r MADE s v - i-i 1 mi . ENFORCED aouth Unna ji Ships Hound From Holland With German Coal Are Intercepted, iTDfVl Marrh 5: 'CP The b ' wren Oreat Oritaln and ... i . . . Kb: "if nyre critical loaay as jBi v rontraband control It ilian ship bound r " flam o iiaiy wun car- i -p. .jn roal and prepared . 4 Driers nt. Hon. Ron-r nuter of economic " Parliament today that j. a! i steamships had al-d'-'jined In compliance r vouily announced In-Vx', ndtng the blockade to Mr Cross made it the intention to , ninU under the two-b)ockade. Any coal - out of Rotterdam to ' br sublect to setaure as ::d Mr Cross, adding pments had now eas- shins, laden with ' r Italy, sailed itrrdan; In the be-' Britain would not HONO KONO. March 5: CP Japanese w arables shelled positions twenty miles north of the Portuguese port of Macao throughout the morning today and then landed a force for a new penetration of South China Just across the mouth of the Pearl River from Hong Kong. The renewal of the Ja- pane offensive in South China was also marked by ac- tlvity of war Diane in resum 4' ption of the bombing of Chin ee area CITY HAS COLLAPSE XkaiVSSf 8HENEN0AH. Pemwylvania. Mar. m0fe MV ,,., Jt" 5: .CP.-Part of mid-city Shenen- .i.nHin. in doah "nk lowlr etrday. toppl- butldlnf. as abandoned anthracite ' - Germany to IUlv s: Bui?.; 3 of IUlv that It Ztr Antlc-ltalWh ft-political relations and hi denunciation of pvt between the two liwver. in some Ital-h nosslblllty of a hi seen v M , ran be made in German coal to -uns short of coal. bu! herself to blame. f Welsh coal avail -.? pointed out. w lype Ut Jtato Being Jveloped Now t: COtwpacu ailCT iitiiuwiiti. were hurt, Mining experts said that the cave-ins might continue for two weeks. Two thousand people have fled from their home. Twister Visits Illinois State Hurricane Does Much Damage in Evensville District WASHINGTON. D.C. March 5 - Rcprcscntatlves of enemy governments mingled here Sunday at a service of Pontifical High Mass held v..,- tn nWrve the first annlver- Mar'i leader the coronation of Pope Plus. . ... ... t 1. Jlnnn- a Killed and two others Ambassadors, hign cnurcu u i? Waimi'M k .v,. i 1 . 1-- 1 nnvomment officials i, " "j .hum iiicu nuo wjrifs iiiiu PI 11 l"irlni,i,l... . n.t .n..4nnm InrludlnE TCP- i"'iv'i 01 uoi. rci- were 111 inuui" - Foua'iita, mllltarvrti.fntnriinrtl.nfnMvM from the BriUsn. r IUi iirmaeni, wnosc lireiFrencn, uerman, rujun picved t-j have been aimed at. 'embassies. irnTsTrinTiTiiii" rn 1 1 g T"K FISHKRIES ADVISORY HOARD IS AHSO-U'TKLY NOT A PRICE-PIXING HOARD J ' obJc . t L, to assist the Minister of Fisheries In arranging an wawly supply of fish to the nrltlsh market and. at the same reasonably maintain existing market contacts. i I".other rd. It Is to give Orcat Britain and France as much jjj as we tan. without unduly disturbing the supply for Canad- fa an cor umption. 1 VOTK POR HANSON I 1L...I . ... . . t..- Ti...nrt 11 f ', " i.iucrui Association oi rnnce mi"-'"" - wi cm rau mxm am imn:a u i tu r.i va r va t 1 Hermans Give No Explanat'on of Order Affecting Netherlands Frontier of communism or fascism. What really threatens the world U the force of evil. MASTER OF ORCHESTRAS Dr. Karl Muck Was Itegnrded As Classical Conductor in Truest Sense 1 STUTTGART, Germany, March 5 (CP) Dr. Karl Muck Is dead here at the age of 80. sidered by many music lovers of Oermany and the United States as ithe best qualified Interpreter of EVANSVILLE. Illinois. March 5--Va Vner " I visited this part of lUIn- A twister Dy thnt Qf nevef fam oU at the week-end causing at least. al Qf ifery KQn &i two deaths and doing considerable he chQsen J damage. A ntne-year-ow gin was( aj muslcal killed here. A Worics rrasrcM -chM of the Wagner festivals at1 ministration worker lost his me ai. i"tatriith Viirs fr mrvrr than 5: .CP)-' . ZlenTRMZlly ears h,s conducting of! a: tun ; , ., i Khirlov ny n. Marcn was muv urmw.."