1 tAGl TWO gwJfefay . September i, SOFTBALL Married Here Extra Special TIE GAME Last Evening Children need good CLEARANCE SALE Broken Line Now is your opportunity to take advantage of our many super bargains in short end lines. While They Last Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULL EN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified Advertisements, per word, per Insertion .02 Local Readers, per line, per insertion ..... . .25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone .... '. 86 SUBSCRIPTION KATES City Delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 Paid In Advance, per month M By Mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance 3.00 By Mail to all other countries, per year .. 9.00 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations MEMBER OF THE CANADIAN MIES9 TTe Canadian Pras,U excluitrcly entitled to iue lor rramfcllcatlon of all newt detpatcfcei cr toar to the AnocUted Pre In tS, papered alao thi local newt published therein. Alt rU&te ot rwtollctton of special despatches therein are also reserved. DAILY EDITION Wednesday, September 4, 1940. SING AS THEY WAIT The1 radio tells of the people of London as the city is being bombed by the iazis. me people sing, lew stones and keep happy in the air raid shelters, with the bombs bursting around tnem and witn tne possioiucy oi inen homes being, destroyed. They are confident of victory so they sing. That is the kind of spirit that cannot be de feated. This bombing was expected immediately the war began. The people even then, more than a year ago, wen prepared to endure and since that there has been nr change in the situation except that they are much better prepared now than they were at that time. Some of us in this country worry over the situation, except that they are much better prepared now than they were at that time. Some of us in this country worry over the situation, wondering what the end will be. We might well learn a lesson from the Londoners who are in the midst of the battle and who sing as they wait for the bombs to drop. Surely if they can sing, we in this wonderfully peaceful country can be cheerful and optimistic. DIVINE PROTECTION A good many Prince Rupert people have expressed the opinion that Britain is under divine protection and that nothing can happen to cause defeat of the people". luc inaj oe bombeu, some of them killed, wounded or otherwise injured but they must win. Possibly that is why they are so cheerful. It is a nuisance having to retire ati the sound of the air raid sirens but it is not as serious as it might seem. One of the broadcasters last night said that a person might ride on top of a bus for miles across Lon-: don without knowing that anything was happening ex-! cept for the noise of anti-aircraft guns and an occasional bursting of a bomb in the distance. It was only in certain districts that bombs were dropped. A BEAUTIFUL GARDEN England is like a beautiful garden. Visitors who have gone there from this continent have always been struck by the pleasant vistas the neat irregular fields surrounded by trimmed hedges of hawthorn and with elm or oak trees in some, places, particularly in the neighborhood of the farm houses. Cattle graze peacefully in the fields. Flocks of sheep are seen occasionally, especially in the uplands. Everything speaks of peace and beauty. Only occasionally a stray German plane drops a bomb which burries itself in. the fields or strikes ,a house, a hall or a church. Life goes on pretty milch as usual, except that the young men are in uniform helping to protect the countryside or joining in the nightly raids on German military GOOD. WOKK. GYROS We congratulate the Gyro Club on its decision to invest unused money in war loan bonds. It is just as safe there as it would be in the-bank and it is the hundreds of small investors that make it possible to carry on and do our part as a nation in the great struggle. in SCHOOL Opener in City Senior Series Is Miss Dorothy Jean Mctca'fe lighting Called on Account ot Darkness Becomes Bride Of Sergeant William Morrell and at HOME, tool Starting rather late and finding; The wedding took place "last themselves in the thick of the on- evening at St. Andrew's Cathedral coming darkness, the Irish Fusiliers of Dorothy Jean, daughter of Mr. and Three Sisters' softball teams and Mrs. W. Metcalfe, 702 Gorge were forced to give up last night Road West, Victoria, and Sergeant with the score at two all after play-William Morrell, Royal Canadian ln? four Innings of the first of the Engineers, only son of Mrs. E. J. play-off games for the City Cham-i Clifford, S060 Harriet RoarJ, Vie- ionshlp title. This short meeting was a first class crowd pleaser until the field- r- were no longer visible. What went on out there in the pasture surrounding the pitcher still re- FOR SALE 4 room cottage Just off 11th Ave. $500. With furniture $550, H. G. Helgerson. (216) FOR SALE City of Prince Rupert will receive offers for dwelling on Lot 19, Block 32, Section 1, to Friday. 13th instant. Signed City Clerk, Prince Rupert, B.C. ; (214) FOR SALE 5 rooms and bath. 317 ' j Jtth Aye. West. (218) FOR SALE Cheap, chesterfield suite and other articles. 2225 At-' lln Avenue. (217) ! PERSONAL HYGIENE AND SANITARY SUP PLIES for men and women. Write for latest price list, and' receive Free Novelty premium. Buy confidentially by maU and save. Western Supply, Box 667, Vancouver, B. C. (S. 15) NOW IS THE TIME TO GET A GOVERNMENT Job as Clerk, Postman, Customs Clerk, Steno, etc. Three Dominion-wide exams held since war began. Free. Booklet. M. C. C. Schools Ltd, Winnipeg Oldest In Canada. No agents. SCHOOLS & COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYMENT EXAMINATION, for Clerks an nounced. Open to all. Applications to reach Ottawa by Sept. 15. .Our advice has helped hundreds obtain Civil Service positions as Clerks, Postmen, Customs Examiners, etc. Free booklet on request. M.C.C. Schools Ltd, Win-nepeg. Oldest in Canada. Nc Agents. su FOUND FOUND Pair of spectacles in limn leather case. Pay for this advertisement and get the spectacles at Dally News. tf. WANTED" WANTED Small safe; state di mensions, weight and make to Box 21, Daily News. (215) DOMESTIC help wanted. Elderly person preferred but hot essential. Phone Blue 336. tf. SALES HELP & AGENTS WE are now appointing spare tlnu Christmas Card salespeople, men and women. Two sample books one with fifty designs at a dollar a dozen and the other with over sixty designs at two dollars per dozen. Generous commissions. Also complete- line of boxed assortments, tags and seals. Apply for sample book today. Our aim: good values and friendly, courteous service. Premier Art Guild. 576,. Seymour St Vancouver. toria, and the late F. Morrell. Captain iRev.l R. C. H. Durnferd officiated. The bride wore; a polka dot dress of moss green with a turban of matching color. Her corsage mains a mystery as the players iconsisted of white roses and chrys- would not talk and the umpires janthemums. She was attended by would not commit themselves. TheiMns. a. Oould. dressed in a yellow .ame ended up in a terrific struggle; knitted suit with accessories to between the players, the umpires ; match and wearing a corsage of and the spectators and peace terms yellow crysanthemums. finally being offered and accepted,! Captain J. F. Campbell gave the a rendezvous was set for earlier this jbr,de awav the room evening. attended by Quartermaster Ser- Thls play-off series shows prom-lgcant J- r- Stewart. Royal .Cana- ise of being nothing short of a dian Engineers. . pitchers' duel with Amadlo and Di-' A recePtIon wa- heM "later ;at do Gurvich the battery for the Cafe .the . Royal Canadlan Engineers earn and Brown and Palmer forl"4"""";. oiceic dk, .imru the Irish. i I CUssiMED FOR SALE .. i FOR SALE Heintzman piano, Avenue, where music and dancing was enjoyed. ... The bride, and, trroom will reslAt at the St. Elmo Apartments Second Avenue. . . v Baseball Scores ' National League Pittsburgh 11-11, Philadelphia 3-1. American League bedroom suites. Phone 78, tf.j Washington 5, Chicago 2, FOR SALE Car v Rate phcp fift i Boston 6. Detroit 5. T7 ? vOwf Medlfsl for Distinguished Tb Victoria Cross Hit hcit decoration KU MM w bcitow, the Victoria. Ctom U -m impU bronxa croM,tusp&dd frota crimson ribbon.. lutitau tr Queen Victoria in 18C4. it has tinea beenawarded to 1,101 heroieeoldiera, ailora and airmen (or "conaaicnena braTerjr." 