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Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. ‘ Hot and Cold Water in each room. 7 4 CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS § Vancouver, B.C. ’ 4 ww PPPPPIP PADD D DASA POPPA ewes os ee No Man Need Use Poor Printing Unless He s Willing Satisfied The man who is | and able to buy any kind : - ———$—$_$——— of printing is able | to buy good print- | ing If he uses | prefer a man’s gen- eral character and to Do SO pessenainy 2 be in anything else it ine | “88° i wane eeping with his Most people would | dicates to people | printing—so its dis- who see it that he OR astrous not to care doesn’t care. | Qi mm about your printing | | | FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING OF ALL KINDS SEE TH ‘‘NEWS JOB "’ Daily News Building Thira Avenue PHONE 98 GREENER’S “BRITISH EMPIRE” GUN uf llere’s the World's Best Gun—a Greener Hammerless— “la price wi > , > Groat’ Within the rcach of all sportsmen; it’s got all the There’ features, hard hitting, far shooting, lasting wear. ‘eres nothing better, ’ Price... , $63 Catalogue Pg Free ‘V. W. GREENER DEPT. A.P., 63-65 BEAVER MONTREAL, P. Q. HAY HILL — The Morning Journal of a Independent Ae PROVINCIAL STAKES SILENT VOTE FEARED To Be Run on March 28th for a| Intelligence and Common Sense Purse of $1,200. Will Defeat William Man- a son at the Polls. Starters. THE DENTIST. By People’s Chance, THE LAWYER. | His Weakhess and Incompetence Openly Deplored by Re- maining Friends, Choice—Fighting This race is gausing widespread | force, to interest, and excitement will be high until the winning post is! Great Independent Elector passed. The Dentist is a good His Silent Vote. horse and can always be depended If the people of Canada were upon to run well in fast com-| to remain perpetually divided into pany. In his last race he showed) two great camps, and every man a great burst of speed voted exactly as his fathers had heavy handicap. |}done before him, it would only Great reports concerning the} pe necessary to take a poll among Lawyer are to hand from his|the immigrants. For the native training stables, but as he has born the census would be suffi- not yet performed in public which hats on we ali election day, is take off the and Oul under a We) cient to show which party was ; ; | would prefer taking one of the/ entitled to hold the reins of other horses and must pass him} power and considerable expense | of sidestepping may throw him | representative of a constituency off his balance and lose him the | shall be worthy of its confidence, race, j}and the result is that parties are Socialist is a fine, upstanding] generalls careful to select the colt and will run brilliantly for} yepy best man available a short distance, but over the full] Phat the system of party gov- course will be outclassed. We|epnment, as we have it, has confidently expect to’ sée The| worked out well no one can deny, ang : might be spared. But fortunate- Silent William has Sen reny ily there>is' a large body of the run well and at present is a] electorate which insists on being slight favorite, but his fatal habit | shown every election day that the Dentist roll home an easy winner, | and that party loyalty—when not with Silent William and The| carried too far—is also a good Lawyer fighting it out for second] thing js equally true. But when place. | party loyalty is pushed to the Seti ter tenn | extreme of supporting a party SOME HOME TRUTHS. leandidate’ irrespective ’ of — his on | qual fications, or the manner of We would like to ask the Con-| his nomination, it becomes ridic- servatives of this city a few]ulous and a menace to good gov- questions: |} ernment. Why was the telegraph office} moved with such indecent haste, | fought immediately after the .late Do- minion election? see here men who have and = fearlessly which manipu- and which Also we openly the lated the nomination, against ring Why has the Post Office been|they admit is a curse to their handed over at the earliest pos-|party, being carried away by the sible moment to the defeated spurious ery of party loyalty. candidate for mayor? |Party Loyalty! True party loy- Why is a man who has strug-|alty consists in ridding the party gled along in a one-horse retail} ship of the barnacles which clog grocery, occupying only half of aji{s progress. True party loyalty small building, erecting an im-|should consist in a determination mense warehouse to go into the|that the representative of the wholesale trade? | party should be in every way Why did a two-by-four semi-| worthy of publie confidence, weekly newspaper branch out as| ‘There is a loyalty above party a daily, when