foment and to ob i'i'Vi at a onvWTimpnt A m Bucharest that a shortly be sent to ncf c new terms for ; between Rottnun-D: fUin Roomanta Is Hun Its strict nu-f d here. ndinavians ler Worst i,l W .rl n anil Va,. i v f rtman Itombs 25 iCP-Lt- f.it1 :r wir aerial bombs. In st earner Albionic. j ,cd after being hit bomb and anoth- t anied undtwtosed. .u'. heist coast with, ? the e rewnkUted. v. be sunk dr dam-! 'ho Germans are Brmdlnavlan ves- are not convoyed. 11? 11 On Way Home Finding Envoy Gelling Well .mimic following lour V lUrch 25: iCP Unl I'nder Secretary of 1 r Welles U now well v iv home aboard the ; titmte dl Savola fol-luct-tlndlng tour of B : ;n. London and Parts. ''m Genoa on Wednes- '"'v wrk-end the Comte dl at Olbraltar where It f British contraband O'ruon. being delayed t .i; hours as a search was iio for rjr HJalmar 1 Cirrman financial ex 1 was thouaht in bo nn f1 0.;' Uhn It Ml nurfnlrilrt fj r.,1 bmn dissuaded by Prc- ' ;r Affirrtcn. uniy nine voles were the advance poll here. -.the Reich "n year oia i wealth Federation candidate, at v!:uv astute Nasi ec- "olrt Kingston of rturnaby ,the closing meeting ol the party's was killed when his head was federal election campaign In the shattered as he leaned out of (Moose Hall yesterday afternooa the window of an interurban The two opposing parties, Mr. train and was struck by a tram passing in the opposite direction. VERY COLD IN EAST MINNEAPOLIS The thermometer dropped to eighteen below lero In Minnesota on Easter Sunday. It was also very cold In Chicago and there was snow in Tennessee and the Carolina. In New York It was clear but cold. LONDON'S BUSY EASTER LONDON London had the busiest Easter holiday week-end a si tk s -v r VANCOUVER Arthur Rennle, Vancouver youth, was acquitted at his retrial on a charge of murder in connection with the stayinr of Woo Datkf Chinese. He had previously Mtn cbitvift- include Minsk, i td and sentenced to hang but ji 2109 tons, and; was given a new trial. . Norwegian ships , Rvlnta 1JWT tons; junnilNTROP TO JIX.O-SLAV1A n A 8wedtsh Tic-i LONDON A Reulers dispatvh Klinpan. M9 tons t from nomt Wys that Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribben-trop of Germany will shortly pay a visit to Belgrade, the capital of Jugo-Slavla. LATEST FROM ALBERTA EDMONTON The latest summary of results from Alberta's provincial election shows 21 Social Credit and 15 Independent candidates elected with Social Crediters leading In 1G other seats. Independents In four and a I-aborile in one. D. M. Duggan, Conservative leader, is elected In Edmonton whJte two Social Credit candidates and three Independents were elected. Weaver said, had played as clean which one heard so much. ..... ' The Liberals and Conservatives, SUN SPOTS act i r. Mf Weae'r declared,' were merely NEW YORK-Communlcatlons ot capltallsm. are reluming slowly lo normal j The Important question In this today after one of the worst elec-election, Mr. Weaver declared, was ............. .k ter to hit Ihe .not supporting the man but sup- Islander Does Not Concere Much To C.C.F. and Conservative in Voting Tomorrow j Queen Charlotte Islands will poll the biggest Liberal votein their history. ; Here is this writer's guess: Massett Liberal, 61 per cent; C. and honest a fight as could be C.F.. 20 per cent; Conservative, 20 expected. There had been a mini- pereent. mum of dirty and unfair tactics. Poit Clement Liberal. 50 per However, the candidate desired cent: C.C.F.. 50 percent, to answer certain statements Tlell Liberal. 100 per cent, which had been made. One of Sk'deiate -Liberal, 80 per ceil; .these had been to the effect that Conservative. 10 per cent; C.C.F., 'the only interest he (Weaveri had 10 per cent. (In this riding was daring an elec- Qen Cha-lott Liberal. 50 per tion period. Mr. Weaver replied to cent: Conservative. 25 per cent; C. this by saying that he had been C.F.. 25 per cent, I here on several occasions before Sandsott Liberals, 100 per cent, coming as a candidate. As a mat- Cumshewa Liberal. 