PAOE TWO CAMPACS If you have not seen the new crepe soled steel arched, ventilated de-signs assuring: the maximum. com fort, wear and durability in the very latest styles, you are missing something- in summer footwear. ' Ladies' and men's. Priced from $2.50 T0 $3.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good, Shoes DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every AiU'tnoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. f. POLLEN - - Managing-Editor Paid In advance, per month ,h -.. .' id By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance . By mail to all other countries, per year Classified advertising, per word, p;r insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion News Department Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone Member of .Audit Bureau ol Circulations AfTVTAfITU tlh' nlRPITTUR 86 98 3.00 9.0C 02 5 Friday. May 3, 1940. EDITORIALS KEEPING HEALTHY Surgeon Warning of Streptococci During Wartime LONDON, May 3: ICP-A frim warning of the dangers of streptococcal germs In wartime Is sounded by J. D. Hlndley-Smlth, noted London surgeon. He contends there Is ample evidence to show the severity of the streptococcal complications in an influenza epidemic Is proportionately related to the general vitality of the community at the time. j As to the effects of a war of at-' trition on infective disease. Hind- 1.0. Casey. Australln minister to the United States, "SSSSTZ addressing the EconomK-' Hub of New York recently, IS cautionary measures are undertak-reportod to have said: ; en to restrict the activities of this "We have evolved cer'iin government instrumental!-' organization while it lies compar-ties in Australia that I fit '1 are of some little interest to ativeiy dormant within its potenuai neonle in this country. I si eak in particular of our meth- v ,m,' . od3 of disputes between and avoiding employers employ-' streptococcal subject, he claims ees eea uy oy uui our i reuerai cuciai vuui uouri i u oi m 'vrDiirauon uw tim ior im ine tuc iixauon uahuuh -not not, only oniy may may we we hope nope by Dy such such i 1 . , . 1 'l 1 ' t 1 i - ? . i A 1 ... . "Out of a total population of seven millions, over 8' matism." vn J 11 J r n c nniwr li-Ti i it i i no tt nn n-f nti tfnVfl rrQ trolila riVirt! $500. Two-thirds of the, whole population, men, women1 and children, have savings bank accounts, each Of an average Of about $1,000, In addition, one-third of the families in Australia own their Qwn homes Or are in process. of paying for them. , "Although We are a 'new' country, we have a degree of stability, political, financial and Industrial, that is not common in' the world. The facts and thp figures that I have just given you no doubt have some bearing on this." BUIT1SH COLUMBIA STABILITY THE DAILY NKWS Friday, May "WE WILL FLY WING-TIP TO WING TIP Olving support to the recent statement of Al Munihal A, S. Barratt that We will fly wlng-tlp to wlng-tlp with our French Ally ' R-A.F pilots are .hown here cordially greeting French . nur pilots, dressed In flying kit when they recently p id a courtesy visit to an English air base In France Air Marshal Barratt, was recently appoi t O.V of the British Air Force In France Man in the Moon When you are satisfied with the undertaker begins to smile. ley-Smith warns: "Unless events In , , u n Europe take surprising turn for l00kUke thit the better, which at present they show no sign of doing we stand to ' Mostl5ee lve for rtches and lose incalculable value In man-pow-- .hpn thisW?M.trtthh er end Is near. Many rich people hive a frostbitten appearance. wounds and not the least ' that ThT . hriT. " Vi aA I M 1 I J-7- ft IV W t Ul Twentv -Five Years Ago May 3, 191 S every winter." I "Be quiet! Your mother Is in the next room." I "Did Dad 'get violent' when you asked to marry me?"' "Did he! He almost' wrung my hand ofitai, '' Spring I When the open road calls. ' Spring! When the weather's fine. jSprlng! hep the country beckons , Ana