VL U f br T ? day June 18, 1940. JOIN THE "SALADA STAMP CLUB TrvtvvTil . H a r Fof . ttn ttnb . tl.. . . I.k.! . . ..J .i. , .... . "I""" "1 W!' .4 Pol W.- Weather Forecast C icraJ Synopsis ' r-lativery low i jy Mcdtt pti of or SALADA anLAUA TEA itA wt w will .end tend y, .PlWOi.tfltoli ' ( Outfit of 1-64 1-64p.,tSumpAlby. p,t Sump Alb. J-il yon J-iOO Fr.e In cfxiif lot SALADA hbtli. SALADA STAMP CLUB . M'MILLAN APPOINTED Hriimi loiuraoia Timber Xing to' lie Controller of Product For Canada OTTAWA, June 18: fCP lion, t L Hwe minister of supply, an-r ...fed yesterday that II. R. Mac- of Vancouver, prominent E. Colu.nbia Umber exporter l. ulo identified with shipping riung Industrie. ha been ap- ;:. 'cd to the Important post of be controller for Canada, his . .Li.ti Uuk for the meantime to be f :e speeding up of the supply of u.";-a::c spruce for war purpose. II v. ... serve without remuneration. Mr Mai Milian has Jut returned r Ottawa to Vancouver. French Officer Sees Roosevelt fount Itene Chambron, Who Served in Battle of llander. (uet of Tnlted SUtet Chief Eaecutivc t, '3HINOTON. D. C . June 18: ( Rene Chambron. who ae-rved . i of.'i. rr with the French array Battle of Flanders, spent Ute 441KinS St W., Toronto Roosevelt Can Go No Further Only Congress Can Take United State Into War Outright, It I Pointed Out WASHINGTON. DC, June 18: resident Franklin D. Rooaevelt has gone as far as he can personally in preferring the aaatti-ance of the United States to the Allies in the war emergency. Only Congress can make mWtary commitments such as a declaration of war. Britain Has Lost But Three Cruisers ILM.S. Calypso Make Third to be j Sunk Since War Reean, London Announce LONDON. June 18:- H. M. S Oalypso. kxs of which In the Mediterranean was announced Saturday, t only the third British cruU-w to be rank since the war rn ! Halibut Sales Summary American i ,000 pounds. 9c and e -2 r nd a the guest of President " ,c a,w ' r - X ,i: D Roosevelt aboard the Canadian- 56,090 puumlt. May L. 4J66, .clfle. 9.4c and In Iterent Week 9.4c ..: yacht. Chambron told ana 7e to 96c Prrlde-! and other American American i - Ue i firrt hand story of Ton. m, 9c and 7Ac. Vancouver Is Alleged Nazi Storage. . Harding. AlUn. 11 .Vlattor. yal. m. BJc and 7Jc, Jj00. 9.4c and 7ic. Canadian 7c. Pa- ' M 1 . 2500. 9Ac and 7c. Pacific, Mm. rilsabrth IJraune of Richmond R K lJM 9Ae and 7c AUJn Munlcfpality Taken Into , LoU N.. Mm. 0.4e and 7ic Custody Storage. I Neotune II. UfiW, 9.8c and 7c. VANCOUVER. June 1. C1' rtnval r . . l.ii. i a vt 1 t. . . . . c iaucin uraunc oi nreuuiuiiu DSCWe Boy. 4J00. 9.GC and pulity has been arrested un- Booth. Defence of Canada regulations . - wuig a raid upon her noma pohre officers found a map Internment camp in Alberta. "urnts written in Oerman and Indicating she wan a mem- : f the Nail party. MacKenzie's Furniture USED FURNITURE TRADE-INS 1-picce Chesterfield Suite $15.00 1 Chiffonier . $3.00 1 Bed Stead 1 Buffet $la-00 Phone 775 327 THIRD AVENUE Open Till 10:00 p.m. Ice Cream Soft Drinks Tobaccos Candies MUSSALLKM'S CONFECTIONERY THE OLD GARDENER FERTILIZER An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin B The new remarkable Plant Stimulant ln the proper proportions, a mild Insecticide nnd further essential elements for a steady growth and a healthy plant life. Try a Packet Today 10c, 25c Wholesale Distributors IV. II. Malkln Co. U'.lt.) Ltd. C, LOSS IN SEA WAR The pressure LONDON. June 18: (CPt British west of the mercantile tonnage lost during the Qi r-n Charlotte Islands and high eek ended June 9 totalled 45.936 ovn- the British