80 per cent; iter of fact he had visited every Pacofi Liberal, 100 pt cent. In years. While city people went irtdlng In the province. He had had The writer does not i:iture to out to the country to visit their jthe .choice of the C. C. F. nomlna- forecast the renult of tfe military evacuated families, thousands of lUon In the- last provincial elec- poll at Aliford Hay air bw a$ the troops ana country visitors Uon. Members of lii Air Fptce are swarmed Into the metropolis. I A statement had been made that stranttik to him. .Many hotels and rooming bouses whe the"-liberals got back Into at seTT n, to put out "full up" signs, power power the the C. C. C. C. F. F. paper paper would would 3 Cant. W. P. Armour returned ihave to be suppressed. There had to the city on Saturday night's I also been talk about blowing up train from a trip to Terrace and railways and bridges but such re- will sail on the Catala tomorrow marks he was glad had been .re- afternoon for Vancouver on busl-pudlated by other speakers on the ness. same platform as they had been made. In regard to Dr. Telford and the tr-'rnjr-Trtr "SI wash Town" remark. Dr; Tel- r, ford was not a member of the C. f! C. F. now and had never been fj leader of the party. , Mr Weaver did not see where It was not logical to send a member J to Ottawa In Opposition. There jj had been instances of where the small C. C. F. Opposition had been)" Instrumental In forcing valuable i legislation through the Houses, i I both at Ottawa and Victoria. ' I It was quite conceivable, assert- j cd Mr. Weaver, that there might j be such a split In the result of! 4 this federal election that the C.1 ;C. F.. by elecUng all its ninety-six candidates, would be the strongest party numerically in Parliament, thereby being called ;upon to form a government. Thy outcome of thts would be a coalition of the two other parties,' thereby bring about the unity of' PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA . r j pnmer rorccasi Tomorrow's Tides Stettin . Pnncrt Fresh to strong High 2:45 a.m. 23.1 It. imirfv ami tnllH u-Hh 15:22 p.m. 21.0 It. Low 9:15 a-m. 1.4 It. 21:25 pm 4.1 It. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER - j j j i N i PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, MARCH 25, 1940. PRICK: 6 CENTO hk Blows On German Shipping . - . - w sr f ISlKtVYJ) PUN GOV 1 It tl'M..IJ m - .-..I 4IIJ I i Bulletins ELECTION TOMORROW Voting will take place tomor row from 8 a.m. until C p.m. at the Moose Mall In the lederal r ;,.t March 25: (CP ' election here. Only those whose "C : continue to be clrcu-1 nane appear on the city voter .:,rdmg a derma n ul-1 can T0,e at the local civilian R iumanla over trade P0" 1,lfre no absentee poll :-n designed, observers ' !.. resignation of the onUnutc to feel out vrnment leaden on uW of export to Oer- KILLED IN TKAM cast at CAMPAIGN IS CLEAN, ADMITTED Minimum of Dirty Work, Weaver Concedes In Closing Meeting-Sees Possibility, of C. C. F. Government , "Thta has been as clean an elec-jlton campaign as I have seen In a long time," declared George W. Weaver, Co-operative Common- ISLANDS LIBERAL j War News DIPLOMATIC MANOEUVEKING LONDON Except for diplomatic manoeuvering which contln- By ISLANDER . Easter was quiet in Europe 8KIDEOATE, March 25. Some distinct lull In the war ac- nollUcal prophets who claim to tivities between the Allies and know the puke of the people of Germany. There is an air of Queen Charlotte Islands predict ' expectancy, however, that some- that it will be a clean sweep for thing Is about to break of an im- Olof Hanson tomorrow as Islander portant nature either in a diplo- ire behind Mackenzie King in Can- matic or military way. In the de- ida's war effort. Others say thet mocracies, Parliaments are in recess for the Easter Week and in the totalitarian stales the dictators have withdrawn to the background. WESTERN FRONT QUIET ru:s The Western Front continues quiet with only patrol acti J'tr east of the Saar reported and little, if any, artillery and air action. FLEE FROM EUROPE WASHINGTON Twenty - one thousand Americans, on account of the European