cars spin down the line. The lateu casualty list shows the; name, of F. B. Darley, formerly of Spring! And a million carg out, thft tirt1rt Ttinlr rt rrrr rvt Dnd.,.l urU . . Tl 1MBfnu:i: t,A f J l. . --- """" "r1 iB me movor num. iic uioinujuy ui uuviuc ui iucicu ia uc-uiuiug siaii nere. He was seriously wound- Sc. if ,ou-o walttlng, a by-WOrd in the financial World. Hitherto British Coir ed at Ypres. Darley went away un-. Spring when you see them rom umbia has been considered fairly stable but the recent dis- c- w- pk wlth the first' appearance of the Conservative party as a political factor ""pI? t i : ..i. ' i iL . .. cess Patricia Canadian Light In- uujjui uui.u aim i lepidLeinem. as me opposition Dy a fantry. group that opfinly will, if it gets the chance, up- '. IKttet oui- present system and replace It with something that The Germans are grossly exag- PTias never been tried elsewhere, makes people with money seratmg war victories. The rus- nfirvnns nervous ot nf .invest itivPHtitKi1 nir in in the the nrov nrnvinfo nee. It It Inrllntitoa nd cates a o lack slans S,J"S are dre . rlsn resisting strongly "ngiy and " I.-- -- " " " - . . . . .'. DOUBLE RADIO BRISBANE, Australia. May 3: (CP) An American expedition which will cross Australia's hln-tcrland carries a "transceiver" a combined radio transmitter nnrt receiver-and nn t T " of stability which must be reckoned with in the future. SeiKIS B w for experiment WAHTIME ECONOMY poll, It is reported today. Most sections of the British Empire are changin' with three teams-coits, Tcrmin-over from a peace time economy to a wartime economy. a,s and catholic ciub in play the Canada hds been a Httl6 slow in moving in this directi n. city Baseball League win open soon Jmr t !v liolm flmo rtM.in11 -a Ll,n n ,v.a on Acropolis Hill grounds. Officers rv; ' v:'? " ,ui . 11 It V V,r ,"V . ua" fDr ycar a Allows: Honor- luroaiicu u pussiQie 10 me poay poilUC, we Iintl tO(ia ary President, Mayor S. M. Newton; mat we cannot send any large sums ot money out ol tm president, s. a, coriey; vice-Presi-country, tbat or taxes are increasing, that it is, increas- dent Fred 8tork; Secretary Treas--, ingly difficuff to communicate with foreign countries, that Jf'J. w; D- Vftnce; Manae". while prices df some articles! are advancing prices of oth- "' i ers are down. 0n the whole there is a slight increase in .,. ! the cost of living. Possibly, within the next six months kAl pacl dove there will bd many other evidences of the fact that we are scunthorPe, Eng May 3-at War. As it is, very few peop.le are suffering any incon- cp)-a little gin m isolation hos-venience. Some are profiting, among these being hun- pital here was lonely for days, dreds who have fountf prof itable employment. However, starlng dlscoWateiy at her gas we must expect to find more government control and less ask h.ftnln w,ndow-freedom of speech and action as the war proceeds and the en InT t a Xt uvwuiiiva iiiuic iiiLcitav. brightened, !upid Overscans For The Troops Canadian' Humaiite Make HrUk Marriage Business BrNker in Old Land LONDON. May 3: iCI'i- Many. Canadian, here with the C.A.S.F., the R.A.F.. and R.CA.F. took a trip straight to Romance when they crossed the Atlantic to serve the Empire. Scores of them have become en gaged to English glrl$ they met when on leave; others were followed here by their sweethearts and several marriages have already taken place In various parts of the Island. One marriage that ha been ar-. ranged for some time In Aorll will be between Private Walter D. Mac-' Pougall, Royal Canadian Regiment., and Marjorle Rose, only dautthterl dfMr. and Mrs, 'A. O. Stage, of the Feathers Hotel, Basingstoke, which. Is Just a few miles from the CJiS T t camp at Aldershot. , The engagement is also announ-' ed Of Contain TVinaM U..t n t i- kt i . i . .. iv iu.P)f,urcu btc man ioC.A.M.C.. eldest son of the Rev receive Anybody with a black eye Duncan MacLeod, of Toronto Oatet knows that. of Formota, and AUson 8tuartf