paqe roun JFZw first mouthful makes yon shout. jw7 the quick . . . g? energy you really need! The harder pressed you are, the more you need a morning . meal that does these three vital things, first, the very ' light of it should make your mouth water. So that next you II really get from it the quick energy you i last, it must go on releasing energy for hours! These three things Kellogg's Corn Flakes do best. Proven first in flavour, they're crammed full with easily assimilated carbohydrate energy! Convenient too ouly 30 seconds to serve and no pots or pans to clean. Get several packages tomorrow or, if you eat your breakfast out, ask for the wax-wrapped individual package! Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. 1 CORN "T.ISI SAVE MONITI Ask for Kelloea's Corn Flakes in the new family sire package' 1 ntmcmntr, C anada s favourite cereal costs only a few pennies or the whole family s breakfast or supper. nJATYTYPNJ ' WrYTT'Rn'nTRiJ I The decision of the Horticultural Society to make next week Garden Week comes at a tlmS when the Walking home I chatted a few minutes with W. J. Lineham. He thoughts of most people are turned has a new sunken garden that is ef-towards the war. However, It will fective. He says that while he has what is being done in that line. It own. However it looked very good should; prove restful to get away to me. from the radio for an hour. Any who woum use io loan a car ior ine we crossed ine road and took a bloomlne. Of course there are ear! v iristhatareoverbynowandthereifJVr"6' , i a fine box of snapdragons in full are . later, varieties that will not'bloom. The nlants were outside in This, advertisement Is not niihliherl !5ovrnment flVI TO ONI VOn records family choice. In a rectnt Dominion-wide survey, housewives were asked "What ready-to-cat cereal is favourite in your family?" As compared with any other corn flake mentioned, the vote was Kellogg's 6ve to otic! Taste experts check with housewives. After a blindfold taste-test of all four brands of corn flakes Mr. Vi. B. Cross, Tea Taster for Mellocup Tea, writes: "I found it easy to deci Je vt hich rated first with me . . . the sample vihiti later proved to be Kellofg's!" turally, Mr. Anderson Is very proud of them. This is tulip time and a good I many people are making compari- A good war motto for everyone on. several weeks earlier than usu- sons of trie displays in various gar-today isKeep your garden golns al. -dens. Dr. Hanklnson has the blg-and eliminate the weeds." jgest display in the city and it cer- .This week I- paid a call at Billy ' talnly looks fine but a good many Jack "Fuller is a veteran of the Reid's place. His Is a summer gar- people would have preferred to see South African war. He is looking den and his seedlings are all in it broken up by shrubs or peren-after his garden well and Just now place and looking well. Some of Pials. Have you seen Charlie Mills' has a fine display of primulas. He them are already showing bloom tine tulips? They are worth crossing says they are Primula Pulvaralenta, but he has a later lot that will not the city to admire -H.FP. very much like Primula Japonica. be out for a month. This year he is . ,' growing his chrysanthemums ir. Tending a garden keeps one from arge pots or tubs so that they can ;n I Surprise Party On tooling away his time m some otner De movea insiae li aesired. Mrs.'T. rs.'T . ,i .1 r ry .1 ,i i i direction. Reld has also started a rockery that! fMinBtlfith DirthdriV has possibilities. I Some twenty friends called recently in a surprise visit on Mrs. of Mrs. Reilly's daughter, Mrs. J. G Vlereck. Mrs. Reilly sat at the head of the table and cut her birthday cake. A presentation was made weather keeDs un there will likelv Considering that f ho fltv nt m,,- her appreciation be more people wanting to go than had been laid through It recently DurlnS the evenln8 bridge was there are cars to take them. i It was wonderful. There is a erouo ; P yedl the u1nners MW Mrs. Ag- :. lof little earrien thpro thof innv nos Murray and Mrs. J. H. Parsons. b - l o vaar V a Iris arid day UUJ llllles ISUlVd are U beginniig A.<UIU.f ; well. One is - the Wilson Murray iJ" l At Mra Reilly's family birthday , .. 