the daily field was | loyalty which is loyalty to one’s already well covered by two] country. papers which have hard work to| —— ——— make both ends meet? | MANSON WAY. The answer to all these ques- tions is the same. A few men; Of course you've heard of the have secured control of the local} Manson Was member and through him are| It’s a way that ids to a wharf. able to exert a strong influence | There are severa her Manson on the Dominion member, and | ways; unless their plans misearry will] And some of thi ead through be able to hog all the patronage | of both governments And What has the great of | a terrible ize are likely irry him off. body By Ginger—Forlorn Hope. Heecice a os “ ving in- ? Mee : ellectual force in this suntry to SILE?} f ILENT WILLIAM. ; which we owe the fact that we By Broken Promises—Side- ar n the whole fai vel are on the ole fair well gov- BVO PD SE. erned, and to which Vilization} SOCIALIST, owes its gradual rise from the} By Wild Irishman—Red Flag. cave man and his elub to the pol- ished statesman of today This $$ nothing to it. wert THE WORLD'S — have Clayton. M. M. Stephens in the same bed| is enough to make the’ gods| weep, | JOHNNY COULON Manson called off his tised meeting in Hazelton rather ithan meet Clayton the plat- form. We suppose Fisher would call that having the courage of jone’s convictions. adver- on We will read the Empire a les- in courtesy and publish the} following ad. free of charge if it For Sale, cheap, 4 second rate newspaper, formerly the property of the independent John Houston. Sale to include j} both the editorial and news col-| lumns, as well as advertising| Tenders — solicited from} son desires: so | Space. | the ring. | | We always thought Newton was a false alarm, but we were hardly | ) | prepared to see him tone another somersault quite so soon, soon Prince Rupert is sure born lucky. Just imagine having Newton for our member at Otta- Wa as well as Mayor. Publicity Committee of the Ring: W. E. Fisher, Orlando H. Nelson and Neil Mackay. Ye Gods and little fishes! Manson sure is safe now. The road leading to the gov- | ernment wharf is called the | Manson Way. The manager of| this wharf was taken from his duties and sent around the coun- try gathering up proxies to help} Bantam Boxing Champion Manson steal a nomination. | This is also the Manson way. | What a time Halsey will have | AD WOLGAST telling those people of Belia| Coola how “his friends,” the| Minister of Marine and Fisheries, | put the protection boat Falcon at| his disposal. Wonder if he will! have time to mention anything | about Manson. | If the election campaign shots of the Empire are not copyright- ed we might be able to use some of them. Both McBride and | Manson seem to be unfortunate in their self-appointed champ- ions in this eity. } ep | We hope that Publicity Com- | mittee of the ring gets paid for} overtime. | | To hear some of these road} bosses talk you would think that the government would withdraw} its appropriation for roads and} bridges from the Skeena district | Lightweight Boxing Champion if Wm. Joliffe is defeated. Don't | worry, Clayton will look after} that. } 6 JACK JOHNSON If Halsey only got seventeen | 7 people to attend his meeting at| Bella Coola, after going there in} state in a government boat, how} many would have attended if he went in a gasoline launch? | It was hardly necessary to} send Halsey all the way to Bella| Coola to tell the electors about} Wm. Manson. They know him | too well know. Owing to his success as a ro-| fessional organizer, Mr. Wad-| man has received several offers.| We think Sunday School picnics | about his size (if the clergy and | parents are not too particular. Didn't Halsey start his politi- cal career Socialist? Per- haps he is only applying some of the doctrines of con- fiscation, Champion Boxing Heavyweight as a Socialist BILLY ALLEN ree e Another prominent ring mem- ber says he cast his first vole as Later he also had So- cialistie leanings, Why should | the party of the great Sir John | be the refuge for al! this political driftwood, a Liberal. to be con- candidate Socialists are on their Alderman Montgom- gentleman in the very of that much-abused The gratulated this year. ery is a best term, sense about this to one or two lined up with the mistaken sense of party loyalty. True loyalty to the party consists in ridding it of the grafters who are bringing it into disrepute. thing see The saddest campaign is citizens from a good rine | Champion Lightweight of Canada Mayor Newton says we should re-elect Wm. Manson as it may}, reams be necessary for him (Newton to go to Vietoria again soon and British Immigrants Ditched, he would feel