T,,. ,d..v. Man-h 5. 1&40. r- FP frtS Pr M t JOIN THE SALAM STAMP CLUB Fo It h ctnti nd tht Ubil tnd, ihowlnj tht U.pot trtdt IMMUU..L.I kli1 inl TCI -ii l ""' - '"7 vi rinbnvn itn w will lend VOtf Hinnf I UuVlt Of : 1 '64 pt) Stamp Album, 1 100 11-dUlwtntiUmbi. 1 BlIUtoithouiandtcftUmcioff.,4 Fit1n ichan (or SAlAOA Ubtli. SAL ADA STAMP CLUB - 461 Kin. Si. W., Toronto COMMERCE CHAMBER MEETING f and it looked upon It as pj'li'iral ,CuUiuiaC!sranee - - -.j'-: able discussion took rrc.ird to the a ustonu officer ;das s for i.ir the me purpose purpw m of the proceeding! week for use on the Sunday and that stating that Hon. T. D. Pattullo had aimounced that, in view of Uie completion by the Dominion Government of the Big Bend Highway between Golden and Revel-stoke, the official opening date of the highway had been fixed as June 29. He also stated that Hon. A. T. Crerar, Minister of National protection committee Resources from Ottawa, had been .isr-d relief It stated that requested to officially open the r was quite outside the j highway on that date and he had i of the Chamber oflbeen ood enough to accept. The new motor highway between Banff WAS RULER OF AUSTRIA Country Had Comparatively Happy Days During Halnlsch Regime VIENNA, March 5: (CP) Elec tlon of Dr. Michael Halnlsch, who Is dead at Ologglntz at the age of 1. as first president of the Aus- ...It - .. . . man nepurjuc was regarded as a stroke of good fortune for the country. During his regime from 1020 to 1928 there were compara-' uveiy nappy days. Political strife that came after there was not ine abdication of the last of thei sufficient staff to keep the office "apsburgs with the signing of the ' open Sundays. , armistice to end the World War. ine aacuasion became general, caui a serious economic sltua-F A. MacCallum, Frank 8klnner. Uon throughout the country. This Andrew Doreland, and Weldon Mc- continued for Two years until some Afee each expressing an nnininn rt of order was brought nhont jMr. McAfee stated that In Vancou-',ne adoption of the republican ver a man was sent to the fish """"tutlon. lour New Members E-xted andldock to make It convenient for' Even then there remained in the Number of Matters Dealt With the boats to clear. The port com- Pln reconstruction and pro-,l Meeting Last Night jmlttee will have the duty of taking Kre erlous obstacles caused by Four new members were elected iir Prince Rupert Chamber of r ::;ru'rc' lal evening at the reg-u dinner meeting In the Com-rnvd-in- Cafe.Ui president. W. M. W ' it) the chair They were Ar up wie maiier wim uuawa. wuuuueu nosumy oi ine po- The Mall Service iiueai parties toward each ther There was a brief dMion In .w, 'p rceremonlalor regard to the failure of the air and detouTCSlS mall to serve this community, a leaders at f Irst declined to co-op-T!Tl Td,f that an tf eratc ln lhe election of a preZZ. fort should be marie In mnmvttha'cu.i . . .... . k r I""-" wamea lne nno' lor his i nrmri' m.na.er of th Imrvr. nnAUinn .... ... - - ivr......w.. inn. nariv i. u.i L noHiku uiuu,j ai me sunfettion oi weiaon mc-. ' .. i.iw firm of Drown and liar- Afee it urn HmHoh in v. . D J Matheson. acting dty :: n.sioner. and A. O. Landels, . .. mananer of W. H. Malkln ( Vi A resolution was passed con- .iaimtr the standing rommlt-. hinbulldlng on It success 1. 1 ifvinft it of IU duties In Pi ad ijursUoii of the appointment : nuiirnt agent of marine at Rupert was referred back to : n-.i'tee to take up with Ot .ibxir rommtttee reported art '. request made by the un- - ----- - - aw awaaM a v ter of congratulation to II. R. Ma'c-Mlllan on his appointment to the and Jasper would also t oned Ujtalrdng from .voting. mu iur Mil -uiy .- SrrSSiBirthday Party cannery SSSSTIs Much . Enjoyed , - :d e hr present system was. vitisfartorv. A fee of 1150 ! A deMihtful ; ff'd for eacli clearance ! held at the home of udftition. the person secur-! Docdor. 1144 NlnUi Avenue East, the SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling il OCEAN FALLS tad POWELL HIVEB Steamer leave Prluc Kupert everj THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trnlnt leave Prince Rupert for tlie East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. r Steamer Tor Ketchikan a" Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. tall or irrlW Forfar$, tc, City Tleh4t Office s 3rd At- V-9-40 own Balloting In the National As- sembly continued for three days! With th Knot 11. nn.ll.. l-l. II ' . JJ-lllCJ 11&IIU1IK each other sn Karri thif tvi chairmanship of the Canadian mment men In each were ellmln-Chamber of Commerce. ated and there