PAQZ FOUR Modern Poilus Less Romantic PARIS, March 5: (CP) The sta- raw v MtM U 0tVa b Vii their supplies of new wartime post period the over-sentimental poses, the "ideal girl," the "dream sweetheart," a sailor Eazlne at a 'star from which a magazine-cover boys and girls want something to! express their sentiments without' being over-sentimental. Thus the cards for 1940 are posted gin iooK down. "The Kiss" was a and selline. One shows a wall !n favorite and another Dose of the which n hnrAchn same theme reads "A Soldier's Re- about which flowers are crowing compense." Through the window leans a eirl The industry of .love postcards with modern windblown haircut! cards. In stands in some out-of-lf- it ir in.4ra is u going guuig strong. swung. and ana a a general 1940 allure. Her - ,r" j the way places are to be found, still again J, and the French poilus in their wtcii.uauuA, hands filled imca with wun roses, roses, are are held neia ovictAnt extetent if if a o imio little .!i. low those C I ye sky-blue uniforms are seen hovering by a handsome soldier who which were nonular In thi last mr , , . . J young & """c w"u T jrV .7. "" ine stanas. a little sneeplsh-i gazes into her eves ranUv. Th, out . France is . like that. .. . iv. it is inm hut Every family album has a num- Producers say the- old type siMszr MfAtev ww m I HlfKaRSUWM: ' WJL. - " f Tv !! jIIIB I HVl .aaaaW HI again the bugles call and ONCE the Salvation Army goes to the front on active service with the troops r-not to kill ancTd'estroy but to comfort ; and save . . . to'jbejp men to keep At grip, on themselves and their own ' souls. Will ,jou. hefpto' make the soldiers say what tHty said in the ,' last wart "God Bless the Salvation -Army." THE RED SHIELD PROGRAMME The complete Red Shield Programme of the Salvation Army is already operating in the principal training camps of Canada and with the First Division overseas. It will accompany our soldiers ro France and follow as close up to the front line as the military authorities permit. IN THE NAME OF THE PRINCE OF PEACE For the sake of Canada's soldiers fighting our battles overseas ... for the sake of their loved ones at home : : . for the sake of the Salvation Army's work for the poor and oppressed we ask you to help in word and deed. The Red Shield Programme includes: Chaplairi Sejrice i,i i Hospital Visitation j jj:i Recreatin &riircs ("Huts!') "Dr'Cante'enV'' ' riostels (Bcdsarid jrMeals . in " ; 'vLondou andfeliewhere) Libraries and Reading Rooms Writing Rooms Socks and Knitted Wear Darning, Mending, Clothes Pressing Clothes and Shelter for Discharged Men ' Contact with Soldiers' Families Educational and Recreational Departments And many other services, including friendly counsel and advice when asked or needed. We owe a responsibility also to the mothers, wives and children the enlisted men have left behind. And always there is the regular work of the Salvation Army, which will be heavier because of the war. Will you help? Volunteer workers will call upon you. Receive them kindly and give as your heart dictatei THE SALVATION ARMY NEEDS... . i mill mill i p mill mill i oi iiiiii ii ii ii n