Canada At War 25 Years Ago Nov :n 1 1915: of I- .1 . j terenches cprtheait bfiNeuviUe St. jVaait in Ariols. ,,but French counter-attack was partially suc cessful. Serbia's Anglo-French alr ilea occupied hllLs surrounding Germans istmnltza near Bulgarian French Serbian frontier. Saturday at ftaser & Payne'; Sec Windows for Numprmis Oihor itnma ..e Noy,Kiry,uousH aprons .V i tod ' uiars and styles in good quality prints and fu i . ior.s. Dollar (Day, 3 apMn for - : Hedsprcads 150 rjw white bedspreads.. full.oslze. Rayon silk and ture Damask effect. Good weight. Spenut Dollar Day, each f)() Dozen .Pillow .Cases Full size pillow cases. Linen; finished, ready for use. Snow wmt' Dollar Day, 5 pillow cases for Chenille Table Covers Assorted colors, fast dye, size 50x50 Inches. Dollar Day Special Silk qurtain Nets 20 pieces silk curtain nets in various patterns, shades, values up to 69c yard. Dollar Day. 3 yards for til 1 broadcloths, tsi.o.o cotton mix- S1.39 SLOP $1.00 Floral Silk Drapery Damask 50 inches wide, sunfast colors of rose, rust, cherry red, eggshell, goiu reen. blue. Priced away below regular selling. fi4 An DoUar Day. yard JUU Light honey $1.00 Curtain Fabrics 40-inch Marquesette, 25 pieces assorted fluffy dots In various shades and pastel colors fast to sunlishi and Q-f Aj washing Dollar Day, 4 yards for . JAUU White Blankets White blankets, part wool, finished In singles, nice soft, warm quality, extra good value. Dollur Day, pair Double bed size, $4.95 Ladies' J'rincess Slips All the newest styles In satins, crepes and novelty Qi (1ft AtVV cloths Values up to $1.75. Dollar Day. ach Hanvcy Woods Ladies' Fall Underwear Nice weight fancy knit garments, wool mixture, snug fitting ve its .and panties. Sizes snail, medium, large. Shades blush and cream. Dollar Day special, Q-f ft ft tfX.UU 2 garments for Lambsdown Blankets Indian designs, reversible, assorted colorings, Q4 QC extra good quality. Dollar Day. each ?M.OU color,'! LADIES' WOOL ANKLE SOCKS 1 ait Wool ankle socks, assorted plain colors. All sizes In C"f 00 ock Dollar Day. 3 pairs for Table Clotbs 52x52 inches. Silk mixed tabic cloths, assorted fast Q4 ftft Dollar Day, 2 for v.wv, l CH a un via Qlass or tea towels, assorted stripe. designs. Size 18x33, CI ftft gooa quality. Dollar Day, 6 towels for Bloomers and Panties Harvey Woods tailored panties and bloomers. Lavender line non-run, white and tea .rose. AH sizes. 01 00 PJ..UU Mar Day, 2 for For The Girls Girls Jackcttcs Pure wool and goat's hair half sleeve Jackettes, buttoned front, snappy styie Si Qreen; yenoW( scatlet. Sizes 28 to C & Dollar Dav. special V Tea and Class Towels Rdy for use. Extra good quality. Dlue and red check f QQ v Pattern, Special, Dollar Day, 6 for Ladics'.SilkJIosc flies' silk hose, mock fashioned, wingless, assorted popular JJJ. Sizes 8 to 10 $1.00 "ar Day. 3 pairs for , Hoys' Underwear n ys' fall weight , combinations, short sleeve, knee .length, no but-cross-over style, lastex neck, cream color. Sizes Q4 QQ 2i Dollar,Day. suit CHILDREN'S SOCKS B, samples , pure wool and silk and wool socks In a wide variety of 5f Rpeular value 50c,palr. Sizes 5;to 8ft. $1.00 V "ollar Day, 3 pairs for liuy An Apple From a Hoy Scout Saturday I Boy Scout Apple Day Saturday. Canadian Legion Bazaar Nov. 1. Cambral Dance, November ;1, Oddfellows' Hall. Salvation Army Sale, Nov. . :, Eagles' Bridge November 6. Anglican Bazaar. November 7.. Sonja's Bazaar, November 8. Moose Hall. 102nd Auxiliary Dance. Armory, November 8. Presbyterian Bazaar November 14. Hospital tea and dance. Novem ber 15. T.ntheran Circle Bazaar. Metro- pole Hall. .November 16. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Novem ber 21. United W. A. Sale November 21. Eastern Star Ball, November 22 Moose Hall. Valhalla Dance. Oddfellows' Hall; November 22. Catholic Tea, Mrs. Couture's, No vember 28. Hill 60 Tea November 30. Red Cross Tea, Legion Hall, Saturday, December '7. ;THE '.DAIIiYTnJWS LOCAL iNEWS NOTES Just say "Three Two .pleased William Hayner sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. William Bagshaw sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancou ver. Ben Llpsln sailed last night on thr Prince Rupert for a trip to Van couver. T. J. Boulter, superintendent of the local dry dock, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Miss Dorothy Kellett sailed last. night by the Prince Rupert on her , return to Vancouver after a visit j here with her brother and sister-ln law, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kellett. Notice 'Is given that gun practice willbe carried .out. (rom Barrett and Frederick batteries .between the1 hours of 8:30 and 5:00 p.m. onthe 4th, 5th and 6th of November, 1940. Found guilty on a charge of re-1 fusing to produce his national de-j fence registration card on reason-' able demand of jx. peace officer, Anton Weden was fined $5 in cltv no-' lice court yesterday. '! CARD OF THANKS The Yice-ipresident, officers .anri executive pf the local branch of the CanadiatvRed Cross.Soclety wLsh to thank the Residents, businessmen and societies of the city and dis trict for the generous .financial, as-, Sistance given during ;the Second National Appeal 'for ;funds. They arcfllso very grateful, to: (he collectors for their assistance, and wish to thank them for making thecam-palgn a success by .their untiring efforts. j Timely Recipes TAFFY APPLES 2 cups sugar, 1 teaspoon cider vinegar, br V cup corn syrup, 1 cup water. Cook sugar, vinegar or com syrup and water In small saucepan, stirring until sugar Is dissolved. Boll without stirring until syrup forms a hard brittle ball when tested hi cold water. Re move syrup from fire and set over a Dan of boiling water. Add a few drops of red vegetable coloring. Wash and polish medium sized red apples. Insert a wooden skewer in blossom end of each and dip in svniD. turning until well coated. I Place on waxed paper until cool. Announcements All advertisement In this 4-ittmn .wlll be charged for.-fuU month , at 25c a word. Just say "Three Two please' j H. J. Hansen and P. Leland-are sailing tonight on the Cardena-for Namu. Coughing Here's .Easy Time-Tcttcd Way To Get Relief , '.Oet afttr those distressing spells ; ot coughing. and ease, misery of , the cold the widely used Viclcs way... Boll some water. Pour it ; Into a bowL Add a good spoonful . of Vicks VapoRub.Then breathe : .In the steaming medicinal vapors. 1 With every breath ;you take VapoRub's medication soothes Irritation, quiets coughing, helps Clear head and breathing pas- 1 sages. FOR ADDED RELIEF... At bedtime rub'Vlcfcs VapoRub on inroai, cness ana oaauit poui-tlcevaoor action works to brlnz Vyou comfort -while you sleep. s There was fiultea run on the lilaq trees sent to the Prince Rupert Horticultural Societyiby W. J. Alder j all being gone before noon this morning. The early applicants got the largest trefes. JThere were about) forty In all. (CANADIAN ILEQION BiE.S.L. Presents 'At CAPITCHL (THEATRE UNbAY,.N,OV.ilQth AT.? p.m. For Benefit of .Canadian rked Cross Society "There'll Always Be An England" (In Two Acts) FEATURING .Prince Rupert Operatic Society And Irish Fusiliers (V.K.) C.A.S.F. Assisted by Full Concert Orchestra 35-Piece Military Band ALL SEATS RESERVED Price 50c 75c Sl.OO Loges 'Extra Seat Sale Opens Theatre Box Office Monday, Nov. 4th, Box Office Open Dally 10 ajn. to 12 2 to 57 to 9:30. Typewriter Repairs Adding Machines Cash Registers All Work Guaranteed J. STAFFORD DIBB PRINTING CO. Besner Block Phone 234 Our : Famous Edson Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat, and Grain PRINCE itUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 OOVEKNMF.NT .I.IQVOR ACT" (Section 28.) 'Notloe iOf Application iKor A IWr Llrtnrn Notc Is hfreby given .that on the Ftttent tlay of Deoeniber, A. D. 1940 next, the undersigned Intends to apply to the :Llquar uomroi Board ror a lic ence In respect of .premteea ;belnit part or .a .building .Known aa 'Uw Meeker Block, situate :ftt No. .727, Third AvenueJ West, prince Rupert, upon the lands dcKCtrtbed as lot Noa. S end 6, Block: No. 32, Section 1, Prince .Rupert Town-site, Map 923, Prince Rupert Land Registration District, in the Province of British Columbia, for :the sale of beer by the glass or by the bottle for consumption on .the premises or elsewhere. Dated this 20th day of October, A. D. 1S40. -JOHN JtOaKlNB. . Applicant. HOEEMJWN IS Large jafld Lively FroUc .Held, by Gyro -Club tin -Moose Hall last Night Sovlarge was. the. crowd attending i.the '.Hallowe'en hoedown jdanee of the Prince Rupert vOyro-.CUib last night 'that Jtvbecame nejeessuy to tumipeople.away thin legal limit .of the -Moose Hall's capacity naving oeen reached, Weil iover five hundred -were in attendance and it was a lively, lycunger peoplejoeing Jargely the predom-lpanee. The affair ;was staged to raise funds fey the providing of an incubator for the -Prince 'Rupert General .Hospital .and It is assured that ample money will ,have : beerf netted to fulfil the