: ft m M m m 3.50 8 M:u.h 1, 1840... c-BtucatBiB .tina if an ra rata; t v n in turn zwswjnrm n Annette's Dollar Days j j FRIDAY, March 1, and SAT'DY, March 2 d 3 u DRESSES Prints and crepes, .ill in the new spring shades. Sizes 14 to -10. fill Dollar Day Specials CHILDREN'S DRESSES-Prints, crepes, taffetas. lu-KUiar value 52.M5. C-g AA Dollar Day Specials ?A.VU SKIRTS- -All pure wools in plaids and tweeds, etc. Fibular value $3.05.' Dollar Day Specials PRINTED S.MOCKS Regular value to S2.!i.ri. Dollar Day Specials . . . HOSE Regular value-39c. All shades sizes. Dollar Day Specials, 3 pairs. I A TEES Regular value 50c to 05c. Dollar Day Specials, 3 pairs for $1.00 $1.00 HOl'SBDKKSSBS Regular to $2.95. 0 Aft Dollar Day Day Siwciab Sp ?A.UV $1.00 $1.00 STRIPED SATIN SLIPS Tea rose only. Sizes 36 to 12. Dollar Day Specials, 1.00 Ut IIRER CAPES Regular value 2.05, Q-j A A SNY EATERS Ladies' and Children's. Dollar Day Specials : WAim iwxw a .a r cs an ratara a r at a: a.aa '. ra Night or Day PHONE Burn Sliced lUfon T ib cello . Cut (irren Ilfjjn Split I'ra 4 Lima Iletm Hunch Carrots v 1 ir 29c 23c 25c 19c $1.00 112 TAXI Prompt Service 3 Heated Cars 0VERWA1TEA LTD. t SII or C.O.I). Phone S13 Free Delivery on Orders of SI and Over BUTTER First grade 3 lbs 93c rurex Toilet Taper 91( 3 roiU Itoyal Crown Soap 25C 0 bars Jif Soap FUkrs- Q, Larue Pkts. Koysl Crown Cleaiuer 2 tins FRESH FRUITS and VEC.ETAM.ES Uhubarb r-' ! bunch Utlure Large solid heads. . for 5c 15c 15c SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! ulHnt at OCEAN FALLS wi POWELL RIVEB Steamer Unve. Prluc Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trnlna Icnve lMnc. Rupert for the Eiut Monday. Wednetr, Friday, 6 p.m. 1 Steamer for Ketchikan ana Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. City Ttcktt Ojfflw, 3tA Ar V9- if you Iobo anything, advertise for It Anglican Tea And Sale Was Good Success 1 The home of Mi. J. O. Johns, Fourth Avenue West, was the scene yesterday afternoon of a delight' ful tea and sale of home cooking by the Women's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral. There was a large turn-out and the affair was very successful. The rooms were beautifully decorated for the OOf!llnn ttrlth mrlnir fllttrpra find spoilage and the guests were recelv 5 , ed by Mrs. Johns and the vlce- , president of the Auxiliary, Mrs. C. Mi V. Evltt. Mrs. W. J. Oreer was gen-g.eral convener. i p I .1 (reen Peppers : 29c 1 frr lb . , Potator Good cookers $2.25 I lira id. .sac.K mm- 1 Miss R. M. Davles O.B.E. and Mrs. Vl 4 A., mam W 1.1 A I were rata, noorrv lurucvi, Mrs. C. E. Cullln, Mrs. F. A. MacCal- lum. Mrs. William Crulckshank and ! H'Mrs. J. H. Nordan. Mrs. H. S. Jj, Meadows was cashier and Mrs. gj Oeorge Orosvenor assisted In con-jnectlon with the tea room. Mrs. If Your Chili Hf A NASTY COLD WitkMt Dttat Rub chest, throat and back thoroughly with Vicks VaroKub at bedtime. Uight aay, VapoRub goes to wot k ... two way at once. VapoRub acts on the skin like a warming stimulating poultice. At the same time it gives off medicinal vapours that are breathed direct into Irritated air passages. This dirat, tlmJble action continues for hours after restful sleep comes. Often by morning most of the misery Is gone. Why rUk Increased discom forts by dras tic "dosing" Announcements All adteritaernenU tu uua col-dmn will be charged for a full month at 2X: a ord 102nd Auxiliary Dance, Oddfel low's Hall, March I. Eagles Bridge, March 6. United Tea, Mrs. Krikevsky, March 7. Valhalla Fishermen's Farewell Dance. March 8. Prince Rupert Operatic Society and Hodgson Dancing Academy benefit concert for local Red Cross Society. Capitol Theatre, Sunday, March 10. 