two wtcM lavoraoie "f. . ci uti v" " w a m ik nvsnnn mn nnr. rnrp niarp in ibis fi in uic mfM - i r n wi u v i Iflcnlt when the stormy gales of September commenced. I Lord Lothian drew attention to !. 11 A. li I T9rr. iriHL liip itirniiin tzm in Britain had been publicized to much greater extent than the --.v umiC watiiivc i touuvu. Enemy Orer Britain German planes to the estimated amber of twelve hundred flew "if Britain last nlnht In n mac. uwv 1 1 1 , . u i. a matM Wort to trv t w other British centres. They attacked bv SDltflres and wrlcane flehtprs anrl tiravp. wprp tDxn' i.r, . i i v. i ... -j mm maiiypianes orougiii, Own. TJn n ...i.. ihi. .t - -f w ta&ljr bltu lUUlUUlg , --v-tiiainea mat oi uerman were destroyed. "ullIgUie past week nnn i nni Thorough Investigation of All In ternment Camps is Ordered by Italston of i OTTAWA, Aug. 31. Defence mln- th eearly stages of the war, arrived In JasDer today for a brief holiday at this mountain resort. With Mrs. Wenner-Gren he has been cruising the British Columbia nnacf In thp SOUthem PROVINCIAL BRARY Weather Eotecasl Tomorrow's Tides rrinc Rupett and Oueen Char High 0:16 am. 215 ft. ; 12:51 pjn. 20.7 It lotte Islands' p?.OVIKCIAL LIBRARY . 6:43 2.0 It. howf Low a.m. cool and in 31 Maich 4l 18:57 p.m. 3.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER t TCaX. No. 206. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 31 1940. PRICE: I CENTS nra i-oiman Say Dntain is s Battle Already W on Because Invaders Have Failed f.-,rTli(r Ka ids Oil liCrmanV With Famous k rutin Wfirlrc UomDca anu nrcs oa jh ouppucs runciurea I and Ruhr Factories Hit BERLIN, August 31. British warplancs bombed the centre of Berlin early today damaging the big Siemens Schuckcrt Electrical Equipment factory. Berliners huddled in shelters for an hour and a half as the British planes carried out the most effective assault on the German capital since the war. Several large fires were caused. WASHINGTON, Aug. 31. Lord Lothian. British mbassador to this country, declared yesterday in an in- i. f- . . 1.1 l l l nni i i WAR EFFORT OF CANADA VERY GREAT J, Hungerford Struck With Magnitude of Work During Tour Which Ended Today MONTREAL, August 31. Con- Labor' Day Message " i By A. It. MOSIIER President of the All-Canadian Congress of Labor , Shortly before Labor Day last year, the Oerman, war-machine, created by unscrupulous gangsters and brought to a -high peak of murderous efficiency, began Its relentless march over Europe. One 'nation after another, neutral or this effort the railways of Canada' Canada affords. Many of them are will continue to play their tremen-Serving in the military or naval or dously Important role with the ut-lair forces; others are engaged ln most pfflciencv. Thev have neventh mnintnrti nftii war. In rtti ctrl a Cross. The vUlt marking his first vyaj,i5, wheat Cfop to the Canadian twew. . a ...,, nn(1 marketlntr of Particularly interested in obtaining motion pictures of mountain animals and scenery, Mr. and Mrs. Wenner-Gren today motored! to Punch Bowl Falls. Saturday he will visit the Columbia ice fields. All-Canadian Airplane Squadron Bagged A Dozen German Bombers In Hour LONDON, August 31. The Royal Air orce -Canadian squadron polished off an even dozen German raiders in one hour during a bitter afternoon battle over Britain, the Air Ministry announces today, They had no casualties themselves. The nnnminnnmfnf vvns madn snnn after it Was announced that the Royal Canadian Air Force first Wer squadron had bagged twelve Nazi planes the last war and I am confident Now amid the stress and strain that a very satisfactory Job will be of a great war, they are striving done. It Is In such times as these that the people of the Dominion realize the value of their great rail- Canada's wheat crop is, of course, with all their energies to quicken and intensify the war-effort and to increase the material forces which are so essential. But they are helping, too, by their