14 PAOE TWO.. WATCH OUR WINDOWS For Broken Lines Week - End Exceptional bargains Family shoe store ltD The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. rillNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published fcvery Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor By mall to all patti ol British C6Iumbla. the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year . 9 00 Classified advertising, per wurd, pir Insertion - 02 Local readers, per line, per Insertion . .25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 Member ol Audit Bureat. ot Circulations 'VULY EDITION Saturday, February 3, 1940. EDITORIALS " NEW WORK FOR LEGION .. The.Canadian Legion drive that is to be put on a week from Monday is to provide funds for carrying on educational, work with Canadians who have enlisted in the fighting forces. It is particularly, designed to get rid of the nyental,attitude that they are not coming back, In addition to providing them with personal services the Legion plans to carry out such educational work while the men are training for war that they may be in a position to take their places at home when the war is over. In addition, concert parties will be provided and recreation huts established Where required. It will be the aim to do such CARRYING ON THE WAR It ik milch hiore important to the peopld of Canada that the war be carried on to a successful conclusion than" that any political party be chosen to undertake the, work. Most people are not greatly interested in political parties May Not Be Able To WANTED TOT DAILY NEWS. SO THIS IS "SUNNY" FRANCE! Kincolith Church lUnited Church Army Is On Visit Clergy Gather 10 "OH bimpSOn prln l"rbytrry be fd lBi Play Maple Leafs Tonight On Ac account Of Bad Shoulder TORONTO, Feb. 3: (CP) Suffering from a bad shoulder, It U expected Syl Apps will be out of the game for the Toronto Maple Leafs against Chicago Black Hawks tonight. HOWS YOUR TENICE? LONDON, Feb. 3: (CP) Tenlce Is England's newest sport.'Tenice which originated In Switzerland, is played on ice, on skates. The pome was brought to England by Irene Edwards, star In tennis and skating. things as may seem reasonable and necessary to contn- woum. tok uau- a urge rooms 1 . P. , k i. . i i i rlJ.I i i and hath, full bnvmpnt hfirhnr liitfo tn 4-t-i - limlfnwi nf fVin tvnnno VlotnrifY VOfTai'fl i f Mn FOR SALE FOR SALE Cary safe in good condition. Apply Dally News tf. " . V WiV "VI"' """S '-ft" VV-..Y';" view, garden. Phone Red 412. x tions xt that may 'develop. In view of experiences with the . - - - wnt-k 'nf. thP Inml hvnnrh iw know nf nn nrimnixatinn het- FOR SALE 23 ft trolling boat with ter fitted for this job than the Canadian Legion of the Bri tish Empire Service League. gear. Cheap Red 412. for cash, WANTED Furnished or unfurnished home March 1st, or later. Rev; J. II. Myrwang. Phone Blue 699. ' (30) For rent but they are interested in the men who are to oe at tne ft)ft REJrr-s room flat, fully mod head of the affairs of the country during this cruciaij ern, hot water heating, electric time. If Dr, Manion has any idea of taking over the gov-i -tove fine harbor view, centrally rhP hPnnlp will u-nnt tn lenmv'whn. . ?ated. poUart & McCaffery Ltd. Phone 11. i v.- j.i ...-Li i a ..ui: ' is iu ue wnn rum anu wnat is uiKir Mctiiuing tia jjuunv; mew. - Have thev ever shown an aptitude in administering public . ' WORK WANTED minesweepers. Without -the stimulus of excitement, they carry out For their desperately dangerous duties tf. Phone tf. tf, affairs? That ;W;ill be the crucial test that will be applied Work wanted, Young boy wants to the men to be chosen by any leader Prime Minister , wp'rk, information at Daily News. King has promised that he will tell the people whom he efx- v . . P pects to have with him, How about the other side? i rtaf PRETTY GOOD TEAM i3?: - Beeh Wallace's and . chrla Mill, bunch oT keys on m t.