XXIX. No. 214. BESET FOR 4TH NIGHT At li k'.lUI. H His Effort to Deal ueath And Destruction Mifif I InhrnLron 1 1 1 1 11 UUUl Ullbll r Of Buckingham Palace Suf- Damage From Time Bomb Tsn llnmitals And Schools Main Hit MORE ALARMS TODAY nxno.V. SeDt. 11: (CP) iV. At the third Cjerman kaiiII tiA rt flvlnv nvr nri iuu u 4 v- w " J w i tarrtt off to the southeast i TlMirLIBIL UailVIKS 1U UII Mil I 11 ... ...... tnAI,a British fighters appeared to . .i German bombers. Up to 1 111 1 IIIUII liVIII W .9 0 TO V f the southeast. British HIS iiBvniu u tnw il - l llil.J tat. uiri uie nir ni iuku nitu t-i -t 1 1 ..-j i nr iirriiiAiii blulicicui : battle raged. The all clear th fill elpar sltrnal. wn riven. 40 this morninz. An official s iarjr ca n nra m narv rp indicated damage by the mine in manv mrri nr an vat 1pc ciovorA anrl racti. less than In preceedlng itarted In warehouses and In other parts of the city. In Wpst flnH ttacf tVipro also been raids, It was an- ULU- 1111 I. ULJ tllUML casualties small In these areas. during today brief air raid as to whether the bombs hppn ft ..n ...... . I , n MniAH hospltal in a previous air ere reported to have been In another. Many persons' believed killed when 500 1 ! were reported trapped In struck by an aerial torpedo. trillion rn if... ... . n v. n .A et.n.. v .... . ugni yesterday so dropped w In the outskirts and else-re In England and Scotland. efforts were made by the V tn iU . 1 I 1 TV a yesterday. T W Iw IL. . . mc evening, oniy a icw ..v.c auie wj gei past ine nc of thf mptrnnnlls nnH. nlle bodies were exhausted t nves strained, London's ' Unbrokpn Tho Inppssnnt "'uings nave causea no - as possible to leave. wunii Wlnir of nnpVlnrrhnm - -iuainmir thp rnnl Ruilm- ' was wrecked by the wslon nr n ..... l. members of the Royal Family wen tne bomb arop- nen It exnloripH and no ine Ryal Household f w. . - JUICUi Important Railway Station In Heart Of Berlin Badly Damaged; Reichstag Is Hit BERLIN, September 11. In a lightning attack on Berlin today the Royal Air Force scored several direct hits on important Potsdam Railway station in the heart of the city. The station, one of the German capital's main terminals, was hit repeatedly by heavy bombs and numerous incendiaries Which set it afire and did heavy damage. Today's stroke by the British Royal Air Force with demolition and incendiary bombs was the most spectacular so far on Berlin. It forced the evacuation of several streets lest bomb-weakened buildings collapse. , Yesterday several British bombers hit the German Reichstag and the heart of Berlin's business section. The official German news agency admitted that Berlin had been heavily bombed. A famous gate in Unter der Linden had been struck. Art treasures were destroyed and incendiary bombs dropped in the United States embassy gardens. School houses had also been bombed. Five persons had been killed in Berlin and several injured, the official German statement said. In addition to the Reichstag building, the Academy of Arts and the damaging' of the famous Brair denberg Gate, the German High Command claimed also that two hospitals had been hit. There was one particularly large fire and several smaller ones. It was also mcjaiiy announced pmanM autnoruies mat mere naa oeen uruisn raius in France and Belgium and elsewhere in Germany although "little damage had been done." The British Royal Air Force claimed that more than a score of military points in Germany and German-occupied territory had been raided. There had been further widespread bombing of Nazi barge concentrations along the Channel coast such as it is believed might be used for a sea invasion of England. In a special bulletin the British Air Ministry said: "British dive bombers over Berlin scored direct hits on the Potsdam railway station in the heart of the capital. Pilots made gliding attacks through a fierce anti-aircraft barrage and found their targets despite ground haze. The pilots reported one particularly large fire and several smaller ones." The same Air Ministry bulletin which told of the Berlin raid also described widespread bombing attacks on the barge concentrations along the German heliTFrench, Belgian and Dutch