I'M-1 . F PAGE rorj Iron 1 1 Waterfront Whiffs Nazis Turn Herrings Into Explosives-Former Local Hoy Sailing High Seas so help In the manufacture of wireless receivers and insulating materials. and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene . Welding ', iSpeelaHsis on Sawmill tand 'Jlinlng .Machinery AU Types of Gas Engines Repaired and Overhauled I A German chemist has suggested the idea of enlisting the help of the sea in a novel way to help the Reich in the war. The North Sea and Baltic in the locality of the German coast are notably rich in herrings which form more ; than nine-tenths of afl the fish therein. The price of her- rings is extremely low and their nutritive value high. But,' above all. an astonishing number " pf products, which can be used in cakes of soap. The same herring.! the manufacture of a variety of a"r extraction of explosives and article, foods and materials, can aP could still be eaten in the be extracted from them. Indeed 'n of Jam or fruit Jelly! This It is honed to obUin sufficient ni- nds nge. but is quite reason-trates ad glycerine from the her- able, as the Baltic herring yields 40 cent oi it5 eISht In Gelatine, rings to be able to augment the sup- P ply of military explosives for the most extraordinary use for Nazi regime. When submitted to herrings so far suggested is to make them tooth-brushes! The chemical orocerses the herring tatf obtained from the fish are P,at,Cs yields readily tQ treatment. The drying and separation into its com- transparent, color yell and are exponents a sm" "ticl" can be effected within a e su,ch tooth-brushes. The herring Is week and, at the end of fifteen days, an ab bonanza for the German 6ne can wrest from a hundred and ?te substitute and wiU doubt-' industry, twenty herrings enough explosives put to full use. But the for a small torpedo! For this reason drawback is that the German fish-! alone the commonest fish of the c. . .nHaitri it .u i j eries can never obtain the ten' eration the thousand tons of herrings per week. of Reich. But this is not all. In addition to nitrates, most , . " . "PII HT T7TTT T of which are obtained from the fe, n ,tea"f' Yentuie-. ?fP JT ILM F ULL .v.. u , L J John T Boden. arrived in port at 11:30 . AUllA A J E-lU iiiaic. li irr nri i 1 1 1 im m n m m n o rn - Norman Allen, son of Mr. and Mrs, From this wonderful fish can aUo F-W. AUen, formerly of this city and De ootamed sodium salts and cer-' wu., UM u. tain fats 'not in large quantities- the Silv-Java Line of mer-i but the Reich is alwav in chant ships for almost two years. -Frontier .Marshal- Tops r.ill l uapuoi l.neatre Tonigm "Bridal Suite" Is Comedy Romance Tnmh- ,the Thomas tJroSby. besides Mr4.stone and stay alive because no-Kelly and 2thef Regular membeyi body could cver beat hlm to lne of the crew; were-lRev .W. P. Bunt, U.aw Nancy KeUy a beautiful superintendent bl- missions forand brave eirl wh follou-Pd thf Rupert Presbytery next week, Bulkley Valley COAL From our mine To your bin And the whole District benefits THE SEAL QUALITY I oocerj GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroM In ,v -Prince Rupert TEE DAILY NEWS Saturday February ? TOMMIES PREPARE PACKAGE FOR ADOLF ON WESTERN FRONT A scene of qtuet a.-!;Y'.y is this m.v .: British . . ; v .: :n France, each member of the gun crew wearing a gas mask ai he performs h:s rouune Cv.i.es before the big gun is fired. Strung overhead is the netting and foliage used to camouflage the gun from enemy fliers. Field Marshal yield large quantities of cellulose- la,st nlght ,from 0IJ and 5?11" AP A PTI AAT Pa V? VlSlf 1 O the basis of the synthetic plastics ed a couple ot hours later on herl 1 Jf AL 1 II JW lnditri industries. And the , i,-i.m herring will return to Vancouver and waypolnts., iiviiVtl n 1. n At tanaaian Lamp Si 'I. ?" l.he aVe Sn !SS blood-tingling action in "FronUex , Division at AWershot yerterday and iu.iui 01 nernngs yieia several -"3... . uT "J 77.:" Marshal," featuring Kanaotpn reviewed the Royal Montreal Rei Man in the Moon Passed By Dutch Parliament gUiw carry farther. mo iiAuue. i-eD. 3: (CP)-The one day Jake was at a party andi Dutch Parliament last night pass- so was Mr. Heinz. After a while ed an :.7:u emergency bill "71. which would Z.. these "'"r8" two got to arguing about Doit-. British Columbia, and Rev R T. I . t ' .Jl "l.. . , IcConhell.mlssionaryatKltlmaat, town ln the hope of saving htaling themselves to foreign control itoo 3m hprfl tn.'altpnd sslnns nf Prinro . , .1 . 