i Id 1040 ice Rupert Needs Hanson EL Liberal flovernmenU Hat Aluayt Favored Thl Northern ludinr v.? Ivc n us an elevator which Mankm personally op-y. more interested In Wheat and chipping through 111. :Ta Tnfjr nave now Bivrn m miMKiies to help us es- .. ,u c Rupert a a port. I ,.ve ttven us a rcderal bulkllng which was promUed I J- the time government loU were originally sold. ,,ve Instituted a defense achetne that was recommended ,vr farted construction of a large airport, the posul- , . I L I l .. 1 1 . ,f which are impwaiuK: io iriiw, L br rJ government has voted $250,000 for a northern way rsr constructed Fishermen's Flout In Prince Rupert xaunE on posdble extensions. : developing our vast hinterland by constructing a t mi iln roads which, Incidentally, open up farming; ;i :f- 'imber land. rave provided our coaUllne with excellent dock or float ;,;d the fishing and other Industries. r - ;r. has materially assisted In all the above legislation, irvutor ... i i 1 1. u l a ...1. 1 I,... t uu. tr .i i. fill I rf Mvriai niwiMiiun ui idiitc itupcik, ji.v. k OF DIZZY HATS i ; i frm Page One) Vy crazy one that a dtay angle. Reason: pLik the lrl la as ra: and not the one . be ' home and happl-. are extreme and ; tiic:-. propose. : .j.jormatlon, mrsdem don't quarrel l. New York the nizy hsA epidemic .? fell several per :e year after the ' rpisode although like the de-. hud something "x Information. I have teamed Brims, both color not too - p. ity and de-a becoming frame i " jiur education. S designers have l Ynrd spring bon- 1W Rrimt .that have made the latest splash and are most talked of right now stand off the face but there are still a number that pitch forward over the eye. Another Important piece of rprtng hat news concerns big roll- brimmed felt chapeaux with wide sides and fairly shallow backs and fronts. Some of these roll back from Uie face, others up on each side. Color U a news note in the 1940 Easter chapeaux. Navy blue and black hats are splashed with scarlet or apple green. White hats numerous t are touched with navy blue. There are also a number of colored hats dusty pinks, misty blue, soft yellows and greens and some plaid taffeta sailors. Flowers, fruit and bird wings, liberally used, add to the vogue for color. Toques are eovered with pas tel flowers, white blossoms or red WcurranU-and misted wlthui color ful veil film. Wings trim sailors or nest in flower toques. All In all. the new Easter bon- nets are chapeaux to wrncn me he brlmi Those men might well propose. THE LITTLE BLACK HEN le old red rooiter "Oosh all hemlocks, things are tough. - re retting scarcer, there slmnly arent enough, -v.e of all those fat ones: its a mystery to me. ' ourmiH through tfvat rainy p: hCTe lhe dev" be1- k heo. who heard hlmfdldh'f f rumble- nor complain. ruuh lots of dry spclU. she'd nved through floods ,n the trln(Ulonejand,asshe gavp-hr claw awhet, , i If "He can't kid me. there are lot of worms lo get. ked a new and undug spot; fx "'' hard and firm. roostf , crowed. "You poor old simp, f 3 r arc for a worm." f J t. . ! k hen JUst spread her feet :'.rJ most furiously, ' ' 'o the worms, she said, V" TV. Ucin'f fima In me " 'O'tcr wandered 'round all day and loudly did compiain. f Wound s too hard for scratching, won't it ever rain again t ' Imuran found him suope rless. he cried In accents rouglr nonary a, a fowl can be . . . Ooshl Things are surety ious". w-cd then to the old black hen and said: "It's worse with you. fjr iou re not only hungry but you're owf ully tired too. around. UI1 ui,y 1UI1U UlCIC C1C ll .... . li ik.l nrntina. 