coasts. INSTALMENT WHEAT CROP TAX PAYING IS LARGEST Change In Regulations is nounccd At Ottawa By annisicr Of Finance ing the next four months. Doctors' Children From England To Come To Canada TJP.T J?nM Rpnt. 11: lCP Dt T. C. Rutley of Toronto, secretary of 1 Alberta To liavc Biggest And i Finest Yield On Record ' j EDMONTON, Sept. 11: (CP) Al- j OTTAWA Sept 11: (CP) Hon. jberta will have the largest crop of I t t illsev' minister of finance, wheat and barley on record thls LLouni;SCdy,amchange in the newlfall. jThe yield of will be the. war Income tax regulations ua- vnuu imh- j " der which payments may be made high. t - in Pirhf. monthly instalment ...iKt inforost. rharees. One-third . , . niMivuv vii-. v only a few Isolated bombs nf t.hp tax mav be paid in monthly vppea, as the nlcht wore cfnimpnts .bv Anril 30, tne usuai attacks Womn mnrn tn. KVM 111, iLJ M, y ino aimm a I. . i eS Early in tho mnrnlnir. At same time, anti-aircraft fire became more Intense. n Mat... rvi . .... due date and the remainder dur- Stewart News Has Suspended j Pioneer Tortland Canal Paper Has j Published Last Issue 1 The Stewart News, published for j ' years by the late' II. W. M. Rolston who died in February, has suspended. Dubllcatlon, leaving the news- j paper field at Stewart exclusively now to the Nortnern Argonaut. SAWERS' FAST JOB the Canadian Medical Assowauuu., told the convention of the Brltls vtnchESTER, Eng., Sept. 11 Columbia Medical Association CP)At a competition by Aus- yesteraay oi pians 10 ., Z itrallan troops during a sports sabDPr.Georee Jones and Bob children oi isritisn aocro autiuio """-,.,.: the Old Country to oe wo 6u";:'Coleman ot the Forestry Company, of Canadian doctors during w",awed through a log 14 Inches In war. Tne Plan is to ou6 about 1500 such children diameter in 15 seconds. nDrt;iNir.IA ! L1BRAHY VICTORIA, B.C Weather 1 Eotecasl If Tomorrow'sTfdes High 10:54 ajn. 175 ft. 22:51 p.m. 18.9 ft. Low . 4:29 a.m. 5.7 ft. cool. ." v,4 ;j 16:50 p.m. 3.1 ft. V NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1940. n Guard For Nazi Invasion MMiuiru IN ft 1 WEAPON OF NEW TYPE' "Incendiary Leaves' Being Used in' Large Quantities and Effectively By Royal Air Force i LONDON. Sept. 11 ! (CP) A new type ofJncendlary weapon, known as a "self-lgnitlng leaf," is being! used by the Royal Air Force aerial attacks on Germany. The weapon Is not poisonous, as the Germans have alleged, but certainly will burn a person If handled. The leaf is like a card about two inches square. After it Is dropped it dries out and flares up with a flams of about eight Inches in height. It Is made on the base of a preparation of phosphorus. Raiding planes can carry large quantities of th- little missiles of which millions have already been dropped on the Reich', being effective in setting widespread fires. BOLSTFRG UP MORALE Italy Finds It Necessary To Take Drastic Measures Prince Is Arrested ; ROME, Sept. 11: InHhe course' of a campaign against defeatism1 and anti-Fascist talk. P'rinss Ales-! ' sandro, a son-in-law of Jhe" fo-mer King Alfonso of Spain,! has been arrested. Scores of othii arrests have been made In tlTtlrivi prevent breaking up - of Italian morale in the war crisis. TODAY (Uuuruwj a SIOCKi Vancouver Bralorne, 9.75 (bid). Cariboo Quartz, 2.00 (bid). Dentonia, .01 (ask). Falrview, .00y2. Gold Belt, .20. Hedley Mascot, .45. Mlnto, .00'2 (bid). Noble Five, .01 Vi Pacific Nickel, .08 (ask). Pend Orielle, 1.40 (bid). Pioneer, 2.10 (bid). Premier, 1.00 (bid). Privateer, .40 (bid). - Reno, .15. Salmon Gold, .06 (ask) Sheep Creek, .98. vuriDou nuusun, ,u4'2 (ask). Oils A. P. Con.,' .10. Calmont, .23. C. & E., 1.48. Home, 1.95. Royal Canadian, .11 Vi-Okalta, .70. Mercury, .0412. Prairie Royalties, .12. ."Toronto Aldermac. M7. Beattle, .95. Central Pat., 1.86: Cons. Smelters, .38 Vi. East Malarilc, 3.05. Fernland, .03 (ask). Franuoeur, .40. Gods Lake, 35. Hardrock, .85. Int. Nickel, .37 Vi. Kerr Addison, 2.55. Little Long Lac, 2.10. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.20. Madsen Red Lake, .41. McKenzle Red Lake, .99. Moneta, .50. ' Noranda, 56.00. Pickle Crow, 2.80 (bid). Preston East Dome. 1.90. San Antonio, 1.93. Sherrltt Gordon, .70. Uchi, .40 (bid). Bouscadillac, .02. Mosher, .08. Oklend, .O8V2. Smelters Gold, .00 Vi. Dominion Bridge, .28 (bid). 