war, have been riven ho?r or to safer arns since last January according to fi-nres comnliM here. There were F3.235 Americans making their home "in Enron this January as compared with 81,603 a year ago. PANAIVMNS GET. WINGS CAMP BORDEN Thirty-four" r-w RotI Canadian Air Force pilots have received their wings hre. All had started training since the beginning of the war. One of them is J. II. Roberts of Vanderhoof. Canada Must Not Falter in the Present Crisis Day to day European developments are so serious we njust forget partixanshlp and petty bickerings. A vote for the C.C.F. is a vote to scuttle the British Empire. VOTE FOR OLOF HANSON The Man We All Know S Skeena Federal Liberal Association of Prince Rupert. B.C. j XBlilltlJBI.lIliBrasrBiJiIltl;3JJlill'li"lIB!.'niJltBiH.B1'HIJl ORGANIZING PROTECTION What It Is Planned to do In Canada In Event of Country Being Air Raided OTTAWA, March 25. Necessary details for formation of Air Ralr result of sun spot ac- w u3iB Protectlon uniU in Canada were f .rth a 2 lln "Vou are standing either formed ,Ptim - arrled QUt by a commUtee ... &hort wave wave com- com- Ifar "eB "ul. ' ur"V'"" tlvity. Radio ....i., i inn. in i.uruuc .it i -I nn not asK ior vour votes. .. . r, . electrical com- .If you do not know to vote which disrupted t representatives Ood help you If the people know Including a, Dc,ence municalionsot munlcallons of all an kinds mi enough to vote for themselves. rA P E- Sneil, .-i.i airlines, niriines. news news gaineri gathering organizations and railroads. Liberal Rally lit Support ot OLOF HANSON TONIGHT, CAPITOL TIIKATKK at 8:00 l-nlertalnment Will Be Provided from 7:30 to 8:00 Doors Open at 7:00 p.m. S,,KAKKKS- Olof Hanson, K. T. Kcnncy M.LA- Ktl. T. Applewhaile Disruption of Empire Answering charges that the C. C. F. favored disruption of the that never again would Canadian men be Invited or required to participate in a European war without a iree vote oi me peopie. Evidently the C. C. F. should not CAREFUL OF DIZZY HATS Designer and Fashion Editor Dis cuss Effect of Headgear on Leap Year Prospects By ADELAIDE KERR Associated Press fashion Writer NEW YORK, March 25: (CP) Hats affect masculine hearts, pro- and Col. I Departmenl Department ,.A man matrlmonIany ln. n Director Director netor oi of of Ambulance! .. . . ... . . . .... do . not , need to . ask . for . their ... v. votes.",": Ph. r "hn Ambulance Assocl- i.cunea can ttfl.By,.r p. ...v -- ,nat," says tiowarq noage, muunery laiion. serve on u.c wmmmcc. -VnPrt: "Rut h ran ho friehteneH ,.. , . in . ''"'"- - unils IIUVC uccil ui iu iuu fax, Sydney, Saint John, Quebec, Empire and Canada during war, Montreal. Nanalmo, Vancouver, Vic Mr. Weaver referred to a state-ltoria ana prince Kupen. ment of Hon. Ian Mackenzie ln There are three emergencies 1D38 that It seemed a '"nightmare possible In wartime for which the and sheer madness" that every twenty years this country should be called upon to aid a continent that could not run Itself" nne bv Senator Melghen ln A. R. P, must prepare an accl dent, similar to the explosion ln Halifax during the First Great and War, bombardment by enemy ships 1921 ,or warplanes or deliberate sabot- age. Protective Means The measure ot protection pro- dare to say ln time of war what danger of Interruption of water .Liberals and Conservatives said (supply and vulnerability. However. !in time of peuce. jthe following are considered es- Neither the C. C. F. nor the senllal: (Continued on Page Three) lng with police ana sometimes called auxiliary police. I 2. Increased fire protection, in cluding fire pumps and volunteer; firemen. 3. Dressing stations, first aid posts and stretcher and ambulance parties. 4. Demolition squads to wreck dangerous ruins of buildings. 