ative Library crcOLVED:-—That we, the Independent Voters of Prince Rupert, Irrespective of Party Ties and Affiliations, ereby 1 @dge Ourselves to Vote Against Ring-Rule and to This End Loyally Support the Candidacy of EX. M. MANSON.-—Signed by Nearly All the Resident Property Owners and Ratepayers of the City gays | to myself, THE DAILY NEWS —_— —_—- ie ait is the paper to buy says ! Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist nL, Ill, NO. 78 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 1912. PRICE FIVE CENTS RENCH F OX'S TALL CAUGHT. IN CONSERVATIVE MACHINE OE: § TO MEETING OF FRENCH LIBERALS AND TRIES TO PERSUADE THEM THAT POLITICAL BOBTAILS ARE THE FASHION NOW. The feature of the meeting of ieh-Canadian supporters of x. M. Manson last night was nearance there of D. Se- apy a supporter of William Segouin has been a y Liberal and it was he who ns clearly defined the issues of the ANAMYy | W, EDNESDA Y NIGHT day, being frequently applauded. Then he addressed himself to Mr. Segouin, whom, he had reason to| believe, had been of the side of | William Manson for very nearly! three weeks. It reminded him of La Fontaine’s fable of the sly fox. w up the address on behalf of] paiding a hen roost who got| rrench speaking people Of|¢aught in a trap and had his tail | Rupert te Sir Wilfrid)eut off. This elicited a great when that great states-|purst of laughter. visiled this city, and Mr, Mr. Angers went on to tell the Had ths weer a eee balance of the fable, how the fox, R e mae ea 3 ar qisa feeling ashamed and humiliated | 7 Pe night hataie ere rq] at the loss of his noble append-! po | Al Parsee 0: oro age, called a conference of foxes | Thc fash ALIA presided and| '° persuade them all to have their} ; tails cut off. He asked what good| a who Wee sane or hit was, for it trailed in the dust, | ' ent speakers in the | got caught in the briars and} es one ick | hindered their speed. One old} ' ind English, was the fret) fox got behind the speaker and rh ld we sat ie ae at once observed: “No wonder| 5 ot ner ae aerect ane ask us to cut off our tails duction “in Bighsitais i. gers spoke in French an¢ | Continued on Page 4. STILE FEET THAT STRAY all Boys Selling papers in the Danger District Will Be Looked | fter, Warned and Punished! cr Going There. | the duty of letting the know when There was I ission over this ap- Pitney the matter being ‘itually referred to the Fire committee, lepartment Water By Lightning Freighter. fenriette is bringing the of sidewalk lum- from the Lester », of Ocean Falls, ac- ng to a message the City hipr lipment the @ity Javid Cx Wireless ast night by YARD—BStrictly tariff W represented by ly & Insurance Co,, rance People, ave come The The and tf K Rea 2nd lhat Freneh Fox who lost POSSibly recover, What a pity Dr. Clayton ec ‘Nt boat to Stewart. lay n Chursday, Tire ed of discussing the larg ’ Playing bumbledom. Maybe the Mayor Switched to the Silent One. an tM boys have their work oda ie *** 900 ccccoece. | the police commission } the Gity Solicitor and Chief} Bad. Db. Clarke announces the shall consider and take | polling place and arrangement of egarding the habit of | booths, with officers in charge of in this city in selling|ihem, for election day, Thursday, the segregated area is}28th inst. John Flewin, Port fa motion by Alder-|Simpson, is appointed election Doug council last| clerk The subject was brought; The polling place will be on in Bullock-Webster.| Second avenue, on the north side, ed by the Gouneil that|}hetween First and Second streets, exists, but the Mayorjin the building formerly occupied the Empire did not go|by Messrs. Flexman & Browne, with his sanction, | There will be six booths, alpha- in Morrissey vouched for) betically arranged as follows: Da News, as he had spoken} A to C—Harry Daggett, deputy inagement in the fall on}|returning officer; Thomas Stew- utte and Alderman Dyb-|art,, election clerk. ‘ s! that the Vancouver} D to G—Peter McLachlan, dep-) Vi¢ papers were chiefly} uly returning officer; John there by boys. i} Wynne, election clerk, Ht to L—Dan McInnes, deputy FIRE HALL APPOINTMENT returning officer; G, G| Cameron, election clerk. ed V. Clark’s Application Re- M to Mce—Harry Birch, deputy ferred to Committee. returning officer; William L, . od Swan, election clerk, VY, Clark has applied for N to S Ralph preon, Seen fireman, with special returning office; H, 3, erbert, PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO suld not commandeer a govern- S “Vveral strangers have arrived who may prove Ring voters “didn't know WHERE YOU WILL VOTE THURSDAY Particulars of the Polling Place and Deputies with Their As- sistants for the Forthcoming Election in Prince Rupert. This morning Re turning Officer election clerk. T to Z—James returning officer; election clerk. Polls open at 8 a, m. alt 7 p.m. MeNeil, Fred V. deputy Clark, and close ACCIDENTS—The only com- protection is a policy with the Ocean Accident & Guarantee plete EMPRESS THEATRE Everybody Invited. Opposition Candidates Especially Invited THREE MILLION WORKERS — STILE IDLE IN OLD COUNTRY Miners and Owners Are Both St Stubborn sad Refuse to Make Any Concessions---Many Thousands Dependent on Charity to Keep From Starving With Settlement as Remote as Ever--- Coal Higher in Newcastle Than in London Special to Daily News.) jreach an agreement that would Coal has reached famine prices London, March 26.,—The twen- end the strike; but these were et and especially in the north of ty-fifth day of the national coal|placed by the glomiest of fore-| England, where they are higher strike ended last night with! bodings when it was learned that|}than at London as the merchants nude thas. million workers | 20 Joint conference had been held.