90 DAYS IN HOSPITAL CLEVELAND, O., Sept. 11: (CP) Judge Lewis Brucker sentenced John Tollak to a 90-day tourtof ! mortuaries and hospitals. Charge was speeding. r k a . i. a i "..m-t ..-,iRUCiAr'iiuvKP. DOVER German dive bomb ers in great swarm's struck at the Dover area late today and shells fell from long range Nail guns acros? the Channel in Dover's heaviest bombardment of the war. German guns shelled the area at intervals for several hours. 73 PLANES DESTROYED TODAY LONDON The Air Ministiy announced that UP to 7:30 p.m. 73 German aircraft had been destroyed today. CLOSE TO KING AND QUEEN LONDON Caught by air raid alarm sirens in the street during a tour of London's bombed area, the King and Queen today took shelter under a police station a few yards from a heap of rubble which was a court house before it was bombed Saturday. TORPEDO BOATS SUNK LONDON Two Nazi E-boats, fast torpedo boats, were sunk last night by British planes in an attack on German held Calais and Dieppe, the Air Ministry announced. Guns were silenced and fires started when planes bombed barges and equipment. BRITISH FOOD SUPPLY LONDON Lord Woolton, minister of food, says damage done to London food supplies by German bombing has been annoying but not important. ASKS SMALL INVESTMENTS OTTAWA Hon. J. L. Ilslcy, minister of finance, appeals to small investors to support the second war loan. Up to last night 180,000,000 had been subscribed. British Columbia had subscribed nearly $1,000,000. DAMAGING AIR ATTACKS CAIRO The Royal Air Force has delivered damaging air attacks on Italian bases at Torbruk, Libya, and Dessa, Ethiopia. The Italians air raided Tel Eviv, Jewish city in Palestine, and Killed fifty. DR. TELFORD RUNNING VANCOUVER Dr. Lyle Telford announces his candidature for reelection as mayor of Vancouver. CAROL TO LISBON LOGAN O--Formcr King Carol of Rumania left Switzerland yes terday by special train for Lisbon.' may be, with special pride and care. Our flset is very powerful, our shor- Ips rrp tt'pll fnrriflprt anH ttrpll-mnn- ttament last week that It was Improbable the enemy attack in Sep tember would not be three times greater than in August; he referred 1 . net to barbarous attacks on civilian I cyuUfitntflft TSfiaifirSctvTeSri'j "our fighters and theirs." When the weather had been favorable for fighting, the enemy had been met day than PRICE: 6 CENT8 vjermans must move verv ooon If At All, Winston Churchill Tells Britons In Stirring Speech Today SiIN NAVY VICE OTTAWA, ..Sept. Jl: ..(CP) I crnvprt- finer will, be added to the Royal .Canadian Navy as auxiliary cruisers this lie-i-'"- vf' 'h--. steamer Prince Robert, which has al- resdv V-r'-ri rn I hp I yards, followed by the Prince Da- i l an! (V North Star, for-I merry the Prince Henry, Hon. Clarence D. Howe, minister of munitions, announces. The ve"cls will form the largest units in Canada's naval (Describes Preparations Which Have Been Made to I Counter Assault Pays Tribute to London ' Under Stress of Attack LONDON. Kktitember 11: (CP) Primp. Minister Vinston Churchill said that is Prfnce cobcrt. Prince Dam And today Germany preparing Prince Henry will Be Largest .1 for an invasion of Great Britain by moving hundreds, of Units self-nronelled barees down from northern norts to the French coast opposite English shores. These craft and 'troop convoys, he said, are moving into position under the protection oi Dig uerman guns sec ,up on the French coast. "No one hould blind himself to the fact that this German invasion is being j ! planned with all the German craft ! and method characteristic to them," I the Prime Minister declared. "Next ; jweek every man and woman must! I! JUDGE IS ROMOTED MacDonald From Supreme Court To Appeal Court Bench nTTAura cAnf 11. (rn ned and, behind these lines, we ' . " T " - A. MacDonald of - the have a better-equipped and far British Columbia. Supreme Court stronger army than ever before.- In opening, the Prime Minister ,.. . Court . of , . V ,t ,' explained xnai, wnen ne 101a rar- Appeals, It is announced. The Supreme Court vacancy will be filled later. HalibUtSales American j I Eclipse, 40,000, 11c and 8c, Booth. Llndy. 