Columbia Interior, tons. It was officially announced SI. wcrs have occurred on the today. N -,h Coast but the weather has n extravagant Oerman claim fair and warm elsewhere. today was that 880.000 tons or Al-West Coast of Vancouver Island lied shipping had been sunk yes-Moderate winds mostly north- terday alone at the mouth of the r fair and moderately warm . Loire River by Oerman aircraft. ITALIANS ORGANIZE Father of Local Man Head of Bod bite Formed to Support Allied Cause VICTORIA, June 18, Pledging Itself to unswerving support of Canada and the British Empire In the war against Germany and Italy, a branch of the Canadian-Italian War Vigilance Association has been formed In Victoria, with Joseph Ba-lagno, eighty-year-old resident of Prince Rupert. FUTURE OF CIVILIZATION (Continued :rom Page One) Mr. Churchill spoke of Premier' Mussolini's reported ambition to I ted had been able to send only three divisions. History. Mr. Churchill s(eated. would tell more of the a he spoke. Among those In the House to hear him were the Russian ambassador. Ivan Maisky, and the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Prime Minister tonight repeated the substance of his speech to the House on an Empire broadcast. 'This was heard here at noon Pacific Standard Time.) BAK UOLn LONDON. Wl-The Montreal oriee of bar gold on the London .mantel was unchanged today at UrltUh .Mercantile Tonnage To ' ' W7 54 Pr flr,e ounce F.tent Of 45336 Sent Down HOLIDAYS Book Your Reservations at SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Now Also for Full Particulars Write MRS. DUNN Massett, Queen Charlotte Is. B.C. H. G. Helgerson Limited 216 SIXTH STREET Prince Rupert, B.C. We have on our lists the following good buys: 412 EMERSON PLACE 7-room house, 2 lots. Lovely garden. Fully modern. Furnace. 4 bedrooms. Concrete foundations. Cash $3150. Terms $2000, balance ln monthly payments. We Have Several Furnished Houses for Rent for the Summer Months G-UOOM HOUSE On Taylor Street. 3 bedrooms. Fully modern and sewer. In good condition. Cash $1000 or $1800 on terms. THE DAILY NXWB PAGE THAU'. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Carpenters Union meeting, Wed., Martin Johnson and Miss Mar-' Annie JlTorrlA Mrs. Frank Wilson and two little .a t iUla a f i t TTm ! attest m as i tl Porvt I fifty years standing on Vancouver summer holiday season. Wand, as president. will sail at 3:30 pjn. for Vancou- Mr. Balagno said: I VOLUNTARY REGISTRATION rer and waypolnts. "I am sure I am speaking for ev- (FOR NATIONAL SERVICE wijl . ery Italian in Victoria when I saycontlnue at the Canadian Legion The A. R. P. Committee require that Mussolini's action to contrary luall TON I OUT 8 to 10 pjn. Males more men to form First Aid to the Inclination of the local Ital-only, ages 1C to 60. ian colony. I am certain that Italy's part in the war will be of 1 Mrs. O. A. Bryant sailed this af- short duration, for the Italian ternoon on the Cataia for Van- people do not want war, and there couver to farewell her son, Lieu is certain to be a revolution in Italy. 