was nothing left to , A ZUhkU'r V .tet'lVfi d0 but lurn on outsider who from the British Columbia Gov- had no enemies. Finally on De-, iniiiiciii. inin uurctiu siaune eemhpr 0 109ft ih Pan-Germans and the Christian Socialists com bined to elect Dr. Halnlsch. Although he had a reputation -as a Socialist writer, few people knew much about Dr. Halnlsch when hs was elected president and his poll tlcal standing was regarded as between the Pan-Germans and Christian Socialists who brought about his election. In 1924, he was cho-i sen for his second term, the limit allowed by the constitution. At that time he received 111 votes for the Bourgeois parties, the Socialists Dr. Halnlsch was born August 15. 1858, at Aue on the Semmerlng. and was educated at the Universi ties of Vienna, Lelpslc and Berlin. The family were representatives of the best elemenfof the Austrian middle class of society. The presl- I dent's father owned a cotton mill birthday party was.at Aue, Hls mother. Marianne Miss Helen Halnlsch. was very widely known throughout Austria as she had s ad to hunt out the cus- happy young people enjoying a beW1 m tne foreground of the r rr at his home. (pleasant evening playing games and womens cause more than 50 years 'm Watts stated that hetdre,n At midnight delicious re-; and was tne flrst t0 ask for viewed the collector and freshments were served George hts for women before the law. told that the clearance Marenimon was nuuucr . i-n she W8S onIy 21 uhen ner son was tr scf-ured any time during les "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Trlnee Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia 'born and lived to see his election as rirst president of the Austrian j renublc as well as his re-election. President Halnlsch married n-au- len Emllle Flgdor. one of Austria's wealthy women. Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Findlay. is due In port at 3:30 this afternoon from Stewart and other northern points and will sail at 4:30 for Vancouver and CASH ttr C.O.I). THE DAILY NEWH r - PAQE TOT EE LOCAL NEWS NOTES Dance Mora Arena, Thursday evening, March 7, Colassl's orchestra, (57) D. E. Morgan of Blllmor Is sailing this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver where he has been call? to the bedside of his brother, J. R- ' Morgan who is ill there. BLACKHEADS go qaiealy by a almpla mvthea I hat ti aol LArp- Cat two ounret ui pwtfaina pvmitr from four drugrfft. apply wtlh a hot, t cloth KcnUy oer the blarkhaad-and Jim will monitr wberc lbr but t f on. Corp. J. Oraham and Privates W. Nlxon and O. A. Kyle, who have been stationed here with the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps, will sail this afternoon on the Catala for Victoria, having been transferred there. CLOSE TO OBJECTIVE Sum of $819.70 is so Far Reached In Canadian Legion Drive With SUU some subscriptions out standing, the Prince Rupert Branch of the Canadian Legion reports, in connecUon with the War Services Incorporated financial campaign, to have received to date the total of $219.70. There are two large con tributions to come in yet and many) take the matter un with the steamship heads in Vancouver and with the Minister of National Defence at Ottawa. As reported In the press this has met with success and a copy of the letter from the steamship headquarters advising of this happy result has been received by the Legion here. GRANULATED SUGAR Ebbs Grade 'A" large. 25C Per dozen Huttcr First grade. 93C 3 lbs. Sliced Hacon Rindless 111 OQ cello. Per lb Swift's Pork Shoulders 22p Per lb Honey Graham Wafers JC Per packet Hlack Label Pineapple 27tf Sliced, crushed or cubes. 2 tins Lynn Valley Peaches m 27C 2 tins Aylmer Asparasus 2SO -... ...... Itlni . 4mVt Royal City Peas 5's. 2 tins 23c For prompt -and courteous Phone 13 Taxi. U. Mrs. Harry Calderwood is calling this afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Victoria. R. W. Sinclair, manager of Inverness cannery, is tailing this afternoon on the Catala for Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brown returned to the city on the Catala nesday. An executive luncheon of the lcub was held today. Announcements AH mdverUsexaenu m ttu col-;tam win be charged Tor a full month sit 35c a "word Eagles Bridge, Marcn 6. United March 7. Tea, Mrs. Krlkevsky, Valhalla Fishermen's Dance, March 8. Farewell Prince Rupert OperaUc Society rmaller ones so that there Is little fand Hodgson Dancing Academy doubt but that the objective wUl be benefit concert for local Red Cross reached. Society, Capitol Theatre, Sunday, At the end of February the prov-' March 10, 9:00 pjn. The musical Incc of British Columbia was only treat of the season. $1,110.00 short of the gross quota ind that has since been reached. arinHrkHn hac oinn 9 nr rpnt nvpr Vt.TM. Tea, .Mrs. Lineham's, 142 -5th East, March 12. its quota, Quebec 27 per cent over1 Canadian Leelon Tea and An Us quota and Prince "Ed ward Island inette.s Fashion Show, March 14. 