more at home if} Fort William, March 22,—-Four Conservatives in the ctiy to gain | Now Manson ha a particular by a continuance of these sons way, ditions? Even putting the mat- And he finds d to kill ter on the very lowest plane of] With woo! pulled er, obscuring self-interesi, where do the rest} his gaze of you get off at? These men|By men inspired th a selfish constitute a close corporation to eraze: which no new members are ad-_| He will bow t ‘ir evil will. mitted. All branches of business, are represented Furniture,| Now Mansén h good clean Hardware, Groceries, Real KEs- wavy they are prepared to handle them If left to himself alone; all, and you need not think you/ But he never w d stand an will get the crumbs, because earthliv st there won't be any crumbs. We|If ruled by Jac M. M., or Joe, ask you again, where do you For their sins he could never come in even if you have some atone < thing you want to sell the gov- A sha halanoe 1a day will ernment? Manso \ hy alii Re Ra ae And shall he wnting then; THAT WICKED RING. Or will he fo: m a bold bid make; . is s lers » para- With Apologies to Edgar Allan Apa ot ro see ee Poe. And the graft eturn to his ati ” den? Hear the clamour of the Ring, Wicked Ring. While William | brains with What a heap of coals on fire upon out backb their heads they'll bring, Wee Alec has kbone only While the party start to groan Doe Clayton possesses backbone At the Ring as it is known and brai But their voters must have flown;]So we'll give him a chance to What defeat they'll have to own, handle the reins; Will the Ring, the Ring, Ring And the Mans way will be Ring, Ring. lonely How diseordant is the tone Seek s Of the Ring. LITTLE TRUTHS Manson, that is, Obsequious Why doesn't the Empire give Bill, would have gone in flying] some notice before taking one of had he shaken off that lethargy|its sensational floj rhese sud-} and stood alone, but, alas—Mene,}/den shocks are bad for one’s Mene Tekel Upharsin! nerves So W. E. Fisher says Clayton If we have to petition or send] has not got the courage of his|a delegation to Victoria every| convictions, The trouble withitime we want our rights recog-| Billy is that he has neither cour-| nized, why go to the expense of| age nor convictions, ‘electing a’ member, There's | Manson was there also. We have} passengers coaches on the Can- ad-|adian Pacific Railway, loaded with heard many queer reasons vanced lately for re-electing| Old Country immigrants, were Wm. Manson, but this is the|ditched at Jackfish last night. richest. But why can’t Newton! Several were injured, but none take Manson along as a valet. | fatally. redteioas. oe, GREATEST OF | Sawmill Co. Lid It is often said that make strange the sight of J. F. McDonald, Bill Sibbald, Joe Merryfield and| THEIR KIND | Georgetown Lumber Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat | jumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. ‘PRINCE. RUPERT. 1 AND ANNEX | Owned and operated by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on the American and European plan, Excellently furnished, with steam heat, electric light, and all modern conveniences, being abso- lutely first-class in every respect. The appointments and service are equal to any hotel on the coast. Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. G. A. Sweet, Manager. PAPERHANGING HIGH CLASS SIGN WORK OUR SPECIALTIES SILVERSIDES BROS. P.O. BOX 120 PHONE 156 GREEN Second Avenue, near McBride Light and Power For all coming soon. Estimates given for wiring and fitting for electric light, power, bells, phones, water heating, ete. Stock of lamp shades and gen- eral electrical suppiles carried. W. R. LOVE Electrical Contractor Fulton St. and 3rd Ave. . Box 957 P. Oo Phone 41 Che Standard MONTREAL. THE STANDARD is the National Weekly Newspaper of the Dominion ef Canada. _ It is national in all its uims, It uses the most expensive engrav- ings, procuring the photographs from all over the world. y Its articles are carefully selected and its editorial policy is thoroughly independent, A subscription to The Standard costs $2.00 per year to any address in Canada or Great Britain. TRY IT FOR 1912! Montreal Standard Publishing Co, Limited, Publishers New Knox Hotel BESNER & BESNER, PROPRIETORS The New Knox Hotel is run on the European lan. First-class service. All the Latest Modern mprovements, siete BEDS 6c Ur FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER1 * AT DAVIS’ F. M. DAVIS siurtitse General Machine Shop and Ship's Cerpanierng. Also agents for Fair- banks-Morse and Knox Gasoline Engines. Gasoline Engines and Ac- cessories carried in stock. Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Whart me.