9:00 pjn. The musical treat of the season. W.OXM. Tea, Mrs. 142 5th East, March 12. Play High School March 14 and 15. Presbyterian Tea, Little's, March 21. 13 : Thank' You ; Lineham's, Canadian Legion Tea and An-nette's Fashion Show, March 14. L. O B. A. Daffodil March 15, Mctropole Hall. Dance, Auditorium, St. Patrick's Tea, Catholic Hall, i March 16. Mrs. J. J. Daffodil Tea, Mrs. Parkin's March 25. United Spring Sale, April 11. Presbyterian Spring Sale April j 18. SISTERS CAFE IS NOW OPEN FOR IUJSINESS 3 15 Your Patronage will be highly Ujiivmivu 9 10 J . I-iitnjM U our Motto f THE DAILY NEWS PAQE THREE LOCAL NEWS NOTES I -- ' Cecil Brlnd Is sailing tonight qn For prompt and courteous ter-the Cardena for a trip to Vaneou-jflce Phone 13 TaxL tt. ver. . Mrs. S. E. SUnbury of Georgetown i. Mfli.Wllllams of Stewart was a aed, last night on the Prince passenger aboard the Prince George j George for a trip to Vancouver. last evening going through to Van-- - couver. He will visit Edmonton Norman McGlashan Is sailing to- and Winnipeg. IpW m $ L( Ntlir! I M.I M to tfc. Caa I T IT'S ALL ABOUT MINI oiuinoiuiiiti inwm m WW night on the Cardena for a holiday trip -to Vancouver. Mrs. M. C. Madlll sailed last night on the Prince George for a busi ness trip to Vancouver and else where in the south. Mrs. E. O. Kyale of Stewart was a passenger aboard the ss. Prince George last night going through on a trip to Vancouver. George W. Cripps, provincial as- of weeks. rA- . . . . . i a,un.iM. uamuij unu ncu sessor. ana a. iancasvcr, proyin-i r.r i - .i . - .... .... Mr. and Mrs. W- .P- Armour sail ed last night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver and Seattle They expect to be away for a couple - m tiiarBr o4 me nume claj collector, returnea lo the city Ueut. e, a English of the Canad- m ,m..B WUJV. nn the Princess Aae aiae mu aiir- tnn c(i.v, u.t ii,f Miss Margaret Clarke, who has '.been visiting here with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Clarke. . ----- - LA-LTLLlAil liCIC IMIIIVLt Mdb litKllh noon from a trip 10 ocean rails on on e prince George for Vancou official duties. Ver enroute to his home at Cheman us, Vancouver Island, for a visit. 8 Bowser Street sailed last nieht hl Local offices of the Canadian Na S 'the Prince George on her return to tnal Railways have been advLsed 3 her tiurslng duties In Victoria. T. G. Simpson of Ottawa, auditor from Montreal that the special trip for the Department of Indian Af first class fare between here and fairs, who is on a tour of the dls Vancouver for men on active ser- trlct on official duties, sailed last vice will be $36 and not $37 as prev- night on the Prince George for Bel- iously announced from Winnipeg, la Coola after spending several days here on official business. While 1 George P. Cameron, Conservative here he paid a visit to Port Simpson I candidate for Skeena in the forth- vard the departmenVil cruiser jcomlng federal election, arrived In Naskeena. 