..v- . -parslfar and "The Ring" werei wn' w jrlety of potato, alml- Nt ' led Oem type, which , . i a major crop In th Knemies Mingle Kassination Dictator Was sal Plot Aim WAna, Cuba. March 5: (CP)- At High Mass Various Dijnatorles At Pontifical High Mass on Pope's Birthday Twice Dr. Muck was the conduc tor of the Boston Symphony Or-i chestra: Ftom 1906 to 1908 and then again from i912 to 1918. The (Continued on Page Four) Stock Market Little Changed Fluctuation Continues Slight in Trading In Securities at New York NEW YORK, March 5 Turnover . on the New York Stock Exchange! totalled 4C0.000 shares. The Industrial average was up .10 at 146.43; rails up at 30.40, and utilities up M nt 24.19. In the' first hour today trading was dull and price ranRe narrow, industrials advancing .12c. to 146.55 and rails .08 to 30.54. Mistake Of SiAir Force Went Into Action Against British Machine, Causing It to Crash In Flames GRAVES END, March 4: (CP) Royal Air Force planes went Into action by mistake against an unfamiliar blue and Breen colored nlane which they forced down In finmps. It turned out to be a Bri tish plane. PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTdRIA, B.C. reather Forecast Tomorrow's Tides and Queen Char-L :c Rupert High 0.00 a.m. 18.7 It. Fresh to strong ,jinds 11:54 p.m. 193 ft. Low 6:01 ajn. 7.6 ft. ir.ild wiln occasional rain. 18:25 pjn. 4.6 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BMTIS H COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1940. PRICE: i CENTS War Purchasing Criticized War Resumed : FRONTIER IS CLOSED LOAN BILL IS SIGNED President Roosevelt Affixes His Sic-nature to Export and Import Bank Measure AMSTERDAM, March 5 (Cana- WASHINGTON. DC March 5 j man ,rress--jne uerman irontier The first act of President Frankiin between Borken and Wlnterswljk. where a railway crosses the border, was closed yesterday. No explanation was given for the order. J Son Of Former U.S. President X Communists In Canton JYftlSlHg fOrCC States, who will lead an International brigade of volunteers to Finland to fight against Russia, has resigned his majority in the standing British army and again becomes a reserve colonel. Roosevelt has now nulldlnts Crack and Homes Topple enlisted 500 men for the brigade When Shenendoah Coal Work- and P to have three thousand ing Cave In i Rooeevelt says that the menace to the world today is not a question D. Roosevelt after returning from his cruise to the Canal Zone andj beyond was to affix his signature j to the bill increasing the caoltal of the export and Iraoort bank from' $IOOlOOO,000 to $200,000,000 andj thereby making possible loan. to Finland. China. Sweden, Norway and other countries. Finland, through its minister to the United States, is already arranging to make purchases of whrt. corn, lard and other com- LONDON. March 5 Kermlt modifies In United States Immcd-Roosevelt, son of Former President latt,y wlth h ne' lne of credit .Theodore Roosevelt of the United Bulletins JAPANESE TRAIN DISASTER TOKYO Over IZ0 passentew am believed to have been killci and many others injured wbrft a tr:( n plunged into the fiver Raihuwaku in northern Japan. The train dropped from a bridge which had been struck by an avalanche. RETAINS TrrCc TORONTO Georgle Pace retained the bantamweight title last night by fUhtinf a fifteen round draw with Loo Saliea of New York. Each fiher weighed ll?1 -pounds. A crowd of 8300 fans saw the fight. Having the reputation of being TUHKO-RUSSIAN NEGOTIATIONS Ja classical conductor in the truest sense of the term. Dr. Muck for ...... . more than three decades was con- riutrn Two Deaths ana .... . . LONDON-A dispatch from Budapest to the London Daily ExpreM says that Russia is seeking to negotiate a trade treaty with Russia on the basis of terms uhlch last fall were rejected by Dictator Joseph Stalin. CONTRACTS FOR CF.UISERS NEW YORK The New York Shipbuilding Co. has received from the Department of the Navy contracts for two 15,f 30-ton cruisers at a cost of S1.990,000 each. They will be of th St. Louis class with six inch