1 an in and hungry too, from digging an m- )!J black hen hopped to her perch and closed her eyes to sleep 'Mk!ed low hear this and wep. in drowsy tones: "Young man '"II of worms and happy, I have dliied both long and well, irm are there as always but I had to dig like hell. Ri le' me tell you something rriore, If you think I'm all In, Plump and full and healthy while you are getting thin. ruin., j ... ... . Vrttmn. i 'ij uav win nm nain aiiiti miinrt vDrmi cruwiiii he11 you be by then, old'eock, if you stop scratching ground? (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Cat Klde for Price of One Mrs. Oeorge Madlll sailed yesterday on the Princess Nbrah for a visit in Skagway. A vote for the C. C. F. Is a vote for the workers' business, not for BIO Business. C. C. F. Election Committee. (71) Judge C. D. Macaulay, territorial Judge for the Yukon, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday returning north after a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Newell of Stewart, who have been on an extended trip south were passengers aboard the Catala last evening returning north. E. Moscrop sailed by the Catala last evening on his return to Anyox i lands ented the-phant." In First the mornmg, cantata "Christ Trium- United Church Rev. J. l ai me saivauon Army uuanei in the morning Captain Ivan Halseys .subject was "The Way of Com plete Surrender." In the evening , the Young People's uroup, Dy special request, gave a repeat I prrcsntatlon of the Easter tableau I : - M At-. II "Tile unaiienge oi me iruss, fhere being also a dramatized song-sermon "Tne riigrims Jour !,ney" rat DAtLY'NEwa PAOg'TtlRFt LOCAL NEWS NOTES Moose Bridge Cancelled. (71) B. Dunroe of Port Clements, after turn to the Quen Charlotte Is- after having been receiving treat- ment at the Prince Rupert General Mrs. David Rutlen of Mawett. af- tNwpiiai. iter a two weeks' visit to the dtv. Epsttr 8unday was with special services in all city -hnrehew yesterday and, despite the wet weather, there were large congregations both morning and evening. The various churches were decorated with seasonal flowers. Sermons were appropriate to the Easter occasion. ' emphasizing the Christian precept of divine conquest of death. There was special music also by the choirs. To commune with the spirit ol engineer for the White Pass and Yukon Route, and Mrs. Gaudin, after having spent the winter in Se For prompt and courteous ser-1 vice Phone 13 TaxL here. Cecil Brlnd, local manager of the Imperial Oil Co, sailed last evening on the Catala for a business trip to Stewart. John Dybhavn returned to the city on the Princess Norah yesterday mctning from Vancouver where he attended a meeting of the Pacific sub-executive of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. attle, were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday returning to Whltchorse for the season. George F. Cameron, Conservative Yesterday (candidate for Skeena In the fed- Weather tral election, returned to the city on the Catala last night from a trip to the Ocean Falls and Bella observed .Bella area In connection with the campaign. Benjamin F. Dunn, well known as purser of White Pass and Yukon Route steamers on the Yukon River. and Mrs. Dunn were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yester day returning to Whltehorse after spending the winter In the south. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Blanchard J were passengers aboard the Princess uoa inrougn me worenip o. weis Norah yesterday returning to Skag- factor In church attendance, de clared Rev. 11. O. Funston at morning service in First Presbyterian Church. Those to whom church going was a burden because there was not a good preacher, a good organ or a good choir had not caught the spirit of true religion. At morning ser- In I 1. I .1. ...... 1. 1 V. T I Seattle. Mr. Blanchard Is chief clerk of the White Pass and Yukon Route at Skagway. Mrs. Blanchard a trip north to check on program ii t iii una Liiuii.ii tfuiuuri nhnir u.n P, reception ., conditions, was , in session , w,th the Prince Rupert Chamber number, nnrt m the evening ,,n. der the direction of Mrs. E. J. Smith, an augmented choir pres- U noted for her famous gardens at Skagway. William E. Ward of radio station CBR staff In Vancouver, who Is on t of Commerce radio committee Sat urday and heard complaints In regard to the kind of reception which Prince Rupert people have to put up with. Mr. Ward, who Is