7.. . 33,5 he ne bloP laiKing. Your'e YOUr e fun full w- nuai iiuiiicu. ocsai jwraeru is uie ukuhuh. uermany is Dcuevea to of beans." Try a Classified Advertisement. "RUPERT BRAND" Smoked BLACK COD Smoked Daily Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Kupert ()() British, Columbia menace of the piece as. an elegant 1 be behind the mov which is gambler and deadly killer. Blnnie thought to be'llmed at the British Barnes Is a volcanic dance hall contraband blockade. queen and John Carradine is thej villainous proprietor of a roister-, f I r e ing dance halL tJeWlSl KellCI Companion picture for "Fron-; . l tier Marshal- on a double bill is I Ifivo In onf h -Bridal w ' " uuul , Suite." a romanUc com-; edy starring Robert Young and I the liveliest and fuunlest comedvl ! fta NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A Iip.MK AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up SO Rooms Hot It Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Refugees From Germany And Poland j features that has been seen here VANCOUVER. Feb. 3: (CP) 5 In some time. ;Jews of Vancouver will put on a fortnight's campaign with a view to raising $15,000 for relief of compatriot refugees from Germany and Poland. Dally advert-slng rr. News is sure to bring nits 727 FRASEIt ST. tne Dally dally re- Fresh Shrimp BOAT W.S.L. Daily jit 4 p.m. TflOTIER'S DOCK iSweden Orders 'Airplanes From jUnited States J MW1lfrtlll . - ' "iwvaiiuil, reo. j: I Ul" ) Annaholla nK i u- T( fit Vm,,,.. trill least Include Bllli- R,.rkP wan,.r To Rai S1S.0OO T iuin ?.wedeP Mfd ord r the Connolly and Arthur Treacher. 1 j This picture is said to be one of i united states for 144 fighting planes. They will cost some $10,- 0004)00. A fifty cent ciassitico d. w?li I often make you manv dollars. MINERAL ACt Xotk-e To lflln.ticnt Co-ownrri To John W. AMrn nd Dander nirki-. Und of Seattle. Vathln(ton, U. . A. wiiciicAs there Me owneri other than mjfcflf to th eitent ot mort thn on qiirtrr latcrtat In etch and1 ill of the Star No. 1. 8tr No. 2, Star! No. 3. 8t No. 4. SUr No. 8. Star No 8. Star No 7. Star No. 8 BUt N. g, :tni Star o. 10 lllneral Clalma tltuaU ' on ui norm aMe or Porcher Ulaod Jn ChUmore Pauae about 5(0 feet i from the becn in Uie Skpena Ulnlng Dirlaton. Province of BrlUah Columbia ; I TAKE NOTICE Vhtu. unleiM you A3 1 y within 60 day from the date nere- I of the tim of 11537 50 being your, proportion ot the expenctHure rexpitrpd for the yee.r 1937, 1933 and 1939 by Sect on 28 of the lUneral Act. B. S I B. C 1938. Chapter 161, together wit I JCKdOOaoooOOOODOOJOOOOOOO M thu notice, to the under. .MISS YUKI Dressmaker ' Ladies' and Children's AI(eralion Moderate Price Phone GREEN 880 o ainec, uie registered owner of aald 5 Mineral Clalma, your Iruterejrt on Midi 2 Mineral Claim ahall be forfeited and I S become vetl In the undersized who 5 1 rum mAde the required expendlturea. 5' DATED at Prince Itupert. D C, this 2 8tb day ot July. 1933. 1 5 ! , . E. S BERNXT. . 00000000000000000000000000 1 'N' TIIK H TRAPPERS Don't sell your Furs before you sec (ioldhloom. The same buyer at the waterfront will pay 30 per cent higher If I'm there. . Fetch your furs up town then you won't be fooled. You will get every dollar its worth. )V. G0LDHL00M "The Old Reliable" HKME ( OI KT Or IIKITISII In Trohate In the Matter of the MrfmlnUtrallon Aft" And In the Mutter f the KUtr of Mlrhrle t'iMO, Otherwise known an Mikele fo, I lieieawd Intricate TAKE NOTICE that by order of llli i Honor. W. E. Ftaher. made the aand ' day ot January. A. D. 1940. I wraa ap. Ipotivted Admlntetrator of the eata.te of Michele Coco, ottxrwlM known m Mikele Coco, dconwixl, and ill partlcal i bavins cUlm enliwt the said estate !are hereby rwitOrnd to furnlah aame. property verified, to me on or bofore the 25Lh day of Pobnauy. A D. 1940, i and all parties Indebted to the eeUte are required to pay the amount of their indebted tiea to me'forthwlth. I DftUd the 23rd day of January. A. D. ! 