.4 ' 5 k LI IF You Are Looking Tor a Walking Oxford With Stlc, Plus Quality, At a Reasonable Price Try a Pair of "Miss Atlanta' These shoes are built to our own specifications and we can guarantee absolute satisfaction with every pair. Priced $4.45 $3.95 Sole Agents for Harlt, Onyx, Jack and Jill Shoes Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoen THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone Member of Audit UureaL ot Circulations FATLY EDITION EDITORIAL THE FEDERAL ELECTION 98 86 The decision of the Federal government to hold an 63..ea" heen hoping that there Would be, no election uitU after the ucai while other fans were shout-war, we can quite understand the feeling of Prime Min- ing themselves hoarse. He brought ister Mackenzie King whose work had been officially chal- to football games the menui atti- Gon,,! langed by the second largest elective body in the county " f SLmu,t While, doubtless, the conduct Clf the war, SOs tar as elements of each play as a musician Canada is concerned, will be the main subject of discussion allows melody, harmony. rhvum during the election, it is also possible that the government and form to shift into his mind, would like the opinion of the people on the proposed agree- the 1S ! "? l0,10nto h' .wa ment with the United States for the construction of the JTJSSt deep waterjvay to the ocean and the power developments the time were the late sir sam arising therefrom. Hughes, minister of the mlllUa in It is understood that the present government will be lhe nt Great war, and the late I given strong support from Quebec. ThVvarious Ontario fhvL".'!0" Y f., 'i- for North York. The team was the s., .1 in Liberal Associations which have held meetings since the -Young Torontos." Hepburn incident have "all gone on record as supporting sons in Came Too the present federal government rather than Hepburn. In devuuun to the game of rugby the other provinces there do not at present seem likely to be,gan ,a,1 lhe start of he centurv be any very important changes in the present line-up so jnR 2?X that Jt may be taken pretty well for granted that the ad- backs on the upper Canada college ministration will be returned to power to carry on. team, in those days it was u-man rugby and the antiquated "Burn- LOCAL RECEPTION lde" e m effect ... . No matter where Upper Canada i l 4. i i i.v ii Complaints are being received at what is thought to Was playing, m ihe city or out, John Ik; local interference with radio reception. Some even- De Gruchy never missed a game, ings it is almost impossible to hear anything because of Later when his son.? played for club noises thought to have a local origin. It is suggested that teiUns he was a fascinated specta-it is not the noise formerly coming from the main power .unSSew" wne'n line but something quite distinct and separate from it. It Reg died several years ago, his fath-seems to have struck every part of the city although not er donated the RegDeGmchy Mem-Wl'th etmal intensity. orlal Trophy for the city champion- It has been -suggested that some local machine or in- sTip ln ni?r f0?tba"' rtrament is. being operated without proper condensers or Th" that some transfoi-mers are out of order. The condition is states, in November. 1939, he went verv annoying, especially to those who like to hear the to Cleveland to see a game and at radio commentators on the War. the same time visit a married daughter. It was there he became ATP OP TTTnfiFC: 111. He entered a hospital when he Chief Justice Archer Martin is retiring from lieMch lH?canse he has reached the retiringvage of 75. returned to Toronto. TOT DAILY -NEWS Friday. Junto LEADER IN PRINTERS ATHLETICS WIN OUT John De Cruchy, -Father of Can adian Football," Dies in Toronto TORONTO. Jan. "26; CCPl- John De Gruchy. president of the Ontario Rugby Football Union and second Vlv Married October 12, 1888, Mr. De He aruchv was devoted to hlg home. line had lone and honorable record butjie is wise to re- There were three children, the late Defeated Angus Apartments Two to One Last Night in Com merrial Howling league I'lay and body. na,r standing, in tne second Tlx-j, 17. He started work in Toronto for a Tota.ls 811 trunk m!nnf.Ktjirlnir romnanv and 'mptm! Oil 1 rose steadilv until he reached the Klnslr 178 end of 1939, when he became seriously 111, he had been with the firm o-anl to the conduct of the war. came as a complete