'Princess Adelaide this afternoon. Mr. Cameron Is a Vancouver bar-1 'rUter. . The fire department had a call at 11:30 last night to a small house on Eighth Avenue West owned by James Hampton where there was a jChlmney fire which caused no dam age. Mrs. R. G. Johnston, who has been visiting here for several weeks with ',her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Durran, Fifth Aven ue West, sails by the Princess Ade laide tonight on her return to her home In Victoria. Mr. and Mrs F R Wilson and family of Inverness are sailing to night on the Princess Adelaide for Vancouver. They expect to take up , future residence in the south, pos isibly on Vancouver Island. Mr. Wil- (son for years has been storekeeper at Inverness cannery. Mrs. Wilson Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Crass of this city. Keep up to dn A.nse regu 'arty. New Fresh Stock of EASTER CANDIES and NOVELTIES From Ic to 75c now on display. You are invited to look over the assortment while it ts complete. Those wishing to can have goods held till Easter MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Legion GF.NF.RAL CONTRACTORS. CASEY and MORRETTO Stone Masonary, .Brick or Concrete Work Excavation and, Landscape. Gardenlnc Macadam Roads or Sidewalks Phone 35 for Morretto or O recti 527 for Casey. IDORA Roller Rink Dally Sessions as Follows: Mon.. Tues.. Wed. 8 to 11 pjn, Thurs. 7 to 0:30, Dance 10 to 2 Friday 6 to 8:30, 8:30 to 11:00 Sat. Children. 10 to 12 a.m.. 2 to 4:30. 6 to 8:30, 8:30 to 11 Special Arrangement Can Be Made for Private Skating Parties I i I UPLIFTS Lace uplifts. Assorted sizes. Each 45c BLOOMERS and 'PANTIES Bloomers and panties, pink or white, some lace trim. 2 for DANCE SETS Dance seU in pink or white motif trim. Each- 75c BLOUSES Satin blouses, eggshell or white. Each $1.25 HOUSEDRESSES Housedresscs. a nice variety of styles. Each 95c CHILDREN'S BLOOMERS Children's navy fleeced bloomers. 3 pairs $1.00 COATS B. C. Furniture Co. New and Used Furniture Specials I Heater At '.. .- 1 Brick-lined Heater Just like new 1. Typewriter In A-l condition At 1 Remington C07 Aft 1 nderw0d Typewriter .. V.V: Typewriter 1 C.C.M. Bicycle New tires, In good condition At 1 ..5-Piec Dinette Suite In red and cream, table has leaf 1 Kitchen ' ' Women's coats, all at HALF PRICE. Sires 14 to 44, plain or fur trim styles. ' PhortcO. $1.00 NEW FURNITURE ,4 3-riece Chesterfield Suites In latest styles from - 1 Chesterfield-Bed and Occasional Chair-Blanket storlnc space 30 Mattresses From WALLACE'S $6.50 13.50 824.50 29.00 S16.50 812.50 824.50 869 10 889 856.50 5 Two-Tone Kitchen Ranges Of various R5 l 8115 87.50 to 810.50 Phone BLACK 31 THIRD AVENUE Next Door to B. C Clothiers Clearance Sale SPECIALS CHILDREN'S BLOOMERS Children's bloomers In white or pink. 2 to 6 years. 5 for S1.00 VESTS or BLOOMERS Women's silk stripe' vests or bloomers, cream color. Each 40c PYJAMAS and GOWNS Sample rayon pyjamas and gowns. To $1-95. Each $1.00 WOMEN'S HOSE Women's silk and wool mix hose. 2 pairs $1.00 BOYS' GOLF HOSE Boys' golf hose, wool. 2 pairs $1.00 WOMEN'S SILK HOSE Women's silk hose. A clearance of odd lines. 2 Dalrs $1.00 HANDBAGS Women's handbags, some real leather. Each $1.00 BABY BLANKETS Baby flannelette blankets in 2 for $1.00 $1.00 pink ,or blue. HAND TOWELS Fancy plaid hand towels, assorted color combinations. 4 for RAYON TAFFETA Rayon taffeta, plain or brocade, all shades. 4 yards for $1.00 SILK GEORGETTE Pure-silk Oeorgette in malse. flamcgrey .green, orchid. 2 yards for $1.00 BEDSPREADS Taffeta silk bedspreads in rose or gold. Regu lar $8.50 for $3.75 Our Clearance Sale Finishes on Saturday Next SEE OUR WINDOWS THIRD and FULTON 4 a3 : WE" ft I. J ; it '-I 4.1 5