1V1U. I NOnitAN A. WATT, j Offtetnl AdmlnUtrator, j PruKe Itupert, B.CA DICTATORS 1 DENOUNCED American Federation of Labor Does Not Think .Much Of Hitler And Stalin NEW YORK. Feb. 3: (CP -The American Federation of Labor denounces Adolf Hitler and Joseph ;SaHn at "enemies of mankind ;and their policies a a " menace to ithe peace of the world." New York Honors Nelson Architect W. F. Williams Receive Slim Trophy And Honorary Citiienshlp NEW YORK. Feb. 3: CP -William F. Williams. Nelson architect for his work In designing the Ca nadian building at the New York World's Fair, has been awarded sterling silver troohv by Movor Brigadier Crerar Is Made General Will Hold This Rank While Ovena On Present Appointment, Defence Department Announces OTTAWA. Feb. 3: CP Brlga- Evidently Japan and Russia are dler H. D. O. Crerar of general still not the best of friends. It is staff at Canadian headquarters in TONIGHT ONLY 2 Complete Shows, 7 00 tc ) -Randolph Scott, Nancy KtU, In "The Frontier Marshall" With ftlnnle lUrnes, John Ca-ridln. IAI 8:13 and 10 JS, rLUS 1 Itobt. Younjf, Annabclla In "Bridal Suite" (At 7:00 and 9 ?. COMING MON.-TILS. V. 1 Sonja Henle. Tyrone ri-ri "SFCOND FllliH.i; ;r!Military Hospital LaGuardla of New York and Is UT 1 ft f riven honorary citiienshlp of New llCCUS Here llfPni IVlr --Mi 1 VI Ik Lack of Comforts and .qu!pat DiMOTered by Red Croy Committee That the military h'.,: urgently needs towel gown, bedroom slipper , . ; bottles, chairs, games ,1 ; articles t reported bv M r j difficult for one bandit to get along England has been granted the act- behalf of the Red Crow S , LONDON. Feb. 3: CP- Field well wjlh another 'Marshal Sir Cyril Deverill, former member of the British PDIMPL? D T 1DCDT c lto, here It u a rtvW . rKlNCE merchant RUPERT navy: W 0f a wicked, wtid town oflHolland Irking mDV rOTy I ... 'the dangerous old west where life : . & UK I UULiV ' With Rev Peter Kelly of Ocean l8 not very untu a lighting iTTn J pr RlnrlroJo AMH QUIJ3V ADn ln Charge- the UnltCd Church marshal brings In the law at ttiel "Utr DlOCKaUC JriU Orll-r I AKU mission boat Thomas Crosby ar- shooting end of a six gun. Scott Is. She: What's the difference be tween a cynic and a stotc? I He: Give up. ing rank of major-general while holding the present appointment. commander-in-chief of the British' it will b lust too bad for us if the it is announced bv the rnartmi.nt There is said to be plenty of Army, visited the First Canadian 'copper mined at Britannia ts used of National Defence T" rr;rv.,wr:r" " "ctl: Scott and Nancy Kelly, which tops.ment. Iw J. V JT. the Saturday night bill at the to shoot down Canadians. Oood. Mrs. William Cr . , and Mrs. R. C. 8t Clair w; .the place yesterday af:. : She: A cynic is what you wash ; United States funds Buying, there win be a large patror jyour dUhes in; a stoic U what.It, 10 percent premium; selling, the tea. 1 brings babies. . jPot. 11 percent premium. j Some of the required art 1 j Sterling fund Buying, spot, as chairs and games, ml' ine worn not realty smaller. sewn, spot, s.u. ated. It Is Sttceted Shipbuilders and Engineers from down the uSS 'yoast. On On board .hai Vhn nhip tam fJJJ. "'"i" k only that the new long rane Today's Exchange ing accompanied by Lit r the medical officer of thn rlson. Mrs. Oood is ronv-special tea to be held bv r Cross next Wednesig funds to make purcha, military hmpJUl. The Ud.. on their vUlt that a great i. neeaed and thev are h "You're the toott ol oil iKe reglmeM." "Tkot'i becovte I tend the boyi Sel Copt." SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES" "Tht fmtttt form m mhith fbseto (n hi J UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S. CAItDENA FKIDAT, DAY.1;30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a m. II Convenient, Please Purchaw Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets Ft a FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Asent. Tlilrd Ave. Phone J LW-?."ft!sj 'jytfiatai I HfcJlWAV I I ITIUOHlM I I COMMUNICATIONS I CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean, Falls and Way Ports 8.8. "PRINCESS ADELAIDE" Every, Friday 10 pju. To Vancouver Direct S.S. "PRINCESS LOUISE" Feb, 15th, 20th, March 7th, 18th. 28f 'i Winter Excursion FareVancouver and Return Of! Tickets on Sale to February 29th. 1040. Final v Return Limit March 31st, 1940 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Service-Tickets and Reservations From W. L. COATES. General Ajent Prince Runert. lU