'James Bryant, who is being trans- Mrs. WHham "Noble arrived In necessitating her withdrawal from lerred from Esquimau to Halifax the city at the end of the week the combat." I In the naval service. from Vancouver, being here to j Join Mr. Noble who some time ago Mr. Balagno of Victoria is the' Miss Nora McCaffery returned came here to become Identified father of Charles P. Balagno of home on the Cataia Sunday night with the radio service department from her studies at Vancouver to of McRae Bros. spend the summer holidays wiln &u ;ur a P "' iAll Work For its nee or me paw. lew months had q ( i ako been brought back successfully. ( OeiTlCe LiUO In addition to the home force, i m . there were akto the armie of the! Kmc SftHhnll LNMnuHons wnieh would continue to aatttt on a large scale. ( There was necessity for intense ' Leaders in Ladies J Their Fast Pace in Close and Exciting Game Bjeet the BritUh Navy in combat. ln only Ladies' i ouiG oe oeiigmeo-to offer Mus- Leae flxtnre played Ust nlghti eitAi safe passage for his fleet Wk- ,m. c-rt,- oik a naval battle with the Brttkh Oft." said the Premier. An alternated naval invasion 01 of England luTl ;r rgiana I ning Mlsg P. Wiggins, catching for w vi nance. Air. .1 1 .1 . . 1 2T!S1Ur!!d: .tJl re!!lr'be hit In the eye but stayed In the' 7" " game unUl tht finish. wpe m sxeen rrencn a i vision aft Sedan. .Great Britain, he admit-1 WANTED Driver. Class B. license. Steady work. Box 535, Prince Rupert. (143) LOST i LOST Saturday afternoon, June , 15, brown bill fold containing money, fishing license, driver's license, liquor permit. If found return to City Police Office or phone Sunnyslde Cannery. Reward, tf. PERSONAL WANT NORMAL PEP AT 40? MEN, ! Women! Try Ostrex tablets of . tonics, .stimulants, oyster elements to aid recovery normal , vim, vigor. Get package today. If not delighted, maker refunds Its low price. Call, write Mc-Cutcheon's and all other good drug stores. FOR SALE FOR SALE Piano ln good condN tlon. $60 cash. Phone Green 836, afternoon. (154) FOR REN1 FOR RENT Cabin at Salt Lakes. $10 per month. Phone Green 633. FOR RENT Furnished flat. Close ln. Box 5. Dally News. (145) FOR RENT Modern four roomed j flat. Apply 324 2nd. Avenue. J (148) Red Cross Is Without Pay F. A. MacCallum. president of the local branch of the Canadian Leaeue Keen UD'Red CroS Society, in a statement this morning, emphatically refuted rumors that have been current to the effect that any peison was re- Softballicel7ln8 remuneration of any kind Tiiausocver jn connecuon witn local Red Cross work. All services through Gibraltar for the pleasure 1 L. were entirely volunUry. Mr. Mac- of lstttof him hare his ambition of ifl ltl3,wnH Htin. ,a .Callnm said, and were being gen- turea of the game were a fast did, JW, at second base by Mildred Hunt and ri"' IT W" ,n8 donated ln catch ;., the "'c way ol of spectacular out In left field ?t www five the for the varlous m.sL",al! Phases navy something tolhv xlM Cav Vink in thrth in- , " :.ur 7" 01 Kea cross work. INDIAN SABOTEURS SHILLONG India. June 18: fCP) TOree cases of susoected sabnt- Heavy hitters of the game were age of rallwav lines were reported Barber and Philllnson-and for the; In the province of Assam within losers. Hunt and Field. (hre months. Sir Mohammed Batteries were McLeod, Williams SdulUh. the oremler. told the ana viaan tnr h Ai-vfr rinh tL.iti. w story of the -Battle of France." The ,nd Bond and Rowe for Vefvetl J - I ; ' f- uuipirra were Ateioourne cUSSey .iwikt, u.i..l. pondance of numbers had been and Bud Brown and Dominic Mon- OTTAWA, June 18: CP The extra ordinary and unforeseen. J tesano was scorer. Igannet population of Bonaventure . vCTUJxmji was touaty cheered A second scheduled eame between Island, off Gaspe Peninsula, has Cambral Hall, June June 21. (Mitchell's June 25. Queen Mary Hall July 5. 