-.Vi i m j? tt i. v. - i. Hon.,T, D..Pattullo and Olof Hanson, who havo bech chatt pfer please leave at to Montreal to enltehten the Canadian National heads fa.' baiiy.wys: , , tf. regard to. shipbuilding possibilities at Prince Rupert, are i'FnsoK 1 "'" a pretty good team for the job. They are possibly mofe- -Jltdy2Ji familiar with PWnce Rupert in its relation to the rest Of how'. to oet a government thVcountry than ?ny others in British Coltilnbia Wheth- r?Cu. ev tbev mafiage to secure the work for this shipyard or ' pree gooklet. The m. c. c, pnt, it V'oiild be difficult to beat them as delegates of this schools Ltd., Winnipeg, oldest city and they are costing the city nothing, at any rate not In Canada, No Agents. directly. It would have been quite a strain on local fiharl you can- run a Home Kindergar-ces to send any other delegates. , ten with oir help, Canadian ' Kindergarten Institute, Wlnnl- . . : . . . . : f "'. . ''".I. peg, Manitoba. tf. MacKenzie's Furniture FEM&ARY FURNITURE SALE t clIL'STiritFlKLl) $fjtTfcs-All at sale pHces attd on easy tewri. 21 EN"t) TAI1LES-Wnlntft finish. 61 Qfi Special Phone 775 flAVEl 4 On DRUOdiSTS 5UN"DftlES If it's made of rubber, we have It. Price List and Booklet "Perfection In Protection" free on request, In Plain, Sealed .entelope. IMPERIAL IMPORTS (Western) P, O. Box 227 Vancouver, B.C. FflUND FOUND Four keys on ring. Owner may have same by paying for this without cease. The R. A. F. has also shown by niioino - flohtinF nlrrroft with , ihelr bombers that success can be I rival of the first Canadian Dlvl-;lon. Ctfupled with the news that Australian and New Zealand divisions are ready to sail, this must nake Hitler wonder whether the British Empire can really be In de- ay. Apart from the sign of unity ot purpose i( gives, the military value 3i Dominion assistance is very sreat ire Qerman; soldiers, who had to .iRht. and British regular officers who were associated with, Domln-on troops in the First Oreat War. Quick to learn, thorough In all '.heir methods', and full of India-lve ,'.andiottnslTe spirit, these Dominion, troops had no superiors. arid few -equals. While still raw of 1914-1918 came through the first gas attack and Australians' nd New Zealanders through the Anzac landing In a manner that left no doubt as to their potentialities. Further experience made them the more formidable and at 'he end of the war they showed no ?lgns of exhaustion. . West Front Today Many ask what Is the meaning )t "patrol activity' 'raids1' and 'artillery fire," often mentioned n communiques. Such activities ire not intended to produce any decisive results. Perhaps their main Jbject is psychological. Troops allowed to hold their positions passively undoubtedly lend to become Inert, bored and either Jumpy or careless. Activity ind excitement Is the best cure. In addition the training value ot patrolling and minor operations Is very great. This may sound a hard and darigerotiS doctrine but the lessons learned save llfs in the end. There Is another reason for pat-rol activity and raids. Information Is required of enemy polriti. Much of that information cart only oe got by capture of prisoners, It s, for Instance, Important to know what divisions are holding the position arid what extent of front they" occupy. That U ah In dication of the strength of the troops holding .the line and the humbers In reserve. The movement Of divisions from one paft of the front to -another 6r their wfth flrawal td reserve gives valuable hotlce of enemy lntentldns, Information which thrdiws light on the Vigilance and state of morale of the enemy Is also required, Artillery activity may be to cov er patrols or fald.4 or it may be V X The Finnish battlefront has no monopoly on Ice a id snow as witnessed by this winter srene on the Western Front, showing two R.A.F. members on sentry-go before a snow-clad tent in sunny France. Syl Apps Is Out Of Game .MACHINE WAR? YES BUT (HUM COURAOU IS STILL BIO FACTOR j (Continued from Page One) Tail-Enders Win In Soccer Game Beavers Win 3 to 2 Over Leading Wanderers In Kin; Edward i School League ;ained by skill and determination The uncertainty of football proven when theoretically it could 'pnecy was once again