1 PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Weiaediy,NoTembtr EYES Lit encee for NumounU FnH-Tue Frames, The Newest In Eje-Wear Max Heilb NEW DEAL IS SOUGHT (Continued irom Page One) ed whereby hospitalization would be given patients of the Department of Indian Affairs at regular hospital rates. ' Miss Margaret Jamieson R.N., the new lady superintendent of the hospital, was present for the first time at a board meeting. Others in attendance were Frank Dibb, chair At The Suggestions EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewelery Repairing, Hand Engraving CIIAS DODIMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 261 for Appointment roner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties man. G. P. Tinker, Arnold Flaten. R. E. Benson and Mrs. H. L Landry, lady superintendent, and H. W. Birch, managing secretary. C. J. Killer, well known Telkwa ; rancher, who has been In Victoria (attending the annual meeting of the Farmers' Institute's advisory I board, arrived in the city on the ! Prince Rupert this morning and 'will proceed to the interior by the evening train. The Sale of the Year! CONTINUING ONCE-A-YEAR ANNIVERSARY SALE Rupert Men's & Boys' Store Between Second and Third Aves. 208 SIXTH STREET Outstanding Values In Mens And Boys' Wear Tfie WWWVAW.W.W, AND Gut- Rate ShoeStore 6:1 THIRD AVE W. 1 -? z- Shoes For Mother, Father Brother and Sister Priced Special For You, You and You! For Boys and Girls Velocipedes, Scooters, Wagons, Kiddie Kars, Automobiles, Doll Carriages, Child's Rockers, Baby Walkers, Baby Swings, Shoofly Rockers, Play Yards Avoid Disappointment Buy Early A Deposit Will Hold Any Article Until Christmas Occasional Pieces for the Home Folding Metal Bridge Tables available in variety of pleasing colors. Smoking Stands Occasional Chairs, Living Room Tables, Coffee Tables, Magazine Tables, Cedar Chests and many other fine pieces. For Best Choice Shop Now At ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE MOOSE BUILDING -:- THIRD AVENUE Phone Green 916 Store Hours 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. i LOCALS T. J. Boulter, superintendent of .he local dry dock, returned to the Col. J. N. Burnett, officer com r RED CROSS IN SESSION manding the Irish Fusilliers here, .were handled. returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning, from Vancou ver after an absence of six weeks in the south. PRESENTING OF ENTERTAINMENT the morning from a brief trip to Van-ienatr ana memDers 01 comnmie couver. present me executive 01 wic branch 01 the Canadian itea vross Society met last night at the City Hall. Rerjorts and routine business Arnold Flaten noted at the meeting that the amount raised by Prince Rupert in the recent drive for funds which was almost as large as that of. North Vancouver R. R, Nichol, assistant taxation which is a much bigger centre. commissioner for Canadian Natio-I The secretary, P. C. Miller, renal Railways with headquarters in 'ported that he had on hand sev- Winnlpeg, arrived in the city on'erai forms for the use of persons the Prince Rupert this morning : desiring to communicate with re-from Vancouver for his annual Natives or family members in Scan-conference with civic authorities, jdinavia. Through the facilities of the Red Cross many persons have C. N, R. steamer Prince Rupert,; been abIe to hear from countries Capt. Neil McLean, arrived in port where ordinary mall service, has on good time at .5:30 this morning een suspended, from Vancouver. Powell River andj Arrangements for the Red Cross Vancouver and will sail at 3 o'clock I tea to be held early In December this afternoon lor Ketchikan and(wre weU in nd. Mrs- Tnomas Stewart whence she will return Boulter, In charge of the raffles, here tomorrow evening -south- has received a number of articles bound, that will be raffled at this tea. ' The society will send a leuer oi thanks to the Canadian Legion and Mr. and 'Mrs. Ray Montgomery, g. W. Cripps for support through who weje recently married in the 'the recent Sunday evening concert, city, the bride having formerly! At last night's meeting