PAOE TWO Springs . . . LATEST STYLES TAILY EDITION Julia Arthur Vanity Maid Miss Atlanta and PHo-Pedic JUST ARRIVED Family shoe store ltD, The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Alternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert bally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - Managing-Editor Paid In advance, per week , Paid In advance, per month . By mail to all parte of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance . ' By mall to all other countries, per year Classified advertising, per word, pr insertion I . Local readers,' per line, per insertion Advertising and OreoLition Telephone aws Department Telephone Member of Audit Bureau at LlrculaUvns SS S6 Tuesday. March 5. 1M0. EDITOPIA1 S POLYANXA Polyanna looked on the bright side of everything She saw good in everything. No matter how bad the storm, how terrible the sickness, how abject the poverty there was always a bright side to the picture. What a difference between Pellyanna and the modem politician who trades on jealousy as his chief stock in trade. If any-thing s wrong, with many of the politicians it is the result of the capitalistic system. They try to make those who have failed to make rood jealous of thop who have been progressive Everything they do and sav is designed to rouse this jealous feeling. They do not realize that, if all people were failures, there would be no wealth in the nde;t, Better by far a Pol-vanna. seeing wad in everything than a perverted pessimist seeing not'hin but evil m the world. The evil is mostly in the of eyes y those who look for it A WONDERFUL THING m What a wonderful thing it is that we Canadians have a right to elect any person we wish to represent us in Parliament This right has been won for us over a period of a thousand years of struggle. Yet there are some who Sibject to the dictatorship of the proletariat There are also some u-ho would wrest our liberties from u X mlZ 3 mg us subject to fascistic regulations. Toward the end of the month we shall all go to the polls and use our best judgment in making choice of members. We are favoring the return of our former member ?0Jf JnE0VV thf 8 hoI(1 different PWons apd thev 2 entT ed t0 thT- There is oncr others a can- didatp from Terrace who sorved in the last war and who is asking -for o.n- suffrages. We all have the right ' to make' a free choice. That is ihmnrra i o Jl are not suggesting that Hanson is the only democrat That' would ie untrue. What we thai may suggest is L iberab have been the democrats through the ages. Occas anally auSv rebdS bUt nly WhGn they Were o UNION STEAMSHIPS LTDo Steamers Leave Prince Rupert lor Vancouver: T.S&CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARD EN A FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:3o pJn P? Vancouver,. Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, riease Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third .We. Phone 568 CHATTER OF CAGE GAME Intermediate Chi moonships in Of-fing Ocean FaKs and Premier Friends of the Intermediate teams m the rrtys basketball etr-cles will be interested to hear that series un rwexemxan. Th will retwrn eames of the series here. Due to the gymnasium at the Falls heine used as a theatre a'na the bovs cannot olay there on Fri-ttlav and Saturday as planned anri will have to leave here on a Tues-dv and return on a Friday's boat "nls makes the trip a little tou"h- I: N h V v a I II A 1 I 1 1 I1 1 Dliravre rue e L. k l). Tea-Is going over big. Per lb. OOX, ' . First Grade Butter OCT Jibs. -UU QuaVer Oats - O, ! Large size -lOlx ! Quaker Com Flakes flPn 3 for MOs Golden Loaf Cheese re 0 i 2 lbs. t ; i I f ILIbby's Kraut A t It ml IDC I se I Sweet Mixed Pickles tn 32-oz. Each -OUC I Woodbury's Soap )(r i cake ; Golden Shred Marma- OCp uOK, Ude Per jar i j Tomato 'Juice Orchard ffp , City. Per tin "" " ' " 100 Whole Wheat Off n riour-Per sack