1 . f i tit r-f -3 wJ.tr... f t.TH. . Orf Co MiJaJi sndPtiut awttrdtd Dtwar'i firmtrit. Tit MgKal iionotirt th world hoi f bei.ow eduaoi Scotch WMAy. This advertisement Is not published or dlsnlaved by the Lf quor Control Board or by, the Government of British Columbia For Ladies and Gentlemen's TAILORING j Experience .! Quality Oldest 'Tailor in Town Mt T. LEE, I Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing 3dAv. Phone Green 960 t.XiSli 5 Our Famous Edson Alberta COAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal Bnlkley Valley Wheat and Grain SEEDS and FERTILIZERS PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 88 and 688 v.. Statement Of Significance Light-Condition Your Home for Fall and Winter . . . Shortening days mean increased eye-strain unless you have had the foresight to correct home lighting to take care of it. Check up ,v . now. Make sure that your children's studying and your own reading, sewing and housework will be done in comfort under proper lighting conditions. Lamps cost little so use them generously: they guard your most vital physical asset your eyesight. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED A statement of significance In the sermon of Rev. E. E. Brandt at First Baptist Church Sunday night dealt with a practice on the part of enlightened men during recent years to "damn the church with faint praise" as though it were an out-grown or parasitical institution unworthy of the support of wide-awake thinkers. Mr. Brandt quoted Pr6f. Albert Einstein who' recently stated he had come to feel, a great, admiration for -the church because only In the churches of Germany did he find the courageous voices raised In opposition to Hitler's, regime. The universities, the great newspapers and the leadin? intellectuals &U took shelter in silence f'urttl? Abe. jhiys when the most xherisVd Institutions of liberty jcere being taken, from them. It was the churches alone that had the courage to speak. Prof. Einstein felt obliged now to recognize and admire what he used to con iidef of little value, Mr. Brandt asked: "What might Jiave happened In Germany h those same despised churches had ' been receiving the enthusiastic support of the enlightened men like professor Einstein prior to .'Hitler's.: ilse to power? t "We. are not doing, our duty to oursel'ves, 'to the Empire, to humanity and to Ood until we re-pent of our sins, personal and corporate, seek Ood 4n all honesty jand become His willing servants." declared the Baptist .pastor. "Only then will -we have the morale, the courage of a people that Is unconquerable and a readiness to assume our Ood -appointed mission in the world, Daily News Classified Ads bring results. COST IS SMALL Be sure you telephone 98 you wish the'. Dally News de e I e! if i llvered regularly at your home or place of business. The price 4 Is only 40c a month. WEEDING OUT HOME GUARD MANCHESTER, Eng., Sept. 11: (CP) A survey of the Home Ouard will result in weeding out, Irrespective of age, all who may Local Pastor Alludes to Comment of not have endurance needed in the Einstein Regarding Church Tent of a large-scale Invasion. NOT MODERN WEAPOX MELBOURNE, Sept 11 (CPI-il archer brought a long bow oil half a dozen arrows to the poKct for a ruling whether they should b! registered as instruments of vu. The answer was "no." BUY 2 WAR LOAN BONDS . . . ta Beat BasUtcUitH- BONDS FOR BOMBS ana! lW weaemte mnJ ""Wy equipment Again cornea tho call! Vital dollars are needed to prosecute the war and to assure victory. Bonds maybe bought without charge at any branch of this bank. Necessary application forms and full information will be gladly supplied. Should you find it inconvenient to pay for your bonds in cash, temporary nccommodation may be arranged. Consult your local branch manager. These bonds ore available in denominations as low as $100. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA OVCR (00 BRANCHES IN ALL FARTS Ot CANADA (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 Can Ride for Price of One