Miss ibeen Miss flargaret Fritz, returned! Irene Mitchell, representing the j home on the Prince Rupert this Junior Red Cross In the city, was ;mornlngtd &ake up residence af-present and stated that the girls 'ter a honeymoon trip to Vancou- in the High School are ready to do ver and elsewhere in the south of their part the province. Lester Sumrall, Pentecostal Assembly evangelist, who has been in the city conducting meetings for ,the past couple of weeks, will sail by the Princess Norah tomorrow morning for Alaska. Last night Mr Sumrall sppke on Russia. Tonight he wOl conclude the lectures by showing travel pictures including ; opium fields in Tibet and. volcanoes in Java. Mr. Sum rail's lectures have been well attended and have proven Interesting. TERRACE 'James Gillett, Indian Agent, Prince Rupert, visited Terrace dur ing the past week on official business. While here Mr. Gillett took , the opportunity of looking up some of his old friends. Sergeant C. C Jacklln, provincial police, paid Terrace a visit on Thursday on official business. 11 V "Come in and Hear Model VR50 Price $169.50 Including $450 worth of Victor Records." listen to this splendid new this superb new instrument.' RCA Victrola just once! That is enough to make jour dreams of radio and record entertainment come true. You'll realize that in RCA Victor has attained a perfection tare at any price. Come in today for a demonstration. McRae Bros. Ltd. LOOK ! LOOK ! Do you know what a variety of articles we carry here? Here you will see a wide range or things such as Scrub Brushes, Clothes Brushes, Shoe Brushes, Sewing Cotton, Crochet Cotton, Needles. Christmas Cards in a big assortment including views of Prince Rupert in great variety, and we are offering a line of. Cups and Saucers In three designs at 10c the cup and saucer, a very real value In this lot to clear out. The Variety Store romc- FIGHT MISERT where you I feel it-rub on last-acting VICKS VAPORUB TODAY'S STOCKS Vancouver Big Missouri, .05,i. Bralorne, 10.25B. Cariboo Quartz. 2.10B. Fairriew, .00 ft. Gold Belt, 21. Hedley Mascot, .52. Mlnto, J01V. Pacific Nickel, .07. Pend Oreille, 2.05. Pioneer, 2.40A. Premier, .95A. Privateer. .58. Reeves McDonald, .20. Reno, .14. Relief Arlington. ,03. Salmon Oold, .02 V. Sheep Creek, 50. Cariboo Hudson, .02ViA. Oils A. P. Con.. .09 Vi- Calmont, .26. C. & E-, 1.58. Home, 2.60A. Pacalta, .05. Royal Canadian, .09 . Okalta, .85B. Mercury. .04. Prairie Royalties, .07 Vj. Toronto Aldermac. .17&. Beattie. 122. Central Pat., 2.05. Con. Smelters, 43.00. East Malartic, 3.30. Fernland, MlV. Francoeur, .42. Hardrock, 1.14. Int. Nickel, 38.Vi. Kerr Addison, 3.60. Little Long Lac. 2.27. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.64. Madsen Red Lake. .65. McKenzle Red Lake, 132. Moneta, .58. Noranda, 59.00. Pickle Crow, 3.15. Preston East Dome, 3.25. . San Antonio, 2.45B. Sherritt Gordon, .92. Uchl, .40. Bouscadillac. .02. Oklend. .1014. Smelters Gold, .00 ti. Dominion Bridge, 2?.R- "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR Aci" I (Section 38.) ; i '. Notice Of Application lor A 1Vr 1 Met nre ' i Notice la hereby given that on th Fifteenth jaj of December. A. D. 1?40 next the uhdeTJiicli Intortd?' to pplt to the Wquc Control Boira; f6tfUc. ence In rwpeot of premise brUwt part f a bolldlng vXnown ai the Meeker Block, tltuite at No. 727. Third Avenue. Wt. Prince Rupert, upon the land iMcrlbed- u tots No. 3 and S. Block No. 32. Section 1. Prince Rupert Town-lte. Map 923. Prince Rupert tand RoniUon Dlatrlct. In the Province of British Columbia, for the ale of beer by the glaea or by the bottl for lortMunjrtlon on the prnnisea or ele-1 where Dated thu 29th day of Ootober. A D 1040 JOHN HOSKIN3 Applicant ' I.ANII ACT Nirtiee Of Intention To Apply To rurliae Iuid In Range 5. Coast DUtrt, Land Re-cording Dierret cf Prince Hupert. and altuate on the Ncrth Bank of the Skeena R'.vcr ib-u. 40 mllei from Prince Rupert on the Oahadlan National Railway. Take Notl-e hat tb-s SKEENA ORIENT TIMBER roMPANY. IMITED. o' Terrace. British Columbia, occupation, a Corporation. Intends to apply frr permission