PAGE FOUR A ROUND the world men handle Gnnt'i with the unqualified ipprovtl of the veteran smoker with hit cherished pipe. Universally, men ulce Gnnt'i (or granted. Grant's LIQUEUR SCOTCH WHISKY 2G 2-3 oz S375 Doll IQUEI R Unqutstioiubly the hlghett value in t quality bcotch ar This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Saturday PRIZES ARE PRESENTED Annual Smoker of Smithers Curl- j ine Club is Held 1 SMITHERS. Mar. 1. The annual 'smoker for the presentation of prizes won in the various curling tournament! and bonspiels was held ' by the Smlthers. Curling Club In the rooms of the Canadian Legion Mon-Iday evening when the curling enthusiasts turned out in force for the occasion. I Vice-President Dando officiated as chairman in the absence of f resiaeni rercy uaviason ana, aiier the gathering had been elaborately addressed by J. G. Stephens who was master of ceremonies for the occasion, the prizes were presented by the chairman. There were prizes for every rink entered in the bonsplel so that none were overlooked but the shield and first prize went to the rink skipped by J. O. Stephens and they will have their names engraved on it for 1940. The first prize in the Intermediate competition went to the rink skipped by T. A. Simpson who had nosed out the McEwen rink In this contest. The first prize In the consolation contest was won by Ward Carey's rink which defeated Wiggs O'Neill. The R. C. Davidson rink was runner up for the shield. The Hanson Cup which had been won by Bill Duff's rink early in the winter, was then presented and was promptly filled by the members of the rink and circulated among the curlers. The balance of the evening was spent in a very enjoyable manner by all those present. It is intended to continue with the sport as long as the present favorable weather continues and a Day At Fraser And Payne's FLORAL SILK DRAPERY DAMASK 50 inches wide, sunfast colors of rose, rust, cherry red, eggshell, gold, green, blue. Priced' away below regular selling. Dollar Day, yard SILK CURTAIN NETS 20 pieces silk curtain nets In various patterns. Light honey shades, values up to Q1 00 69c yd. Dollar Day, 3 yards for O-laUU NEW rLUFFY DOT MARQUES ETTE 40 inches wide, all sunfast colors, two-tone effects of rose, green, blue, yellow, eggshell and mauve. Dollar Day Special, Q-f (t 3 yards for OJ..UU RAYON BROCADE Extra good quality rayon brocade. 15 good shades to choose from. Q-f A( Dollar Day, 4 yards for t?JLaUU COTTON CREPE Cotton cfepe, 30 Inches wide, good quality. 15 shades to choose from. Q4 A A Dollar Day, 8 yards for , O-laUU BED SHEETING Extra special value bleached and unbleached, double, bed width. A factory clearance of odd pl feces easily worth 35 per cent more, qj-f (in to&ay. Dollar bay, 2 yards for ?UU TURKISH TOWELS Turkish towels, various assortment. All odd lines, at prices it will pay you to stock up. An assortment of jacquered and fancys. C-fl A A Extra large sizes. Dollar Day, 4 for JvU An assortment of dark colors and assorted checks and stripes. CJ-J A A 5 towels for OJ..UU Extra large size jacquered and plain assorted colors. 3 towels for SLOO WHITE BLANKETS White blankets, part wool, finished In singles. Double bed size, nice soft warm quality OA QCJ r-xtra good value. Dollar Day, pair vej PURE WOOL STEAMER RUGS Aworted -colors, 100 per cent pure wool. Fringed ends, very useful for bed or couch. fi throws. Dollar Da v. each O S1.00 LADIES' RAYON SILK VEST AND BLOOMER SETS Vest and bloomer sets, Raysuede non-run qual-. ity in tea rose and white. Sizes small, Q-f AA medium and large. Dollar Day. set vJ-vFV LADIES' PRINCESS SLIPS All the newest styles in satins, crepes and novelty cloths. Values up to $1.75. Q- AA Dollar Day, each - pX.UU BLOOMERS AND PANTIES Various styles and qualities in tea rose and white. All sizes. Clearing Dollar Day at Q-f A A 2 pairs for V1.UU ORIENT FULL FASHIONED HOSIERY 35 dozen semi chiffon full fashioned pure silk hose. Every pair perfect. In all the new spring shades. All sizes, 8'-i to lOVi. 7Qr at L Dollar Day Special, pair SUPERSILK FULL FASHIONED HOSIERY New spring shades on hand. 3-thread chiffon, all pure silk and guaranteed ringless. very sheer. Sizes 