7. Frolic, Moose Valhalla Picnic June 23. Students of Misses Mar&aret J McCaffery and Jean McLean ln LOST-Black diamond necklace atirecltal June 24- Salt Lake Sundav. Phone nreenl 883. i4i '. Presbyterian Tea. Mrs. J. R. Red Cross Tea. Mrs. Sid Thomson. June 26. Raffling off teacloth. Catholic Tea, Mrs. DeJong's. June 27. Dominion Day Sports Celebration. July 1. Big Dance ln the evening. C. N. R. A. Excursion to Terrace. July First. Fare $2.75. United Strawberry Tea, Clark's, Taclfic Place, July 4. Mrs. dance Oddfellows' Catholic Bazaar. October 2 and 3, L.O.B.A. Bazaar. October 16th. Anglican Fall Bazaar, November Benj. H. Harry iM.D. EYE DISEASES Lenses Carefully Prescribed 631 Illrks Bid. Vancouver, B.C. OVER 600 8 p-m. Spetlal business, all mem- garet Johnson sailed this after- Leal ien Continue To Rally For Kr rprtiiiffl tn attend. U3 noon on Uie Cataia ror Vancouver. rice in war for for drunkenness,' drunkenness,' J. J. E. E. Ormhelm, Ormhelm, who who haa been; w44-Vi MntlM rf fltr Vista fkV iftvupol m nrt fht nn fur? i I O 0 0 a o o I 0 0 o o a Whirlwinds and Cookies was post- Increased 100 percent in 20 years. !g poned panion. News. WANTED WANTED Woman with family to stay for three months as com- Mrs. Wick, apply Dally (UT There are now 16.000 of the seagoing geese where there were only 8.000 in 1919. Announcements All advertisement in this column win be charged for a full month at 23c a word 102nd Auxiliary tea. Mrs. S. D. Johnston's, June 20. Emergency Over six hundred men have so cort thU momto!. noon Jjtta Cataia on hU rrtum MUonil ( ,, this morning This evening regis trations will again be received at uauBUlc" " ' t, IT rtnHi f.T Canadian Legion ver wnere tney wui spena me ai t.w iim aiiemoon irom oiew Hall and. I thereafter until the end of the "rations wM be received art and other northern points and'' at the city police station. RULE ON DESERTION CALCUTTA, India, June 18: lti a seaman must have Teas-' An ft hi a a rrvoVizn dvn aH f r1nnA tl. squads. Anyone qualified or Inter-Iduring wartime shipping, rather, ested In assisting please attend than "vaeue fears" to iustifr hii'. meeting at City Hall Tuesday at 8 leaving his shla a maelstrate nil- f pjn. U43)'ed here. I I Five thuos&no rx; ruiperil people read the Dairy News. It oays to let them nan what yoti have to sell. Gestures With REGISTER'W bood Just Now NEW YORK, June 18:-"We must cease making gestures with empt7 guns," declared Col. Charles A. Lindbergh Saturday in urging an intensification of preparedness measures for defence of the United States. He again criticized the "aid the Allies" policy of Preslden: Roosevelt which he declared could not be pursued for long without resulting in the United States becoming involved in war against Germany. OOOOOO0OeHKKWOOOWCHrOOOOOHW n Cherub Baby Oil Excellent for Chafinjr, Chapping and Diaper Rash. A Baby Feeding Bottle Tree with each purchase Both for 40c Ormes lid. ttt Pioneer Druq&iats The Itexall Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 13 to 2 pan. and 7 to 9 pan. B. C. Furniture Co. New And Used Furniture 1 Cabin Stove condition 1 Banjo At 5 Babys Cribs From C Cameras From -In good $9.95 5 Complete Beds Size 4-6. From 2 Sesslns 8-Day Chime Clocks At :.. 5 ReconditionedKitchen Ranges Of various makes. From 1 Baby's Play Gate $10.50 $3.50 $3.50 to $8.50 $1.75 t0 $5.00 $12.50 $16.50 $9.95 $28.00 to $35.00 NEW FURNITRUE 4 Coffee Tables Of very fine walnut In the latest styles 4 Drop-leaf Coffee Tables In heavy walnut. Regular $12.50, now $9.50 $9.75 10 Studio Couches In all new patterns in rust, brown, green and red. Can be made into double bed or two 2Qft fiTH singles, 3 spring-filled cushions. Reg. $45.00 now ?tO.OU 24 3-piece Chesterfield Suites In latest styles and colors. From . Phone BLACK 324 $75.00 to $96.00 Next Door to D C. Clothiers THIRD AVENUE s 3 a a 3 a a a a a a a S g