slumber 11 WO- URGENT Any Householder or Property Owner who his a house or rooms to rent furnished or unfurnished should get In touch with Captain R.C.H. Durnford chaplain of this military area who Is endeavouring to meet the needs of married soldiers resident In this city. Please THOSE 765 and Leave the Necessary Details There Club In ni . .a. less meei lalen Is Named To Execu lajirounds Still Gelling Measure OI use HOTEL ARRIVALS Mrs. J. J. Coswaln. Ble Missouri Prince Rupert R. A. McGuire. Sheep Creek; li J. M Pn vp p K7Msnm n a thr Prince Rupert Gyro way, m. k. rage and T. Randall, In regular monthly busl- Vancouver; J. M. McCormlck, Pre- in tnrtflv Pres dent.O..A. iangnage. Anyox: D. Transferred to Endako to succeed Henry LeDuke, who Is retiring after long service with the Government Telegraphs, A. J. Edlund will leave in about two weeks for the Interior. Mr. Edlund for years has been construction foreman for Government Telegraphs here and recently returned to the city from the Yukon where he spent the summer. RECREATION FOR AUSSIES BALCOMBE, Australia, Sept. 11: (CP) Through the generosity of three brothers, the Y.M.C.A. has been enabled to erect and equip for all types of Indoor sport at a cost of $11,570 a large hall for the Australian Expeditionary Force. MacKenzie's Furniture FELT MATTRESSES'. sizes 'J....'.:........?. ;.vV- PRIB MATTKFSSES .V , J ' IPrlced from ...:L;....C...w.u, $8.50 4.00 321 THIRD AVENCE 'ANAD1AN ftATlONAl RAILWAYS iamcr leaves PRINCE RUPERT for I vA!nniiitni mi .. n11iitir fit Ocean Falls and Powel) Riycr. ins Leave PRINCE RUPERT for the EAST. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, b um. Air-conditioned Sleeping and Dining Cars For Kres, etc., Call r.r Write CltV TICKET OFFICF.. 528 TlIlKll AVE PHONG 260 AgtnU for Trans Canadk Air Lines H. BULGER optometrist ""lH (lank BJd Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Mirk VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNi U7 manager! J. M. Buchanan, general of the B.C. Packers, and Mrs. Bu chanan, who have been in the city and district for the past few days, sailed by the Catala last evening on their return to Vancouver.' , William Miller sailed on the Ca consult at Mayo Clinic and expects to be away about six weeks. THRIFT Cash & Carry Phone 179 Fine Foods At Lower Cost Free Delivery on Orders $1.00 and Over Fresh Efts Grade pullets. Dozen "A" 30c 2'2 Doz. Tray 70c Pure Lard 1-lb. prints. 3 for . 25c Nabob Tea Fresh stock. 1-lb. packets. CQ DlJ Each Pickling Vinegar White wine. Qt Per gallon 85c Mincemeat New lvP u season's. 1-lb. cart. Jar Rings Red or C white. Per dozen Siemba Seals 9? UOy 3 packets Cut Beans 1 0C 17-oz. tins, each reaches Lynn 9Qp iUK' Valley. 2 tins . (Srapcnut Flakes Regular packets. "lfif AUl Uich Coffee Chase and Sanborn's. Regular or ru, Terrace Celery White Jq heads. Lb Tomatoes Flr.n and red ripe. 400 baskets Qn XOAy to sell at Wealthy Apples Crisp and Juicy. Fancy wrapt. 5C Dozen I Cooking Apples 25C w I Nice size. 6 lbs. I T33 DAIL7 fT2W3 rnr " t ' ri r LOCAL NEWS NOTES ii .-- Just say Three Two please." Miss Jurln 8ko arrived ;nome jtala last evening for Vancouver;,.,. n,ht from Fort stJames whence he will proceed to Winnipeg , and Rochester, Minnesota. He will1 nanian Lrion Month- ly meeting tonight. Sound pictures, refreshments. verne Pryce of the pathological ( Attention Rebekah president laooratory or tne Princ Rupert baqet. Boston Hall. Thursday, uenerai Hospital returned to tne . nrnther.. .nd Sisters are city at the end of the week af- cord'lally invited, ter an absence of three months in New York, Toronto and elsewhere allbert Campbell is leaving on ! in tne V1- this evening's train for a trip to i " Montreal on vacation, : Returnine. j O. T. German, accountant of the ne will travel by way .of Vancou- locai prancn oi uie nan oi Mont- ver. ' CENTRAL real, is leaving on Friday night of C. Closter. Inverness; Ken J. tnIi wee on the Cardena for a va- peter Lakle, C. N. R, divisional Davles, Barrett; J. Somlnlskl, j.1 cation trip to Vancouver and Vic- freight and passenger agent, re-Nelson and William Elsworth, city, to,a Mrs. German Is already in the turned to the city on last night's L. K,. Oreenoueh. Frederick Pnint- south. r frnm o irr in fimtthprft nn - until tint wM"v official business. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Spencer will. be leaving 6n Friday evening's train ANNOUNCEMENT for Vancouver via Jasper Park. On' Lillian Davies of Ml Lady Beauty the way back from Vancouver thev Salon will be temporarily carrying will spend two weeks at Bella Coola on business at Helen's Beauty with their son-in-law and daughter, ShP untl1 future announcement. ai ' in the chair and busl- wummona, ttemo-.'M. M. Speedy.1 na Mrs. well Macdonald. rnone oaa. Mniiha'nat. and Louise SDpedv RpH nppr. i I . . i .,ninr the internal af- H. Ward and Frank Burling; Haz- Mrs. H. B. Rochester, who has Dance, Boston Hall, Saturday 14 h. rinh elton: Mrs. George A. Covington. bee" spending several weeks holi- 9 p.m. Old-time, modern and Scan eifA tiros nnmorl in ToDley; Mrs. R. Glanzer and Mi daylne in Vancouver and oUe.idlnavlan dances. Music by Ridar f id lr II ww - - 1 - executive In succession. Alice Jacobsen, Shirley; M. F. Al- where In the south, returned to I Anderson, one of foremost accord-nrme Stu rt who Is now do"- Casslar; Mr. and Mrs. Homer tn city on last night's train. She.ionists In Canada. Admission' 50c. nd on war service.' It was Watk, Bellingham; Olof Hanson. w accompanied by her aunt.j 216) that while some of the cu iennie. wens. ". ovuumer oi Vancouver, ana ,A poulomwit nad been KOYal uienaon e . . . . . , i ...... iway for me winter now Fusilier McTaggart, Fusilier luoervlsed playing season Mathie, P. A. C. Kalvlk and B. Mime wa still bn , the Wells,. Barrett Ro:k; B. Jeffries I and. during the recent and J. Gornley, Vancouver; Frank; I'bT naa Dten in exten h rhildren. ilnnned to have ben, Alice Arm; J. Gardiner, city. and naval officers m. O. Hibkirk, Frederick Point; A. Ba nuests at the weeKly Jacobsen. Shirley; John E. Carlson. ICKLING SUPPLIES fni Ytdnesday Sept. 4th iif Cucumbers Cher,- Urjf and smalt White , imill Cauliflower Sind Green Peppers Tomatoes Dill Weed MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store tre Dollars Have More Cents" I1SS OLAFSON A.T.CM. Me Teacher of MLss Way gRoyal Academy of Lon- certlflcate for Harmony PHONE 8 IS Smlthers. Is Transferred To Endako In Wire Service Schnoter, who will visit here for a short time. I Mrs. A. C. Bowyer arrived in the city on the Prince George this afternoon from Vancouver and, in her capacity as president of the W. J. Scott and A. R. Nichols will Brltlsh Columbia Assembly, will pay - Mak and Elsie Nelson. Vancouver; ve on Friday evening's train for . g, gt j J. Ferguson, Dundas; F. A. Rae- Topley where they will Join Dr. R. ceed to the interior on Friday ev- G. Large returning from a trip to ening's train NaUon, and make a fishing and hunUng trip Into the Babine Lake country, returning to the city next Tuesday evening. Mrs. Large and son. Dick, will be home on tomorrow nlght!s train. Announcements All Advertisement in this ultima will be charged tor ' fU month at 2ft a word. Eagles bridge tember 11. Ridley Home' October 1. I and dance Sep- grocery shower, Catholic Bazaar October 2 and 3 City Tennis Association dance, Oddfellows Hall, October 4th. De Carlo's Orchestra. Ticket admission 50c. I Presbyterian j tober 4. Choir supper Oc- Navy Auxiliary Tea. October 10. Legion Hall. V Rebekah Dance. Oddfellows' Hall ' .October 11. '; I T.ntVipertn: n?innr' t pt.rrtnfilp Ciflm j tober 12. . ; '. Queen Mary Dance. October 18. Sonja's Bazaar, November. 