it Lsaac Ne w ton, boxing .id amateur kxhtwtl&h. i, in 1868 and ISflO. died at o.n. England,. n 73, Two before his death he was still his gymnasium. JlNIOIt IIASCHALL L up for tonight's Junior League games are as follows: Fr t Street- Scherk, Arney, Dill. Klllas. Vuckovkh, x U(C mont Zbura, MacDonald, Hlngston. Laurie, Slmund A in and Keayt. W U Pet Brooklyn 9 1 .900 Cincinnati 7 3 .700 New York 5 4 .556 Chicago . .r 7 7 .500 Pittsburg 4 0 .400 St. Louis 4 7 .3C4. Boston 1 7 .125 American League ' W L Pet! Cleveland 8 4 .667 1 Boston 8 4 .667' ; Detroit 8 5 .615 1 Washington 6 7 .462 St. Louis 5 0 .455 I New York 5 6 .455 Philadelphia 5 8 .385 Chicago 3 8 .273 Dally advertising m Hews Is sure to bring rulU. the Dal! dally re fcsooooooooooooooooooooovvuo 0000000000000000000000000 WARWICK BOX CAMERAS MADE IN ENGLAND Take Pictures Size 3 1-IM x 2 1-4 SPECIAL $1,30 Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Dnuiptets The Retail Store Phones 81 & 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. f Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooor 00000000 0000000 Your Coal Problems Solved have In stock 4 well pre- Wtr' A eSSCTt ... . ... . . . . . tt . . s ?: f'ra rsreruiiy screened toai yousnea crnt I Hull In.ltaMn-ll ra. AT Jt I M A ft 1 . J " u , iiiuiiiuh.i . V,rMr mrmw . 0 coo. ourn; In roal, (0 procure the u V... ,..s -ninfr ana uuiiainc; Viliv, i "v. o , Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. SAM) CEMENT (JKAVEL UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Rteamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver, T s-S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FR10AYJ HAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 pm. D ue Vancouver. Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a m. If Cnnpnln(. t. tUhmt. (If f Ira I g UX 1. 11 9v Avva v - - - - - rBrthet Information Reeardlnf neserTaUona and Tlckcti rrom "N'K J. SKINNER. Prln. .,-.. ..n Third Ave. Tbone 668 In a well-ectulpped although mewhat crowded compartment of a British bOiiioiiiR plane the Roai Air F:wci spilti," with earphones cupped over his head, is taking notes from headquarters. The wireless operator is looked upon as an invaluable member of the bomber crew. LADIES IN SOFTBALL Mrs E Itatchford wis elected president of the Ladles' Softball. League and Miss Tona Blaln secre- j tary -treasurer at an enthusiastic annual meeting last night. About twenty ladles were present at lhej4-gatherlng. The league will, it is ex- pected. consist of six teams thlit year. There will be another meet- lng next Monday wor receiving of entriM, PR. RUPERT a WINS AGAIN : Takes Western Championship For Small Bore Kifle Shooters Word has Just been received from Dominion Marksmen Headquarters that the small bore rifle i earn of Prince Rupert has again m the western dtotrict Championship in the senior small bore ndoor league postal matches for 1940. The wiriners of the two ther districts were. Maritime Beothlc Miniature llfle Club. St. John's Nfld. Central C. P. R. Outremont tlfle Club. Montreal. A shoot off will now be neces-ry tp decide the winner of the Dominion championship. Ole Rollag. Prince Rupert. Is tied with six others for the ln-llvidual championship with a score of 300 out of 300. There will be a shoot-off too to decide the championship for this series. CENTRAL HOTEL STEAM HATHS Make Appointments 200 Rooms, 50c and up Hot and Cold Water, Shower llaths Mrs; C. E. Mack, Proprietress THE SEAL QUALITY mm Mi ififi GOL'D SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon racked b? tht only salmon canning company with in all the year round jayroll In print Rupert ! Vancouver Wins t Western Title In Basketball W1NNIPEO, May i) (CP) Defeating Winnipeg 8t. An drew last night by a score t)f 40 to 35, Vancouver Maple Leafs took the Western Canada senior basketball charapkmshlp three Karnes to one arid won the right to meet the Yonne Men's Hebrew Association of Montreal for the Dominion tlUe. The final series best of five games, will start May S In Montreal. KITWANGA RAI L PI.AY KITWANGA, May 3:CedarvaleJ softball ana baseball teams visited Kitwanga last Saturday, t,he visitors being successful in both lines of sport. The softball game resulted In a score of 9 to I for Cedar-vale and the baseball It to 1 for Cedarvale. Weather was excellent! and the grand stand of the Kitwanga field was crowded with fans from various outside points augmenting he Kitwanga people: MUch excitement prevailed. Alfred Mulwaln umpired the softball game and Harold Sinclair, tfe baseball. In the evening a dance was held In the Kitwanga Community Hall. The hall was crowded and for many hours dancing ws greatly enjoyed with fine music bv tha Cedarvale Orchestra consisting of 1 Ambrose Harris Alfred lilulwaln' ana Bobby Bright. Refreshments were provided by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sinclair assisted by Charles Smith and Charles Derrick. Charles Smith voiced wprds of welcome to th visitors asjdld ' also Harold Sinclair. Canada At 'War 25 Years Ago ! May 3, 1915: British completed readjustment of line after wlth- "It's the last rinse in Blue water that makes them white!" 