Honorary President, National Advisory Board Hit Excellency the Late Riftht Honourable Lord Tweedimulr of Eltfield, P.C, G.C.M.G., C.H., LL.D., Governor General of Canada (Wt Jittb rttril Ibt ptuint ur llonortrj Prtudni tnftkllti) Chairman Vfce-Chalrmon Rt. Hon. Senator Arthur Meighen, Sir Edward Wentworth Beatry. K.C.P.C., B.A. G.H.E., K.C., LL.D. (Alio Chairman National Campaian Eiccuu'ti Board) Hon. Charles A. Dunning National Campaign Executive Board T Hoo, Senator W. II. Dcnnit . Provincial Chiirmio, No Scotia Th lion. ChitfJuiticeJ. B. M. Baiter, P.C fronncial Cbairnian, New UruniwlcV, aad I'rince Idwird Iilind tb Rt. Hoo Sir Wm. Mulock, K.C, M.G.. Frofincial Chairman, Ontario Gordon T, l-errr, f J- Pioiinciil Vice-Chairman, Ontario The I too. V. J. Tapper, Ueut-Goternor Provincial Chairman, Manitoba The Hoo. A. P. McNab, Ueat.-Goernor Provincial Chairman. Suketcbewan The Hon. Senator Buchanan Prot iocial Chairman, Alberta Th Hoo. Eric W. Himbtr, IJ.t.-GoTrnor i : 'i ri . n.:.I.L f -1 LI. BRIGADIER II. CHAS. TUTTE, Nitioml OmptUo Direcwi (ifi fr Chmirmmn of Lct ChhU1 ) rrwinv'.t ruivn, oruua wiiubdii j THE" RED SHIELD WAR d HOMH SCRViPF CAMPAIGN Mar. fl,h tO 20th How verse below reads: "Nothinir u 'Arsenal 12 of : sweeter than your caress. In return wt Ham ...11 oer oi wise irom tne 1914-1918 ard has lost it., popularity and the I offer my tenderness. i Watford 8 Mlllwall 6 Norwich .5 Charlton 7 Clapton 5 .Crystal P S Tottenham .. 5 Southend .... i 5 6 5 3 8 9 8 11 12 South W. L. Queen's Pk..l2 Bournemth ..11 Chelsea 8 'Reading 10 i Brentford 8 jFulham ........ 6 Portsmouth 7 Aldershot .... 3 Brighton 4 Southsm'ton 4 Plymouth 10 Torquay 9 Swindon 9 Bristol R 5 Swanwa 4 Newport 5 Cardiff 3 Bristol C 3 3 4 3 5 8 7 9 9 12 13 East Midland tfCB DAILY FOOTBALL STANDING Teams are Makinj Out in Old Country Leagues ENOLISH South -A" 1 4 1 3 S 5 1 3 2 0 0 ir D. 2 Southwest W. L. D 6 4 4 7 7 6 5 9 Midland W. WolThmptn U W Bromwich 10 Luton 0 Northamptn 4 Blrmlnghm 5 Conventry .... 5 Leicester 3 Walsall 1 L. 2 2 5 4 6 7 7 12 57 33 41 38 29 58 27 35 34 23 F. 48 49 39 43 42 44 35 30 39 39 F. 43 44 44 37 28 20 20 28 F. 48 44 41 28 25 24 29 22 j A fifty cent ciassitieo ad. .often make you many dollars. 23 32 38 35 24 54 58 43 40 53 28 23 A. PU. 23 28 24 21 21 18 16 15 10 9 - W. L. D. F. A.Pts. Chester fid .6 2 2 33 11 14 Sheffld U .... 7 1 0 26 10 14 Barnsley 4 2 3 18 15 11 .Rotherham - 4 2 3 9 12 11 Grimsby 5 3 0 17 15 10 I Mansfield .... 4 6 1 24 30 9 Sheffld W. .. 2 5 4 16 22 8, Doncaster t' 3 3 12 13 7 Notts F ... ..... 1 3 3 10 11 5 Lincoln 5 0 9 23 4 Notts C 1 6 1 12 24 3- Northwest W. L D. F. A.Pts.i Newcastle .. 8 2 0 30 13 16 .Bradford .... 6 2 0 21 14 12 Med 5 2 2 16 10 12 Huddersfld... 4 1 3 19 7 11 ' Mlddlesbro . 4 4 1 21 16 9 Bradford C. 4 3 1 17 16 9 ;York City 4 3 16 19 9 IHartlepool 3 5 0 13 18 6 Darlington 3 6 0 14 25 6 Hull City . 2 7 0 10 21 4 Halifax 1 9 0 14 32 3 ' Northwest W. L. D. F A.Pts. Preston 9 1 1 29 14 19, Bury 8 2 1 32 15 17 Oldham '. 7 4 2 28 26 16 Blackpool 5 1 4 23 16 14 1 Bolton 5 2 3 22 14 13 Blackburn 5 4 2 22 16 12 Barrow 4 4 3 28 28 11, Burnley 3 5 2 24 22 8, Rochdale 3 6 2 19 25 8 Accringtfln 0 7 5 19 32 5 SouthDort .... 