ans and will be named Cleveland and Columbia. The contract calls for completion in 36 and 39 months. TO BUILD PLANES VANCOUVER Boeing Aircraft Co. here U expecting contracts from the War Purchasing Board for the building of fighting aircraft. NELSON BEATS KIMBEHLEY NELSON Nelson Maple Leafs havci won the Kootenay Hockey League play-offs from Klmberley Dynamiters. Last night's game rrsulted In a three all draw. Nel- on won the second game 2 to nil in yesterday's short trading session ! after a 1 alt draw In the first. Nel son will Eaters. now meet Trail Smoke RUFFING SIGNS UP NEW YORK Red Ruffing has signed up his 1940 contract with the New York Yankees. His salary w ill be $23,000, an increase of $3000 over last year. RATIONS OF MEAT PARIS Even horse meat and tripe are being placed under rationing restrictions in France. For three days each week the serving of beef, mutton, veal and goat in French restaurants will be banned. INTEREST ACT OUT LONDON The Trivy Council Judicial committee today ruled as unconstitutional legislation passed In Alberta In 1937. reducing provincial Interest rates. I War News i 1 SUBMARINE DESTROYED LONDON A Royal Air Force destroyed a German submarine in shallow water off the mouth of the Elbe 'River a few miles from the German coast yesterday. The plane made a direct hit with one out of four bombs. The u-boat was struck between conning tower and stern and billows of greyish-black smoke then appeared. PACIFIC RELIANCE SUNK LONDON Sinking of the British liner Pacific Reliance of the Furness Line is announced as a result of enemy action off the west coast. The entire crew of fifty-three of the 600-ton vessel was landed safely. HOLLAND INDIGNANT AMSTERDAM Dutch shinning circles express indignation at continued attacks by German aircraft on Dutch shipping, one ves-! at least having been sunk. "Complete lack of respect of international law and neutrality of small nations" is alleged. GERMAN LOSSES HEAVIER LONDON An official statement issued here claims that German losses in the war at sea for the week of February 26-March 3 -rere nuie. times thosev-otV-Ulroal Britain. The Germans I9U 18.-000 through seiture and scuttling and the British 1.900 tons. Onlr 25 out of 11,000 convoyed ships have so far been successfully attacked by the Germans. Claims in Berlin that Germany has lost onlr eleven submarines so war in the war are ridiculed. At least fifty are known to have been destroyed. NEW WAR LOAN LONDON Chancellor of the Exchequer Neville Chamberlain announces a new 300,000.000 war loan. The announcement was made by the Chancellor in the House of Commons today. VHPURI HOLDS OUT I1ELSINGFORS In the face of an even more Intensive Rus-sian'siee. Viipuri was still holding out today with the Finnish flag continuing to flv over the be-leacuered city. The Russians claimed to have captured three more villages on the outskirts. Fresh victories are reported by the Finns in the Lake Ladoga and Tctsamo areas. WESTERN FRONT QUIETER PARIS A quieter day was ported on the Western Front day with reduced activity. Colder weather has been restricting ground and aerial patrol. NAZI ASSURANCE BRUSSELS The Belgium government has been officially assured by Germany that there will be indemnity for the shooting down of two Belgium planes last Saturday when one flier was killed. Special instructions have been given by the Reich that Belgian neutrality must be respected. New Marketing Board Formed Will Govern Handling of Vegetables and Seeds in Province VICTORIA, March 5: (CP) A ! new board under the Natural Pro ducts Marketing Act has been form ed to regulate the marketing of vegetables and seeds. NEW YORK COfPER NEW YORK, March 5 Copper I prices were up .03c to .05c yesterday ion the New York metal market wltn closing at 10.55c per pound. jMay Secret Court Goes Into Session Today; London Press Talk: Unnamed War Office Colonel is Said to Have Recommended Ex-convict as Contractor's Agent Cabinet Shake-up Expected j LONDON, March 