8Vi to 10V2. aa Dollar Day. pair .. t)l.UU Sheets, Towels, Linens, Blankets. Etc. EXTRA HEAVY STEAMER RUGS Large me steamer rugs, assorted tartan plaids, good heavy weight, Ideal for hard QO OQ wear. Dollar Day, each tj0.4t BED THROWS Good heavy weight throw, large size, bordered. Grey and fawn. Q1 7Q Dollar Day, each vi-.tJ FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Assorted check patterns, blue, rose, gold and mauve. Size 70x80. tr Dollar Day, each . AUU TABLE CLOTHS 52x52 Inches. Silk mixed table cloths, assorted fast colors. Dollar Day, 2 1 01 S1.00 6 THE DAILY NZW3 Friday J,ij SPORT CHAT Ben's News Stand intermediate These boys, conquerors of the a aiiufk win pen lion dciwccu lour j teams of high school boys which tended Monday evening and resulted In the team skipped by Mr. Me-( Kague being the winner. Prizes will be awarded to these rinks. V V. .V fell tUWIV UbtlWtVIIWJ this winter's curling was the absence of a rink skipped by Billy Little of Woodcock who has generally managed to get to Smithers for 'these occasions. He was greatly missed at the bonsplel. Try a Classified Advertisement. Rupert. B. C. tf. FOR SALE 7 h.p. Imperial Heavy Duty gas engine In good condition Atwater Kent make-break ignition, brass shaft. Intermediate shaft, stern bearings, stuffing box, propeller and force feed lubricator. Phone 13 or write Box 585, Prince Rupert. B.C. (56 FOR SALE Newly remodelled five roomed cottage and furniture, .bargain for quick sale. Apply 603 Thompson Street. 52 FOR SALE-Household effects. 437 j ' East 4th Avenue. 51 WANTED WANTED Reliable girl for general housework Hours 8:30 ajn. to 6 pjn. Wage $20. Apply Box 33 Dally News. 54 HOARD AND ROOM FIRST CLASS board and room, close in. Phone Black 965. tf. Dr. R.C. Bamford Successor to Dr. tt. LUNDAIIL Will Continue Practice of DentUtry In Rooms 1, 2, 3 Besner Block NEW STAR OF SONGS baskpthnll Imm l-avintr fnr Port I Presenting an WKs.titi.i: .l(T interesting new Simpson tonight', consists of B. Ro-! singing actress in the person of ma, capt.. B. Barton, scorekteper.H.,aioria Jean, who shares starring MacDonald. Terry Grlmble. Percy honors with Kooentunuiuusa im Knutson, Bill Hale, E. Clauson, Pete Byrne and Frog Letoureeau. Nan Gray. "The Under Pup." a new . type of family picture, came to the screen of the Capitol Theatre herej last night and is repeated tonight., High School in their last meeting i being double-billed with "Personal with the scholars, are confident I Secretary," a bright comedy drama they will return with a rictory. If j with strong cast of favorites ln-j they are successful in defeating icluding Joy Hodw, William Gar-the Slmpsonlte they will play Met- i gan. Andy EX? vine and Ruth Don- lakatia, the only remaining inter- nelly. mediate team in the district A I Gloria dUvs the title role of a win from the Metlakatla team ! poor little girl from the east side win- give them victories over an 0f New York who wins a mp to an and a claim to seasonal supremacy ; exclusive girls' camp where her ' J troubles begin. Faced at first wtth( It is planned to have a knock-1 the animosity of the wealthy girU, out series In the Intermediate dlvt- Olnria Jean, nevertheless, wins not slon when the Standard Oilers play only their friendshlo but their envy tne Ocean Falls team here soon, through her loveabJe personality. It Three teams are expected to com- t a very human story and one that I pete, namely the High School, wtn tlr all. The cast ateo includes Ben's and Metlakatla. .such favorites as Beula Bondl. C ' ' ' finurrr Smith. Margaret Lindsay.) , , , Billy Gilbert. Ernest Truex. Ray-i mixed J bonsplel of teams composed mond WaUurn Paill cavanagh. of two men and two ladles will get vlrR,nla Wddlw and Dickle Moore.' under way Immediately. This wtll murder-, Persona, secretary is a be foltowed by the "Lucky Lager mvatery.comedy itn tlon competition which will probably and alJ the elmenU of mtittc-Ilntah up the season. . .n.lnmMl. rtf - n-ht t A new feature of this season was , lntrlgulnK ch3LTSiCler. ITCH, JTOPPtO QUICKIY TKOTtCTION K. S. f. tlT. Cbaplrf lit . Th BrttUti taumb Pmkr Lttn- ttnd rwrrtnr fit nnUn. 1 1 rv. w is an j 4ca buuiucu auj utuig wwr onim 7 of toe Mid Ad 6t results. 