objective. The evening was given over largely .to tianting fromU0-,pjn. untllj? ajn. with 'spirited -.nuisic ;by Mrs; Jean ,de Carlos's .Orchestra wbch, kept the big crowd (swinging throughout. Refreshments were served .fronustands and there were, carnival features. rThe hall had. .been decorated with bales of ihay,'1 jvagbn wheels and harness equipment to give ja rustic atmosphere. iThere were also Hallowe'en adorn ments In the seasonal -colors. Caps and nolsemakers were distributed. W. F. Stone was chairman of the charge and wasssistn ed .by J. W.; Scott, William Cruick-shank, C. .C. Mills, O. A. Hunter.i C. P. Balagno, Dr. JL :N. Brocklesby, Arnold Flaten, Frank Skinner, J.iHBulger, SamJpy, William Lam- ble, .Stanley :Saville andiBen Wln-dle. Lending a,hand in connection with dispensing of . refreshments were Mrs. .C. '.C. Mills, Mrs, G. A. Hunter and Mrs. William C. J. .Killer of Telkwa arrived in the city pn last night's train from the interior and sailed on the Prince Rupert:for Vancouver where lie will attend the annual meeting ,of the advisory board of Farmers Instl-j mies oi tsruisn uoiumDia. Reach ten thousand people with a. "want ad." in the Dally' News. JONES' FAMILY MARKET Phone 957 Phone, 957 Saturday Specials ,WJFT'S ,RED LABEL BEEF ROAST off the 'ROUND Ojf' SJRLOIN TIP .ROAST Per ,1b T-.BONE ROAST Per lb; STANDING RIB ROAST-iPer lb. .STEER BEER RUMP .ROAST Per ,1b T-BONE ROAST Per lb SIRLOIN .TJP.ROAST Per lb ROAST off the ROUND Per lb PRIME RIB ROLLED Per lb VEAL lbs. LEG of VEAL. RUMP ROAST VEAL Per .lb SHOULDER of .VEAL Per lb SLICED :SIDE JJACON Per lib. AYRSHIRE BACON " Per lb BULK LARD Pure. 3 lbs (POULTRY ROAST. CHICKENS Per lb : BOILING iCHICKENS Per lb 30 c 30 c 20 c 20c 25 c 52c 20c 22c $1.00 22c 15c ROLLED. SHOULDER VEAL AAn 2V Per lb TORK LEG of PORK Per lb SHOULDER; of TORK Per lb FRESH SIDE iPORK 2 lbs SLICED BACK BACON 25 c 15c 25c 35c 25c 25c 30c 25c PAGE.THREE. Pioneer Merchant Changes Business AFTER thirty and one-half years In the grocery business In Prince-Rupert, :N. Mussalem is taking over a variety of dry merchandise .that does not tax his .physical strength. too much. This merchandise will be handled In the concern known as the Variety Store. :Slnce.the.earlyidaysof the city Mr. 'Mussalem has served the people. of Prince'Rupert and district faithfully and .has enjoyed their confidence and good will. .He.has.suRplled .the .farmer, the miner and the fishermen on the rivers, streams.-ihlets and islands f of .Northern .British Columbia. It was back In 1910 that the grocery ijusiness-of Mr. ,Mussalem'5 first opened and the first calendar of the store issued to its friends and customers showed the. coronation Just Arrived N. MUSSALEM picture of Their Majesties, King George V. and Queen Mary to Ihe throne. And the 1940 calendar of Mussalem's store showed the coronation, pictures of Their Majesties King George VI. and Queen Elizabeth. Over alGeneration of Constant, Thoughtful Service :to thePubjic In"thistnew enterprise Mr. Mussalem hopes that the goodwill and'.onfidence of his many friends that he enjoyed in the pld days '.will Je continued. He extends an invitation to all to call in and renew acquaintance at the VARIETY STORE 330 Third Avenue West - Brand New Quebec Heaters For Coal or Wood, at moderate price New Enterprise Oil Heaters You get clean healthful, Just right heating comfort all time. lit saves oil too because you cdn turn it down low when onhialllttle heat Is needed. The New Enterprise "Airflow" Heaters .Forxoal. .The Airflow ogives you two-way. heat when and: as ".yon want it. This revolutionary new Enterprise model brings a measure of heating, satisfaction previously unattainable. ; Enterprise Coronet The, Enterprise Coronet Is a high quality steel range of the latest modern style, convenience in operation In ease of cooking and in cleaning is the keynote of this new design. The Coronet h definitely the woman's choice. It will pay you to come and look over the entire stock of heaters and ranges now on display in our store. Gash Allowance for Your Old Stove ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE MOOSE BUILDING Phone Green 916 J. H. BULGER Optometrist Koyal Bank B14f. -:- THIRD AVENUE Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAJRY rnoN 7 Wien you .want a Reliable, Comfortable, .Dependable Taxi Service PHONE 13 24 Hour Service at Regular Rates 4 t t It's interesting to know when reading the Daily New that the people of the. whole district are doing the HtEPi.