faith In the principles for which the British Commonwealth Is fighting, 'and .hv thplr human rplatlnnshln. a serious ana perplexing proDiem, ' - and if i nnp ti-hlch Is not subsen-They look forward to great tlble to any quick and ready solu tlon. With all the Interests concerned, co-operating, an arrangement will be worked out to alleviate as much as possible the situation. In volume and ln quality the crop is certainly an excellent one one of the best for many years and while there may be a lengthy delay, the crop of 1940 will reach consumers as crops of other ears have done. "In a long period of railway service I have seen Canada pass through many crises and emerge stronger and greater. From what I have seen on these Inspection trips during the past few weeks I remain convinced that following J these present trials Canada will continue Its advance almost cer tainly at an accelerated pace." Mr. Hungcrford was accompanied on his trip by It. J. Moffat and B. L. Daly, members of the Board of Directors, N. B. Walton, vice-presi dent in charge of operations, and changes, to the solution of the economic problems which have harrassed mankind through the ages, to the time when peace and security will be the birthright of everv human belne. Thus, on Labor lines, and district officers in ad ditlon to the railway, Trans-Canada Air Lines facilities, and those of the hotel, telegraph, express and Pacific Coast Steamships services of the system were Inspected. A trip was made from Jasper over the new Columbia Icefields Highway. EMPIRE IS RALLYING MEN AND SUPPLIES 1 TO HELP BRITAIN Dominions Achieve New Heights in Making Instruments of War for Eight With Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy By II. M. PETERS Canadian Press Staff Writer After a year of war Hitler sprawls over Europe, him a string of military triumphs over weak nations, belligerent, has been crushed into Before him, rising to greater military strength than ever submission, and now the British before, stand Great Britain and the Empire. That's the commonwealth alone. ; with the picture after a vear of war. Britain has been fighting British isles holding, ttieamparts, i for twelve months in Belgium and France and Norway is defending the cause .of liberty an(J AWcaand has yet te acHieve , f unhestltatingly and voluntarily, , J'KS, ? " nt-oPened with dramatic sud- - . .Ha...,w - - . .... ovai whs uttti uiwmuvhvu v n pnnps.1 Ann! u nrnun r;ttpmi. eluding a seven thousand mile ln-anaaa n mrownner resources , h Germany what she spectlon trip of the main and secondary line? of the railway from nungeriora, cnairman ana pres.- ... Behind oc""lu ner. commuting -""'s their the t' Vllpurl (Vlborg) cessions. The Polish campaign gave the first real hint that this war was been better Dtepared, and every- and still morp are nrovldlnc food not to be fought as otner wars. always ln close co-operation with the air force. Subsequently In other campaigns the weapons o esDlonage, of fifth columns, ldeol-; oglcal propaganda and of parachute troops further emphasized' the difference between the Second) Great War and its predecessor oi 1914-18. Winter Campaigns Through the winter was waged a war of position. It was the stage of the defensive behind the Magi denness April 9 when Germanv of men and money and material, r Tn" l? "17 "Yaaea ana inep overran Den' with the full support- of hex CT of, D0 n? ln alr The Southern Norway. Den- Royal Navy Is stronger than It was mark accetpd the rulp of force Montreal to the Pacific Coast, S. J Te'workers of Cana(ja led,ed In September, 1939. Irom the 5tart but the Norwegians allegiance to war-effort a iougnt DacK Draveiy ana welcomed . is m a - - ' u!i ri a n n n t ri i uri fr d n n naan iauiu ili ui Air- uuu liii; in a, agricultural leaders, visiting Win- democra wh(ch m to mass-produce the Instruments iar0Und Narvik ln the far north,, yesterday which gave Inipeg. Reglna, Saskatoon. Edmon- war that wil1 stop Hltler' movement Is founded! are serious-,0' 1 the Germans were too securely! maia's Transylvania to ton. rrs Calgary rnl(AHff IfnnMntiirA Vancouver. YPfifrtA Victoria ,y - threatened( and' ... they count no t- r-i a tttiiii. l . 