sur- with the timekeeper. He scorned . itself and to take the verdict of jthe people. While we had te and rema,- calm a. Comadlna 157 Rush 120 Brlnd ...... .170 C.N.R.A. .prise. It gives the government an opportunity to defend JS! aW . ciub tire. Very few people are capable of carrying on such ?;naid; "arld;,,nt Tor0"lo; and I IiT M. ' fiit, i v,.,,m,1,1 l Mrs. Gerald C. Clarice, wife of a -,-,,-. WHEREAS onerous uuuus uwmj;;"j w"" icwiccoh- Cievejanci clergyman ier. The Minister of Justice would do well to require that ; everv iiulge retire at that age. Mr. Justice Martin has had his critics. Prior to his appointment he was a lawyer and a politician. After his Bowling Standing Mixed League jlijpoininienL ne aoanuonett um nun ieuuw uiuiuut; oi vv (he politician tind upheld the dignity of the bench to the pioneer Laundry 5 4 fullest possible extent, even to the extent sometimes of Franks 4 5 makintr himself jsiightly ridiculous. As an Irishman he re- Jverwa? : 2 served to himself the Hcht to criticize the British govern- y ciflc Great Eastern Railway. 2 159 146 129 161 167 762 2 172 142 165 131 193 A 0 Savoy Hotel 5 1 Moose Printers Imnerial Oil Angus Apartments 173 TIRED FBBT NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zznlll Propriety "A IIO.MK AWAY Uttl.M Kale il.mi op .-Mt Koomi. Hoi At Cold Walei Prince Rnpert, B.C. Phone ?81 P.O. B05 19H NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue HoDsekieping Apartment (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) Not Ire Tn John MIVKRAL ACT. Tn DrlliMPivnt Co-ownm Atln anil rinnoVr Rlrkr in, v, K A. trxre art ownen oth-r than mjtit to th extent of more truth one quarter interest in Wseh. mnd all of the Star No. 1, Btar No. a. Star OlvUlon, Provlnr of HrlUah Columbia: TAKE NOTICE tha 'UnleM yen A3 4 pay within 00 day rum the dat here 3 of the rum of I1BS7.W being jrour proportion of the expenditure required for the years 1037, 1D38 -and 1&19 by oecuon 28 of the Minefai Act. R. a. ment but his sons fought for the British overseas and dis- mV and Mrs. w. n. Tobey and Zml' tingulshed thertiselves during the First World War. Asanon, Ned, leave on this evening's .iks, u rngmiwd 'owurr oi Mia advocate of clean sport the Chief Justice has always been lram v,a '?rK Iorrvancouv7 uurl cZ m- iZM to the for His has been a a uood influence on on the tut bench uencn, w"crc wc' 1 1 1 . ' tcxim veti m tr iindfignd , i r i u,uu1t.".tL dence wr. Tobey assuming his new h made ui required mndituw wiiui u lie h us uiwiiva u iuuu wumur, uuiuunu 111 ijro- nost as fession. . HIi. (lay of July. 1V39. E. 6, DEflNKY. LEAFS ARE 'Toronto IChlcago Detroit Americans Canadiens DEFEATED Toronto ISlanWed by New York Rangers Who further Improve Leslie Leadership NEW YORK. January 26 (Canadian Press- New York Raners, continuing their winning ways In The National Hockey League, routed the Toronto Maple Laafs by a score of three to ntt last nlRht and Improved their margin of league leadership over Boston Bruins who played to a two-all draw with th; .Black Hawks at Chicago In the llhtrd fixture last ntsht th' cellar , , . . . . . . contenders. New York Americans Printers defeated Angus Apart . M-ntMl n, nUv(rt vice-president or the Canadian ments by a score of two games to XWhM draw at M3nlrPa, Rugby Union, Is dead here at the one. last night In the only com- gamc ,aypd fo,. to. age of seventy-nine years. plcted fixture In the Commercial., fe Ch , at D(. Competitive sport became an In- Bowling league, the typo?, as a trolt splrational force in the life of John result, moving into a tie with Sa-, nlshVs De Gruchy. He never lost sight of voy Hotel, as Tar as number of Amertcans rjaadlem 2 mm tne ract mat atmeucs taugni youin t""'" innm-u, ui ..-to live cleanly, developed the mind runner-up position in the second T Tne unomciai nue, -rawer 01 -' League standing to date are Canadian Football" came to him Imperial Oil played Its end but follows: during a quarter of a century as v u anaoian acoiusn was, president of the Ontario Rusby Postponed. Hhh average sjorer TonRaneers Football Union.' His reign ended lhl' evening was Johnny Comadlna!nn(ifnn with the 1939 season, white-haired man of abo was president of the Canadian Antvs Apartments bnohf ITnlnn hriw tlm In lm VVCDQ 1930 and 1935. -v r T J-X I 111. ima 1 The slight. ot Imnerial Oil with U53. later years. Individual scoring: Jack Annuallv he selected a Canadian McLfeod all-star football team for a maga- 7? zlne and he put in several years McMekki working on a book In which he traced the origin of the game bark to 'fiw J0.!3 r-Athenlan Greece In 200 B.C. Illness halted work on the book. Franks, Born in London, England, Decern- J8?"0 kir 1ft 1P0 Ya nucarf mntt rvf hie VanCC .V, .WWW, lit HJJl W ..a WW. W. .MW . childhood In the Channel Islands F"ranks- O. Friday, January 2C, 1940. and carne to Canada at the age of McCaum l 159 171 .12 .132 .159 725 1 .150 .162 -153 . 