67 per cent over Its quota. The Leg-: . . . Ion can look back and forward with 1 l, o B. A. Daffodil Dance, gratification at the result of this March -15, Metropole Hall, financial drive, organized and put' - - over in the short period of six Play High School ; Auditorium. weeks. Wartime problems made a March 14 and -15. quick campaign necessary and the ' ' success speaks well for the merits Garrison St. Patrick's dance, of the objectives, the effective work 102nd Armouries, March 15, admis- of the canvassers and the generous sion 50c. resDonse of the rjeonle who have thus shown their confidence in the ability of the men and women who fought in the last war to do their job in this one. Locally there is a worthwhile contribution that the branch has been able to mike in the way of personal services. This was In the matter of St. Patrick's Tea, Catholic Hall, March 16. Presbyterian Tea, Little's, March 21. reduced fares for troops now serv- 11 ing In Prince Rupert to enable them M,"h a- to spend their leave at their homes. ,Marcn The local branch of the Legion sent a night letter to the Provincial Secretary of the Legion urging him to 50-lb. bag 10-lb. bag Walnuts Fresh pieces. . . Per lb Sultana Raisins 2 lbs. Crisco 3-lb. tin Wild Rose Pastry Flour 7-lb. sack Cheese Old English, Kraft or Velveeta. 2-lb. box Johnsons Floor Wax Special, 2-lb. 10-oz. tin Woodbury's Facial Soai) 4 bars Classic Cleanser Per tin - Mrs. J. J. Moose GlnghamXeapYear Dance. March 21. Band Parents' March 27. Orange Ladles' Sale, April 3. United Spring Sale, April 11. Presbyterian Spring Sale April 18. Tea, "Mrs. Parkin's tea Mrs. Hogan's Keep up to date. Atrtise 0VERWA1TEA LTD. Rhone 813 $3.25 65c 23c 23c 67c 35c Queen Gharlotte Crab 91 P Vis-lb. tin Free Delivery on Orders of $1 and Over 59c 98c 29c 5c !W.VJVW.VJV.VWAVAV.V.V.W.VJ'AWAV.,.V.,.W 2 5 li this afternoon After making the 'J round trip to Stewart and other!; northern points. O. W. Nlckerson left on last evening' train for Terrace and Smlthers where he will address election campaign meetings on behalf of Olof Hanson. 'L The Prince Rupert Gyro Club'? will be in business session ac itsX regular weekly luncheon this Wed-J if I PHONE 116 Night or Day PHONE Wile Thoy Last! STORE WIDE CLEARANCE Regular quality stock. A grand opportunity to buy serviceable, wearable clothes specially priced A Few of the Reasons You Should Buy Here NOW FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY! MEN'S SEXn-TfRESS AND WORK PANTS A size and a pattern to suit everyone. Selected from higher priced lines Reduced 33 1-3, QC Your choice yltO ME.VS GARTERS Adjustable Only 100 pairs of these. A good buy. Yes, Qn for only MEN'S RAINCOATS Today's popular styles and colors. A limited number of $12X0 and $14.00 coats included. Others too. All t?C QC special Dozens of Other Bargain MEN'S WOOL SOCKS Just at a time when wool is going up in cost. Buy now. All sizes and colors. A good IQp value at 55c. Special BOYS' FLANNELETTE PAJAMAS Warm and comfortable. Just the thing for recent week Sizes 26 through 32. 57 QQp Real $150 values MEN'S TIES All year around patterns. Smart stripes, dots and fancy designs. Our better quality. Your J?Qo choice Phone BLACK 181 Our Men's Store Semi-Annual Sale Rupert Men's & Boys Store "Quality You Can Afford" SIXTH STREET Between Second and Third Ave. COAL NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. 3 Heated Cars PHONE 117 112 TAXI Prompt Service B. C. Furniture Co. We Have Just Received a Large Stock of Reconditioned Typewriters In guaranteed first class condition in such yell-known makes as Remingtons, Undervoods, L.C. Smith and Corona at very low prices 1 Monarch Typewriter A-l working COJ. tfl condition $&OV 1 Remington Typewriter 27 00 At 1 Underwood Typewr iter 29 00 At 3 Remington Noiseless Typewriters With extra large carriages.. A-l condition $45.00 55.00 1 Two-tone Fa wcett kitchen Range C4Q JQ Used only two moiiths, just like new V V 1 Three-piece Chesterfield Of fine J7 gQ 4 Reds Complet 4'6"byG' ... 2 $12.00 t0 $16.50 Phone BL.CK 321 THIRD AVENUE Next Door to B. C. Clothiers J. H. BULGER Optometrist Rojal Bank Bldf. Fresh Shrimp BOAT W.S.L. Dally at 4 p m. TROTIEK'S DOCK Mm mi i 3:1 mm