1 1 - rr , , . t i l his trip the railway chief conferred M,,i ,,,. ,i. nations of the Empire. Like Brl- with provincial, civic, business and ' also Just j Pln, f frpprtrtm nnfl VPaH they are starting u m m m m m m m m r-i ... ... . . . (union executive, on tne leit. Line. . ATLIN, Aug. 31 Johnson was sentenced to six months ln Jail and fined $500 ln the police court when he pleaded guilty to two charges under the. Foreign Exchange Control Board Act. He pleaded guilty to exporting forty oun- ces of gold from Atlin ,to Juneau without a licence and to deceiving the customs of- fleer. Bulletins All For Victory .that the first step taken by the'01 iaja' or' ,naeeQ. 'ne amain oi.numoers. xne Aiuea troops had to, smouldered . "Everywhere one was Impressed dictators of Italy and Germany. 'the Flrst Great War- He has little I be withdrawn from Central Nor-' feared. i bv the Immense extent of Canada's 'hen th seld fwvr, w tlme t0 revler nis cusses against way on May 1. Susbequent events 1 war Mr. Churchill s accession to of- The Germans Frunch 'Belgian border, but no '.sued for peace. JASPER PARK LODGE. Aug 31:;where i haVe been I have seen in- and transnortatlon and housine. Tne Germans threw mechanized . M th .... d mo aestroved and many other xei wenner - uren, weanuy dicatl011s of the highest standards, All toeether thev are helDlne to troops out iar aneau oi me w . nltp, ,,.M,n fnp irrivaa . u.j i j i Qnrari eh tri enf cm q n wnn iiiiirpfi . 1. t- t UaIi t . i . ... .. rrrurn m nisriinr. pnmni in rai nns. .... iiaitru ItllU UdlllilUfLi UI w vv.w.. . v. w.. .w . ill U DTK H 1 1 II (11 IllUIatlC. lUAlllK lac UL1I1U H. Uli! V fl 21 11II UCLLrT IlRI.Kin. I r ' A T InO "iroyea, among them a number! prominently in tne rescue oi sur- months ahead the traffic loads of land laying the foundations of an f factories in the Ruhr Valley. I vlvors of the Athenia when the arteries to the seaboard will ampler life ln the days after vie- ar1l - ..... ' r ai.u 11.. rtintr Hiirinfff . ... I. mi was aiso Domuert one more oanauiau wao orP!1MV pvrpprt anv neaK reacnea ln'torv has uren won bv..j rf r nj .. . ... -t . -u v . 4- Jail For , Exporting Atlin Gold oiaff BUCHAREST The establishment of German air bases and headquarters for the Nazi tank But although the Allies landed. corps and motorized units on in some strength at Namsos and. Andalsnes In mid-Norway, "and! Rumanian soil was reported upon at the Vienna Conference PiilV Ml Villi nuv, run vyiiudOT, run, sacrifice too great ln the defence n greatest enemy tsruain xar commanaea the Skagerrak, acrossi vacate ceded area in I Arthur and many smaller centres. of those prncipies. They are aware ,more formidable than the Britain, which they ferried troops in great days. Tempers in the ha half Ru- Hun- After A t a year of m war trill Hitler finds' mt 1 ! based . to . . be ousted. . Their . ... air force i gary. Plans are being rushed to fifteen district and outburts are effort." declared Mr. Hunger- destroy the organizations' which rthe weak nations because .British ln the Low Countries and France Thursday night there arrived tford. "Immediately before going ine workers naa builj. to' despoil uu"u"'s uaumui? tumpcuea wunarawai oi me Ai-:oack in Prince Rupert a party ' west I was on the Atlantic seaboard them of their corporate 'property more numerous, are drooping lied forces from Narvik for other I consisting of Louis Amadlo, his hampering, Ister Ralston announced last night I at Halifav anrt it mav hp tmiv said nd imprison their leaders. F6r ""rnbs on Germany every night, duties. daughter Marie and son Victor. the war efforts of the enemy, (that he had directed a "thorough that from the Atlantic to the Pa- Labor organizations can exist only A Tear 01 war- started Septem-i