8 Moose Hall. Saltation Army Sale. Nov: .6. Anglican Bazaar. November; 7. THE SEAL f QUALITY mm mm JwunreJ GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye pinkTeal Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skeena, arrived in the city from Smlthers on last night's train. Mrs. H. Skattebol left on .Monday evening's train for a trip to Iowa. Mrs. J. T. Mandy and son Joseph arrived h6me last night from a long holiday spent at Douglas Lodge, Fort St. James. Roy Hardman of the Capitol Shop sailed by the Catala last evening for a two weeks' trip to Vancouver. R. M. Winslow, assistant general manager of the Canadian Fish tt Cold Storage Co., sailed last evening on the Catala for a brief business trip to Vancouver. Just say "Three Two please." Cecil Brlnd, district manager of Imperial Oil Co, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from a business trip to Stewart. Allan Kergln arrived in the city' on the Catala yesterday afternoon from Premier, where he has been employed during the summer, and will be here for a few days before proceeding to Toronto to resume his medical .studies at University of Toronto. VOGUE PURE WHITE yec tuts, tsiuvrunq LAND REGISTRY NOTICE ACT Rr: Ortmrate of Ttile No. 1423-F to Quutrr of Srctlon 33, Township 2, Kan hp 4, roust District, and Certificate of Tit lr No. 14II-F to the Kaot Half of the North-West quarter of Sertlon 33, Township 2, Krange 4, riuy llUtrlrt. I WKEREAS. aatUtaotorr proof at Iom I ... i , . 1 .. -. . of the above OerUflcatea of Title to- U -a Annette's Fashion Review and sued In the name of Enoch Moore and Cabaret. September 12. Tea and s-, 'n"'- uyeiy has been I t xt, . fUed In this orrice, notice la hereby I relresnmentS. given that I ahall at the expiration of 'one month from the date of the first (' C. C. F. Bridge. September 14. : publication hereof, tesue Provisional NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zareill Froprletor "A HOMK AWAV FROM 75c op SORoome Hot & Cold Water Pririce Rupert, B.C. none 281 P.O. Box ! CENTRAL HOTEL STE.5I BATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooim. . and ii Also CENTRAL APAUTMF.XTS Sir. K. Blark. Proprietress ELSIE F. HEAPS A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Theory Experienced In all Grades. A.T.CM. Successes. Special Training In Beginner's Class Work Thone BLUE 997 Classes Open September 3rd Jean MacLean A.T.CM. and Ruth Nelson A.T.CM. Announce the Opening of PRIVATE and CLASS TUITION in PIANO and THEORY Commencing September 1 Phone Green 836 or Green 403 Studio in Federal Block Joseph Wells, or twenty-five - C. H. Kennedy, manager of the A. years located at Alice Arm and prior R. Williams Machinery Co., who has to that In Prince Rupert from early been at Anyox In connection with days, will sail tomorrow night on dismantling operations there, was the Prince Rupert for Vancouver a passenger aboard the Catala last where he Intends to locate. evening. Certificate of Title In lieu of the said I ,, , ,. ,. 'lost CerUfloates, unless In the mean-1 rtngncan xea, jvirs. ,ecu niz-. time valid objection la made to me In gerald. September 19. Hill 60 Dance September 20. Rebekah Tea for Canteeri, Mrs. Bert Morgan's, 26th. writing. DATED at the Lend RegUtrr Office. Prince Rupert, B. C. .thla 12th day of August, 1940. A. THOMPSON Deputy Registrar of Utlea. Free 10 Days Supply Cashmere Bouquet Face Powder With each 4 cakes Cashmere 9f Bouquet Soap All for Cashmere Bouquet Lotion 25c bottle only lc with purchase of A 4 p 40c size. 65c value for J. Colgates Tooth Powder 20c tin only lc with purchase of v Qdlp Giant Size. 55c value for Free 25c Woodburys Lotion With each purchase of 50c Woodburys Cold or Vanishing 'Cream. Of 75c value for v w Ormes Ltd. ZtfiA Pioneer Druq&tats The Kexall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Daily from 8 a m till 10 p.m. Sundays and Uulidayit -from 12 to 2 p-ni. aud 7 to 4 p-rn. "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Xfil LtfJ. Britten Columbia ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert ' Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone GREEN 9H Used Furniture 2 Only Bedroom Dressers, 8-piece Dining Room Suite 4 Kitchen Ranges for burning coal or wood 6 Bricklined Heaters for burning coal or wood 2 Heaters for burning oil. Wickless pot type 2 Kitchen Ranges with Imperial Oil Burners - 6 Kitchen Chairs, 2 Kitchen Tables 2 Pianos, 1 Organ, 1 Accordion, 1 Violin 1 King Soprano Saxophone 2 Davenports that make a double bed 2 China Cabinets, 1 Kitchen Cabinet 4 J3aby Buggies, 2 Tricycles, 2 Doll Buggies 1 21-Jcwel Waltham Watch and 7 Jewels Used Furniture Depart. 4 r'J ' n ! ;;; ;u i n n 1. fft it : id ' .1 I 1 1