38,000, 11.1c and 80, Atlin. by the British air fighters and bro- Alton, 40,000, 10.5c and 8c, Pacific, ken up with losses of three to one , Tongass, 36,000, 10.8c' and 8c, in ths British favor in machines t Storage. and six to one in pilots. Narrona, 26,000, 10.9c and 8c, The effort to secure daylight Royal. , I mastery of the air over England was Sherman, 12,000, 11.5c and , 8c, jthe crux of the whole war, Mr. Storage. ! Churchill said. In this, the enemy ' had failed conslpicuously and it had ' ' cost them dearly. The British air 1W "iBui, wiuiueuu oi i aupci-force deal to- Iontv ln men and machine al- was a good stronger it was when the hard "ius" possoiy noi m numoers. -V- 1 1 Ltfl.J fighting began In Aueust Amnist Hitlpr onus" auurea were weu iuiuneu .had no doubt, teen using up hlsia"u "uu"' i"CiC waa a "B". lair 'fighting force at a great rate. better equipped and more mobile than ever bef ore- Behind the would ruin ,and a few more weeks and the were .one and a half million this part of his force give I home h were as much advantage. Just British a great Suaraj soldiers and just as determined to Mastery of Air 1 fight for every inch of every vll- . Hitler must secure mastery of the lage and every street, air, the Prime Minister declared, "With full confidence I say: "God before he could attempt an lnvas-1 defends, the right." ,. ion. Full preparations were going j The cruel invasion of London ahead to meet the invasion. from the air was part of the Hitler Many barges had been moved to plan to terrorize the people of the ports in northern France, to Dun-, mighty city, to detract attention kerque, Brest and the Bay of Bis cay, by the enemy. Convoys of merchant ships had been moved from port in the Channel under the protection of the new batteries on from the ferocious onslaughts which were planned elsewhere. Hitler Unaware. "Little does Hitler know," con tinued the Prime Minister "of the the French shore. Preparations had spirit of the British citizen and the also been made to carry forces from ! fibre of the Londoner, people who Norwegian harbors. Large numbers value freedom above th'elr lives, of enemy troops were standing This wicked man, this monstrous ready to embark for the dangerous product of wanton shame, has kln-voyage. died a fire In British hearts which "We cannot tell when he will will glow long after all traces of come or if he will try to come at all" , London's conflagrations have been declared Mr. Churchill, "but we Removed. He has kindled a steady cannot deny that a large scale in- flame that will continue long after i vasion is planned with the usual the last vestiges of Nazi tyranny German craft and method. The in- have been burned out of the world, vasion cannot be long delayed If It long after the foundations upon is to be tried at all for the weather which It has been built have been may break at any time." 'overthrown. However, the Prime Minister dc- "Now is the time to stand to-clared that the enemy would find gether shoulder to shoulder as we it difficult when he was bombed are all doing." 'from the air and shelled by the; Mr. Churchill paid high tribute ! Navy which waited outside. j to air raid protection services and ! "The next week or so must be . the fire fighting forces, regarded as very important in our. All the world marvelled at the ' history," said Mr. Churchill. We composure and, resolution of Lon-are reminded of the Spanish Arm-1 don under attack, the ultimate sev-ada and Napoleon's attempt at. ln-1 erity of which could not be fore-vasion of which the history books seen. It was an Inspiration and a tell us. Today, however, the pro- message of good cheer for all Bri-, posed Invasion Is on a far greater tons abroad, 'scale and much more Important to "We shall draw from our suffer-' the civilization of the whole world." , lng means ot Inspiration for sufvlv-I Every man and woman must be al and victory not only of ourselves prepared to do his or her duty. The' and not only in our own' time but (fleet was powerful and numerous, in the long and better QayV to The alf force wa at the height of come. j .. t