ODl, j JUST ARRIVED! II Fresh Layer Cakes They Are I V.Zo- Delicious yjuiy mm v vuen 1-Lb. Fruit Cakes- Off.o Each A"' . . THE DAILY NEWS , . r,- Today in Sports Sea Biscuit Was Speedy Saturday Kayak Second ami WWhee Third SANTA ANITA. March 5: CP- cult, in winning the Santa Anita U..U .l U I Mm er for players off work to travel south. As it was they intended to m" only Friday and Saturday ar-""int home on the Sundav but now they wiU miss the half -day on lwsoay au or Wednesday. Thursday and Friday. Sonny Scyiea Is pnmilring. from the south all about the datAt l :0f the games both here and In Ocean Falls This makes It be olayed hi the Daoer town i" wiU be with the CJtJUi ONJV Mmetlme later than the Eamaa .m . at ,east u B4mM- Savoy Savoy ... i a UUle doubt as to will be able to leave town due o their resoeefive duties Morgan n the printing line. Dominate in he machine shoo business and t Houston In the Army. Word has been received from remler of M wtfJmgncas to en-'ertain the boys this year as usual but. as the raraes w81 mean noth- ng more than a two-game series th Mfav the locals have he offer and. will now ivtn. central on the seriea coming up. J Five thou-tarn y., nnnr oeople read the Dilrv Newi n lays to let them knnw vtast have to sell I 9 SISTERS : o papp IDORA Roller Ririk Dally Sessions as Follows: 3 IS NOW OPEN FOR BirsiNESS Your Patronage will be highly appreciated "Aim ta Please" h our Motf Thank Yoo ( Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized MiHi VALENTIN DAIRY PHONI 57 Our Famous Ed Mm Albetta GOAL Bulkley Valley Coal Nanalmo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and Grain PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 58 Mon . Tues., Wed. 8 to 11 pxn. ThUrs. 7 to ;30. Dance 10 to 2 Friday 6 to 2:30, 8:30 to ll-.OO Sat. Children. 10 to -12 jun, 2 to 4:30, 6 to BuZO, 6.20 to 11 Special Arrangements Can Be Made for Private Skating Parties 1 5: I !C.N.R. WINS IN BOWLING tbey will be able to see thr teams Jnutes Franks. k- R. M te w ano w and in action &oam nLavtn ltr tin Montesano, MonwaDO, championship of the city. Metia- second better than the previous katla U to Jbe Invited a play off record of two Minutes and one and with the local teams and. should two-fifth seconds made last fear the village win. it will carry thelby Kyk 11 Intermediate Cop emblematic of j Wieheee. the horse of Mijor Am- ard Oil Star and George Vlereeit ' length and a quarter and his Seal Cove team. Thisl- ! should create no small measure of j Tb imK sema-Uonsl scmrt .w nthosiasm among the players ay Ksak.H wfcich wa far beislnd they have been practising all sea- ooeatase of the race. son without any actual compeU-j Even horw rw. - tinn except when they show on the Th' nner d the runner-up ocmional interUwn card. jhoth beloRs; to C. S. Howard. Tcnl5ht the Standard Oilers will take on Ben's tnys in a renter practice pame at the EirrfbHWi jyfTh Oil men are now netting into shape for the championship serif I with Ocean Fans team this month. 3 00 j The tickets for the series will b-9 00 O" lh stwtTthts week and it k lexpcted there will be lareer 5 "crowds lhan turned out for the I m. i ' i , The indlvidHal scoring was as follows: i Printer 121 266 173 M. 147 159 193 Franks. O. .114 181 187 Vance 147 163 146 McCaltum 1M 160 119 I m S4( 847 Imperial Oil Ktnrfor 156 164 171 Hartwtg 161 139 124 Rush 11 164 14j 1 Krfctznamon 91 150 12tj Simondson 142 136 1461 Handicap 15 16 16 I 1 686 768 7191 a M. Ri A. J SarnueTon ' .142 146 160 Jurmain 119 128 145 Franklin 54 181 till Melntoah 194 1C0 171 1 Paul 13 286 176 763 820 763 Gyro Brocklesby .166 158 110 Bulger 142 15f lUi Morrison .170 161 197 1 Asennasen 145 174 153' Dungate 118 124 161 731 769 753 The league standing to date for the nnal third of the seja-90: 3 0 3 Hotel 3 0 3' Printers .2 1 2 Imperial Oil 1 2 lj Canadian Scottish 0 3 0 Oyro Club 0 3 0' Angus Apartments -1 Moose - CI ASH F 1 1 FUKbALL FOR SALE- Terms strictly cash LOU 9-10, Blk. 11. D L 369, Terrace, Hogh M. Adams Esute. 