| in the metropolis had large re- | For two and a half hours Pre-|serves when the strike began. idle. Many thousands are de-|),i., asquith and his colleagues|At Newcastle the price of coal is pendent upon charity to keep} jahored with the owners and for| more than $20 per ton. At Dover them from starving. Every!four hours and a half with the ‘bunker coal is selling at $15 per manufacturing district in the land! miners’ executive, but failed so|ton. One colliery in Yorkshire, is undergoing a throttling and a!completely to secure concessions|which had on hand a stock of settlement is apparently as re-| from either which would afford a| 200,000 tons, sold to the Cunard mote as ever. basis for agreement that it was|Company 50,000 tons at 34 shil- Sanguine expectafions were|found inadvisable to bring the] lings $8.50) pit price. This high at the beginning of yester-|disputants together again. The ‘coal is usually 10 shillings per day that the joint conference of|only announcement’ given Opty ton. This colliery is now offer- miners and owners, dramatically] was: “Conference adjourned un-| ing more steam coal in Sheffield summoned by the Premier, would} til tomorrow.” lat 40 shilling pit price. LOT HUNT LAST NIGHT BY LANTERN LIGHT Hair-Raising Adventures of Three Bold Speculators in Prince Rupert Real Estate---Earlier Than Early Birds Sides are shaking in real es-;and sized up that lot all right) dreading the presence of a griz- tate circles today over the story|but on the way back the party got| ly bear. By a miracle both to- of the adventures of three pro-|separated. Parted from each} gether they reached the bridge spective lot purchasers who sal-|other and from the lantern bear-| again, and got back to plankways lied forth in the twilight dim yes-|er, two members of the party|and safety, Not so the intrepid terday armed with a lantern to] floundered about amongst the! lantern bearer. He as it turned size up the qualities of a certain|stumps and muskeg trying to} out got extinguished in a slop of lot reached by way of Lover's] follow the glea of the rapidly| muskeg, dragged himself out and Lane, across Hays Creek. The|disappearing lantern man, They} took a wrong direction, struck more to locate each other. Nonel|heard him yell that he had found] the creek at a place where it was of them are in ‘the hospital, how-|the trail, then he yelled that he} waist deep, waded across, and ever. hadn't. Then he and the lan-| fell into a wilderness of devils- The trio reached the long}/tern disappeared. lelub. ‘Torn, tattered, wet, and bridge across the creek all right Where he got to neither of his | with a black eye, he at last reach- on their outward journey, and}companions knew till the small) ed the city believing his com- once , well into the uncleared| hours afterwards They heard ajrades worse lost than he was. park, area, they lit up their lan-| growling and pawing in the bush| N Not until late did the re-union tern and commenced their lot}behind them, and scuttled head} lake place to the tune of “never hunt. They located the over heels in opposite directions | no more,” lot nhakens Corporation, the largest casualty insurance company in the world. The Mack Realty & Insurance Co., Agents. tf Soak It to Him. overheard starch in- the city hall in this afternoon, needs all you can the obvious re- was the Douglas saying “IT can put to him,” outside the sunshine “Go to it! He give him,’ was ply. Ald, his tail in the Ring machine er civie affairs, the Council is what he was doing’ when eut out dodging aldermen BUT WE'RE ON THE WAY. CHELOHSIN STRANDED. VOTE FOR A. MANSON A man of force, a fearless {!/3 and dry in the slough near fighter and is morally clean. Dominion cannery, Skeena He has excellent ability and, River. It is expected that she will float crganization and leadership.” and may be expected to ar- sees es Steamer Chelohsin this “T will venture to. say, morning ran agrouhd high gentlemen, that the city clerk does not know what we are doing, and I don’t know myself what we are is endowed with a genius for at high tide doing, Will somebody please As a university student he here at midnight, give us a motion and then rive we can know how to act.” graduated with first class Mayor Newton last night, honors, was foremost in all college campaigns, gaining the appellation of ‘The Watch Dog of the Constitu- tion.” In his proefssion as a lawyer he stands high and is destined for a brilliant career. BIG FIRE IN TORONTO DIVISIONAL POINT Smithers Is Selected Instead of Tete Jaune Cache Winnieg, March 26—The G,| —— —_— ——— T.P, has decided to abandon. Tete Jaune Cache as the first division- Half Million ‘Dollars Damage to Tram Company Premises (Special to Daily News.) Toronto, March 26,—-Fire yes- terday afternoon did damage to the extent of half a million dol- Indoor Baseball. lars, chiefly to the street railway al point west of Fitzhugh, on ac- Quill Drivers vs. Crescents al} company’s premises, Five fire- count of the shallow water, and|the Auditorium tonight (Tues-| men were injured, will select Smithers, B.C., in-|qay Game called at 8:15 sharp, | ern ae stead, ae! S16 » ar.