Chamberlain Resignation Mike Colussi, Miss Rita Turgeon . ,.1J a... A. n-i iU. .n4I. HMnHMn4nn .JMln I . . ..... .... anH nHananHanf KI1a. Ua..U VflnPn rft anfl nlVinpn IT CP I r inTn CI hniH tha rac irnof nn nf T)(m n hirt haan onmtr Frt .Airarnl nrAlra In order to give them a taste Utratlon of all Canadian Intern- to the end that victory may be umcn ine workers can jexpress "r mam pnaes. iney were: jyimister unamDeriain ana tne going cy way oi Hazeiton from il war Meanwhile during this ment camps. The statement follow-1 Won. Everv exlstlne Industry an- their alms and ideals, and promote! i Thp eastern camnalm in cnoice oi Winston Churchill, First I wnicn point they drove In Mr . ... ... . . ..l m ' St. -I i . 1 1 r s i T Aa . tk. t JI..U.. , j A Jn). iri II . ai tM nr (PDiTintf iiniap'f rwvtna bi wrvri rvr ma aiflnnn r t ntutim.. l. .. iuv biirii uwii wru as . the . . . . I TV & In fir Af nan4 iiaImiv ... public Which Germany and Russia de- lLord oI the Admlralty, to succeed .Amadlo's car. .While away they feated iyd divided Poland,- andlnln1, Mr- Churchlll declaring to 'visited Vancouver and Vancouver fi w j.ii. otli j i i i lDllea-aiKl-tompet -ttt-mm but "blood and teara. toil isouthern interior centws. .r... ... . . iiiuhMuiicu uiiiici. uctaiauniu- iidiiuic- wuiR'-iicTrrr ncrcwjiunj uii- - a. nit? wiiiirr ueieiisive uriiiiiu 1 wnuuii, nuK, di.-nuiu iinsr .... . . ..... ... . .. . . n oai nr tna TiAnio rna n'nrirar . ann ewaar'' rnrman o tuitt nt am.1 fro Americans Rus.sla attacked little Finland.. country that he had nothing. Island, returning by way of many DlVPn BTrPm. Trior. 1 TifV P.VPsinpn I rfiTTl noPTfl IfoM 1 r IhA rvlMIA FCnAnl . w fvui"! in HfanlnAf I In o n w M n 7 vaakv h ua j of the killing ! ihave given themselves unsparingly, . ,t, ..cV.v, .arn .,,,, ,u ..,,. k- .., 1 M.i,-- run in mnrrn tmi wnnm rna 'inn I lr HAhavl mp a nrh nra charge, waved an American 7 nil r n i that infrt rvi LONDON, Aug, 31: The vital supplies of Germany received winuit smiles uuniucu iiiaiijr The iffht Kit DnA 1 Al. Imm.m. r.itV aaavk nwtw w v va t T nnl.l 1 i. m tm ii. mvvuiik uul bv 1 1 iii it mum iiiuca ban l. ilia o rinin rim pan 1 buiiiwi vuuiu gnu oiv tires burning. A goods train OTTAWA, Aug. 31. Both thellng made to air ports In all the they wI" district Internment camp have been recaptured ln the bush within seven mllesof the camp it was announced. Fritz Pletsch, Nazi submarine petty officer who escaped yesterday with his companion from the Great headway is being made with the provision of facilities for the training of defence and other continue to do so.lfllct at sea tu iiiaiwc tiicir utiiiuab cuiikiiuukiuii from to the winning of the. war, glad fYance io accept ine responsiDiiiues wnicn Norway south I 4. The Battle of Britain, and (ranging from L. with ministers, the Germans smashed with their S. Amery, the mechanized forces at the hinge. riprman war nrUrnior u-hn P.vunpd nrninr ttith nr pniarB They are eager to serve Canada- , ,.nri ln wt ft,a .Tory diehard, on the extreme right.j near historic Sedan, where the the Commonwealth, anxious 1 across the breadth of British poll-advanqlng French troops pivoted Tuesday night from the Sudbury hangars, runways and barracks.j?nd 0erman overrunnlng o flve na. . - -, T- : . I . gwiai iiic iu mrai xjcyiu, uuues irom ' me permanent Maginot broke through, a" laid upon them. The organized attendant f ice to oppose Hitler whose policies crossed the Meuse River and split the Angi0.itailan troops Ui the various areas. To see war, the whole pattern of this development as I have seen it during the Muskoka district camp were cap- past few weeks is to realize how tured today near Bala, ,Ont. ana supply bases. famous Krupp works at Es-I H IGrilfPfl 111 111 tre again set on fire last i 151u Rescue Of The Athenia frrpnt le PanaHa's .srtrpnpth anH hnw seriously she is facing her partner- snip witn tne wouier country in this struggle in which we are en gaged. workers particularly