161 185 Toronto 0; Rangm 3 Boston 2: ChtaHJO 2 overtime W .19 19 16 11 8 9 8 D 2 3 L 4 7 12 14 16 20 17 F 95 96 88 S3 46 62 00 A 45 52 70 79 73 90 79 Sea hawks on I i COMING UPj 151) 161 1 Seattle Is Now Threatening Port-1 147' land for Supremacy of Pacifc i 114 Coast Hockey League I 803 j PORTLAND. January 26 Cana-3 Han Press i In th:- Pacific Coast liy.'iwv&cy ueagur 207 153 150 In Portbnd last1 nigm me seauie sea hawks scot- . d another victory over the Port- land BuckarooTht icore wnsfour' nothln. M betnt the third shut- - - . 11 11 t.u r.. Totals iuiais - ti.ti uni i.'ix'fiui me rata iiawiu mn musirrea immediate election, thus accenting the challenge of the nril,h n.v.r M. ,n lh ' rnnj..,nH The league standing to date: lover Portland trm teaaon. The Ontnvin Tmslnhiri nnrl nth pr frnwrnment critics in re- aiwnvft nn th ninvprc' hPnnh nr W L PtsiSea Hawk rc now xmi holr-a- w . vv . w Uia.w-W v O ' rf- - - ...w 803 2 199 202 142 118 147 165 6. name behind the Buckar os for 4Vftpcwier Lion at keMt tempo r- 3 arlly In the e44r. 5 t- indlnr: 2 Portland 18 S P & 7t 7" 2 VancoHwr 11 1 18 W w 2' 0 Seattle 18 I IS M S I1 ald and Business Opportunities Df READY FOR SPRING ICE CREAM EVERY TYPE YOU ran make soft or hard Ice Cream on a Mills Master Coant'i Freeze:- fci approximately hall your present cost. Sell packaged Ice cream with ycur own name on it. You can double your gallon-age with up-to-date confections such as Frosted Malted. Sherbets and Frosted Fruit Drinks. To find out how to dominate the Icf cream business in your district, phone or write Cale B. Jarv!s, Mill Novelty Company of Canada. Ltd., Seymour COCO. 313 Homer Street, Vancouver. B.C. He will give you details of the new deal and tell you how $130 will start you. ICE Cream dealers get out of the rut. You can dominate the tee cream business in your district. With a Mills Counter Freezer you can make the flneat Ice cream at approximately half your present cost. Low Down Payment; balance over three years. Write or phone Calo B. Jarvls, Mills Novelty Company of Canada, Ltd, Seymour 6060: 318 Homer Street, Vancouver, B.C. lor new deal and full Information. He will see that nearest representative calls on you Immediately. WORK WANTED , no. a, star No. 4, sur No. e. tar No. 6. Star No. 7. Btar No. 8. Star No. 1 , . , . .brm.Blar Mo. 10 Mineral Claim fttuat WORK wanted on boat on the nocui aide oi Pore tar Idaad Ing, 5 hp 1n- ChlMtuirie Puibaee about MO feet L PtS from the heath m the Blmia Mining Dally Sessions Children Adults 1 HunaMil ! i i m mNm I Ulk ' offmJ nd J I ry tOR itnT0M wen t ML ' etpui GirtBirt ftortMblt" l II H Ww IllSfiWW Mlilnj iuict. TJv, ynJri jffi I engineer- Apply Dally News. tf. 1DORA Roller Rink 2:00 to 4:30 U:bO to 8:30 8:30 to 11:00 Hcglnner (liven Special Attention T' advert sement u it pubs.- ,hc J or -1 p'.aved t y 'he I . Control Board or by the Government of Br-tnh Columbia LINZEY & DAVIES llelogna Pw lb. Wntcr IMIONKS5S5 5SG OAn IVoltnl Ham. IStookfield Sauate OCp , Per lb. 'fti KjttikLocal new laid. Per doeen Vral Loaf Per lb Arriving Wednesday's Boat a i man supply r c.m.rs vi.(;ktaiu.i:s Cauliflower -Each 20c tnd 25c Sweet Potatoes 3 lbs. California Spinach 2 tbv 25c I1 i' r - r 1 ' " 7i Tia your 11 r co&lbin FX' V,1' i needs cV' refj'Ih'nf. lllah Olerr-r Larfr hed.s Sprout Pr lb 60c 30c 40c 20c 15c 25c ni?V ORANT.IS NOW They are at their cheapen Q4 05 Half ca-r for Coal! Coal! Coal! joy. 14oot hills Ilulliley alley NanainioWolliiiK(on U'e are cqufppei to snpplf any of these coal wrrfiilty arrcrndJ n trailed to lrc Phone C31-- I Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. J REDUCED WINTER FARES Prince Rupert TO VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean rails and Powell Rivrr $36 RETURN MeaU and nerth Included Leaving TUI TDCn A VC II Rate Wfecllvc Now Until February 28 Canadian National Steamships .--,. f'- . V 1 3J.