| By intimidation and threats the os —-— Admission 25 cents, Skating, af | McBride - Bowser government Alex. M. Manson is a man. You|'? the game. ° |through the flunkey, Silent Bill, can always get a definite answer on - | expects to carry this election in from him, tf Best room in town at Savoy. Skeena district, tf SEEMS ONE OF W “NO. WHITE MEN NEED APPLY” ILLTAM’S SLOGANS SILENT ONE HAS NOT DONE A THING REGARDING THE IN- ROADS JAPANESE ARE MAKING ON THE FISHERIES OF THIS DISTRICT. “How is it,” “that Inlet as salmon Columbia coast, came to Rivers fisher nine years ago, seven hundred and fifty white men engaged in salmon fishing? In those days there were only about thirty Japs altogether in that district. Today there are at least ‘seven hundred and_ fifty Japs and only about forty white if that many. How does it about?” Over on the Conservative com- mittee rooms could be read em- men, come blazoned the legend “‘Manson and a White B. CG.” But the provin- cial powers, whose bidding Wil- liam Manson does, have had plenty of time to show their color in this respect, and the} edlor has kept a beautiful Ori- ental yellow. Provincia!” fishing score to be made names have been from Victoria to the can- licenses by the out in Japanese there were - asks an old time salmon fisherman of the British when TI ery men, and scores upon scores of Japs from Vancouver and Vic- toria have poured along the coast to hold these licenses. “No white man need apply” might well have been the motto of the canneries all along the coast, for if any solitary white man sought to fish he would have to take a fishing license unde> a Jaanese name. There are instances of this having’ actually been done, There are instances, too, of while fisherman in pursuit of their calling for the canneries employing them, having to re- treat from British Columbian bays under the muzzles of scores of Japanese rifles because they sought to anchor in those bays to eat their breakfast. When did the Jap become Lord of the Bays of B.C. and wh* asks every hon- lest white fisherman? Wm. Man- | son’s placards may whine “White B.C.” till the honest winds of B.C, tear them to rags | but what has he DONE about it? The Liberals of the Skee a protest against the in that: Settlement of the land is ing out what land is still ope railways which parallel other tion of the province with provided for. The of this district, disposing of o gnd does not received, but itself secure politically. The present system of ts The control of the police hands of the Attorney Ger The civil service has bee most contemptible of all polit has squandered the necessity of the same and v given. No audit of the public ace The Liberals of the Skeer tice of their cause will appeal are not trying to obtain votes do they consider it necessary, port, to hire conveyances to ¢ TO YOU, To the Voters of Skeena: Me of Crown lands to speculators, The credit of the province its vast railway facilities to develop them is left almost entirely un- government has alienated large return adequate “n seduced and has become the The election has been forced on the country without any in this fight as administration, na district are Bride-Bowser being held back by the sélling and the impossibility of find-~ n for pre-emption. has been pledged to build while the northern por- resources only awaiting roads, areas of the timber ne of our most valuable assets, improvements for the money it for the purpose of making ixation is onerous and unjust. and license commissioners in ieral is used for political ends. ical machines. vithout suflicient notice being oupnts has been made. ia district believe that the jus- to every independent voter and with either cigars or beer, nor in order to secure YOUR sup- lrive you to the poll. IT’S UP DYNAMITE IN SPITE Placed a Bomb Under Enemy’s House and Wrecked It. Special to A Dail News North Mare Hi Bearing Vancouver, 25 an old grudge Hale, the Claude police “v0 .-— against allege | that Philip Whitefield placed dy-| PRINCE ALBERT HITS A SHOAL | | geet ess Was Leaving Victoria Harbor with | Cargo of Lumber for Building the Big Doughty Cannery at Alford Bay ,Near Skidegate. namite under his house and then} set it off. Hale was badly injur- Victoria, March 26. The ed while Whitefield’s hand was| steamer Prince Albert of the mangled. Despite shots from) Grand Trunk Pacific Steamship the police Whitfield escaped but) ine hit a shoal when leaving was later arrested. The pre-/ Victoria harbot this afternoon liminary hearing was adjourned! and returned to be surveyed. Cap- this morning, The house was} tain Me Kenzie states the steam- wrecked, The licenses system of British Columbia is maintained solely as a vole making machine, tf er is not leaking. The Prince Al- bert has a cargo of lumber for {building a large cannery at Al- | ford Bay, Queen Charlotte | Islands, on Second Aye., w LIBERAL HEADQUARTERS... The Alex. M. Manson Campaign Committee have leased the Old Optimist Building for the campaign All friends of Good Government cordially invited a nmeareeee e e t