shown when not be expected. In the King Edward School Foot- Dominion,' Aid TO .T'r. . u-. w-j. .u- "enders." the Beavers, won from the nuuuici p veil I. iiua uccu wic at- leaders, the Wanderers, by three" goals to two. Through two goals both scored by Everett Piere?. who wm quick to take advantage of the chances, the Beavers led two goals to nil at half time. Hemmons- opened the scoring for the Wanderers and Joe Davis add ed the equalizer. The latter was t kl.l. ..J.V. .... . Those who realize that best " "om a pen- iiuy kick given agamsi Menkes for handling. With scores even, the game became faster. Beavers were the better tesm and Mc-Orelsh got the whining goal. Teams: Beavers Malrs: Husoy. MenzJes; Johansn. Ilolkestad (captain, C PUold; Wcsch. J. Haugan, E the Canadians McOM. Bond, D. Murray. merely harassing) fire Intended to Inflict loss as, for Instance, ( when It Is khow reliefs are taking, place uivolOing movement tvltndut cover. Much of (the artillery activity, Is, however,, merely for registration , of the exact range of points, thus enabling accurate and intense fife to be opened at short notice when advertisement. t.f . required,. j .tr9. wanderers-Jerstad: Tene. Dlx on; Lcavltt. Joe DavU (canLiim- D. Owens; I. Matsumoto, Hem-1 mons. Bud Pierce, Stacey. D. aencrk. Beavers had a good defence In Mairs, Menzles and Husoy. Ilolkestad and Johansen were good halves with Pierce the pick of the forwards. Jerstad was fair and apart from one bad kick Teng was good. Dixon .kicked strongly. Joe Davis and Owens were good with Bud Pierce. Hemmons and Donald Scherk the best forward. League standing: W L D Pti , Wanderers . 8 3 l Maple Leafs 5 4 in Beavers 3 7 0 0 NEW CENTRAL HOTEL ANNEX Second Avenue Ilouftekeepln Apartments (Hot Water Heated) Mrs. C. E. Black, Proprietress (Central Hotel) I DORA Roller Rink Dally Sessions 2:00 to 4:30 Children 6:00 to 8:30 Adults 8:30 to 11:00 Beginners (liven Special Attention Our Fanjftus Echoh Alberta COAL nulkley Valley Coal Nanhlmo Wellington Coal Bulkley Valley Wheat and drain PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone 58 and 558 1 A I . . I I Aircaay uere POHT 8IMPSON. Feb. 3: -Under the leadership of Captains Cecil Barton and Matthew Btew art, members of the Church Army from Kincolith, slxtytwo strong", arc Visiting Port Simpson. They arrived Thursday afternoon and will be here until Monday morning jwhen they will leave for home. During their stay many church services and such gatherings are ( I being held with banquets each evening. I The visitors travelled from Kincolith on the selneboat Coho, Capt. Jeffrey Benson, and four smaller boats. Clergy arc belnnln(t to Kath J Prlnco Rupert for the prmi.J lions of Prince Rupert Pre byt,ij bn held In the elty eomratfil' next Wednesday momim-Iludh I)obon of Vanromr tary of evengcllsm and s-)cial t vice for the United Church in ern Canada, arrived lav nithtt the Princes Adelaide from routh. After n trip of from t. three week up the eoaxt Rev v - ntifit of Vancouver, Mipcrintenfe ?f mtslon for British Coiumii arrived yesterday aftern n the rmsMon boat Thomai rr, LINZEY & DAVIES Wittds66AM tit: a your' rtfilUnj: PHONES 5S." iiSfi COFFEE Fresh Ground While You Walt. Per lb, Tt VC Wc Houghl on a Low Market You (Set (he Advantate .SOMKTIII.NC. NKW Tenderized We)ner. Per lb. S.X ... .. Pork rattle Per' lb. 25c .Meat Loaf Per lb Meal Ne Laid tii Per doren (. Lejae Er Medium slie Per doten -Hrookfleld Saauce Per lb. Smoked Black Cod Per lb. Meat I.oaf-Per lb. 30c 30c 30c 40c 25c 25c 20c 7 Collin s Diaries for 1940 One Month Late delayed In transit on account of the war. Collin's popular line of Diaries have Just arrived. For Office - Home or Personal Use 1910 is an Important year Start your Diary now SPECIAL DISCOUNT of 10 per cent orr all diaries for 1910 Limited Stock Only Available Coal! Coal! Coal! F(H)tlllll.S Rulldey Valley Nfliialmo-WcIIInKloi We are equipped to supp' ny of these toaU prompt'J ftrefully dcreenI "A graitetf to s.le Phones H51-C52 Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd.