157 of the renovated Christian Church A 161 in the Alaska town last Sunday On 174 Monday there was a banquet In the 192 Town Hall by the church choral i 203 society, the olace being filled, vlsl-K 887 tor? from Ketchikan, among other. 1 V 3 being In attendance. The games 188 were played Tuesday and Wednes-(J 125 dav nlsht J 114 were Rev. T C. Col well, pastor of Pto'the Port Simpson United Church 17 i who participated in the rededlra-j5 Hon services at the New Metlakatla Church. U 10 1 7! ; o: Hotel Arrivals Pr!n tfunrt r J. Cowflll. Barrett: V. A. Rollins fij-cfc Rupert j and W. S. Waring. Vancouver: J. E. Dally News, ft Moore. Victoria: Robert Oossardi know w)it T06 1 Winnipeg; Mr and Mrs. D. Kana, i city MAKE YOUR FUEL DOLLAR STRETCH And YOUR FUEL BILL SHRINK Buy Bulkley Valley Coal The Economy Coal USED FURNITURE Axmlnster Scattered Rug, 27x51 $2.95, Wilton Scattered Rug, 37x 54 $3.95. Kitchen Stool 95c. Extension Table, Buffet and 5 Upholstered Chairs to. match, 7-piece outfit $37.50. Extension Table and 6 Diner Chairs $17.50. Chesterfield, converts to a bed $39.50, Walnul finished bed with centre panel, coll spring and felt mattress, complete $15.00, Quebec brick-lined heater $12.50, Monarch Range for burning coal or wood $31.00. ODD ARTICLES Palr-Tube Skates and, Shoes, size 3 $2.95. Pajr Tube. Skates and Shoes, size 8. $2.95. Eastman Kodak, size 110 $4.95. Cyma Watch, 7 jewels $6.50. Double Barrel. Hammerless Shot Oun, 12 guage $20.00. Stanley Mitre Box and Saw $5.50, Single Bitted Axe 95c. Hunting Knife 95c. 3-gallon Crock 95c. ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Green 916 THIRD AVENUE Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Odds and Ends in Boys' School Boots. Regularly up $3.95. S1.99 Friday, M... mEamla! ?ol D 'CUMrORT Port Simpson Athletle Club ball Party Here Ofernljht Enroute Home ror ine man vvnu uie wide root EEE, G & E Widths A shipment of the alove has just arrived t for the man whose foot is naturally, wide or cause of corns or bunions should wear roomy shoe. They are well constructed soles, leather insoles and bullish Kip linings. Priced moderately at 35.95 s I IIIIIIWI n lUlay RUBBERS For the Entire Family Low rubber, storm rubbers women's and rhilc! :. rubber and velvet, and galoshes f Oo on n. New stock Fleet Foot R inncrs and Keds for Ito;s Little (,ents & Men Both rubb soles. Bla.k t, :, white and -.! , 95c ' 52.95 The Cut-Rate Shoe Store i iiu.m. Hi Tlllltli ivtxn .Man uruer rromptly Ullrt! Led by David Musgrave. president V.VAV.V.V.V.W.W.w.v.VAv.v.v.v.'.v.v.v.V, of the Port Slmoson Athletic Club. 100 and Paul Price, manager of the. 117 batketball team, the Port Simpson j 39 people left Prince Rupert this, C83 morning aboard their two boats for ! 3 home where they are due to ar-l 122 rive early this afternoon. Mr i 230 Price said that the Port Simpson 129 Athletic Club was interested In 210 meeting the Standard Oilers of 196 Prince Rupert and they might be 2 expected to be heard from later gg9 Among those making the trips WW Coal! Coal! Coal! Water winds amp drecAi'Znf- Tina your- coAlbm needs Teillwj. lisMM- II Flannelette Sheets. Per pair J. H. BULGER Optometrist Foothills Bulkley alley Nnnainio-Wellinslon U'e are equipped la ulf nv of thre ccaJs przmfCj. rarvfully erren4 sal (railed to lie Phones 151 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Just Look at These Features Circuits developed bv RCA Victor for maximum efficiency of a new 1J volt A' battery and new l.'l volt tubes. Costs less to operate. Permanent magnet dynamic speaker for superb tone quality. A High. Rower Radio at Lowest Upkeep Write for Full Particulars NEWEST BATTERY MODEL RADIO B-62 ; eMaAsMd MacKenzie's Furniture IJLANKF.TS All wool, white and grey S2.50, $3.00, S3.50 Phone 75 Fresh Shrimp 110AT V.S.I-It-iltv at 4 pm. Boyal Bank nidf. TUOTIEU'S DOCK