accom- C. Jackson noke in the mnrnini I Paniea D we aaugnier, on the sublect of "The Cnntin..aftcr spending the week-end here ulty of Life" and in the evening on "An Argument for immortality." In the morning the Junior Choir, under the leadership of II: T .Lock, sang "When O'er thel Steeps of Olivet" and "the Dawn-' tng of the Morning." In the eve-i nlng the Senior Choir, under J. S. Wilson, sang -This Is the Day That the Lord Hath Made." J1 here's another thought, young man; lf useless to complain, greencT.y, I round, I'11 'hid the worms most nlenllful where you've scratched up new ground." The subject of Rev. E. E. Brandt at First Baptist Church In the morning was "The Eternal Hope" and In the evening "Immortality." There was special music both morning and evening. Very Rev. James B. Gibson, the dean, conducted Easter services at St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral. "For the Glory of the Lord," an anthem, was presented in the morning by the Cathedral choir under the direction of A. J. Lancaster. The church was beautifully rierorftted with 1111m Hnffnrills nil) "inowB the time to scratch Uke hell while waiting for me ram. In tne mng at st. Paui.s d'eging up new earth each day and, when the rain comes Luthcran church Rev. J. H. Myr- wang conducted Easter festive services In Norwegian and In the evening In English. The Varden Singers rendered special music in sailed on the Catala to make the round trip to Stewart and other northern points and thence back to Vancouver Tuesday. Announcements All advertisements In thii col-omn will be charged for a full month at Ka a word. Band Parents' March 27. tea Mrs. Hogan's S. O. N. Fishermen's Dance, March 28. Farewell Orange Ladles' Sale, April 3. Eagles Bridge. April 3. Anglican Spring Sale. April 4. Hill 60 Dance, Moose Hall, Apr. 5. Football Dance, Irish Fusiliers V. It. 102nd Armories, Friday, April 5. Admission 50c. United Spring Sale, April ll. Presbyterian Spring Sale April 18. Toe H Dance, Parish Hall, Seali Cove, April 19. Scout Tea, Mrs. Carter's, April 23. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 0. Empire Carnival, Moose Hall, May 23. Hotel Arrivals Prince Rupert E. Woscrop, AnyoX; M. Harris and J. Harris, POrt Simpson; M. tf. IDubeau, Tefrace; R. E. McConhell J and D. L. McConnell, Hazelton: T Jack Wide sailed on the Princess Harris, Gordon Horie. G. F. Bul-Norah yesterday for Dawson after ,Iock and George F. Cameron. Van-rAnHin ih winter at nis hom ' couver; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whitley, Edmonton; P. H. Lemle,ux,;j. Quebec; Mrs. L. Griffin, Premier; . e. xviasun. iuc5iau Mine. . " John R. Redpath, port steward K for the White Pass and Yukon K Route, and Mrs. Redpath, after ? spending the winter in the south, j! were passengers aboard the Prln-I cess Norah yesterday returning to'? the Yukon River where company ships are now being put in readln-! ess lor me lormcommg 'season s a visit to the city, sailed by the. Capt. J. T. Harvey, Lieut. P. F. P. Prince John Friday night on his re- Bird and Sergeants J. A Teng. Earl m J I f ix tiik st'rnr.Jtt: coi rt or nnmn roi.r.MM IN THE MATTER OP RAONHTLD HAR RIS othrrwta known ls Ragnhfld Pedersen nd lUgnbild Fednsea Harris. Dectflwd. AND: TN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINI- TRATION ACT" TAKE NOTICE Ut Letters of Ad- mlnlrtntlon of ttw Estate of the above DfWMfd formerly of Prince Rupert. British Columbia, who dim at Vlktaz. Alberta, on the 15th day of November 1959. vere duly granted In my favour by HU Honour Judpe Plsher on the I4th day of March 1940. All persons Indebted to the above Estate are r qulrocj to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persona having claims against the above Estate are reqtiewted to file them with me before the 30th day of April 1940 railing vnicn distribution will be made without regard to any claims of which I shall not then have notice. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C, this 15th day of March 1940. NORMAN A. WATT. "Bnlltl B.C. Payrolls" KEEPS FRESH IkiFlO pry tMrii A lady who uses a great deal of Pacific Milk writes that one of her reasons for preferring It is "there Is no waste. You can leave the milk at camp and return the following week-end and It is still fresh. We have often tried it. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Tacked NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 75c up 80 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 F.O. Box 1M Norrls, Ernest Ratchford and P. 15 Peterson were members of theii iiwna. muery nere returning to the city on the Catala lost eve ning after having been in Victoria 1 " ' "' sailed by the Prlrice John Friday for instructional courses. Mrs. Bird Major Strong, commanding Of- nioht on her irturn in the Onppn 'returned with her hithini flm r f U - T .1. V. T. ..Ill i I I " ..vi. v.. we hum rujuicis. nerc, unarwtte islands. returned to the city on the Car-. dena Friday nleht after snendin?) nr nhi a RWirt wh it tn m. irare av nis nome in Vancouver, eaae In Dractice as a Dhvsiclan and.stated that th Anvox striki. 'surgeon at Whitehorse, and Mrs. (trouble occurred during a Liberal Mrs. E. A. Rasmussen, wife of the Stewart where nassensers' aboard I reeime. The fact is tht thp Anvnr president of the Bank of Alaska, the Princess Norah yesterday going 'strike occurred early in the spring was a passenger aboard the Prln- north from Vancouver to the Yu- of 1933 when the Tolmie Conser. eess Norah yesterday returning to,kon. vatlve government was In office ct uume in uicagway auer a tnpi at Victoria and the Bennet Con- lo Seattle and elsewhere in the Jamea Gaudln. jnmerlntini(int servatlvp eovprnmpnt at niium south. EASTER AT CHURCHES Large Congregations Despite Unfavorable Oiwlitlons The chairman of the C. C. F. meeting erred yesterday when he For Vineovvei Tuesday Catala ....... Thursday ss. Prince 71 Steamship Sailings 1:30 p.m Noteworthy Shoe Value Solid Leather i Mens Shoes I $5.95 1 Genuine Goodyear Welti Yes, you can duplicate this price but you cannot duplicate this quality at this price. OUr local and Easttrn buyers scoured the market to eeenre the utmost in quality, wearability and foot comfort at this price. Furthermore we have them in Just about EVERY STYLE YOU WANT Includins oointed and round toes. Coal! Coal! Coal! Winter wiitdsdcdin are CAiin?V miayom- CoAlbjrt needs TefWingt i ' unit- Foothills Kulkley Valley Nanaimo-WcllinKton We are equipped to supply any of these coals promptly, carefully screened and graded to sixe Phones 651652 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. B. C. Furniture Co. New And Used Furniture 1 Keconditioncd Underwood Q9Q ft ft Typewriter t?&UJJ 1 Reconditioned Remington ft ft .... Typewriter . . .9 A V " 1 Monarch Typewriter In A-l QOJ. CSft working order tl.tlU 1G Reds Complete Sizes 3-3, 4-0, 4-6. From 12.50 t0 $16.50 2 Washing Machines A-l condition 25.00 and $39.50 1 RabyCrib fjff ffA Special D.D.U 1 Five-Piece Dining Room Suite Genuine oak, round table with Q9fl ft leaves 74JL.e)U New Furniture 5-Two-Tonc All-Enamel Kitchen Ranges Of very f"cs 364.00 t0 5109.00 6 Three-Piece Chesterfield Suites In velour and tapestry, latest style CQ ftfttoCQO and patterns from . . . . V U tJ V V $UO 12 Spring and Cotton Filled Mattresses From $18.75 t0 $22.50 Phone BLACK 334 Next Door to B. C. Clothiers TniltD AVENUE UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prinze Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TTJES- T.S.S. CAR DENA FRIDAY, ,DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Atent. Third Ave. Phone 86f ! - OTHER MEX'S SHOES PRirEIi VUClW t1 AZ Tn & $7.50 $ f 5 Mail Orders Promptly Filled wm Shoes for Sister, Brother, & Baby Too! We have the Tops In Style, Price and Quality for the nr Whole Famy. Don't forget the children. Pumps, DC lO Straps. Oxfords tn calf or patent. All well known lines. Exclusive agents for Classmates and Keds jC Jack and Jill, Hewetson. etc.. complete stock. vwtitl The Cut - Rate Shoe Store Open Saturday Night 4 ...- e t