third daughter of Dr. ", n": Alex Wood, "wu. of "i, Manv iik ivr setHnm a Of the h0Ursr conditions and A-ageS of labor in VaHoUP in- measures, adopted on a sufficient LyUilng Thought must Trede'M'TS . .. Cambridge and' dustries, Practically all V0--kers in Australia, outside of scale, to rob innuenza and similar, speechi tlse the ,s mereI chal. i ,rs- wooq- ' rural workers, are subjects the awards of the Federal .ot:'..U!'' If you T)5v aon.itf.tng to swap PYnPft fn rpriupn Pnfrrmnnelv tho in. . . . m . . have had this wvstem in actUr operation for over a pener- ence of ch .uiJi1 ready f?r. ' m ma Aa ation and it is now an essential part of our national life, ditions. as septic sore throat, m-on- 'tine near nerfeot i jjv reason oi ns operation. o nave a minimum oi mciu.s- -. uiuwuu-piieumunia, sirep-i trial disputes and the social disturbance that inevitably wcocc" fever streptococcal mfec tion of accompanies such "( THE 01,1) GAKDENKR FEKTILIZKR An Entirely New and Different Plant Food Contains Vitamin U The new remarkable Plant Stimulant in the proper proportions. & mild Insecticide "nd further essential element for a steady growth and a healthy plant life Try a Packet Today .lie, 25c Wholesale Distributors W, II, Malkln Co. ( Ltd : . ; II '111 m I MMBMMMM NEW ROYAL H0TFL I 35a Mil Proprietor "A lUMti AWAV t-KOM Rates lie up 10 Rooms Hot tt Cold Watei Princr Rupert, B.C. Phono 21 p.o. tV 1M i oooocHjooooiioooooooiiiiitiooooooeciooooooodooooooooooeooooo Announcement SMITH and MALLETT LIMITED We Wish to Announce that the Name of this Firm has Been Changed to Smith and Eikins Limited The change Is In name only and the ownership and management will be the same as during the past twenty years. We take this opportunity of thanking the public of Prince Rupert and District for their patronage: for over thirty years and trust that pleasaht business relations will continue under the new name SMITH and ELKINS LIMITED P.O. Box 271 PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 171 ,MMVMWMMwvvwwMwwwwwwuwwMUwgB(HiOOOOQaQODOOOOOOaOOO 'Hoot Mon! Hae Ye Wedded Yet? Marriage Bulnew llrUk In Old Scotland Since War Started EDINBURGH. May 3:CP-Out-breaf- of wa. sent Scottish lads and their latsles marching "throuth the Rye" to the marrying ministers, ne iu , ui preliminary vital slatls- Issued bv the rents; rur-gerteral for Scotland. The third quarter of 1 rtrT ff.1l n 1M9. which Included Sept,-howed, a marriage rate 0f m thouand-a figure higher ib Number of marriage, a that of the flrrt quarter a,? sr there were 46.257 marr.. lng the year. DIrth rate for the year 10 11.1 yni inoutantJ. Iuwm tne.' . iiihh ntiuu nmor, were 8(1.899 births The dea:;, . of 12.9 per thousand was any ytmr but 1938. Dear ed totalled CU13. '-i - " 1 . VVBflHIBMBft2JKJHfeiifli2IMMVMI ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE Moose Building. Third Avrnue, I'rlnre Rupert Hours from 8:30 a.m. to 5;30 p.m. Pliant OR KEN til Re xfclt Floor Covcring-I'or square yard . . nSix feet wide. 35c Blankets All wool blanket, 7 lb, size Q r n (JOxHO. Ier pair VU.DU BAGGAGE Extra Deep Suitcase Wood frame, Qff fibre covering Vvy FURNITURE 8-Piece Dining Room Suite Consisting of Buffet, Table and C hair $79.50 ."MNccc Chesterfield Sultt At 69.50 Steel Cril-Complete with spring C-i G C( and mattress t?XUOVJ K.OI LINZEY & DAV1ES Grocers ntl'.K DELIVERY Phone 55-5 Libby's Tender l'ea 4 4 p Ubby' CaUup -4C Per tin per bottle Rogers Golden Syrup - Uyer Cske Fresh. O'tp uo Tt. Per tin Each CT 65c ... 23c 'VlLr 25c Kellogg s Corn Hakes -j 4 A Graham Wafers- OOC Large sire, each Alt' Mb. package u Squirrel Peanut Butter Q r'reh Ground Coffee A (in 4 a. Each Fine Flavor Lb. 1 Urge Rlno, 2 Life- Oflp L. li U. Ta-Y0U will Cfin uv buoy Soap like It. Per lb. Rowntreen Cocoa OQn IU C. Apricots- A&P Vs each UOC Pfr Un Nabob Cui Green Offn C R. C- Raspberries- OZp tJ B.ans-2 for 2 UM liMMB-1B. "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prlncu Rupert Co. Ltd. British Colombia