- S iuai two Gracia Shoes Three Reasons Why You Should Wear Them IsL Classy styles, plus comfortable lasts. j 2nd. Durability and built-in arch rests. . - 3rd. Priced lower per quality : than any similar make on the ;l- market. A Stocked in Sizes and Widths From A to EEE. r FAMILY SHOE STORE LTJ The Home of Good Shoes WEDDED AT i Ficd Pemberton of Victoria. Following the ceremony a reception was held at 149 Fourth Avenue East where Lieut, and Mrs. iThcmson will reside. Delicious freahments were served and the . wedding cake duly cut by the In the presence of a g Bering bT" '". bTiie of ame thirty or so. friend,, the : Df Oib30n and : a eroom rtSDctided. "ZLXZ to St Tnt' Amcng those coming to the city" drews Anglican Cathedral, the the wedding were the bride's Gibson .' her and the grooms mother. dean, Very Rev. JsunesiB. father Md mother, the grooms Mis Cecily D D officiating o Eveline" Holmes, daughter of Major mother. Capt. and Mr Loudon Hamilton from Scotland, Eric Bent- u h r. Holmes of Victoria. I l . . . 1 ff! mm A to Lieut' Wocdburn1 Stratford! loronio, mjss .ay Mcimyrei Thomson, son of Mr. and Mrs. R..of Victoria and Mr. Williamson of G. O. Thomson of Brantiora, on- tarto. M&s Elizabeth AJ Chadwick j of Victoria was bridesmaid and; Lieut. J. H. Ewart was groomsman. SEEIS A NEW ONE The bride was given tn marriage LONDON, Oct. 10: (CP) Said to by her father and there was wed- ! be a precedent in the British army, ding music by Peter Lien at the J a private of the Royal Army Serv-pipe organ. ' ice Corps, serving ten months after The bride wore trie same silk bro-1 courts-martial, asked for registra- cade wedding gown which had beea' tion as a "conscientious .objector" worn by her grandmother, Mrs! and was. 0!..... .4 m i Vu If CC&szZSt jft Ityourowntaatetellyou ' ' rZmiMiSSr m ,,,e difference between llmW H, LUCKY LAGKK and or- Hr) Iv'JI) Jin'y h'era yet it coata Ollu-r famoui malt II y sVIBSw S&i beveragei to choonffrontl RAINIER BEER aVVv IXil SILVER SI'niNC STOUT wJjEmh C0AUMI?EEDWER,ES LHLKflV Vaneouv'er Victoria mfflKmS New Westminster PPaksSVjiaSSSSSSSSSSSBSS1 ! H-t This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia ASUUIES A'CYCLING GO i MELBOURNE, Oct. 10: (CP) Bl-j cycle dealers here say frlthln six months the number riding bicycles 1 to work will double that of a year ago; the idea is to save petrol. i NOW HERE'S AN IDEA I MELBOURNE, Oct. 10: (CP) A little dog here by the name of Conty Bright Heroic did its part during Australia's Comforts Fund Day. allowing Itself to be patted 2500 times at a penny a pat. Thy JOB IS TO IJrS I help you ih youR 2 WCMKIN6 PR0BLEMS&M MRS. AITKE.V, famous Cooking Authority, direeu t he Canada Starch Home SrrrV IV-partment, a help, ful aenrio offering wide rmnre of valnahla emfcine and other Booklet FREE. Writ now lor the booklet Pwe ' pie recipe lor every week in the year: Kndoee a Crown Brand label aad end to: Canada ftarch Home Seme Dept. D, tioi U9. Montreal. ;n.ii:n,niN'i.M.'ijnii.'.HH.i LI A SSI FIE 0 FOR SALli FOR SALE One Safe. Typewriter Desk, Office Desk. Collart & McCaffery Ltd. FOR SALE Steel lined heater el-' " ectric stove and annex. Buffet, chairs, dining table, kitchen furniture, desk, dressing table, etc. by appointment, Black 712. (239) i FOR SALE 7-room house. 2 lots. $2000 cash. $2200 terms. Phone Blue 326. 