2 8 1 15 32 5 Carlisle 0 7 2 fr 30 2 Western I 1 W. L. D. F. A.Pts. Everton 6 2 3 33 18 15, Liverpool .... 6 2 3 33 18 15 Stoke 6 2 3 29 21 15 Manchstr U. 7 4 0 39 21 14 ! Manchstr C. 6 2 ' 2 31 21 14' Chester 4 3 3 19 13 11 Wrexham .... 4 5 3 19 18 11 Port Vale .... 4 3 " 2 22 20 10 N, Brighton 4 5 2 29 29 10 Crewe 3 8 0 28 39 ol Stockport 2 6 1 22 34 5 1 Tranmere .... 0 10 0 11 44 O4 wili . MISERAL ACT Notice To l).lniirnt Co-ownrra To 4ihn W. Aldn and (luridrr lUrkc I land of Nratllr, Waahlnjlon, C. H. A. I WHEREAS then Me owner, other than myself ut the extent of more IthAn one qtwrter lnterent la each and Jail of the BUr No. 1, SUr No. a. Star No. 3, SUr No. 4, SUr No. S. Star No. 8. Star No. 7, Star No. 8. 8tr No. 9 ana Star No. 10 Mineral Claim altuate on the north aide of Porcher bland I In ChUmore PaMag about 800 feet from the beach In the Bltecna Mining Dlrlalon, Province of BrlUnh Columbu: ' TAKE NOTICE tiuw unleae you d3 1 Dar wLtiiln da a vm ih. Hat. (of the nun of S1537.M being your, projjortlon of the expenditure require! iia ivji, awjo , avna ivjv Dy Section 28 of the Mineral Act, R. 8. .B. C. 1938, Cho.ptr 161, together with all rvwta nf Mil, tJt.m , algned, the reglatered 'owner of a&ld 1 , 1.. . 1 .1 . 1 . . . . . . muwrm btuiiin, your inwTein on aaia Mineral CUUrru ahall be forfeited and itmoutne Teeted In.Uu underalgned who ; hiu made the required expenditure. I DATED at Prince rtarpeH, B 0, tola '8th day of July, 1D3. E. B. BEUNIT. Service With Q. C. Islands Is Discussed Prlnre Kupert Chamber merce of Derided Not to Take Any Action 19 comptatning mat tne steamer 17 stop-overs at Prince Rupert and 15 Vancouver were not long enough 15 for passengers to do their shop-13 ping and return, a letter from the 12 New Massett Community Club read' 10 at the Prince Rupert Chamber oil g Commerce regular monthly dinner last night asked that a stop-over of at least 38 hours at each end be given. This would allow wholeal ers and others to fill orders. letter had been referred to the trade and commerce committee which reported that the request am,l4 K. f.nalkU M Ik. m ;of the committee was adopted. A suggestion was mad that pos sibly, " now there was increased log- Slock Taking Sale All FURS At Goldbloom's 25 Off Take advantage of the low Prices to buy now V. GOLDRLOOM "The Old Reliable" THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeyo PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only tatmon cannlnc company with an all the year round payroll la Prince Rupert MASTER OF ORCHESTRAS (Continued from Page One) antl-Oerman sentiment prevailing in thr Unltrrl KratM ftr Amrrl- lea's entry Into the world war made I him the target for many bitter attacks, especially when he conduc-'ted the Boston Symphony concerts Com- in Carnegie Hall, New York. Building Value This Year Is Up i Considerable Increase so Far In 1910 As Compared With Year Afo . . LAJN1JUN IHPi Th Unnl,..1. g ging ounnet on tne islands and . m , . " " Tonnrriia tit. irnc lAlimr mtatnMa rm th lrlrw " 'unn APu'charle.tadrndUytn.reiu-'V Uneh"ntd l l U 0,Jock Jo S t"c company miht constder1 M7M T r,ne ounce Mf u he 22 pulting on the two boats during 22, the coming summer, running over 15 the same route alternately with 13 each other. 