2 Bulletins 1 I -II lax nenoroner JEWELER DIAMOND MERCHANT .Visit Our Basement Store for Fine China, Glassware and Novelties . WARSAW MAYOK EXECUTED ; LONDON The Heroic major of Warsaw, who led the defence of 'the Polish capital last year, has been executed in Germany, the ' Press Association reports. FLIERS ARE KILLED BELLEVILLE Flying Officers Fred L. Sims and W. R. Swanson . of Los Angeles were killed in the crash of a Royal Canadian Air Force training plane four miles from here yesterday. NANAIMO ARMY CAMP NANAIMO Nanaimo is expecting the establishment of a $1,-000,000 army training camp. RALSTON IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER Col. J. L. Ralston, minister of national defence, is inspecting defences here today. Tomorrow he will proceed to Victoria. SEATTLE HAS STORM SEATTLE Much damage was done and there was interruption in light and power services by electrical storms in King and Pierce counties, including this city, yesterday. m i r v IN W 7 W2 dt Loots - Dresses- '4m Show Your Colors Use Overseas Stationery Specially Put Up in Handy Portfolios One note size writing pad, twenty envelopes --Vellum wove paper Each sheet and each envelope bearing a colorful Union Jack. Special introductory price, only 20c We carry a complete line of fine writing papers for business and social usage, including Eaton Crane & Pike and W. J. Gage Co.'s nationally advertised brands. Home Guards Enthusiastic Large Turnout As Drill Scene. Moves Ho Ocean Dock I There was another large and! enthusiastic attendance at the 'weekly drill of the Prince Rupert Legion Defence Corps last eve. . nlng. The first part of the parade took place in the spacious quarters of the Ocean Dock sheds. Here the corps paraded and then car-! rled out movements under the ln .dividual platoon commanders t There was a marked improvement servlce forces. This proved to begnst Government Liquor Act(ust only 95,976 pounds was taken most Interesting. i convictions and eight naturallza-, from the closed Area No. 2 by both Before dismissal there was com- jtjon applications were before Judge United States and Canadian fleet, munlty singing with Peter Lien W- Fisher this week at the regu-, this being caught incidental to flsh-at the piano and then the session I jar monthly session .of County Court .lng for other species under permit. iinisnea witn ine singing or ine or September. National Anthem. j 1Lst js as follows: There were five new recruits on parade. played for the march from the .dock to the Legion Hall. With Alex. 'MacDonald, Hugh M. Smith and lO. S. Copeland forming the pipe 'band the members found the skirl of the pipes a real asset in their marching. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE ANNOUNCES Exclusive Fall Styles .iX'iv- Lingerie - Bags and Accessories We Invite Your Inspection Prices Within Reach pf All. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE "I n the Heart of Prince Rupert" ! 529 THIRD AVE., W. SMITH BLOCK Next to Heilbroners. 5 The Sea Cadet Corps of the I Thomas . Payne vs. tsperanza Prince Rupert Branch of the Navy .Mines I.tri . 11319.87. W. O. Fulton T Pernio nf faniHi t,-lll K A new and interesting attraction j for pamtlIi( x. w ,Brown for de- weekly drills this evening at the presence or pipers who ,fendant( October 9. quarters of the Royal Canadian j Dr. Joseph Magulre vs. William' Naval Volunteer Reserve. New boys Goldbloom, S35, W. O. Fulton for applying for enrolment will attend plaintiff, T. W. Brown for defend- this drill and all cadets will be ant, stood over. bringing all items of uniform equlp- H. Schmidt vs. E. Fraese and J. L. ment. Drills will be held Wednes-atklns, $498.91. T. W. Brown for days henceforth Instead of Tues-plaintlff, W: O. Fulton for defend- days as previously. , ant, settled. . T. Fukuhara of Port Esslngton," Delayed by foj and heavy appeal, W. O. Fulton for crown, T. freights for Ocean Falls. C. N. R. W. Brown for appellant, September steamer Prince George. Capt. H. 13. E. Nedden. Is due In port