9 There arc plenty of ways of washing and they motlyget things clean. But, if you want the loveliest white, you mustn't nu the last rine in hlue water. It's die only way to keep your white things from turning yellow. RECKITT S BLUE PREVENTS CLOTHES FROM TURNING YELLOW Australia Wants Savs Grand Onera Movie Millions Needs The Needle Commonwealth Asking Hollywood For 50 Per Cent of Talkie Royalties CANBERRA. Australia, May 3: CP The Commonwealth government plans drastic reductions In the $4,000,000 now annually sent to the United States as proceeds of royalties and other fees In the Aus tralian motion picture industry. The reductions are being planned as a part of a government plan for conservation of the dollar exchange which is needed for of armaments from States. The Commonwealth Is empowered under the National Security Act to prevent transmission abroad of uny profits made in Australia by foreign corporations. However, negotiations are proceeding between the government and the Hollywood motion picture industry by which it is hoped a voluntary agreement will be reached for the reduction of normal remittances by 50 per cent. Woman Symphony Pianist Bored by The Heavier Tuneful Dramatics WASHINGTON, May 3: CP Frances Nash, the concert pianist who plays with nearly all the Important symphony orchestras in the United States, "hates opera." "I shrink when anyone suggests we go to the opera." said Miss Nash, who in private life is the wife of Brigadier General Edwin M. Watson, secretary to President' Roosevelt. In her opinion, what grand opera the purchase ' needs is a shot in the arm, some-the United thing like "Porgy and Bess." the late George Gershwin's portrayal of American folk lore. Miss Nash, however, thinks her critical attitude, "from the popular viewpoint' must be wrong. "I feel sure I am when I see how people turn out for second, third, even tenth-rate opera performances. But I still don't like opera. It bores me." Trained for music In Europe. Miss Nash has toured the United States and South America In concert. She NANAIMO WELLINGTON ALBERTA SOOTLESS BULKLEY VALLEY Albert and McCaffery Ltd. PHONE 116 PHONE 117 drawal in Ypres salient. J Austro- --- - --- - - ... ' German troops advanced, m West- hbbhbhhwcmcbmmhhmh ern Gallcla in severe jtghtlng. ' " British forces at the Dardanelles Tiff TT J fl uy, n,. - p. MacKenzie s Furniture 'HaWHHBMHhk LA SALLE CHESTERFIELD SUITES Night or Day! KILARNEY CHESTERFIELD SUITES DL 1 10 T1 l I 10 Jatest covcrJnS- Guaranteed for the 'Rest" of your life. Easy lnOne ilL liXl ! terms, no interest charged. Call and see them. Prompt Servlce-3 Heatei ars ' Phone 775 :- ' ' li has appeared with? aymphonles In I Philadelphia. Boston, Chicago, St. Louis and Detroit. A fifty ceiu eiasoiiieb ad. iften make you many dollars. wJl FOR SALE FOR SALE Baby chicks from vigorous new blood leghorn breeding stock. Unsexed $10.00 per 100, pullets (97) $25.00 per 100. ' AlsA Rock and Red chicles $!2.oS per 100. Appleby's Poultry Farm, Mli-sion City. B.C. tf. FOR SALE Sealed tenders wilt be received by the undersigned tip to noon on Friday, May loth;; for. purchase of two lots and Cottage belonging to Estate of Mary Dorothy Holland, deceased, and situate Port Esslngton Townsite. . Tenders should be marked "Tender" and addressed Official Administrator, Prince RuperW BJCJ. Highest or any tended hot necessarily accepted. ' . Terms 25 cash and balance spread over two years. OFFICIAL ADMINISTRATOR, ' Prince Rupertj 'BC; (110) FOR SALE Wilton Rug 9'' x, 12', blue and fawn, $40. Apply Mrs. 1 D. Ritchie. . (105) , M i r FOR SALE Complete furnishings of small. suite, almost new.-Call at 257 Third Avenue or phone Blue 315. (106) 'FOR SALE Five room modern" I house, almost new. H. O. Helger-son Ltd. (109) HOARD AND ROOM" ROOM and board. Phone Green 997. (114) FOR RENT FOR RENT After MaylS, 5 room modern house 257 7tfr Ave. West., Nice grounds, clean. $23. Phone' Red 514 evenings. WANTED VACANCY THROUGH DEATH Rawlelgh Route now open In Northern part of British Columbia. Dealer who recently died sold there 17 years. Trade well established. Exceptional opportunity Write at once. Raw-lelgh's Dept. B. C -1M-202-E, Winnipeg, Canada. tf, i ! 1 .-1 L 3, 1940. t.ay May TBI DAItY JflWl VP, '.HI 0t SPORT CHAT Vut dfrhoof Club ha o a good ' r' for the a- a-m thirt per:m bcln in .ikU the first day of play. Viuiderhoof TennU Club has fftcrrs for th year at fol j(i side ut. M. T.gflr; flrt vlcc-nt Miss MarioMe Holmes; r treasurer, Dar:d I.. Mor- .rcretary-treasurer, ). H. F. ( xti uUve MU . May Piper. rM-'.l; Murray. 0 W Donald 1 J Y Thomas. T Ki .i'ucky Dc. n to oe run at . I'Mwnr.. Louisville 'wvr-k a.- America' No. 1 horse .' jps l thoroustf.b- ierc ' for this $?SjC0d mlle-urtf r competition but It U , ,j ut more thai a dozen .hc barrier. r - SIX GAMES i RAINED OUT Only Two Major League Fixture .Played Yesterday ST. LOUI8, May 3: CP New York Giants made fourteen hlta to defeat St. Louis Cardinal! 7 to 4 yesterday, the Olants, as a result, moving into third place exclusively ahead of Chicago Cubs while the Card dronoed Into seventh place below the Phillies. In the American League the Detroit Timers won 5 to 3 over Washington Senators. All other Major League games 1 yesterday were rained out. The leanie standings: i National League RADIO ROOM IN BRITISH BOMBERS