4 .. i m . , tb bloom. I have a water iris that Place and the other the head of the : enerauons is the first to show bloom in my clty POce, Sergeant Jacklin. Th!pr:fn t ' . Reilly came here lirst L, In 1908 garden. The next is a tall iris glv-, "t attractive part of Mrs. Tatter- en me this seaWivJtoJCharles Ba- sail's place is at the back where she!lnd.ha.5 "ved Pri"ce R.uPert for lagno. It too is growing in" a' Wet has ah Irregular sunken garden and place. Some of the clumps have not rockery, commenced to show signs of. P. W. Anderson has a real novelty most of the time since then. llO.ME CASUALTIES " QuetuiH-H thirst ullh a keeper fiT i 9 Vyfffft .refreitln'il. Onlrr a cam; lxlay. VNPH B ll i r fBifuihth Control Board or by tht THZ DAILY NTWS Thursdnv j. IS KNOWN ill IN RUPERT firoun CanUIn L. F. Stevenson ""Now In Charge At Reglna ! Royal Canadian Air Force re crults. training for their wartime Jobs at No. 4 Training Command or the British Commonwealth Air Training plan with Imduarters a: Reglna, have their work cut out for them to follow in the fooUteps of their stern-vlsaged chief, 45-year old Group Captain Leigh Forbes Stevenson, who is well known in Prince Rupert through having been here in connection with preliminary surveys a couple of years ago for the Seal Cove air base. But fledgling war birds can go about their chores in the knew-ledge that their commander has an especial regard for men of the ranks. He was a ranker at one time himself. 4 At the age of 16 Group .Captain Stevenson Joined the 73rd Northumberland Regiment as a private and ever since this fighting flying , man from Rlchibucto, N. B., has 'been .climbing steadily. Today he has charge of 23 air training units scattered as far west as the Pacific Coast. Ills Job Is to look after the administration of all kinds of schools flvine. observing, bombing, gunnery and wireless training stations. Wltkihlm at his Regtna head-quart 'Group Captain Stevenson has a staff of 22 officers. 25 almc$ratad 12 civilians. Tl: distinguished Canadian air- . man has watched the R.C.A.F. grow grow. In fact they bore blooms ncP he Joined it In March. 1921. almost all winter. The flowers now, buV e since he first .signed up are large and the colors pure. Na.j (or service with the Northumber- "nu -neEimem years ago nis activities have been varied and calculated to give him experience that now becomes valuable in or ganization of air training admin istration in western Canada. From the Northumberland Regi ment young Stevenson transferred to.trje ,32nd Manitoba Light Horse and three months after the First Great War he was on strength or the Canadian Expeditionary Force. Later he transferred to the 8th Battalion and in July, 1916. was commissioned and appointed bombing Instructor with the 145th and later the 23Gth battalion. In January. 1918, he Joined the Royal Flying Corps but returned to the infantry after the Armistice. tnce tne First Great War, in addition to his service wfth the R. C. A. F.. he worked three vears Alice k. Keiuy wno nas acuievca,,f. . . V the old Union , . her ninetieth blrthdav and is still tWlh Cana . l.-wl .- ,.. .-lOa and as a sub-chief with th be a relief to go around and look been looking after other people's f , f t f TVw u Pominlon Forestry Service at some of the gardens and see gardens ne Has been neglecting his j T7, , . Vf L. V Group Captain CamD Borden, station. CI 4U1 cuux. Glilof bitgiimnan. Engtmwun. SlolLer. Stevenson has been Canadian liaison officer at the British Air Ministry In London and attended the Royal Naval staff College at Greenwich. For ocpasloh will be welcomed. If this look at Mrs. Tattersall's garden.11 Mrs' Re"ly suitably "Pressed fiome years ne commanded the Ont , R C. A. F. bloom , for weeks but as a general) the box all winter and as soon as carrying 25 men to a military camp aSSi Candldailei shcukl JE'JE. apply ruie w ins season is jusi coming 'ine spring opened tney began to nere overturned. MEN, REQUIRED FOR SERVICE IN THJS ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY SYDNEW. NS.W.. Mav 30! rfTPiT,IE Cafladn Nx. require I men u Marine Engine Room n ... , ... , ut One soldier was killed and 23 Oth- StOkeftoM experience (Steam or Dleeel) ers Injured when a motor truck lor frvce with ui ctuiadian Naval In wrttlne to ine natal secrecary, Iprtmeni oi NaUoixu Defemce, OUawu, gtTUig the lollarwing parUculara: Name, aadmia. Dwtie ol BirUi, Clue uxt number oi Marine Englneerfe OertUICBte. Partlou lan ol formtr Naval Service (IX anyt rrUcuUr tS Mercantile Marin Ser vxe. Date of lat 8a Service, Partlcu- ura a Experience alnce uuit Sea, tier vice. Camlldaiea itider forty-five years of age wUl be given preference but Urate panutuariy well quaimed may be accepter up to the ge of llfty-five year Accepted candldaitea will te eurrd 'In Uie Royal Canadian Naval Rewrve ' m one of Uie following ratings, according to their qualifications: Jtm Engtne Room Aruilcer lt or 2nd, Clana. Engine Room Artificer Ut, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Cluaa. .WL,tot' Mechanlo Mt,2iul. 3rd. ' Pay will rane trom S2.00 to M.05 a 'day nd, Marrtaxe AlkJwance will be pujable it the rate of 75c. a day for wile en4 25o day for-ach child up to four. I1lenta' AUowianre