5: (CP) An assembly of a War Office secret court was announced today as London news-I papers continued to express concern over the supply ministry's conduct of its vast purchasing. The court met to question an unnamed War Office colonel who is reported to have recommended a discharged convict to the supply office as a contractors' agent. Cabinet changes are receiving n 1 si 1 rTl 1TD widespread discussion in political I A(JAANx circles. Some pre anticiDatine an VilJLJljrllllJ extensive reconstruction of the ad-1 minlstraUon, possibly Including the setting up of a smaller cabinet to direct the war effort. First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill' Seven Hundred to Leave This Counts mentioned as the possible head trJ to Fiht Against Russia of the new cabinet. However, it is! considered unlikely that any an- Police Officials Strike At Mine VICTORIA. March 5. CP In spector John Shirass and Sergeant S. D. Woods-Johnson, provincial po lice, are In Victoria to confer with Premier T. D. Pattullo and Attorney General Gordon Wlsmer in regard Roosevelt Is i: Leaning To War I So Says Senator Taft of Ohio . Regard to Chief Executive , WASHINGTON, D.C, March 5: (CP) Senator Robert A. Taft, Re-nubllcan, Ohio, declares that Presi dent Franklin D. Roosevelt Is leaning more and more towards war. Windsors Leave Paris To Visit Zone Of Battle PARIS March 5. The Duke and Duchess of Windsor have left their Paris home for a visit to the war zone. The Duchess is w earing a Red Cross uniform. WINNIPEG WHEAT" TO FINLAND TORONTO. March 5: (CP) Col. nouncement will be made before thcifraser Hunter D.S.O., Toronto Lib- Easter recess. I era MI. A,, announced yesterday jthat seven hundred Canadians, In- eluding many aviators, will leave I shortly for Finland with approxi-, mately 250 Finnish volunteers. CoL - f r I Hunter, a retired IndlanAnnx ot- k Omening U V er nceiancr ttrt Txrerlrvnrx wiu prooacuy proceea do rmunu himself in personal charge of I contingent. Only Two Cases In County Court the to the Pioneer Gold Mine strike calendar For This Month Light, which culminated last week in a th Actions Being Set Over .ixty-hour sitdown strike deep in jjntn April the mine. j : 1 In the absence of Judge W. E. Nanaimo Wage Dispute Will Be Arbitrated loading coal on cars. .Fisher, Court Registrar was In charge of County Court yesterday (when it convened for setting of (cases. There were only two acUons ' on the list and they were set over 1 until AprU. The consideration of a naturalization application from Frank Redmond was stood over un- NANAIMO. March 5: CP It has' t tU the return of the Judge, been decided to submit to arbltra- The two cases are: tlon a dispute between the Canad- Charles Bibeau vs. Carl McEach-lan Collieries and the mine work-n. $279. T. W. Brown for plaintiff. PTs- union over the rate in rav for.". U. Hilton lor deienaani. Michel Coco vs John Anderson, $40.08, W. O. Fulton for plaintiff, T. W. Brown for defendant. i Salvation Army jAnd Espionage Evangelical Organization Under Fire in Japanese Diet TOKYO, . March 5 (Canadian Press) War Minister Hata declared before the Japanese Diet today that the Salvation Army must be placed under proper regulations for prevention of "espionage". WARNINGS SOUNDED Victory Will Not Be Cheap and Easy, Says John Simon LONDON, March 5: (CP) Chancellor of the Exchequer Sir John Sl- ;mon, reviewing the first six months of the war. warned against the elusion that victory would be "cheap WINNIPEG, March 5: (CP) land easy." The lull In fighting had Winnipeg wheat prices were ac to been of consolidation with' France. Vac higher yesterday with May clos- j He warned against a feeling of false lng at 888c. New York wheat prices security. were 3ic to fec lower with May at; Herbert Morrison, prominent La-$100?g yesterday, advancing Tic, to' borlte. speaking at Bristol, said: ll'ic. in early trading today with "We should not be easy going and May reaching $1.02. Jwait for something to turn up."