to purchase the following described lands: Ccmmenolng at a post planted on file south line nf the Canadian Nation Rallwiy rlht-of-way. Two miles ecsterty from Kwlnttsa Station, B. C and running eafterly 48 chains (more -r leis) lcng slid lrne to Its Intersection with a slough of the Skeena River: tbenre westerly following the bank of the slough to the point of mmmrcrmrf and containing Ten (10) acres more or lej. SKEENA ORIENT TIMBER COMPANY. LIMITED George LUtle. Agent. th 26111 621 Ootober' A D 1940 i' Commercial Hotel Prince Rupert Thoroughly Renovated Hot and Cold Water in Rooms Inner Spring Mattresses for Beds Harbor View ALEX PKUIHIOMME Proprietor FRESH SHRIMPS Daily After 1:30 p.m. BOAT W.S.L. TROTIEIt'S DOCK ' 'ANDY HARDY HERE AGAIN ! Another of Popular Family Pictures is Showing at Capitol Theatre "Andy Hardy Meets Debutante," ninth of the series ot popular Judge Hardy family pictures, was shown Monday and yesterday at the Capitol Theatre here and proved quite as diverting as Its predecessors. It Is being repeated tonight. When Judge Hardy goes to New York to fight the most important legal battle of his career, he takes J the family with him. Andy had previously worked up an infatuation 'for a big city glamor girl and had actually boasted that he knew her. On arriving at New York, Andy Is forced to make good on his boast and his methods of doing so get him from one side-splitting situation In- io anomer. rinany, wnue me juuge comes close to losing his case. Andy does manage to scrape up an acquaintance with the girl. Lewis Stone and Mickey Rooney, of course, play the parts of Judge Hardy and Andy respectively. Judy Garland makes her second ance in the series and Diana Lewis lis the glamorous debutante. Fay '.Holden, Sara Haden, Cecilia Parker and Ann Rutherford play their usual parts. Remembrance Day j Occasion Marked 1 Observing the Remembrance Day ; occasion, the Prince Rupert Gyro j Club, at" Its regular weekly lun- i I cheon today, had as guests of honor officers commanding the! i various local naval, army and air: force units. William Cruickshank, j cne of the ex-service men mem-. bers of the club, gave the address and another First Great War veteran, D. O. Borland, Introduced the military guests. Len .Cripps rendered a vocal solo. The president, O. A. Hunter, was In the' chair. 1 "' W6 LAST times TnTl a 1 Vj I f X Shows Nightly, 7:00 ,,. ANDY HARDY JUDY GARLAND In "Andy Hardy Meets Debutante With LEWIS STONE (At 7:33 and 9:J8 ADDED "BRITAIN AT BAT" 'Canada Carrie- m s- NEWS and NOVELTY COMING T1IUR. - FRL Dorothy Lamour in "TYPHOON" - www m i m aaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaa im 1 4 J Rev. W. P. Bunt ofV n perintendent of home c v jr the United Church of Cx.J' to the course of a tour )f nx$ on ecclesiastical duUr, arrived ia the city on the Cairo;-! Mndaj afternoon following a ?.-; Queen Charlotte Islai and ;1J4 yesterday afternoon :i the CaUia iur vancuuver. Hockey Scores Chlcazo 6, Boston 5. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And Yeull Jump Oat of Bed la tl Morninf Raria'to Co The Hr tbovld pout '.t tw mi liquid bil lata ftytt bot'i it t'ttikHi b aot How In c f irclr. yovr leni erm'Um. It Junt drrt la th bowi . Gu Vwu n mot atomach. Ysv frt raattisatM, Rimf j twboaa o late U bod) mi T.a M mr, agak and lk world lookt j -:at A mrrt bowel movnua . mat tlnnrt at th nw, Yoa ad omrtktof tbx mctt pfi tb IWtr aa well It Ukr tl.it fxtM Carter! LHtla Urrr Pi' j u art UmmKi ronnlf of MIc flowinf fntr aad ntkira (rliip and up". Hamlm and tra' tW maka tho bil flow tmlr Ih d tkt mt of talom4 bat bar aseal'tmrl TBvrnnli tbrra. Ak for Cartar Unit Lint FbW aaat I Stubbornly trim aarUtn ilM.k Mem Who Prefer Hast't-. Shoes call them winners ! hoes hive style, di$J ance. i.ucc 1898 Ham Shoes have been recognized as Canada's besU You will like thenu a aViiWisH moe tL FOR GENTLEMEN Family Shoe Store i WATPH For Your New "n 1 n"" Fleet Super Deluxe T?xi J. H. BULGER Optometrist 7Bl Bai Kld. For Service And Dependability Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized An"1 VALENTIN DAJBY PH0N1 I"