for Widowed M:thra and lUmt nx-clfJod genuine depetulrtw at Uie rate of 05c. a day. Maximum Alloweir payable for both Marrle -and XVpettdenta' Allowance TMtnd la 11,74 day. Acj, Deputy Mlntnter (Naval) Dif. ot National Defence Ottaw, Ont May 23 low. H. -l8tWIJtip.Di'r -- I. Annette's Month End Sale ON WITH THE BAND LONDON, May 30 CP - The show must go on. Before curtajn rising. Debroy Somers, band leader. received a message that his 10- year-old son had been killed In ac tion. He conducted two performan ces as usual. Announcements All adverttsecienU in this col-mnn will be charged for a roll month at 25c a word. Evening Branch WA. Tea, May! JO, Mrs. J. B. Olbson's. Olrl Guide Association Tea. Mrs. J. R. Morlson's, Mc Bride Street, June 1. Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Mrs. Wm. Lambie, June 5. Hospital Auxiliary Home June 6. Sale Starts Friday, May 31st, J) a.m. Coats, Trotters- In Rose. Beige, Turquoise. Fu- White Chenille llotvtecoats -Oi : chu, Dusky Pink, Dusty Blae. Regular regular value $9.95. Off n. value $12.95. QC Month End 8ale V0.9d i ! Month End Sale Special - llrt-CTesv-Sheers. Crepes In A- Polo Coats-All colors and sites. QC SyS?'1' M 0? Month End Special shades. Month End Sale Bpe, 045 """ " i)reMe. -Women's printed crepe. c.lrts Coats Slzea from 3 to 0. OA QCJ Sizes 44 to 52. Reg. value sv. , n0fl Regular value t55 yVO Month End Sale BpecUl VO.OO Tea, Nurses' P.T.A. Tea and Children's Display, Oddfellows' Hall, Friday, June 7. Lutheran Sewing Circle Tea and Sale, Mrs. Mur void's, June 13. Anglican Tea, Nlcholls', June 13. Mrs. J. W. A Navy Auxiliary Tea and sale of home cooking will be held In the R.C.N.V.R. Barracks, June 15, 3-C. Canadian Legion Picnic, June 10. 102nd Auxiliary tea. Mrs. 8. D, Johnston's, June 20. Cambral June Hall, June 21. Tea, 25. Frolic, Moose Valhalla Picnic June 23. Presbyterian Mitchell's June Mrs, J. R. Plan Your Holiday Now. . The SANOAN CAMP near Mas-I sett offers a splendid holiday forj young and old good bathing 2 minutes walk from River or Sea, a I beautiful spot with separate Cot-j tages or Tents fully equipped. Excellent meals served In Dining Room at reasonable rates. Store on premises for campers. Badmin ton, out-door games, beach and boat picnics. Bring your friends, and enjoy a real vacation with yourl families. Children over 8 years without parents carefully looked after ) anu given a good time. For full particulars apply MRS. DUNN SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Nr. Massett, I), c. LINGERIE Kayon Nightgowns Regular Tnloes to $1.9i. Month End Sale M Oft Special tJLeVTU Kayon Pajamas Regular values to $2.50. Month End Sale special $1.00 Shoes airls' Weggles. Pumps. Straps. Rust. Wine. Brown and Black, White Brown trim. Sandals In green, gold, Blue, etc Regular values to $4.95. Month Q-fl QJ JU t?X End 8ale Special, per pair Full rasliioned Chiffon and Seml-Servlce lloe Every pair perfect, all shades and size Month End Safe Special, fiQaf JV per pair Kayon Pantees and Bloomer to '59c Month End Sale Special 3 for Satin Strip Slips Regular valu Month End Sale Special Silk llHe Regular value Mc Month End Sale Special. 3 p.. S1.00 j 50c ! , 81.00 IVliHe Purses q nn j At ol.UU ! i Just Arrived! Supersllk lltnlery All shades, all jtze. Pair These and Many More Values on Sale at Annette Ladies' Wear Company 81.00 30 TIIIKD AVL-Xti: B. C. Furniture Co. Big Savings In Furniture r0 Inner Spring Filled Mattrcjscs Over 200 tempered springs covered by a layer durable tie king Now Regular 317 50 6 Stronply Constnicted Giuchcs Can be made Into double bed with a heavy comfortable mattrcaa. Special Hcd Springs and Mattress Includes steel bed and good quality eabie .prim; and felt mattress. Size 3-3. 4-0. Special 812.95 Ml 818.75 820.50 12 Walnut Finished Full Ianel Hods With uprtng filled tnattrMes and cable cpringa CO 7 K( . oils ii o-iivc viitnici i lima In all new colors and styles Including brown. rut Ql1 fllj One 4-pieec I led room Suite In waterfall deiirn. Walnut finish coiulUn round mirror, chiffonier, bench and bed. Special , 6-I'iecc Hedronm Suite Consisting of vanity, bench, bed, large tze chlffohlcT,.iprlnK filled mattrtns and spring In all sizes. Special rhotie RLACK 321 24 Fell .MattrooK Next Daor to R.C Clothiers 872.50 8118.50 (Meet Her in a Meter Cab) DE LUXE METER CABS PHONE 13 4 Can Ride for Price of One 86.95 TIIHU) AVEXrt SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! Milks it OCEAI FALLS ud POWELL RIVEB Steamer leave Princ Rupert aver THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prlnc Rupert for the Et Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. m htm, at., call or kHw Oty JloJtat OjflU, 52S ItA A. I I V-9"40