8500.00; Sub Lot 1 of Lot 1429. Range 5. C D. Lakelse Road, 10 acres. Peter De Boer Estate. $100X0; Lot 20. Blk. 11 S. 6, Prince Rupert. Oeorge Macklln Estate J900.00; Lot 4. Blk. 37. Sec. 5, Prince Rupert. J. D. Peel EsUte. $125X0; Lot 8053, Cas-siar. 103 acres, situate near Aly-ansh, Wm. Stewart Estate, $100.-00; Unsubdlvlded nortlon Lot 5199, R. 5. C. D.. 142 acres, and cot tage. Estate Neil McCarthy. $300.00: Asad. Lot A of Lot 5. Blk. 2, and Assd. Lot A of Lot 6, Blk. 2, D, L. 45, Port Esjfington, Estate Mary D. Holland. 1200 no- Unsold portion Lot 5822, Casslar Alice Arm), and cottage. Estate John W. St rem beck, $500.00 Official ;AdmlnUtrator. Prince Rupert. B. C. tf. FOR SALE 7 h p. Imperial Heavy Duty gas engine In good condition. Atwater Kent makc-break ignition, brass shaft, intermediate shaft, stern bearings, stuffing box. propeller and force feed lubricator Phone 13 -or write Box 585, Prince Rupert, B.C. 5) ; FOR SALE Baby chick from yIp orous new blood leghorn breeding unsexea jiuw per 100, pul-let (97 1 $25X0 per 100. Also Rock and Red chlck $12.00 per 100. Appleby'a Poultry Farm, Mls cion City. B.C. tf ,FOR SALE 15 h.p. Vivian gas en gine in good condition $350. Apply boat HekJa, McLeans floats. (59) HOARD AND ROOM FIRST CLASS board and close in. Phone Black 965, FOUNIi FOUND Two-keys on ring at Ben's News Stand, Owner may have same by paying for this advertisement tf FOR RENT IFOR KENT First class alx-room nouse, three bedrooms, furnace. Moderate rent II a lleigerson Ltd, 37) SPORT CHAT New York Rangers, by winning over cnicaeo uiacx iiawics in uni- Boston will have a chance to re-coud itself again tonight when the Bruins play at home wflh the Red Wmgx SporU editor and eolsmnist of the Toronto Daily Star, Lou E Marsh died Hot yeara aao yester day after a brief Ulna. Noted at a boxing and hockey referee and an aathofHy on moat (porta. Marsh was 58 years old w4ten he died. He had Joined the staff of The mar when he was 12. A cemtptatnt familiar to rugby fans of today was voiced 16 years ao when C. & Chown of Winn I -peg. that day named president of the Canadian Rutty Union, urged adoption of uniform ragby ruW for Hockey Scores Pacific Coatt Portland 3. Vancouver 4 Try a Classified Advertisement JSIim Munter Race Winner Canadian NaUonal Kecreation cago Sunday night after playing , Take i)ot nerbv t, 0.. Aiociaon scored a three games a one-all draw with the Maple! ond Year Oyro Club in the Commercial moved out Into the leaderahip of j OUFnPf. iBwltac League last night In the the National Hockey League with a Muntl7', 0 second future of the evening, three point margin oyer Boston Md L' u' defeated imperial on two Bruins who were deieaieo a to 3 by J" csew New Traek Track ivw Kecrl iTnti rwMnia Anna tnha WHCn arti ,.. i t nna. tk. rv.i o-h win.. t rwxii i Uan w&j hih averagf scorer with Rinef&hould now be able to eop g. . 'W?IV ' tell Dr. D r n. r ii ii n. v-. Damtoi lr B. LtNDAlU U1H Contlnae frwti,,, Denthtn la Komt I. t 2 rwntrg, NEW ROYAO HOTEL J Zsrti.l Prspnna A HOMH AWATiKN iOMr Rtei ,r 1; Prlnre R;-rt BC MacKenzie's Furniture 7 Chntrrfield Suite In latest covering , web construction, built for comfort Price from Your Old Suite Taken an Part Panv PHONE 775 S9U THIRD JUrJ Coal! Coal! Coa tltkx nteets Writer winds aai Foothills Hulklev V alley Nanaimo-WcllinilJ We are equipped U rf any of thee reah prf carefully crrened i" graded t i Phones l'A-& Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Hoys! They're Here New Stock MODEL AIRPLANES Flying Models 10c 15c 25c 50c $1 $1.50 "GONE 1ITH THE WIND' Snecial mnvio orliflnn enmnWn tlhistrat The most popular'book of the Q5C , MY RECIPE BOOK Washable cover, size 8x5, 3-ring loose Jf8' book, complete with recipe index (J5C jtnu useiui iniormation (Extra leaves 25c per 100 1