1ptwid with ux Uiumlrt of Public iWurbi m ottewa 10 a cMk or 'O rtWrtct fu&uue at the Uod . RtiTj Dwtrvx qf Vhasnrta t Victarta. FlM SALL 1 - - vnw l UK IN Ipun of tiv- addlttan to t easauaks wharf prcfKMl to rtawtniul.d on War A of Wafer Lot lKt. Haoat 1 CMt DiMriot Nwera. Brtttah CM- .umbUL j Arm tk noura ha mtt Uw M. ptnuon of one tmncti from Mat 4M or u ttTM. neHwma t tiu w itltc British CMustfahi iuk. tiu oodT SwUon 7 of Uv mm aj MKllr IS Uw ... k. FOR SALE- -Terms: strictly cash: at n off in th dty of oum. Lots 9-10. Blk. 11, D. L. 369, "ppro,J " Terrace. Hugh M. Adams EsUte. SS .ZLZ' ZJZ?"" $500.00; Sab Lot 1 of Lot 1429. uu. atvi ur Jrbrtttf? iw Range 5. tt D. Lakelse Road, 10, BBtTOH oolovbia PACKkm acres. Peter De Boer Estate,: $100.00; Lot 20, Blk. U 8. 6, mivcral Act Prince Rupert, George Macklln ' vnf To 'iini'nt Vtmnm Estate $900.00; Lot 4, Blk. Sl. l'J," &t'u?nZTv Tx. Sec. 5. Prince Rupert. J. D. Peel, whqueas t&Cr ala rnr EsUte, $125.00; Lot 3053, Cas-'H?a B1T" to It!Bt nor siar. iuj acres, situate near Aiy-'ui of th but no. i ur No but ansh, Wm. Stewart Estate, $100.-."'' sw no. . sur No s. lur No 00; Unsubdlvided portion Lot ' ? 'JJ'L ZrJZ, 8Ur No ' 2199. R. 5, C D.. 142 acres, and cot- on th oortn m of rttr uuko tage. Estate Nell McCarthy. 1 cuumor ttqt o rt $300.00; Assd. Lot A of Lot S.fc. Blk. 2, and Assd. Lot A of Lot 6, take notice uniM you ds Blk. 2, D. L. 45, Port Esslngton,i!?T,I4UUn 90 d frora r-Estate Mary D. Holland. $200.00; toT t V-JES Unsold portion Lot 3822, Casslarlfor Tra i37. 103s tod i by jZe w;vandJtaatr,9" John w. Strombeck, $500.00. 'n onnt of uu notice to th uimkt-Offlclal ; Administrator. Prince liP-. ti. otwt of aid uciu jur iQMTcri on aaid Uloml CUimt khkll be totMvm ktvl become itua In th uoderalfnd vno h mxto tto required expenditure. uatlu at prince Rupert. B C tnU Stb day of July. 1039 E S BERNKT Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN IMJIiY PHOVK S7 THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon racked by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert GOOD MONTH I FOR WEATHER .Minimum or lUinfall and Maximum of Sunshine in Prince Rupert During February February was an excellent month from a weather standpoint in Prince Rupert wttfa u maximum of sunshine and minimum of ralnfaU. the former amounting t 89 5 hours and the tatter to 3 79 inches. There was a maximum temperature on February 1 of 52 above and a minimum on February 26 of 16 above, the mean temperature for the month being 34.7. The highest wind velocity for the month was thirty-eight miles per hour from the southeast on February 8. The maximum barometer reading at sea level was 30 490 on February 30 and the minimum 20 -131 on February 13. LAST TIMES Tnvir iT? I Mentholated IFACE-ELLEA! o o I Disposable Hygienic Q a o I Use For ! NASAL INFECTIONS 8 o 8 o ,0 to ' 0 OR HEAD COLDS 15 Ormes Ltd. Zrii Pioneer Driuzg is ts The Retail Store Phonrt tl L 13 Open Dally from I a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and llolidajs from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m, ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooobooos 4 Last Complete Show g Another New Singin s. To Thrill You Gloria Jean In The "UNDER PUP" There's One In I.vrr rJm!!. With C. AUBREY SMITH At 7:00 and 9 t And JOY HOUGHS (n TFRSONAL SKCttmkT (I II Onlv WOULD NEWS ' 1 O, COMING SATURDAY ( it Ilob Burn-; Jn 'Our l.eadlnr t U , . OOO00000000O000000O00000C9000O0000OOOOO0000 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. 1 Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver TSS. CATALA EVERY TUES. T-S-S. CAIll)i;NA I KIDAT, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver. Thura. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday an- If Convenient, Pleaae Purthau Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tick' ' P" FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert A ent. Third Ave Prions W "RUPERT BRAND' Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeping Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) Irltlb Columb' MaBBaBssaiaBaBaBsawaiaiBikBSiassaHaBBVSssa!1 SHOOTING GALLERY Adjolnlnr IDORA ROLLER A HI'