at 3 Mah Yen, Mah Dick and Mah o'clock this afternoon from Van-Ben, Ooose Bay. appeal, T. W. couver, Powell River and Ocean Brown for crown, W- O. Fulton for Falls and W'H sail as soon as she appellants, September 16. has completed discharging cargo Jack Everett, appeal, T. W. Brown for Ketchikan and Anyox whence for crown, Harper Si Anderson for sne ls due to return here tomor- defendant, next court, row evening to be tied up for the The naturalization applications wlnter at the local dry dock, Mie were approved. ,-rnnce itupert taking over the run ,wun tomorrow night's southbound sailing sailing for for Vancouver Vancouver. 111 ,l r . Weather forecast B. C. Furniture Co. New & Used Furniture At Great Reductions 6 Reconditioned Kitchen Ranges For coal and wood, Including such makes as Monarch, McClary and Canada's (gQQ Aft VO.UU Pride. And up 2 Reconditioned Washing Machines QOO PA & COQ (ifk In perfect working order ?5.0U iPaSiJ.UU 1 3-ptcce Chesterfield Suite 39 50 New Furniture 9 2-Tone Enamel Kitchen Ranges For coal and wood In very S:!1::: ; $65.oo 4 Unpalnted Chests of Drawers Q "ft to fiQ OCT In all sizes, from i?D.3U QV.AD 4 3-plece Studio Sets Of the very finest patterns and the latest styles with 2 chairs which have chromiun- 6QQ flO plated arms ?aaIU 1 3-plece Chesterfield Suites All modern, Rust, QHIZ fill Argonne Red tjMtMIU 12 Complete Beds With high quality spring and fine felt re.s.s!s: $24.00 10 $36.00 rhone BLACK 321 Next Door to B.C. Clothiers TIIIRD AVENUE C. P. R. steamer Princess Char General Synopsls-The pressure !.te' w,hIcn 5tranded in Tolmie appears low northwest of the Queen Cha1nn!1 ' Boat Bluff last Charlotte Islands and is relatively W"7 damang her propellor and high over the Peace River district. 'becoming unnavigable. Fine warmweather continues over J ' ? at vlctrlrt.or repairs. The nrifuh ki vessel was towed south from West. Coast of Vancouver Island- Kiemtu lemtu attend Yl end:of of theAweek theiweek by by Modefanorthwest to west winds, mostly clear and warm with fog lg Datches. CHIROPRACTOR Stanley W. Colton, D.CJh.C. Wallace Block, Phone 610 the compaitug KyoqU( Northland Transportation Co.'s motorshlp Northland, Capt. Len wiiiiams, southbound from Ketchikan to Seattle, was In port from 3 to 5r45 p.m. Monday discharging fish from Alaska for transshipment East over Canadian National Railways. The freighter Gray, under charter to the Frank Waterhouse line with Capt. E. B. Allen ln.com-mand, was In port from 8 o'eiork to 11 Monday morning bound from Vancouver to Taku with a! CareO Of rnnl anH crnnnrol fn. " iui i-i ic ' 4 Tulsequah mine. The call was made here for water. For the past few days there has been a decided pick-up in the coho run at Dundas and Wark Canal. Fishermen are all making a few dollars following a week during which there was hardly a fish coming. Runnlne a day late, U. P. R. steamer Princess Louise. Capt. S. K. Gray, arrived in port at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning on her way from Vancouver to Ska'gway, sailing at 10 a.m. The vessel Is scheduled to call here southbound on Saturday afternoon. The Louise had on board 68 passengers of whom 18 disembarked here while 1 i: Lindsay's tall tin. Each fAor rotm TBM DAILY KVWS Wednesday SepttmKa., J EYES Licence fcr Numounts Full-rue r ames, The Newest in Eye-Wear EYES Expert Optical Service, Watch, Clock, Jewclcry Repairing, Hand Engraving k A CHAS DODLMEAD Optometrist in Charge Phone 261 for Appointment 'as a result of this more Intensive training. The corps then formed up and marched to the Legion Hall fo; the second period when Regimental Sergeant Major Parsonage Royal Canadian Corps of- Signals. gave a talk on map reading ana then on the set-up of communications and signalling In the active WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And Youll Jump Out of Bed In tin Morning Ruin' to Co The liwr abonld poor oat two pounds of liquid bit. into rour bowels dailr. It this bile b not flowing tmlr. rour food donn'tdiroU It Just dcart in the bowel. Gu bloats up your stomach. You rt constipated. Harmful poisons to into the body, and rou frrl sour, suns and th world looks punk. A mere bowel movetnen t doesn't alwars ret at the cause. You need somethim that works on the liver aa well. It takes those rood, old Carter's Little Liver Pills to ret these two pounds of bile flowing f reelr and make rou feel "up and up"-Harmless and rentle, tfcey make the bile flow freelr. Ther do the work of calomel but have no calomel or mereurr In them. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Pills br name I Stubborn!? ref w aartbing else. tit. COURT IS IN SESSION Whifflets From The Waterfront Halibut Catch From Area No. 3 Local Doctor Was Elected NELSON, Sept. 11: (CP) Dr. 'Cecil II. Hanklnson of Prince Rup- K L rfr.,. 7v ilk t has been elected first vice-sume n Charlotte at Mctoria Drills 5 e I president of the British Columbia Un to the end of August 19.622,717 xt-dlca! Association at the annual ' pounds of halibut had been taken meetlng nere Dr. Murray Blair of during the 1840 season irom Vancouyer presiaent. No. 3, the only area still remaining r onen. the International Fisheries . Commission announces, this comparing with 17,108.311 pounds for the corresponding period last year. Of the total 18,733,846 pounds had been taken by the American fleet as against 15,879,520 pounds last year, while the take of the Canadian fleet from the more remote area was 888371 pounds in comparison with 1,228,791 pounds last year. Three Civil Actions, Three Appeals During the month of August this ' and Eight Naturalizations : year 5,089,639 pounds was taken Before Judge Fisher J from Area No. 3, 4,307,472 pounds by American vessels and 782,167 Three civil actions, three appeals pounds by Canadian. During Aug- SOFTBALL TONIGHT Senior Championship IRISH vs. THREE SISTERS Gyro Ball Iark 6:15 P.M. niONES 18 and 19 Ripe Olives 16-oz. 21c Heinz Tomato Ketchup Regular family size. lip 2 bottles Hcdlund's Assorted Meat Tastes Each Limit 6 Remo Cabbage Fresh and green. 6 lbs. 7c 25c Odex Antiseptic Germicidal soap with free sample of Cue (a colloidal den- OCTp tal liquid) 4 bars Golden-Ripe Bananas Just arrived. Per lb. lie llanslick Th Cleaner. Per an Malkin's B Pure 8plc" All varictK small tins Each 7c In LAST TIMES TOMcnf 9 Ckn.... V'l.L.i - CAUY GRANT ROSALIND RUSSELL 'His Girl .... Friday mi m - trti i .a ana 9:36) ADDED "Donald Duck the IUnltf "Screen Snapshots" "Sky Fighters-Coming Thur . Frt. I red Astalre Llranor Uti nrnanway Meiodr of : P.O. Boi ft Mussailem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cent-:" LOOK HELOW AT THESE EXTR A SPECIAL Bargains in Canned Foods LLKIVS REST CUT GREEN BEANS 16 oz. for 2 tins 21c COUNTRY KIST TEAS 16 " ... 21c MAPLE LEAF DF-SSEK TEAKS Light syrup, i 21(J i. IU1S 1'I Biff 5 Cleanser ' scours, scrub- a polishes. P'"i Prompt, Free Delivery Service Throughout the City Two Telephones for Your Convenience 15c Miracle Whip Salad Dressinf 32-oz. jar CQp Each Boat and Mall Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention Complete Line of Lumber, Sash and Doors, Cement and Insulating Material ALBERT & McCAFFERY PHONE 116 LTD. noXrthWent abard the. 0fV.' I Union steamer Catala, Capt. .James Findlay, arrived In port at 4:15 yesterday afternoon from , Stewart and other northern points, j The vessel sailed soon thereafter In .continuation of her voyage to Vancouver ana waypoints. Most people ads. Do you? reaa mt classified Everything in Novelties At ! Eva's Novelty j PHONE in UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FKH'1' DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver. Thnrs. pjn. Due Vancouver, Monday If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets Frw minir cviittim .. . . . . wt t-.i t- PhO8 $ i win ik . o.imr,ii, rnnce uupert Agent. mu i cunn t i . . ,..j.HtfPtisen"?' Jnur , "uuiiaveauiueinmglOSeil, aciassmcua-- jj 625 3rd. Ave. west in this paper will soon let you know if there is a duj tettiattttMMci'the citx, .