13! Peter Lakle. on behalf of the 13 company, explained that two ex-o tra trips had already beei made to the loMtlnir camps and the men A.Pts. Would stfly ,hwe until the camps ai 23, closcd- There would be no extra 22 22 Dus,nf that It was not able to 14'naneue with the one boat It was 14 also expected that tourists could be 13 satisfactorily accommodated by 11 giving a daylight run to Prince Ru-10 pert from Port Omenta. New Fresh Stock of EASTER CANDIES and NOVELTIES From Ic to "5c now on dUplay. You are invited to look over he assortment while It l complete. Those wishing to can have goods held till Easter MUSSALLEM'S CONFECTIONERY Opposite Canadian Legion OENKKAL CONTRACTORS CASEY and M0RRETT0 Sione Masonary. Brick or Concrete Work Excavation and Landscape Gardening Macadam Roads or Sidewalks Phone 35 for Morretto or Orecn 527 for Casey Building permits In Prince Rupert for the first two months of this year amounted to $8230 In construe -tion value as compared with S287S in the corresponding period last ..... 1...IUI rcuiuury Duiiainn value wa 30S5 a compared with $1575 in the same month last year. (iou) c Not a Man In the Cait Hut in All ' About M-H-i (At 7:13 and 9 tj Tonljht L Wed. USED FURNITURE Set nf four kitchen chairs WOO each 85c r v , consist buffet, square table to extend and 5 uph; Studio lounge to pull out to double bed $20 00 Bed r consist in two Inches round bedstead, centre panel a coll spring and felt mittress. sire 4 feet 6 inrhen by 6 r. tove. good make. Orirney, seralenameL burning ... $29.50. Monarch range, A-l condition $31.00. Queber heater for coal or wood $12.00. Oil burning circulator ! latest pot style $19.50. ODD ARTICLES Pair tube skate and shoes, slie 8 $2.95. Pair tube kr $2.90. Eastman Kodak, slxe 116 $4 95. Cyma watch. 7 s Double barrel hammer less shot gun. 12 guage $20 00 1 X15A0. SUnley mitre box and saw $5.50. Single b; - Hunting knife 95c 8-foot show case, width 2 indir Inches, sliding doors $31.00. Toledo counter scale c- a $40.00. J to ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Green 916 Store Hours : 3a a.m. to 5 30 p m The Rexsll Store Ormcs Cod Liver Oil (Norwegian) 8 oz g Ormes Cod Liver Oil (Norwegian) g 16 oz Ormcs Liquid Petrolatum 16 oz Ormes Liquid Petrolatum 10 oz Ormes Liquid Petrolatum (container extra) Ormes Liquid Petrolatum Gallon (container extra) Ormes Horchound and Honey Cough Syrup Ormcs Bronchitis Remedy At -4 Tlllltn AVLMI Phones 11 12 40c " 75c Z 40c 75c 31.00 $2.00 50c " 50c ()rmcs mp' Syr Whltc rinc 25c aml 50c Ormcs Antiseptic Throat Pastilles At 25c 1 iooooooooooooooooooooooocoooooooooooooooooas I Ormes Ltd 5 Zrfi Pioneer Druggist Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. a Sundayi and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and j 7 to 9 p.m. I 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Housekeeplnr Apartmenti (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. E. Mack, Proprietress (Central Hotel) SHOOTING GALLERY Atljolnlnr IDOHA ItOLLEK AKENA