1137 7th Ave. East. (241) MOTORVESSEL "ODD" 32 length, 9.C beam, 2.6 darft, 15 h.p. 6 cyl engine. Cabin, 'pilothouse and galley. Sleep 3 comfortably, 5 If necessary. Real offshore bolt In A-l cond. Large enough to live cn board. Moored at Lip-sett's. Cheap for cash. Terms to reliable party. Phone 118 from 8-5 or Green 802 Evenings. "LOST (242) LOST Bunch of keys between' Cow Bay and Savoy Hotel. Box 27. Dally News. (240) LOST Half grown black and white m9ls cat. Mrs. Brown, Currie Apts. (240) HOUSES FOR SALE FOR SALE 420 Dunsmulr Street.' 5 room house In excellent condition. 2 bedrooms. Fully mod-' ern, concrete piles. Good base ment. $2500. $1000 cash balance monthly. Immediate possession. 221 6th Ave. East. 5 room house. ' Fully modern. Good condition, 2 bedrooms, large pantry and back verandah. New foundations, fenced garden. Taxes $34. $2000 cash. $2200 terms with $1000 cash. Immedlae possession. Own er leaving town. 2 Houses on 1 Lot. 416 and 418 6th Ave. East. 2 storey-7 room house. 4 bedrooms, furnace. Fully modern. Immediate possession ' and.. ,3 rooms and attic, bath. Whole property for $4000, Half cash-balance monthly. Taxes $50 per year. 'it O. HELGERSON LTD. 6th Street (242) WANTED WANTED Woman who can cook.1 No other. Phone Blue 503. 610 6th Avenue West. (tf) i TSE DAILY . 343 8th Ave. East. Modern 7 room J house on 2 lots. Solid concrete foundations. Full basement, fui- nace, fireplace In living room. 4 bedrooms. $3000 cash or $3500' . terms $2500 cash with balance' $40 per month at 57o. ,J! SfiWi .kxSAUiL-i -V-. .v -Thursday, OetcMMn J S . .... kZvoi THE DOMINATING FORCE Almost every day we hear of raids on London, oil the Thames estuary and on other British points but we hear little of the thips that continue to sail Into and out of the port of London, almost daily, carrying food' and munitions for the Brllteii and laUlnj out manufactured, jtood with uhlch to pay for the imports. In spite of the fact Hi at the Germans have suns mounied alona. the French coast and that German rlanes are ever reidy to Timnee on passing ship and homb them or that submarines and torpedo boits shoot their iVadlv ndr-waler weanons at th convoved vessels, there are rnn-ratlvely Tew nsualtie. Tra-lc iec on in suite of the Germans. nr'llmes German mines ai-- l.iM alon the ront taken liu a mine sweeper precedes the convoy and insures safety from that source. When you hear people tell of the pounding Itrlta'n is eeilinr, dc not fail to remind them of this sea trade that goes on dav sitler dav. week after week, month after month, bringing not cnlv neres-Kip of H to the British hut also many of the luxuries. IIITLEB S GUAItANTEE Chancellor Hitler put up a guarantee that he would deliver German goods to South America this fall after he had smashed Great Britain. He has not yet made good and seems as far from overcome the British. It Is clear that Hitler has received his first great setback and this will be followed by others. BANGFRS N LEAD, Defeated Annette's With Clean Sweep Victory In Ladies' Bowling League Tuesday Night , .corn, lour DreuRiQai KOI mii 1 4 ought to make you say : " f ' jjQ JJ &m- 'aaLai fH Family vote tndor its experts That readf-to-ttt cereal It the fironrite in yoar family This question was put to 2000 boatewitci right' aefost Canada. Fife tines at mior laidiKetloaic'' as said any Other brind of corn lak est Why? It their flavour! Mr. F. G. Baillie, Saperimtftdeat of Vernor'i Giniter Ale, and developer