flDITOtm TEM DAH.T KXW1 Thtoiday, October EYES TJeeneee for Numounls Full-Tile Frames, The New-eit In Eye; Wear Fall Dresses Materials and styles you expect to pay much more for. Complete C-4 CA color and ?XU pattern to choice. Sizes Cj) QC 6 through 14. Vf" Try The Singer Way Of Real Money Saving EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewclery Repairing, Hand Engraving M ax JEWELER CHAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 261 for Appointment Heilbroner - DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties 5 MHman vbhbbhhhm Sweater Special Values to $3. Color, size and style selection In all year around wool sweat- ers. Sizes 24 CM through 34 Reefer Coats All Interlined. Popular style In a warm child's coat. Limited quantity Sizes 3, 4, 5 and 6 S4.50 Fur-Trimmed Coats All full lined. Sizes 8, 10. 12 and 14. Regular $13 value, for 89-95 1$ Mail Orders Promptly Filled Open Saturday Night RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "In the Heart of Prince THIRD AVE. Next to Heilbroner' :e Rupert" 5 r's Phone BLUE 907 5 ' R. Just received - Singer Style Digest Ask for your Copy - Its Free A SINGER SEWING MACHINE Service To help you Save by Sewing Singer Sewing Machines Built better to last a lifetime Easy to buy on the Singer Plan with payments as low as $3.00 a month. eMflctfMvs.Ml CHIROPRACTOR 6tanley W. Coltor., D.C.Ph.C. Wallace Block, Phone CiO Mike Colussi Accordionbt and Teacher A.A.A. Certificate PHONE RED 811 IS SEQUEL . I TO COMEDY "Brother Rat and a Baby," At Capital Theatre, Makes Excellent Entertainment "Brother Rat and a Baby," se-( quel to last year's comedy success, "Brother Rat," Is the feature picture for tonight and Thursday on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here. i The characters of last year arc brought together with the lapse of one year's time. Last year's picture showed Wayne Morris. Eddie Al-i bert and Ronald Reagan graduated from military college. Albert and Miss Ryan were the proud parents of a newly born baby boy with Morris and Reagan still en gaged to Priscilla Lane and Jane Wyman. The story is picked up this year with Albert, Miss Bryant and the baby (Peter B. Good) In football, coaching job for the head, of the family. The other two; couples also arrive in New York where many complications ensue," due largely to the enemies of the ( oaoy. jsverytning, nowever, comes to a. happy ending in a surprise finish and the whole picture furnishes uproarious entertainment, jtt Is said. I The cast also Includes Arthur iTeacner, moitou uisen, jessic Busley, Larry Williams, Bertan ' Churchill and Nana Bryant ("Interesting short features on I the current program include an-1 other of the "Canada Carries On", series entitled "Wings of Youth," i depicting the Commonwealth air training scheme and a news reel , showing bombings of London and Chungking and Canadians ana South Africans arriving in danger! zones." I ! B jj A fifty cent cinsoinea ad. Will often make you many dollars. I. bymobb 1, . SKCfAUSJS ,. YEAR t n mi in m -sew I ' Central Hotel I Modern Rooms Steam Baths j CAFE I Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress For Ladies and Gentlemen's TAILORING m- t. lee Second-hand Suits, Overcoats Raincoats, and Working , Pants. Bargain. Cleaning. Pressing, Kepairing 3dAr. Phone Green 9C0 P.0.975 FRESH SHRIMPS Daily After 4:30 p.m. BOAT V.S.L. TROTIER'S , DOCK YOU'LL BE HAPPY WITH 1 PUNCH Treat yourself to Canada's finest cigar, with all- Havana Hller. unc CIGAR Whifflets From The Waterfront pounds by American vessels and 63683 pounds by Canadian. Aboard the power cruiser Edac, Capt. J. P. Cade, S. E. Parker and S. J. Hunter left yesterday afternoon for a ten-day holiday cruise down the coast which may take them as far as Gardner Canal. If you n&ve bumetmng to swap ry a Classified Ad. NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zarelll Froprietor "A DOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c np 50 Room. Hot ti Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 r.O. Box lit UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.5.8. CATALA EVERY TCE3- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Dqe Vancouver, Thnri. pan. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. II Convenlem, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Ticket rrom FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone Ml GOODYEAR ON GROUNDS 'Many Children Took Advantage Of Activities Offered During I fast Season, Gjro Club Informed More children took part In the supervised playground acuvmes f th Prtnce Rupert Gyro Club this year than ever before, according to a report presented to the club at its regular monthly business luncheon yesterday by the chairman of the playgrounds committee. W F Stone. The total number of children registered at the grounds this season was 430 and the aggregate of attendance was 14.683. The season, according to the report, was a very success-, ful one. aU events and attractions. being well attended and the facilities being made good use of. In addition to the activities on McClymont Park, Seal Cove, West-view and Acropolis Hill playgrounds, swimming and life saving classes were held this summer at Morse Creek. Neil Ross was supervisor of the playground activities with Miss Jean Krause. Miss Frances Rober-ton. Miss Ruth Scherk and Miss Louise Bird as assistant directors. The total cost of operating the Oyro supervised playgrounds this year was $1,011.54. I In receivlns hH report yesterday, the Oyro Club tendered a iheatry vote of thanks to Mr. Stons for his Indefatigable work I. - 1 1 - - - iU. nU... wv,, n A a jas cnainnan oi wc ymjuiuunuo cummnipe ami uiuntu ouiure PERFECTOS Or asknowledsement be made of all had a5Sisted ta any way' PANETEAS 10c fh0 LILIES 15c BOWLING BY ARMY Royal Canadian Air Force No. Top Team in Yesterday's Play In Army bowling yesterday Roya' Canadian Air Force No. 1 made the highest aggregate score of 2553 with .Irish Fusiliers Headquarters Com-;pany No. 1 coming second with 2337 and No. 3 Company of Irish Fusl- AV Urn r JANE THAN mm LAST HIT I m Yy&V!eW PR1SCILU LANE JANE BRYAN liers third with 2321. Other teams operation Cowglll, Roy. Peacock, playing were Royal Canadian Corps, Rumsey and Lawford, 2283. of Signals (Mobile), Royal Canadian Corps of Signals (Operation). Records of the International , "oyai uanatnan Air Force No. 2, I Fisheries Commission show that Irish Headquarters No. 2 and Bat- from April 1 to September 30 this won Headquarters. Play was close year a total of 24,832,879 pounds of ( 'and Interest keen, halibut was landed at various ports Teams an scores were as follows: of the Pacific coast from Area No. 3 , K111 Canadian Corps of Slg-as compared with 21,708318 pounds nalj. Mobile-Brooks, Nunns, Wea-ln the corresponding period last year when the season was over a month longer. Landings of the American fleet this season from Area No. 3 were 23556,442 pounds: 'as against 19,551,842 pounds. Cana- dlan landings were 1,576,437 pounds , in comparison with 2,156,476 pounds , in 1939. During this September! landings for the coast totalled 5,-1 152,427 pounds Including 4,516,144 Here's How to Relieve MISERY of COLDS Without Dosing 9Q ii i ii There's nothing to swallow. Massaged on throat, chest and back, Vrcks Vapo-Rub I acts two ways at once to reliever misery of colds. rmsTi VapoRub acts on the skin, stimulates like a warming poultice. SECOND: At the same time, VapoRub gives off soothing medicated vapours that are breathed direct into Irritated air passages. THIS DIRECT, 2-WAY ACTION loosens phlegm, dean air passages, checks tendency to cough also relieves muscular tightness and soreness. Because it's ex ternal and safe, VapoRub can be used freely and as often as needed, for children and grownups. No wonder it's used in 1 out of 3 Canadian homes. WICKS W VapoRu Everything in Novelties At 3 I Evas Novelty j SHOP 625 3rd. Ave. West Our Famous Edsun Albert COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanaimo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 WYMAN m m (BROTHER MOUSE) (At 8:02 and 10:32) EXTRA WAYNE and PETElTB. GOOD MORRIS EDDIE ALBERT RONALD REAGAN 3 All of Hollywood's Great in One Thrilllnt ricturt "CAVALCADE OF ACADEMY AWARDS" WORLD'S NEWS EVENTS Canada Carries On "WINGS OF YOUTH" FeaturM . 35,000 Fliers a Year Thi THE LONDON BOMBINGS Air Training Scheme TONIGHT and FRIDAY 2 Shows Nightly 7 and 9:30 HiMLJ.H ver, Sarglnson and Adams, 2220. Daily aavertturifc Royal Canadian Air Force No. 1- ' News ls sn brln Baby. Young, Hathaway, Anderson j and Boyer, 2553. I Royal Canadian Corps of Signals. , Royal Canadian Air Force Virginia, Jackson, Chlsholm, Doucet and Smith, 1816. : Irish, No. 3 Company Oawnc, Campbell, Piche, Bcatty and Lamb. 2321. Headquarters Company No. 1 Fielder, Munro, Qulgby. Blanch and ;DemDster, 2347. Headquarters Company No. 2 Rubens, Desjardlns, Skinty, Amor, Ross, 2288. Battalion Headquarters Coates, Martin, Parker, Robinson, Wureck, 1924. Five thousano n.ict nuprt people read the Dally News. It pays to let them taow what yon v to sell. I RAILWAY I LINES GUlAtaill l tiAWi Jaw r inc OH!) Urgent Appeal . To Public For Clothing Cambral Chapter 'if the I.OD.E. urgently appeals ' the public for do:, at ..is ' all types of clean, u.-'d thing, blanket?, scraps at Woolen material suitable lor quilts, odds and ends of new wool, and men's sox, PHONE BLUE 32K TO HATE PICKED UP- CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S S. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday, 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct 8 8. "Princess Louise" 88. "Princess Norah" Oct. 5th, 17th. 28th Nov. 7th, 18th, 28th To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway 8 8. "Princess Louise" 8 8. "Princess Norah" Oct. 12th and 24th Nov. 3rd, 14th, 24th Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent - Prince Rupert, B.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT for . VANCOUVER Thursday 11:30 p.m. calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River. Trains Leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Air-conditioned Sleeping and ( Dining Cars For Fares, etc., Call or Write CITY TICKET OFFICE, 528 THIRD AVE-PHONE 260 M Asentj for Trans-Canada Air Lines