have reason for satisfaction on this Labor Day because of the larger measure of co-operation which has been obtained with the Dominion government during recent months. Canadian workers are deeply loyal to the land of their birth or adoption; they appreciate the prl- ln Africa. :he had fought for five years came off the British expeditionary force on the very day that Germany from the main French army. The u .ib"? ovuUv....jr smashe(i into .v.. Netherlands anrt NpthprlanH hart nlrpariv snrrpnrf when the Russians invaded her T .... .... . IT . I I . " . " 7, 7 St mb tT in their determination tojered, and on May 28 King Leopold Wmata neutral, King Leopold of.ordered the Belgian army to lay ,k the nM fight .mm was nv. over. Russia pnee!, soon turned upon little Finland, and finally, after a hard "I am happy to say also that invlleges and opportunities which, defences and obtalned the city of and other con- wtuiu mu vuitu if iuwutuua juuwu lus anno. et tha Ja fVorln4o Kail ia fnsaJ I T- n A rtnn f n f ronnnn 4 nA 1 nra u&5 cl HtcPMCC Hafana mooenroa nrlfVi tha 'nnllrlw X7V U T3fltolrt m o 4 a on penetrated the Karelian Isthmus .... a om. mnr ,nn . a'U1 UUlUVtttg a W M V W tllVt V 1M4 VWV This refusal was f ataL The Bri- j 000 British and French troops tlsh and French troops moved Into from Dunkerque, Italy entered the the Low Countries from behind I war on Germany's side and struck the "Little" Maginot Line on the! France In the back. The French wars fourth stage opened troops Into with Uh , Hitler's declaration that Britain must "capitulate" or he would nnVCPnn physchological . ... nfflf moment destroy the Empire. Britain fights not Line, the naval blockade of Undetermined Number of Casualties Result of liombs in Germany and the examination of ships going to neutral countries surrounding the Reich. In this period came the winter's brightest spot, the flashing of Day, without forgetting the grim naval guns off Montevideo In the task which lies In the Immediate 1 14-hour running seaflght in which future, thev dare to look ahead three British cruisers the Exeter, to the new world in the making, the brave new world of their hopes and dreams. W. S. Thompson, director of publicity and in western Canada by W. R. Devenlsh, general manager, western lines, W. G, Manders, freight traffic manager, western Achilles and AJ ax disabled and drove the pocket- battleship Ad miral Graf Spee into the Uruguayan capital, ending a -threat to Allied and neutral shipping In the South Atlantic. The Graf Spee was scuttled four days later, on December 17. The first contingent of Ihe Canadian Active Service Force land ed ln the United Kingdom De-, cember 17 and others followed during the winter until a strength of two divisions in the United "nudom was oBlaln'ea. Eater on Australians and New Zealanders Joined In the defence of Britain: The third stage war of move- Daylight Bombs Are Dropped On London During Shopping Rush Suburbs and on Small Factory in London Area LONDON August 31. German, raiders, dropped bombs in the London area this afternoon when thd third of the fierce daylight thrusts carried through the Capital's outermost defences. The fourth raid followed later, The . lightning-like third attack left an undetermined number of casualties in a suburban Halibut Sales American Coolidge, 29,000, 11c and 8c, Reliance 1, 7,000, 10c and 8c, Canadian Mother III., 12,000, 10.7c and 8c, Storage. Dovre B., 28,000, 11.1c and 8c, Storage., JWhlte' Hope, 26,000, 12.2c and 8c, own at the height of Saturday shopping. A resident said tight bombs were dropped shaking buildings and scoring a direct hit on a small factory. Two earlier attempts to breach London's defences were beaten back with several oi their planes downed in the southeast coast and over the channel. The Air Ministry gave a partial list of thd German losses today at thirty-eight. The total yesterday was slxtj-two. Last night was W5rt tE$ biggest night attack of the war oh London.