of Cleco FUtouM, ay "1 wit happy to Join the distinmlshed troop of Bjtowr-eipefti who hid already tint-tested corn iaket in an impirtiil Mind-fold t. Yon tin certainly qoote m n iiylnn Ktllofs't Corn fltkei are irt for lnourP V - 7 " ,s 100 "e 1 .J" v !of first place In the standing. Styl tflAlawvAvea. f ei.AMaa ateiAH I Iter I uciiicij una jrr iTfCii 11 uj i some catastrophe he should ettes also had a clean sweep three games to nil victory over Knox; Hotel. Big Sisters and Blue Birds' won from Savoy Swingers and! .Lucky Strikes respectively two I games to one. High average scorer I i. .. . ... .i for the evening was Rose Laoeiie oi Savoy Swingers with 182. The individual scoring was as iouo ws: ENOUGH IS PLENTY BREMERTON, Wash.. Oct. 10: (CP) Sailor Jack Smooth of the U.SJS. Idaho was passing out cigars j delebratlng the arrival of a son Rangerr defeated Annette's three when another telegram said it was games to nothing in the Ladles' triplets now two baby girls had Bcwlins League Tuesday night and followed. Shipmates helped the thus assumed exclusive possession proud father to his hammock. 4 GOI.HEN BANTAM CORN containing Vitamins A and H . . . ileld-frefth flavor . . . grown anil packet (rreamttyie)in ihrRfiYALClTY plant at Cliilliwack. ATTENTION We have discarded tlie meters. Wq, run for the same rates as others. 13 TAXI PAY AND NIGHT SERVICE J. H. BULGER Fresh Local Raw ind ' ' torfd Mflfc Optometrist VALENTIN DAIRY t - Boyal Bank b.M Bldg. fHONI M7 3. ... if it's to give you that . extra fast start! It'stproyenfict: if you don't eat wiih appetite, your system can't handle efficiently whit voaet. So, it's well to remember that Kellogg', Corn Flakes do the three vital things every breakfast should. (1 ) Proven first in 'flavour, thev ltmptt, irrjfrieft(J)CrimmedfulIof"carbohydraie energy fuel, they Hart you quid. (3) They help' If tpyoHgting through hours of work. Ready in ?0 seconds and never a pot or pap to cleanfGet several packages tomorrow ... or, if you're a breakfast, outer, insist on the wax-wrapped W"r;V package. Made by Kellogg1 in London, Canada. Just tew pennies for the fim ly'i breakfast when yon itne Cin-ada'a (ironriie cereal. Get the new eronomtcaifimiljr-aire pidiat RfeSJ & ir--it B. C. Furniture Co, New and Used FURNITURE 7 HEATERS In perfect condition. From construction Phone RLACK 324 Next Door to B.Cv Clothiers S5.50 10 S12 5 RECONDITIONED KITCHEN RANGES For - si' ' -Al VERY REASONABLE TRICES. , 12 RECONDITIONED TYPEWRITERS QOO to 015 In perfect drder From 9i. 1 ELECTRIC WASHING JHCHINE In KOod snaps. Special NEW FURNITURE 22,50 8 KITCHEN RANGES All 2-tone enamel for wood tnd Made of highest quality material. jgg jljjj i THREE-QUARTER SIZE REDS Complete. Special nrice 2C SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES In all sizes of 824.50 816.50 line materials una patterns, special - i e. eti'hui r'ni'r-iis-cin .ri-in.fint tn all note materials si" w .vrwvv.i.. n . .11 i. ..if i mvu ... u . . . , . . colors including green, red and brown. Can be mat m double bed or single bed. Regular $45; S36.DU o Jf?..i. . H made 5 the finest materials. Very durable Q7'. ,0 S9a' THIRD AVEXCT. "RUPERT BRAND Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Frlnc Rapert Co. Ltd. BritUn ColBffl"' . i.-eamei'i If you have something to'sqll, a classifjec aaveru . In this paper will soon the city. n let you know ii mere w -