5. Decontamination squads to vlded ln each city varies, depend- counteract poison gas, ing upon locaiion, population, aiosi oi me Air uaias rrecu-i tlon wardens and all auxiliary fireman, first alders and stretcher bearers are holders of St. John Ambulance Association tlnt aid I A,r rilld wardens, co-operat-.certificates. i, t d, EVmnt I (continued t Poge Four) One Nazi Vessel Sunk By Shellfire; Another Is Forced To Ground Admiralty at London Acknowledges Sinking of Naval Trawler By Mine Loss of Plane Also Admitted LONDON, March 25: (CP) British warships scoured the German North Sea shipping lanes in an effort to strangle Nazi trade with Scandinavia while suspicion mounted that the Reich might be trying to engineer a grab of .Roumania's oil. Great Britain counts three blows against German merchant marine in the North Sea. The - - " - rr. i coal laden freighter Edmund Hugo t .i 1 Q iStinnes, 2189 tons, was sunk by Lii) 6131 U66S 'shellfire Sunday near where a tor- ipedo the day previous had sunk the RlflPHJlnP A? 4497-ton ore carrier Heddernheim. IViUVIYC4UC rtj TVia RrltleVl nUr .rolto, novel a c InaffartJim ti0n w1th grounding of the 5,009- lllcIICCllVc I ton German freighter Ostprussen LONDON. March 23: (CP) Geoffrey Mander. Liberal member of Parliament, criticizes two war rahlnet mpmhri Sir John Rimnn carrying coke. The Admiralty acknowledges the sinking of the British naval trawler Lock Assater by a mine. One British plane was lost over Chancellor of the Exchequer, and . Germa Sir Samuel Hoare, Lord Privy Seal as being "heavy liabilities, both iir 1JTJ Al"t at home and abroad." Mander WOUIQ HaVC V OlC eharged that large quantles ol . United States products were get- KoTni'O i lllrfiTl lc m. uair.-Britoh. blockade Jyi1 . JL?... from rnedStates to Germany "I 1 117'iL D O way of Vladivostok In Siberia. JOllicU Tflin D. l,. Cotton and tin were among the nrodnets which Mander declared were getting past. SMITERS-WINS TWO SMITHERS. March 25: (CPt Smithers won both inter-High Schcol basketball games here Sat urday night from Prince the girls' game by a score teresting C. Emerson was removed on ac- ; and scoring the final basket. . WHITEHORSE. March 25: (CP ; Oppostiion to Yukon amaglamatlon (with British Columbia unless a plebiscite expresses favor for it was ' voiced by Charles Reid, federal election Liberal candidate for the Yukon, in a statement outlining his platform. He favors construction of an Alaska Highway, revision of Yukon mining laws and establishment of pilot mills to handle shipments of customs ore. ofTtl; Getting Ready i ana uie ooys oaio-i. pi mm , ff The girls' game was not very fast. QJ lYloIOtOli Smithers took an early lead and was never headed although towards the end play was a little closer. Scorers were: Prince Rupert McDonald, 6; Bremner, 4; Payne, 3; Armstrong, 2; Yamanacka, 2. Smithers Giraud, 20; Harding. 7; Swift, 6. Boys' Game The boys' game was fast and in I'f HlnS kCtS and, however, Tass News Agency said T.V , . i , 'that reports of a visit of Molotoff ed three u baskets to assume the lead , Lu f,H 10 .u. i ne game men see-sawca, until near the end when Smithers i pulled away. Prince Rupert Santerbane. 10: 1 Holkestad, 11; Bussey, 4; Klhara, 2. Smithers Mclntyre, 15; C. Em erson, 6; A. Emerosn, 5; Mayer, 4; or tztem. , posals and Hie marriage rate, says ; V. "T , i nv inp upnarimpiiL ui rciuiuiu uitu . . ,, l . vno. w, .v. r. -j ....... ne 0I nmerlca5 leaatng nai ae- u i hampered hampered by by the the magnetic magnewc storm siurn. 'dedared .aewarca I r. r. weaver. V caver, how " o, only uj say: y. . .ot of the departBenW departmenfs own own peonnel. r L Year snriS SSrt for 0' J of of t the Nation- mnv ,rln tr r vnilP m9n minutes. KiipatricK taKing his place Still Looks Like Russian Premier-Foreign Commissar Plans Visit to German Capital BERLIN, March 25: (CP) Indications here are that the German Foreign Office and the Russian embassy are preparing for a visit by Smithers took an early ,,. Mnlftfnff Tn Mrrw. POPE'S MESSAGE ROME Fifty thousand persons heard an Easter Mass by Pope Pius, XII who, in one ot the most important messages of his reign, made an Impressive plea for peace en the bases of truth, justice and charity rather than on that of force. Final Meeting tonight MOOSE HALL at 8 p.m. HEAR GEORGE F. CAMERON National Conservative Candidate On CANADIAN UNITY & WAR PROBLEMS r